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Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion

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Still Alive
So how long before the new dock comes to iOS as well? I think it would look great. I wouldn't mind the menu bar coming to iOS as well, rather than the semi-transparent black bar. Always liked how OS X's menu bar was transparent but in a clever way, bringing out the colors of the background wallpaper while still making the text and content recognizable. That blur/gloom is great.
Shockingly, the most useful feature for me will be the Chinese language support!
What are the enhanced Chinese language features?

I've been pretty happy with the Pinyin input, and I downloaded a great dictionary that lets me triple-finger tap a character and see its definition and pronunciation. I can't imagine anything more convenient, but I'll be excited if Apple makes its own dictionary to supplement my user-contributed one.
People actually like the new dock? Wow.
Sentry, of all people? :D


So the new version of iPhoto now uses Helvetica Neue (I think, maybe it's Helvetica) in the sidebar, wondering if this could mean Helvetica Neue becoming the system font by the time ML releases.

I'd be surprised if the version of Lion that's shipping on the Retina MBP didn't use Helvetica Neue almost everywhere.
All Helvetica was switched to Neue when the iPhone 4 came out.


Still Alive
People actually like the new dock? Wow.
Sentry, of all people? :D
What's that supposed to mean?! :lol I think it's better than the current and matches the menu bar better as well. Less dark grey reflective mess and more of a clean metal look.

Not a huge fan of the square light indicators but I can live with that. :p

And good point on Neue, didn't realize that tbh.
For iCloud tabs, is it as simple as I'm viewing something on my iPhone or iPad on safari and it automatically appears on safari on the Mac?


Thanks. But I'm about to choke a bitch...

AirPlay mirroring to apple tv only works on 2011 and beyond macs? Are you kidding me? That's my most wanted feature!!! Man wtf. Gotta be kidding me that my 2010 can't handle that shit. I hate you, apple. Barely 2 years old and already gimped. Unreal.

I have a 2010 15" MacBook Pro with a 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7 and NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M. I can't believe it can't do AirPlay.
Not fair!


I have a 2010 15" MacBook Pro with a 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7 and NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M. I can't believe it can't do AirPlay.
Not fair!

Just checked out my resources.

To use AirPlay Mirroring, your Mac must have 10.8 or later and an intel Core i5 or better processor. Both on the same network (of course) and an apple TV 2nd Gen or later.

Not working: Core 2 Duo's and Core i3's
The new dock is beautiful and a huge improvement over the last, don't know why so done wouldn't like it,

I have the best eyes of anyone ever and even I can't always tell (with the shitty viewing angles of most non IPS panels) if my apps are open or not.

Also, I feel it's too matte and rounded.

Lastly, the Abbey Road reference on the last Dock felt like such a Jobs thing to do, I never liked it but I'll still be sad to see it go.


Still Alive
Lastly, the Abbey Road reference on the last Dock felt like such a Jobs thing to do, I never liked it but I'll still be sad to see it go.
Oh yeah, forgot all about that. I thought it was hideous tbh but got used it. And you're right about the roundness, the edges of the new dock (bottom corners) seem too curved.

Makes it feel like it's floating on the bottom of the screen rather than being anchored the Mac bezel.
Oh yeah, forgot all about that. I thought it was hideous tbh but got used it. And you're right about the roundness, the edges of the new dock (bottom corners) seem too curved.

Makes it feel like it's floating on the bottom of the screen rather than being anchored the Mac bezel.

Yes, and the roundedness is pretty gross. I don't like the radius they chose at all. Feels so 2004.

I felt like sharing these screenshots with you guys, so you can notice a couple of oddities going on:



The bottom bar never changes in height, no matter how big the dock becomes.

(Please excuse Chrome, Safari is acting up in this version)


Still Alive
Yes, and the roundedness is pretty gross. I don't like the radius they chose at all. Feels so 2004.

I felt like sharing these screenshots with you guys, so you can notice a couple of oddities going on:

[B]The bottom bar never changes in height, no matter how big the dock becomes.[/B]

(Please excuse Chrome, Safari is acting up in this version)[/QUOTE]
It has always been like this, no? At least in Lion/SL anyway. That part isn't an issue. I do think though, that the bottom corner radius should be dynamic, i.e. changing depending on dock size. That would make it look a lot less weird if the default radius was only applied to the larger dock size and it tapered down from their as you use a smaller size.
It has always been like this, no? At least in Lion/SL anyway. That part isn't an issue.

It's not an issue, I just found it funny/interesting/odd.
I have my dock hidden most of the time so it's not that big an issue I am just not a fan.
Otherwise ML is the bees knees.


These Safari features across the devices seems so odd to me. Like, I have alot of mobile versions of sites on my iPhone, why would I want to see those on my desktop?


Is there a new 2D dock as well?

I hope so. I don't like the 3D dock.

defaults write com.apple.dock no-glass -boolean YES; killall Dock

One of the first things I type in Terminal when I get a new Mac.

Just checked out my resources.

To use AirPlay Mirroring, your Mac must have 10.8 or later and an intel Core i5 or better processor. Both on the same network (of course) and an apple TV 2nd Gen or later.

Not working: Core 2 Duo's and Core i3's

Apple's site seems to say otherwise, I hope what you're saying is true.
These Safari features across the devices seems so odd to me. Like, I have alot of mobile versions of sites on my iPhone, why would I want to see those on my desktop?
Generally sites show mobile versions if you're browsing on a mobile device, so for most sites when you load them on your desktop they'll show the full version.

Is there a new 2D dock as well?
The 2D dock looks untouched to me.
So the new dock is solid but the top menu bar is still translucent?
Doesn't that throw the design of the desktop off a bit?

For what it's worth I think the new dock looks pretty cool.
The old dock was just kind of 'there' whereas the new bolder dock seems to make more of a statement.


Maturity, bitches.
The bottom bar never changes in height, no matter how big the dock becomes.

(Please excuse Chrome, Safari is acting up in this version)

Well in Leopard and Snow Leopard (haven't bothered with Lion yet) the front bar is just one thin image so it is no surprise it stays the same. The indicators use three images however.

Oh and there's nothing wrong with using Chrome.


Apple's site seems to say otherwise, I hope what you're saying is true.

Quicksync was introduced with SandyBridge, so I think he's wrong.

Other than the obligatory "subject to change" line, my source is newer than the website.* Photos are a no-no though.

I remembered specifically because I was telling a friend how awesome Airplay is a few weeks ago, and I was bummed when I found out he had a core i3 in his iMac.

So I hope I'm wrong.

* Fake edit: about 5-10 days old actually.


The 2D dock is the only way to go, but aside from the lack of the Abbey Road reference, the new 3D dock looks much better than the old.


So the new version of iPhoto now uses Helvetica Neue (I think, maybe it's Helvetica) in the sidebar, wondering if this could mean Helvetica Neue becoming the system font by the time ML releases.
What was the old font again? I forget.

Also I think the new font looks pretty nice!


Other than the obligatory "subject to change" line, my source is newer than the website.* Photos are a no-no though.

I remembered specifically because I was telling a friend how awesome Airplay is a few weeks ago, and I was bummed when I found out he had a core i3 in his iMac.

So I hope I'm wrong.

* Fake edit: about 5-10 days old actually.

Mind you, we are talking about AirPlay Mirroring which uses Intels QuickSync. Since the Core i7 in amrihuas MacBook doensn't support that, it should be safe to assume that you source is wrong, unless im missing something here.


Mind you, we are talking about AirPlay Mirroring which uses Intels QuickSync. Since the Core i7 in amrihuas MacBook doensn't support that, it should be safe to assume that you source is wrong, unless im missing something here.

I wouldn't disagree, unless I too am missing something. (Source is seldom, if ever, wrong; but things change).


Mind you, we are talking about AirPlay Mirroring which uses Intels QuickSync. Since the Core i7 in amrihuas MacBook doensn't support that, it should be safe to assume that you source is wrong, unless im missing something here.

Which is absurd. Yes Westmere CPUs didn't support QuickSync but the GPU surely can do all the transcoding just fine. I can't believe that the iPad 2 or iPhone 4S have a more capable CPU and GPU, so what gives? I can AirPlay just fine from my iPhone 4S and iPad (3rd gen) why can't I from my -more powerful- 2010 MacBook Pro. It was a top of the line model that I paid $2000 for, for heaven's sake!

I'm going to look into hacks and 3rd party solutions. But I feel betrayed by Apple.*

*I guess I will get me a Mac mini next year, once the Hawell Macs are out. I will hold off for a year using some hack.


Not working: Core 2 Duo's and Core i3's
Whaaaat?! So basically I bought the last MacBook not capable of doing it (13" 2010 pro). Fml, that was the only reason I was excited for ML, I'll might skip it now. Probably won't be getting an Apple tv either then. Might consider upgrading next year if the retina comes down in price


Which is absurd. Yes Westmere CPUs didn't support QuickSync but the GPU surely can do all the transcoding just fine. I can't believe that the iPad 2 or iPhone 4S have a more capable CPU and GPU, so what gives? I can AirPlay just fine from my iPhone 4S and iPad (3rd gen) why can't I from my -more powerful- 2010 MacBook Pro. It was a top of the line model that I paid $2000 for, for heaven's sake!

I'm going to look into hacks and 3rd party solutions. But I feel betrayed by Apple.*

*I guess I will get me a Mac mini next year, once the Hawell Macs are out. I will hold off for a year using some hack.
The ARM chips that Apple uses on the iPhone have built in hardware H.264 decoders. It's not about overall performance of your system. It's about efficiency in encoding.


What are the enhanced Chinese language features?

I've been pretty happy with the Pinyin input, and I downloaded a great dictionary that lets me triple-finger tap a character and see its definition and pronunciation. I can't imagine anything more convenient, but I'll be excited if Apple makes its own dictionary to supplement my user-contributed one.

Yeah, there's a Chinese dictionary out of the box now, there's improved Chinese input (support for even more characters than before, I think?), improved fuzzy pinyin (I imagine this will be useful for foreigners and foreign-born Chinese), as well as new fonts for Chinese. Shame there's yet to be a Chinese-English dictionary, but given their focus on China that seems inevitable.

And I'm pretty sure Voice Dictation will support Chinese since Siri is supporting it on iOS.


Is it possible to move the first screen in Mission Control finally? Boggles my mind that it's not working in Lion, what were they thinking? Or it may be a bug that hasn't been fixed after four damn major updates.

Secondly, is it already possible with the DP4 to use external monitors for full-screen apps? If so, what happens to the main screen? Is the desktop still visible or does it just show the linen background?


how has the application compatibility been with mountain lion vs lion? judging from the name, it would seem like most apps would be ML-compatible if they were already working fine in lion. are there any notable apps that you guys have noticed don't work? i've checked that app compatibility site and i'm really pleased to see all of my apps (the ones i checked anyways) are compatible. this should be much smoother than the snow leopard to lion transition.


not sure where to put this, but I figure there are more advanced Mac users in here...

I applied for a Creative position for my local Apple Store online. Got a response and there's an Apple Hiring event for my city at a Dave and Busters at 9 am tomorrow.

weird location and time. What to expect here?


Still Alive
Is it possible to move the first screen in Mission Control finally? Boggles my mind that it's not working in Lion, what were they thinking? Or it may be a bug that hasn't been fixed after four damn major updates.

Secondly, is it already possible with the DP4 to use external monitors for full-screen apps? If so, what happens to the main screen? Is the desktop still visible or does it just show the linen background?
Just curious, but why would you want to do that exactly? But I guess it wouldn't hurt, so I don't see why they wouldn't allow it either.

What I am hoping for is the right click to be fixed. It was totally butchered in Lion iirc.

Before, I could not only tap with two fingers to immediately access the right click pop-up, but I could also just click on the right side/corner of the trackpad. In Lion, though, you have to choose between one or the other. You can't have both. What's worse, the two fingers to right click is really crippled, taking a full second just to register and pop up the right click options.

Anyone know if that's been fixed? I doubt it for some reason..


When I wanted to swap the wallpapers of my first two desktop once, I noticed it doesn't work.

When working on something, I often have a big number of windows/apps opened, which I arrange in a specific way. Occasionally I don't notice I'm on the wrong desktop when starting on something, and then just rearrange them in MC. Bad luck though if it's the first one.

And I noticed just while writing this post that unlike back then with Spaces, it isn't possible to switch to a specific desktop via CTRL+Number in MC. Sigh..

fake edit: It is possible, but the shortcuts are disabled by default. Why, goddammit?
There isn't just a single option to enable those shortcuts in general, but you have to enable each one of them separately (ctrl-1 -> desktop 1, ctrl-2 -> desktop 2, ...)


Still Alive
Well the number shortcuts are pretty much useless to me since they naturally don't take into account the fullscreen apps running. Which I usually have several of, along with my 3 spaces.
Security Update available:

OS X Security Update Test 1.0 -- Restart Required

This update tests the new Mountain Lion Security Updates system. The new system includes:

- Daily Checks for required security updates
- The ability to install required security updates automatically or after restarting your Mac
- A more secure connection to Apple's update servers.

This update includes general updates and improvements to Mountain Lion Developer Preview 4.



Hey I remember in the earlier Mountain Lion DP all the Chinese services were listed in the Mail, Contacts & Calendars preference pane, but like iOS, this has now been hidden. What are the conditions to have them show up? Is it just a matter of changing the Region format to China, is there some trick to it.

Likewise, I never knew how to get them to show on iOS, or whether they only show up on iOS devices sold in China.
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