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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble

God damn both my gf and me keep having odd sound bug where that horrible loading screen ticking noise continues after your load screens and screws with the rest of the audio.


Saint Nic
You'll want to put much more into your basic attack. Ignore the knockback shot (the second basic attack), as it does less damage than Quick Shot, and the knockback isn't worth it if you can just stun them with your flashbang.

Also, Pistol Whip is really strong, so you might want to invest some points in that as well. And for the force field you should be good for the next few levels, maybe even until 25 or so - I only have it at like 4 or 5 and am at 22 I think.
You can ignore the turret after you put in one point - it's mostly there to tank enemies for you, and it doesn't cost that much. It doesn't do much damage anyway, so there's little point in leveling it. :)

Energy Barrage is okay, but once you get to Level 20, you'll get the charge shot, which is one of your best moves.

What I'm seeing is that the basic shot is less powerful per level than knock back one. Odd.

I think I will likely use my retcon around 20-25 to craft him into a more endgame build.

And I may dump some into pistol whip. I haven't been close enough to make use I guess. And is the passive dodge skill worth some points?
What I'm seeing is that the basic shot is less powerful per level than knock back one. Odd.

Really? They might've changed the damage in a patch and I didn't see it. Weird.

And I may dump some into pistol whip. I haven't been close enough to make use I guess. And is the passive dodge skill worth some points?

Yeah, both the dodge and the penetration passives are pretty good.

Lord Phol

First Hero drop Storm :D. From Mister Sinister in the campaign.



Damn got baited out, steam says I already own the game but I don't. Thought I could pre-load or somehow sneak in some early game play.


Just waiting on the Premium pack hotfix to go live then ill be in as the Punisher.

edit: woo my account is being used as a guinea pig to test if the premium packs system is fixed heh
What hotfix? I bought Deadpool pack earlier and worked like a charm.

I debated on the $200 pack for days but ended up settling with the deadpool pack that comes with $55. I know i won't play every character and the only other characters that i MIGHT touch is maybe a bigger tank like character like Hulk/Colossus and the 5500G or whatever will get me hulk. I doubt ill buy anything else until prices get reasonable because right now it's fucking stupid ridiculous.


At the selec screen I was debating between Hawkeye and Daredevil for my free char, started with Hawkeye, got Daredevil from the first story quest, good times!


Just ran through the first mission/tutorial I guess. Seems okay so far.

Quick question: How do I switch characters?

n/m... found it
And time to break for food. I'm already level 17 with Cyclops. Play like a Wizard in Diablo 3 on Inferno and you should almost never die in this game. Fun though.


Saint Nic
What impact does dying have? I've died twice due to server hiccups against Rhino (there were 15+ people and lag was all over). Also, people are super selfish and tend to not help downed allies I've found. They realize loot is instances and you get credit for hitting the boss, right?
So I was curious about purchasing a starter pack for a friend but I couldn't find the info anywhere. When purchasing a pack do you get a code you put in or is it automatically applied to your account?

If applied to the account would I just be able to log into theirs and buy them the pack? Because I had someone tell me the purchases are locked to the credit card and anything I buy will go back to the first account that used the card.


Saint Nic
So I was curious about purchasing a starter pack for a friend but I couldn't find the info anywhere. When purchasing a pack do you get a code you put in or is it automatically applied to your account?

If applied to the account would I just be able to log into theirs and buy them the pack? Because I had someone tell me the purchases are locked to the credit card and anything I buy will go back to the first account that used the card.

I am nearly positive it's account locked, not CC. But it's not a code, it's just an account purchase.


What impact does dying have? I've died twice due to server hiccups against Rhino (there were 15+ people and lag was all over). Also, people are super selfish and tend to not help downed allies I've found. They realize loot is instances and you get credit for hitting the boss, right?

Ive found the opposite myself, same fight with Rhino and people we're rezing folks all over the place.


I think i am going to cave in and get the $200 pack even though i just dropped $60 on the deadpool.

I have been going back and forth back and forth on it but after spending like 40-50 hours in the beta and playing non-stop for 15 hours since i got the deadpool pack i can see myself playing this game for a long, long time. I know for a fact i will level iron man, hulk, colossus, raccoon and nova to max and and i love all the skins.. I just need that final push to get it.

Does anyone regret buying it? Also, anyone wanna team up some?


Saint Nic
I wish that I could refund my purchase and spend the extra $140 for the UP to be honest. I totally would at this point, haha.
So how does it work going back and forth between characters? I start a lvl 1 character from my roster I have to reset my progress? Can I go back to where I was ever or it's permanent? If I don't reset my progress, can my lower lvl character still do the same missions again or I have to reset? The whole thing is so poor at explaining things.
Wow, just got a chance to play and Deadpool can actually kill things now!

His guns seem to have been buffed a lot.

I better level him quick before they nerf him into the ground again.


No One Remembers
I've already logged 5 hours in today, really enjoying Cyclops! Been running with a buddy who is playing Captain America.


Wow, just got a chance to play and Deadpool can actually kill things now!

His guns seem to have been buffed a lot.

I better level him quick before they nerf him into the ground again.
What did they nerf? I take it his healing stuff? In the beta i was pretty much invincible but the gun dmg was doo doo.
Damn got baited out, steam says I already own the game but I don't. Thought I could pre-load or somehow sneak in some early game play.

If you've downloaded the original client, Steam displays that.
Try searching for a folder labeled "Secret Identity Studios" or something in your programs folder, that's where it should be, and delete everything. Steam should let you DL the client through it then.

What impact does dying have?

Only the totem artifacts you can buy from Clea.
Feels good to finally play the game for real. It's still super rough around the edges and their prices are ludicrous, but I'm still having a lot of fun running around as Wolverine.
Finally got to hear Stan Lee's voiceover, he's the weapon vendor Agent Lee on the SHIELD Helicarrier (the base in Chapter 8). Love some of the lines.

Also seen quite a few ambiguous shoutout characters just standing around - Invisible Woman, Domino, Magik, Psylocke, Rogue, Dr. Strange and She-Hulk don't seem to serve much purpose.


Is there a reason I can't download the game? Bought a $20 pack and should be able to access today. Or is this digital purchase just slow as balls
So how does it work going back and forth between characters? I start a lvl 1 character from my roster I have to reset my progress? Can I go back to where I was ever or it's permanent? If I don't reset my progress, can my lower lvl character still do the same missions again or I have to reset? The whole thing is so poor at explaining things.
You can swap on the fly with a press of T. Your progress doesn't change unless you go back to the tower and find the npc to reset your story progress. But even without resetting you can teleport to earlier areas to level lower level characters, though I don't think you'll get quest rewards but can still get medals off bosses
Is there a reason I can't download the game? Bought a $20 pack and should be able to access today. Or is this digital purchase just slow as balls

I had to force the game to install via steam. There was no download link and in my account info in the downloads section where it's supposed to be, its not there either. Lot of folks on the forum have had similar issue with not getting a download link for the game.


For those that purchased with an account that hasn't updated, found at that since their service is either slow, or just plain sucks you can download the game through Steam

Run: steam://run/226320
Is the party system broken?

I keep trying to add my friend but we can't. It says "Party Invite Sent" but he doesn't get anything. Then if I try again it says "The player you invited is already in a party" when he is not. The same thing happens if he tries to invite me. If we try to do /leave to exit the non-existant party that the game thinks we are in, it just says "You are not in a party".


I'm getting an invalid username/password error. Support ticket filed. QQ

Thanks. I'd like to buy a starter pack but to be honest... the remaining heroes seem like b-tier... I'd love to play as Deadpool :(

Starter pack + buy extra 1000G = best way for deadpool?
I chose DD as my starter...had no clue that both he and the Punisher are considered underpowered right now. Oh well, I don't mind a challenge.

Also had Storm drop. Is she any good?


Man I am seeing that some heroes are like super overpowered compared to others. I mean the Hulk and Thor just mow through mobs like they aren't even there. And this in the 20s so not easy starter mobs.

My Poor Punisher has scaled so poorly at these levels
Also had Storm drop. Is she any good?

She's decent, but not amazing.

Man I am seeing that some heroes are like super overpowered compared to others. I mean the Hulk and Thor just mow through mobs like they aren't even there. And this in the 20s so not easy starter mobs.

My Poor Punisher has scaled so poorly at these levels

Haha, yeah. I actually dropped Punisher at level 9 just because I did like no damage at all. It takes me what feels like a billion shots (but is more like 6 or 7) from my basic attack to get down ONE HYDRA goon on Buccaneer Beach. And that one's maxed out no less.


Put in some time over the weekend, mostly with Hulk. Clicking around and smashing stuff up just feels good. Enjoying Storm as well, agile with lots of crowd control, but not too far in with either. Keep wanting to level up everyone together.

As mentioned it's rough around the edges but I like this game, has a lot of personality and character variety for a genre that's usually pretty dry. Glad I put money down knowing I'll put time into it, hopefully the economy isn't too shitty for those approaching it as strictly F2P.


Thor is not that OP. His durability doesn't scale that well. Even with his passive maxed -which was nerfed to the ground-, Hulk gets 5 times as much raw defense numbers in the late 20s. And many of his most powerful abilities have long windup animations. Also, he is pretty mana hungry, and you don't have an ability like a barrage to solve that problem.

@gunviolence If you are reading this, sucks about the chat issues, I only got like 2 of your mesages =( Hopefully we can party again soon.
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