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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble


Scroll of Puma/Mark of Odinborn are both really nice spirit items IMO. They give spirit on orb pickup (with a small cooldown, so don't run over them all too fast). I usually slap a scroll of puma on all my heroes as I level them up, the chance to spawn a red orb is also pretty nice too when they don't come with their own natural sustain.

Great suggestion man. I actually had Scroll of Puma in my stash and with it my Colossus is AMAZING to play. Zero downtime, 50% or more spirit all the time, just fantastic :) Now I need another Scroll to level up my Iron Man, lol :D

Lord Phol

Hm, I have to say the costumes for the Mark IV cards are pretty dissapointing, either lacking in detail or just looking too much like costumes all ready available in the store.
I'm hoping there are some cooler ones in Mark V and VI. Having a different safety net currency for each card is a bit harsh as well. I think they should at least lower the amount needed to purchase an exclusive costume to maybe 40-60.


Been playing this a ton the last few weeks. Having a blast and was wondering how I can get an invite to the gaf super group.

My in game name is the same as my gaf name.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Was hoping for more ruby quartz in new fortune cards, making them exclusive to mk3 is lame

no way was I expecting that. the "buyable" rewards are still exclusive to the FC series. by just making ruby quartz the FC currency technically it's no longer exclusive.

I might be lol'ed for this... but I like the FC setup. It's cheap (well, for A SINGLE card), and contains items that can only be gained by playing the lotto. IMHO none of the costumes are any character's single best costume, but they are good enough (and nostalgic enough) that a segment of players (like myself) will definitely "play" to get them.

For me fortunately I don't care about Mk 2 or Mk 3. But yeah, I am like over $60 so far on Mk 1. Luckily I have 2 out of the 3 costumes I want from it (Thor Destroyer and The Captain). Just need Wolvie DoFP and I'll be done with Mk 1.

Out of Mk. 4 I want Storm's costume (that must be the one posted the other day) and the Spider-Ham pet.


Was hoping for more ruby quartz in new fortune cards, making them exclusive to mk3 is lame

I was going to say something sympathetic, but the truth is, as long as you people keep buying that crap it's just going to get worst. So, serves you guys right :p

I hope they put more and more costumes you all want on FC, and make the each have their own currency type.


I think I am finally going to use some of my XP boosts this weekend. What I am wonder though, do the potions and the bars stack independently, or would using a potion and a bar at the same time trigger the stacking diminishing returns? In other words, if I use a bar and a potion at the same time will I have 150% for an hour and then 50% for the second hour, or will there be a diminishing return?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I was going to say something sympathetic, but the truth is, as long as you people keep buying that crap it's just going to get worst. So, serves you guys right :p

I hope they put more and more costumes you all want on FC, and make the each have their own currency type.

uggghhh... I mean the game has to make money somehow. And I think it's mostly agreed that the costumes on FC's are for the most part definitely not the best costumes for any of the characters.. They're basically fairly niche/one-off comic references probably to make a particular FC series attractive to a small number of players.

Unless you just want massive banner ads everywhere and the only costumes available are Dew Man, Mrs. Dew, and Dew Jr while needing to click Cancel on a prebuilt online McDonald's order every 4 minutes.


uggghhh... I mean the game has to make money somehow. .

I really hate this excuse. Plenty of ways games make money. I've given them $150 myself without buying a single FC. It doesn't have to be like that.

If you enjoy it, fair enough, I don't. It is otherwise a quite big blemish on a game I like a lot. Ads make no sense, and I haven't seen them on these kinds of games in forever so I don't know why you would jump to that conclusion in the first place.

I do have played their other game, SHSO, and know what they are capable of in terms of monetizing it. I don't want this game to turn into that one.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I really hate this excuse. Plenty of ways games make money. I've given them $150 myself without buying a single FC. It doesn't have to be like that.

If you enjoy it, fair enough, I don't.

It's not an excuse. A game needs to make money. I wouldn't say I enjoy FCs. However they are a mechanism for making money that has practically no impact on like 99.999% of the customer base. That is a pretty damn fair F2P mechanic. Honestly the only way I can see someone actually NOT liking them (as opposed to "meh, whatever") is if there's a costume or item on a series that the player wanted.. and even in that case, like I said, the costumes on the FC's are usually pretty damn niche of which there are ones that are widely considered "better" for sale on the store.

I guess what I would say about them is probably similar to what the (friggin) Ultimate Founders can say... hard (or impossible) to get costumes mean fewer people running around hubs looking like you. Even still, there's only one series with costumes that I REALLY wanted... and one series where "eh, yeah.. if it went on sale I might buy a bundle. maybe"

I'd be more sympathetic to your complaint if Gazillion was routinely sticking the best or most desirable costumes on the FCs. That would be unacceptable. So far that doesn't seem to be the case, Mk IV included.

edit - the closest item I would say is a big deal is the cow portal recipe. But there are already a few extra ways to get one off cow portals, not to mention you can also get 1.8 Mk1's per day for free. Otherwise everything else on the FC's is almost exclusively cosmetic.
Making someone buy 95 of the same card to get a costume they want is extremely lame, at least if your going to pull crap like that, you spread it out across a variety of cards. But if they are going to make unique currencies for each card for the whales, then yea screw that. I won't bother giving them any money for those cards


It's not an excuse. A game needs to make money.

It is an excuse, a really condescending one at that. For the most part we are all adults, we know how money and businesses work and we have been paying money for them since forever. You are trying to excuse the practice with that (the rest of your this post is a better way of doing that) not the idea that they have to make money, which I completely understand and is why I've chose to support the game as often as I can.

If you like it, if you think it is fair, if you don't mind it, that is OK. I'm not trying to antagonize you for that fact. I don't, and I think in fact it is a bad, even exploitative practice (for as few people as it targets) and would like to not see it there. It's OK if people disagree with me, I don't mind, I know it is probably not a popular opinion.

But telling me that they do it because they have to make money somehow, as if there were not a million other ways they could and in fact are doing it, is kind of offensive to be honest. I don't enjoy being talked down like that.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Making someone buy 95 of the same card to get a costume they want is extremely lame,
umm.. what now?

a) they aren't "making" anyone do anything
b) at least there IS an option if RNG hates you. I still need Wolvie Days from Mk 1 and don't even HAVE the option to pay $95
c) putting the same currency on all cards instantly devalues all series of cards with that currency on it, not to mention is a slap in the face to anyone who participated in the Mk III series since it launched.

I mean bottom line is this is the same argument as ANY game with loot. "I want the loot to be easier/cheaper to get". I know I'm not going to change any minds here. If you don't like it, don't participate for sure. But also understand that it's not going to change, and as "outrageous" as you may find it because it has a costume you actually want, the vast majority of the rest of the player base remains unaffected by it making it a much fairer F2P mechanic than it certainly could be.

But telling me that they do it because they have to make money somehow, as if there were not a million other ways they could and in fact are doing it, is kind of offensive to be honest. I don't enjoy being talked down like that.

the whole concept of F2P is give and take between what can they charge for that is desirable enough to a segment that they see decent revenue on vs. what will hurt their ability to expand the game. I get that we agree to disagree, but I fail to see how it is exploitative. I mean I guess if you thought one of the costumes was simply one of the single best character costumes in the game (nostalgia or whatnot) I can imagine frustration. But certainly from an objective level you have to see that, emotions aside, it's a pretty damn fair F2P mechanic when it comes to the vast majority (I'll stand behind 99.999%) of the player base.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Don't compare this at all to loot in other games. This isn't loot, this is paying for a lottery real money

no. at the end of the day it's all loot. Whether paid for with real money or time. I do find it often funny that people are ok with grinding out a piece of loot over like 20-80 hours of gameplay, but ask them to pay $10, $20 (or even $95) for a purely cosmetic costume and they are outraged.

the only thing I will concede regarding FC's is that they SHOULD make them easier to acquire in-game. FC Mk1 is fine. but the drop rate on the rest is ridiculous. well, not so much as ridiculous as much as making the only realistic way to get them to purchase them in the store. Unfortunately now with all future ones having a currency I don't see that happening, unless the ones acquired in-game don't have the currency drop from them.


I get that we agree to disagree, but I fail to see how it is exploitative.

The FC main purpose is to draw people in for the costumes, let's be completely honest about that. The high price in card currency, and low chance to obtain it by paying real money make it so that people have to gamble (if we are using probability) a very large sum to obtain an item that would probably not command such a high price. It is understood even by the ones who gamble it, that is where the whole "different currency" disappointment comes into play. Of course they feel exploited. They have shown you they don't mind throwing in a few $100s for the chance, and you are then asking them to do it 3, 4 more times.

I mean I guess if you thought one of the costumes was simply one of the single best character costumes in the game (nostalgia or whatnot) I can imagine frustration.

It has nothing to do with that. It's the system, not any one particular piece in the FCs.

But certainly from an objective level you have to see that, emotions aside, it's a pretty damn fair F2P mechanic when it comes to the vast majority (I'll stand behind 99.999%) of the player base.

I don't see how you say it is "objectively" fair tbh. I just showed you why it is, in fact, not objectively fair at all to expect people to gamble that way. I really would like to see some data to back up that claim and that number. Or is this using the word "objective" the same way people use the word "literally" here, which means, the useless way?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
The FC main purpose is to draw he people in for the costumes, let's be completely honest about that. The high price in card currency, and low chance to obtain it by paying real money make it so that people have to gamble (if we are using probability) a very large sum to obtain an item that would probably not command such a high price. It is understood even by the ones who gamble it, that is where the whole "different currency" disappointment comes into play.
absolutely 100% in agreement with all of that.

I don't see how you say it is "objectively" fair tbh. I just showed you why it is, in fact, not objectively fair at all to expect people to gamble that way. I really would like to see some data to back up that claim and that number. Or is this using the word "objective" the same way people use the word "literally" here, which means, the useless way?
it's objectively fair to 99.999% of the player base who, more than likely, doesn't care about the costumes, or care enough about the costumes to bother with the FC's outside of the random drop or cube shard purchase.

I mean of course the concept of a lotto isn't fair, by the very definition of the lotto system. But as a F2P mechanic (something that generates money but affects a fractionally small amount of the player base in a totally optional manner).. I mean c'mon, that is fair, even if the actual event (lotto) by definition isn't.

edit - you know.. the use of the term whale may even be totally relevant here. Sure, ultimately it's a whale mechanic. Absolutely. And I would guess as F2P models mature, you'll see many more of those whale mechanics arise. (essentially) Extremely expensive cosmetic options that ultimately will be purchased (or gambled on or whatever) by a very small portion of the player base. I personally fail to see the problem with it TBH. The proft/markup generated from such things is incredibly high and as I've been pointing out affects practically none of the player base. It's ultimately win/win and does a huge favor towards paying for upkeep and development for those players who are enjoying the game for free or practically for free. I mean certainly 10000000 times more fair than whale mechanics in pay2win games.

Ploid 3.0

Scarlet Witch, Storm, Thor, Loki, Ghost Rider, Human Torch, Iron Man, Rocket Raccoon and Jean all have the potential to be AoE/ranged if built that way.

I'm really liking Iron Man's Aoe too. Most of his good abilities are aoe.

Pulse Bolt - shooting a pulsing aoe ball that you can pretty much spam, it travels quite a bit of distance, and it also stuns.

Micro Missiles - not aoe but a lot of homing missiles shoot around finding targets.

Jericho Missiles - like the Jericho missiles after the pulsing ball (which also stuns and holds enemies in place usually),

The One Off - insane damage and is on a 12 second or so cooldown, and the area is massive.

Coolant Blast - Cone Aoe, it's strong, maybe his strongest ability but I don't like it. The graphics for it makes it seem shorter range than it is so it's hard for me to judge where it's range is. It's probably the same range and properties as Ms. Marvel's Photonic Wave.

He has a great spirit regenerating ability that sacrifice a bit of his shields to restore 20% - 30% spirit (depending on how many points you have in it. It keeps you using abilities since you can then reup the shield with some of the spirit restored after a few uses. After getting Scarlet Witch, then Rocket Raccoon to 60, Iron Man being my third that's getting to 60 is fun with his AOE. Pretty much everything he does is aoe, I don't even really have to use his spirit free beams to regain spirit (one adds vulnerability though so I sneak that in between stufff).


edit - you know.. the use of the term whale may even be totally relevant here. Sure, ultimately it's a whale mechanic. Absolutely. And I would guess as F2P models mature, you'll see many more of those whale mechanics arise. (essentially)

Those are not new, have been around forever and are certainly exploitative (the term comes from the casino industry for crying out loud. I didn't know games were that now), which was my point in the first place. Yes it is that. No, I don't like it and I don't see how they are a "win" for me, if it comes at the expense of the players and certain aspects of the game. Let's leave it at that so the thread my continue.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I must be the only person that doesnt give a rats ass about costumes lol. Dont get me wrong, some look awesome (Ironman Hulkbuster is amazing) but I would never spend money on something cosmetic, let alone cards for a small chance of them. Im fine with heroes but thats about all Ill spend money on in the game (actually thats a lie, bank stashes too probably unfortunately)


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
and I don't see how they are a "win" for me,

that the game is still not only running but growing is a huge testament to all of the F2P mechanics. short of having their accounting info showing how all revenue is divided up among mechanisms, the best we can say is that all mechanisms combined are allowing this game to succeed.

It just bothers me with F2P games when people complain about an F2P mechanism as "I don't like it and they can make money other ways". Of course they can make money other ways, and there will probably never be a single F2P game ever that will incorporate only F2P mechanisms that everybody thinks are awesome. It's unrealistic. The best we can hope for are mechanisms that we can either find value in, or if we don't see value in them then they are ones that ultimately we can choose to not let affect us. At the end of the day you don't like it for varying reasons, but you can also make the choice to not let it affect you in any way shape or form. That is why I consider it a win for you and anyone else who is apathetic or disliking of it. The alternative is either only mechanisms you agree with (unrealistic) or mechanisms that you don't agree with which choosing to not participate in gives you a worse gaming experience.

anyway, done. fin.

on a game related note, for some reason I am not having as fun a time taking Deadpool through his 40s as I did Scarlet Witch. Not sure if it's just going through the content the second time, or if using the exact same move rotation since like level 7 is wearing thin on me.......

edit - I also didn't realize I should have been doing AT LEAST one LQ on both SW and DP every day for 4, instead of grinding out on just one character. FUCK!

Ploid 3.0

It's a good thing that you guys are talking about skins instead of exp grind, or levels being locked. Though characters being behind pay wall would be a complaint of the f2p model, though I like the random box mechanic. I have gotten quite a few of them via splinters. The tension is crazy.

An example of a f2p game screwing up gameplay with the cash purchases is Neverwinter Online. You can buy mounts of varying speeds and ride those mounts in pvp.

Oh the starter storage space for Marvel Heroes needs to be expanded a bit. Especially since each hero shares the same inventory.


I must be the only person that doesnt give a rats ass about costumes lol. Dont get me wrong, some look awesome (Ironman Hulkbuster is amazing) but I would never spend money on something cosmetic, let alone cards for a small chance of them.

Are you a big fan of reading comics? Because most people who are care about specific costumes.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Are you a big fan of reading comics? Because most people who are care about specific costumes.

yes, well I was for like 20+ years, but I actually always liked when people changed costumes so I never got attached to a particular look

edit: SG is definately luckier than Emma with uniques, just got my third for her, almost the full set now.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Are you a big fan of reading comics? Because most people who are care about specific costumes.

this is definitely true. But in the context of what we're discussing.. I mean even for comic fans these are REALLY niche costumes. Wolvie DoFP is probably the most mainstream out of all of them. The other two big ones for me are purely out of nostalgia (Thor 382 and Captain America 333 along with Web of Spider Man 31 are literally among the first comics I ever bought/read)


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
So apparently they are patching today. In like an hour. Not sure why the short notice.

boo. will it have the same long ass downtime as maintenance day? if so there goes my playtime before work :/


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
guys my friend has no idea how to contact support because of his "bought 2 heroes days before the weekend deal" problem, and to be honest I dont see anyware in game or in the forums to contact support about it. Little help?


guys my friend has no idea how to contact support because of his "bought 2 heroes days before the weekend deal" problem, and to be honest I dont see anyware in game or in the forums to contact support about it. Little help?

marvelheroes.com -> login -> profile -> support (bottom of right sidebar)

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
well im guessing cyclops will get his respec today ? doomsaw mentioned he would be getting changes this week with a free respec.

also they mentioned in last weeks patch for this week so maybe this too ?

In the next patch, Doctor Doom and several important storyline enemies will have a buff to their health, pending further data and testing.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
was under the assumption that they were targeting that stuff for the NC patch at the end of this month. Seems weird to have a pretty sudden (and long) outage just to put random stuff in.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
was under the assumption that they were targeting that stuff for the NC patch at the end of this month. Seems weird to have a pretty sudden (and long) outage just to put random stuff in.

especially during european prime time :/

Lord Phol

Patch Notes 2.13 said:
X-Defense Player-Appreciation Weekend!

For the next week, we've boosted X-Defense in the following ways:

  • Special Item Find, Rare Item Find and Experience rewards increased (escalating based on wave).
  • Doombots have a small chance to drop Hand of Doom
  • Several enemy bosses now automatically have the Marvelous! affix (free extra chest!)
Hero Changes
  • Cyclops has received a free respec due to changes in a previous patch.

X-Defense Changes
  • Frost Giant Spearmen who attack students will no longer use their charge attack which was causing students to be captured quicker than intended.

Item Changes
  • Increased pickup radius of Odin Marks.

Store Changes
  • A new Fortune Card is available! Fortune Card Mk IV contains brand new boosts (Quad and Penta!), boons, new costumes, and an even more enhanced, Symbiote Spider-Ham!

Hands of doom shall be mine!


I don't think they care about european prime time... you can't account for the entire world's prime time, when they're an american company.

So what you are saying is basically America >>>> Europe, correct?

Well, someone had to, and I'm glad it's finally out there :p


So what you are saying is basically America >>>> Europe, correct?

Well, someone had to, and I'm glad it's finally out there :p

Hahahha, if they're an american dev company then yeah =P

I would certainly expect european devs to care more about their own timezones too.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
x-defense sounds like any other challenging game mode.. can be fun and potentially frustrating with a pre-made group. essentially guaranteed to be frustrating just random queuing.


Before I spend odin marks on an identical Legendary item... did Gaz confirm you will be able to use them on any hero in the near future?


Before I spend odin marks on an identical Legendary item... did Gaz confirm you will be able to use them on any hero in the near future?

You mean pass a Legendary between heroes without resetting the XP? No, that isn't planned as far as I know.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I dont like it either. I only played it once and my whole team had left by wave 10.

this is how it currently works. the big incentive to get further is to get to the more continually profitable Doop waves. Unfortunately PUGs are PUGs, so everyone just gets to the first Doop wave and then re-queues.

I really don't see what there is for Gaz to "fix" unfortunately.. Short of adding a raid-finder difficulty to x-defense that you can derp de derp through with a PUG. Frustrating to be sure but it's how challenging content with PUGs works in online games 99% of the time. :\

which of course begs the question on what the raids are going to be like. They've given the impression that raids are going to be similar to what raids have traditionally been in online games. But again, if a PUG can't derp de derp through it people will bitch constantly that they can't get anywhere in the raid (1/4 of them frustrated that they are expected to carry their team, and the other 3/4 frustrated that they have to not stand in the fire)

Lord Phol

Nice, did two X-Defense runs and got this little beauty!
Also thinking about getting Ghost Rider my first legendary.


Unconfirmed Member
Did a couple X-Def runs, got 2 uniques in 1 run. No other uniques though. 1 dupe, 1 new, both Ms Marvel. 4/5 Unique slots filled on her now. Just the mask left to get. And yeah I was in a PUG and we just did up to wave 10 a bunch of times. It's pretty hard to get to 20 anyways and it's just not time efficient, starts taking way too long, especially trash waves.


Did a couple X-Def runs, got 2 uniques in 1 run. No other uniques though. 1 dupe, 1 new, both Ms Marvel. 4/5 Unique slots filled on her now. Just the mask left to get. And yeah I was in a PUG and we just did up to wave 10 a bunch of times. It's pretty hard to get to 20 anyways and it's just not time efficient, starts taking way too long, especially trash waves.
Luck of the draw. I have 2/5 uniques, one of them is the mask, and I got a second mask drop today. At least it was a higher level so I could use it. Is there any reason to hold onto duplicate uniques?
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