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Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion

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The Real Abed

Just installed it. I made my two backups and dove right in expecting trouble.

I got no trouble at all. Took 20 minutes to install, rebooted, came back up with everything working. Pretty much.

I did have to install Java before CrashPlan would load up because the backup system runs on Java for some reason. And I apparently need to reinstall PHP into my local webserver. Plus I deleted my LaunchPad cache before installing to try and fix my "icons won't remember their locations" problem I had with Lion and am now rearranging everything back to the way it was. (I can't believe I forgot to take a screenshot. Though I guess I could recover my old cache file from one of my backups and test it out...) Other than that no problems at all. That I've found. All apps seem to work fine. Nothing has complained. Even Hands Off! works fine. (That one complains every time an update comes along.)

The gesture to get to Notification Center is nice. I can't wait for stuff to populate it.... yay! My first Twitter reply with Mountain Lion. It went to my iPad, iPhone and Mac all at once. Now THAT'S the future I was waiting for. WUPHF, eat your heart out!

Can't wait for it to release so I can get everything updated. Also for FaceBook integration later this Fall.


Just installed it. I made my two backups and dove right in expecting trouble.

I got no trouble at all. Took 20 minutes to install, rebooted, came back up with everything working. Pretty much.

I did have to install Java before CrashPlan would load up because the backup system runs on Java for some reason. And I apparently need to reinstall PHP into my local webserver. Plus I deleted my LaunchPad cache before installing to try and fix my "icons won't remember their locations" problem I had with Lion and am now rearranging everything back to the way it was. (I can't believe I forgot to take a screenshot. Though I guess I could recover my old cache file from one of my backups and test it out...) Other than that no problems at all. That I've found. All apps seem to work fine. Nothing has complained. Even Hands Off! works fine. (That one complains every time an update comes along.)

The gesture to get to Notification Center is nice. I can't wait for stuff to populate it.... yay! My first Twitter reply with Mountain Lion. It went to my iPad, iPhone and Mac all at once. Now THAT'S the future I was waiting for. WUPHF, eat your heart out!

Can't wait for it to release so I can get everything updated. Also for FaceBook integration later this Fall.
Well, there's the Facebook integration developer beta thing right under the redemption code (for the GM) on the Mountain Lion section in the Mac Dev Center. I installed it on the GM and it's working perfectly :D

The Real Abed

Why did they change the three finger double-tap for defining a word to a single tap? I keep accidentally activating it all the time now. Funny thing is that's the worst problem I've had so far.

Well, aside from getting my local webserver back up. They seem to have removed it from the Sharing section. Anyone know where it was moved? It's still running, but I need to figure out how to get PHP back now. Can't remember how I did it last time. Guess I need to download it from their site again.


I have the Total Finder app which allows cut and paste functionality in Finder among other features like tabs, etc.

If I upgrade to Mountain Lion, should it still work? Or are there changes to finder that would stop the app from working?


Well, aside from getting my local webserver back up. They seem to have removed it from the Sharing section. Anyone know where it was moved? It's still running, but I need to figure out how to get PHP back now. Can't remember how I did it last time. Guess I need to download it from their site again.
Configuration files are in /etc/apache2
It looks like it should be running by default. The last line of httpd.conf should include other/php5.conf


Yeah, that should include everything in the other folder. Is php5.conf in there for you?

If it is and it's just not working ¯\(°_o)/¯

The Real Abed

Yeah, that should include everything in the other folder. Is php5.conf in there for you?

If it is and it's just not working ¯\(°_o)/¯
I'll just reinstall it later. It's not important. It's only a localized server for serving up my complicated contraption of Bowtie and GeekTool for displaying information on my desktop without using something like Konfabulator or Dashboard or Rainmeter. And the only part that's broken is the part that returned how much RAM was being used up and how much Swap was being used. Both of which I won't need anymore when I upgrade my machine in a few weeks. (I only use it now because I have 4GB and run out all the time.)

Anyway, it seems that LaunchPad is buggy, but I finally got my icons where I want them. Now I just hope Mountain Lion REMEMBERS WHERE THEY WERE BETWEEN REBOOTS. That's all I ask. That my icons don't move around. Lion was terrible at this.

I did have LP crash my Dock a bunch of times while dragging the icons between pages and some times it didn't forget where I moved them so that's a good sign.

I can't wait for Growl to release their Notification Center style so I can have some of my apps send theirs to NC instead. I will keep Growl around though because some stuff just doesn't need to be in NC. Like when a song changes and the Music Video style slides up and back down. That wouldn't work as well as a NC notification. Same with HardwareGrowler. No reason to have that information in NC.

Edit: Also, for some reason Dictation isn't working. The balloon pops up, the purple dots shake their head and it disappears. I assume the server isn't up? Weird because it works fine on my iPhone. Anyone else?


Still Alive
Just to make sure, but the GM is no different from the final build in that you can upgrade to future .x versions, correct?


Just to make sure, but the GM is no different from the final build in that you can upgrade to future .x versions, correct?
Maybe, maybe not. A GM for Apple is what other companies usually call a 'release candidate'. It's possible they'll release a GM2 before launch.
It's also possible they may release an 'update' to the developer GM before launch.

Whatever the final version the developers get tho, will be exactly the same as what the App Store gets and will be able to be updated as normal. Assuming Apple doesn't add any special DRM checks which is unlikely.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I have the Total Finder app which allows cut and paste functionality in Finder among other features like tabs, etc.

If I upgrade to Mountain Lion, should it still work? Or are there changes to finder that would stop the app from working?
Yeah, I'd like to know this too. I use TotalFinder, BetterTouchTool and Alfred and I really can't contemplate not having those working. I hope there aren't bugs due to compatibility issues and if there are any that we get timely fixes from the developers (I assume this will be the case considering how popular those apps are).


this thread seems more popular than the other Mac one,

am I the only one that puts the dock on the left? All my friends just leave it as is (I don't think most even know it's an option, they're like 'wtf' when they see my Mac), but it just looks so dumb to have a tiny 3D plane with 2D icons on it, plus vertical space is more important than horizontal for most of the things I do

I was thinking of hiding it too, but I can't get used to that


testicles on a cold fall morning
I have the Total Finder app which allows cut and paste functionality in Finder among other features like tabs, etc.

If I upgrade to Mountain Lion, should it still work? Or are there changes to finder that would stop the app from working?

Try Xtrafinder - works with 10.8 (at least according to the release notes; i'm still on 10.7) and offers most everything that Total Finder does, except it's free and feels far snappier.



this thread seems more popular than the other Mac one,

am I the only one that puts the dock on the left? All my friends just leave it as is (I don't think most even know it's an option, they're like 'wtf' when they see my Mac), but it just looks so dumb to have a tiny 3D plane with 2D icons on it, plus vertical space is more important than horizontal for most of the things I do

I was thinking of hiding it too, but I can't get used to that

I put it on the left. I left it on the bottom back when I had a 4:3 display, but now I have a 27" iMac. There's plenty of horizontal space.


Maybe, maybe not. A GM for Apple is what other companies usually call a 'release candidate'. It's possible they'll release a GM2 before launch.
It's also possible they may release an 'update' to the developer GM before launch.

Whatever the final version the developers get tho, will be exactly the same as what the App Store gets and will be able to be updated as normal. Assuming Apple doesn't add any special DRM checks which is unlikely.

Comparing to Microsoft's Release Candidates, there's a few similarities, but they're not really not equivalent. But I suppose other companies may use the term RC where Apple uses GM.

To put it simply, in the old days of pressing discs for distribution, the Golden Master would be the final version sent to the factories to put on the retail discs. This would be definitive public release unless there was a problem that prompted a recall of the pressed discs.

In these days of the App Store, this is still generally the case and it is, in most circumstances exactly the same as the final public release. However, digital distribution also means they're able to make last minute changes and release a new GM rather easily without delaying launch if a catastrophic bug is discovered with the original GM build.

I'd say it's more similar to Microsoft's Release To Manufacture builds with the difference that there may be rare instances of a second GM being released.


Still Alive
I think I enjoy the 3D dock (sue me) too much to place it on the left/right, even though it would make more sense for me to have an extra 80px of vertical space than horizontal. Ah well..


Just updated my main Lion partition to Mountain Lion GM. Least painful upgrade ever. I'd been lazy and had been spending most of my time in the developer preview, but pretty much everything I did over there synced right up after installation, iCloud works like a charm.

ML just flies, I can barely tell my computer is indexing in the background - all animations and interactions are fluid and responsive (except for the occasional doubble keypress).


Isn't that kind of the norm though? Feature release one year, performance release the next. Wasn't Snow Leopard much faster than stock Leopard?
I don't really remember Leopard being sluggish at all, though. Snow Leopard was pretty unprecedented for an OS X release.


I don't really remember Leopard being sluggish at all, though. Snow Leopard was pretty unprecedented for an OS X release.

Leopard was sluggish compared to Tiger. I remember being annoyed by the how unresponsive Exposé and Dock magnification were. But Apple is pretty good about going back and cleaning up their messes (not that Lion was a mess, I much prefer it to SL, but ML blows both out of the water, features+fluidity).


I think I enjoy the 3D dock (sue me) too much to place it on the left/right, even though it would make more sense for me to have an extra 80px of vertical space than horizontal. Ah well..
Yeah they totally need to allow 3D dock in vertical orientation.


I intend on putting ML onto a USB stick and blowing away my current install (it's a used Air, I was waiting for ML to wipe).

The Air was pre-installed with Lion and has the internet recovery partition. Will ML upgrade this? Or remove this?


Still Alive
try hard to picture what that would look like.
now try not to throw up.
Yeah, that wouldn't work unless they made an entirely new 3D dock. But tbh, I wouldn't mind the 2D (vertical) dock looking like the Notification Switcher pane on the right.

Sorry, I thought it was fine in Leopard before they removed it. Just because it doesn't work for you (and almost everyone else) doesn't mean it doesn't work for me!
You sure? I don't remember that.


The Air was pre-installed with Lion and has the internet recovery partition. Will ML upgrade this? Or remove this?
I'm pretty sure Internet Recovery is part of the firmware. There is no other way to restore the original software on the 2012 Airs that came with Lion (without a backup). So if the entire SSD was wiped, it should still be able to connect and download the software image from Apple.

Now Mountain Lion should make it's own recovery partition, and I'm not sure if you need to delete that before being able to use the Internet Recovery to get Lion back.


You sure? I don't remember that.

The vertical Dock was originally 3D in Leopard until some people complained of vertigo after staring at it too long or some such.

I'm pretty sure Internet Recovery is part of the firmware. There is no other way to restore the original software on the 2012 Airs that came with Lion (without a backup). So if the entire SSD was wiped, it should still be able to connect and download the software image from Apple.

Now Mountain Lion should make it's own recovery partition, and I'm not sure if you need to delete that before being able to use the Internet Recovery to get Lion back.
Yes, the Internet Recovery feature in the firmware will be there no matter what, and it'll always restore Lion only. You can then install Mountain Lion from the App Store.

The Mountain Lion installer will replace the Recovery partition on the hard drive, so if you use the Recovery partition to restore, you'll be able to do a restore straight to Mountain Lion.
Isn't that kind of the norm though? Feature release one year, performance release the next. Wasn't Snow Leopard much faster than stock Leopard?

While Snow Leopard was a leaner OS, the graphics drivers in Snow Leopard were terrible compared to Leopard until about 10.6.4 or 10.6.5, which, coincidentally came out a ~year after SL's release. I think it's partially a case of Apple not getting smoothness down until a year's refinement.

And so yesterday began the daily searching of the App Store for "Mountain Lion". Any day now. I want my new graphics smoothness!


The vertical Dock was originally 3D in Leopard until some people complained of vertigo after staring at it too long or some such.

Yes, the Internet Recovery feature in the firmware will be there no matter what, and it'll always restore Lion only. You can then install Mountain Lion from the App Store.

The Mountain Lion installer will replace the Recovery partition on the hard drive, so if you use the Recovery partition to restore, you'll be able to do a restore straight to Mountain Lion.

Cheers, can't wait!


Question: I just switched from PC to Mac two days ago (with a MBPr). Now with Windows, I'm used to a new OS install requiring a format to ensure a clean and smooth new OS experience (almost a requirement to format and install as upgrades are usually such a mess after). I know this is mainly due to Windows use of their registry infrastructure.

Will I need to do this with Mountain Lion? Does it even make a difference with OSX?


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Question: I just switched from PC to Mac two days ago (with a MBPr). Now with Windows, I'm used to a new OS install requiring a format to ensure a clean and smooth new OS experience (almost a requirement to format and install as upgrades are usually such a mess after). I know this is mainly due to Windows use of their registry infrastructure.

Will I need to do this with Mountain Lion? Does it even make a difference with OSX?

No. Just upgrade and carry on.
Question: I just switched from PC to Mac two days ago (with a MBPr). Now with Windows, I'm used to a new OS install requiring a format to ensure a clean and smooth new OS experience (almost a requirement to format and install as upgrades are usually such a mess after). I know this is mainly due to Windows use of their registry infrastructure.

Will I need to do this with Mountain Lion? Does it even make a difference with OSX?

Welcome to the next level: such a thing is not necessary. I think I reinstalled an OS one in the 6 years of owning my old Macbook (because I fucked up with some Boot Camp stuff during the Leopard era).
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