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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble

If anything quest givers are more likely to become playable characters at some point. The fact that they have a model in game already is a good sign. A lot of the current characters used to be NPCs. War Machine, for example, is the current guild NPC, but according to the files he already has a couple of costumes in the game. Speaking of, if you go to the install folder (e.g.) C:program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonMarvel HeroesUnrealEngine3MarvelGameCookedPCConsole and you scroll down, you can see what costumes are currently in the game.

Whoa, interesting. I dont have it on Steam nor am I at home atm, are there any alt costumes for any other characters that aren't playable yet?
Is upgrading the vendors/crafter worth it or should I just sell everything for credits?

(Played to level 15 in beta and it seemed credits had no use beyond buying the occasional medpack so I don't really know)

The only thing credits are really used for is for crafting and if you want to found a guild, so just picking it up from the drops you get randomly should cover all your needs.
Upgrading the crafter is really good because you get access to upgrading your items to better gear, adding stats to your costumes, etc.
Also, you can fuse your crafting gear too, so it doesn't take up all your inventory and stash. :p

Whoa, interesting. I dont have it on Steam nor am I at home atm, are there any alt costumes for any other characters that aren't playable yet?

No, only the Iron Man 3-based War Machine suits, which might've been added to the files because Gazillion got the IM3 models directly from Marvel Studios and they just put the files there for later use. That or War Machine is likely going to be next after the 5 initial post launch heroes.

Oh also there's also every character's chase suit of course, and an additional Colossus suit. I don't know which one is the chase costume, but there's a shirtless version and the Juggernaut helmet version.

However, there's a lot of files for playable characters that we might see in the future.
Domino, Dr. Doom, Dr. Strange, Juggernaut, Magik, Moonstone, War Machine of course and X-23 are currently in the files. Interestingly, they removed a few of them, I remember there also being She-Hulk, Mr. Fantastic, Wonder Man, Psylocke, Gambit and Rogue in the files. Probably forgetting someone, but those are the ones I remember for sure.


However, there's a lot of files for playable characters that we might see in the future.
Domino, Dr. Doom, Dr. Strange, Juggernaut, Magik, Moonstone, War Machine of course and X-23 are currently in the files. Interestingly, they removed a few of them, I remember there also being She-Hulk, Mr. Fantastic, Wonder Man, Psylocke, Gambit and Rogue in the files. Probably forgetting someone, but those are the ones I remember for sure.

They are still there, just labeled under NPC now.


Thank god tomorrow is Friday. Finally a weekend to enjoy. Just finished Madripoor tonight. The temptation to play another character is so strong. More so when you run out of rested XP lol. They've obviously lowered drop rates on Retcon devices etc. I've not had a single one drop yet. Got some good purple items though. The drop rate isn't bad there.

Awww we have our first downtime for a patch tonight. Can't wait to see what breaks or the QQ fests from children that don't understnad these take time.

We will be taking the Marvel Heroes game servers offline overnight tonight for maintenance and to apply a new game patch. Downtime will begin at 2:00AM PDT (5:00AM EDT, 10:00AM BST) and is expected to last up to 4 hours, although it may finish earlier. We will have patch notes up here in the forums before the patch goes live.


Same. Iron Man + Starboost armor to a new player would be $35, Deadpool + Pirate would be $40! They are nuts. I think they went with the: 'price the highest possible first, then lower the price if needed' strategy. Business wise it makes more sense than launching too low, but free players will laugh at it and leave the game.

It's useful for alts. The higher you level vendors, the higher chance they have at selling you blue/purple loot. Crafter is super useful to level, because you at least want the costume affixes and upgrading items recipes.

Yeah, they need to be closer to impulse-buy levels.


Yeah, they need to be closer to impulse-buy levels.

Yea. I have no doubt they'll lower the prices. They'll have to when nobody buys them. It thought that was stupid in the beta when you had costumes costing more then characters and I still think it is now.


Was gonna go Spidey but he's not available as a founder starter pack, so went Jean Grey. I'll be on Sunday.

Edit: Augh, want the 90's costume for her, but those prices are out of control.

Lord Phol

Yay new patch for Premium Pack Early Access :D. Hope they fix the Gs/orders before we get access :eek:.

Hm they had to add 3 hours to the maintenance, that does not bode well.


Maintenance extended. Now 10am PDT is the estimate.


And extended again.

Our maintenance period for #MarvelHeroes has to be further extended. Our current best guess is servers online at 2PM PDT (5PM EDT, 10PM BST)


Fuck this, it looks like I'm not playing today.

Hmm, now I want that Hulk Server Smash skin too.


Welcome to the early access. Now people see why most say the first couple weeks of an MMO are unstable and why on patch days never take off from work because they never come back up on time.


Here are the notes. Shame I would have liked to see more fixes. More so with Iron Man's tracking bug. Oh well. Glad to see that they will be revealing what the compensation will be for UP purchasers for our delays and for those who got delayed today.

Please note: a large number of bug fixes and balance changes are incoming with future patches.

Content Additions

Localized French and German content is now available. All motion comics now have localized French and German voiceover. Select your preferred language in the Options/Gameplay tab.

Content Changes

Enemy Changes

The boss affix ‘Heals on Damage’ has been reduced in effect.

Hero Changes

Captain America

Shield Bounce: Decreased bounce range, so it doesn't travel as far.
Stunning Backflip: Now displays the shield point cost, and costs 2 points instead of 3.
Shield Block: Now unlocks at level 14 instead of 16.


Spider-Man’s Symbiote costume emotes /showoff and /wave now work.

Rocket Raccoon

Quick Shot: Can now be slotted on Right Mouse Button.
Suppression Turret: Can now be slotted on Right Mouse Button.

Bug Fixes

Players playing via Steam can now properly purchase Gs.
The experience bar tooltip will now display properly.
Fixed an issue where language support was not appearing in the Options menu.
Fixed problems with /tell in chat which only displayed the first letter of the message trying to be sent.
Fixed issues with the social panel.
Fixed an issue where all sounds in a Public Combat Zone could be replaced with the loading screen sound effect.
Reduced the severity of problems with bodysliders, by preventing your checkpoint from being changed to a town, if you have already unlocked that town.
Captain America: Shield Toss/Shield Bounce: These powers had incorrect damage bonus percentages attached to them through their synergy, causing them to deal double the base damage. This has been fixed.
Captain America: Leaping Strike now displays the shield point cost.
Captain America: Spirited Shout will now display VFX on targets affected by the shorter duration buff.
Captain America: Encouraging Shout will now display VFX on targets affected by the shorter duration buff.
Captain America: Aggressive Shout ongoing VFX is no longer missing.
Cyclop: Concussive Force no longer halts movement and/or spirit regeneration.
Hulk: Fixed an issue where Demolishing Charge would not activate when you have no Anger.
Iron Man: House Party (Ultimate Power) now can be upgraded with hero tokens.
Rocket Raccoon: Turret powers are no longer interruptible when being summoned.
Lighting in S.H.I.E.L.D. Training Room has been fixed.
Fixed a potential client freeze when trying to play a movie when the game is partially downloaded.
Options: VFX Obscurement: When VFX Obscurement is turned all the way down, Energy Rifts in the Group Challenges can now be seen.

Known Issues

Guild functionality is currently disabled, and War Machine has been temporarily removed from the game. This functionality will be re-enabled as soon as possible.
French and German localization is almost, but not entirely complete; some English text may be found.
Mr Sinister’s Clones have green pet VFX on them.
Powers that deal damage over time currently cannot score critical hits.
After being defeated by Pyro, there is a chance that players will be brought back to Xavier’s School rather than the beginning of the instance where Pyro is found.

UI and In-Game Store:

Paypal is currently disabled as a payment option.
Store icons for Black Widow and Spider-Man display an incorrect costume. Black Widow comes equipped with costume from Marvel’s The Avengers; Spider-Man comes equipped with his Modern costume.


Destroy Sentinel Fragment: There is an invisible wall blocking mission progress.
Find Agent Baker: Agent Baker does not spawn, so mission cannot be completed.

Endgame – Daily Missions:

Avenger’s Mansion:
Green Daily – Castle Doom – Mini Map appears to be unpopulated and shows nothing.
Red Daily – Abandoned Subway - Shocker's AI intermittently stops working. He won't attack, but he'll turn to face you.

Xavier’s School/SHIELD Helicarrier:
Green Daily – Castle Doom – Dr. Doom’s number of affixes change depending on his form rather than staying constant as intended.
Green Daily – Castle Doom - Dr. Doom’s number of affixes change depending on his form rather than staying constant as intended.


Bloodstone Lion: Visual effects appear incorrectly.
Madame Hydra Medal: Tooltip is incorrect. When you take damage there is a 4% chance you will make your teammates invulnerable for 3 seconds, but it will also make your hero invulnerable for 3 seconds.
Green Goblin Medal: Green Goblin Medal will not create a poison cloud.
Tombstone Medal: Tooltip displays incorrect dodge percentage.


Some emotes are not working for Cable and Deadpool.

Black Widow

Acrobatic Assault: This power can miss if the enemy is running towards you.

Black Panther

Some gear icons are black silhouettes – gear can still be equipped.

Captain America

Aggressive Shout: The power has both a 10 second buff and an ongoing (lasts until turned off) buff. Only one of them is shown.
Invigorating Shout: The power has a 10-second buff and an ongoing (lasts until turned off) effect, but it does not show either of them. Health regeneration does not show up on character sheet
Combat Veteran: Power currently has no effect.


Searing Shot: Visual Effects when hitting enemy are not seen.


Lingering Boon: Tooltip is incorrect. Each rank actually extends aura duration by 2 seconds.

Jean Grey

Mask gear slot incorrectly labeled as ‘Jacket slot’.

Rocket Raccoon

Forceful Shot: Power unlocks at level 12 and should unlock at level 10.
Tactical Destruction: Tooltip does not correctly display bonus damage from shield cost.


Evasive Websling: If there is no enemy targeted, power will land in incorrect location.


Yancy Street Taunt: Can be used repeatedly without costing spirit after the initial spirit consumption.


Regeneration Boost: Tooltip is incorrect. Power does not spend Fury to gain health faster as described.
Smell Weakness: Damage vulnerability is causing the enemy to take less damage rather than more.
Character sheet does not reflect health regeneration from Healing Factor (but displays resistances from passive powers).



Welcome to the early access. Now people see why most say the first couple weeks of an MMO are unstable and why on patch days never take off from work because they never come back up on time.

Ehh, to be perfectly honest, I don't think this game has enough MMOness to it to justify much of the mess. If it is all down to accounts, then they have a terrible back-end account system that they should've fixed ages ago.

I hate to do the comparison thing, but Path of Exile had more online dependent features (some of them pretty damn basic) that could break like: linking in chat, linking your account between the game and the forums that allowed verifying items/skills, safe trading, etc. and I'm sure they had way less people involved in doing that, with far better results. They also had around 50-70k people simultaneously near launch, so it is not like they had it easy.

I'm not saying PoE didn't have some issues at launch too, but when you think back at all the stuff Gaz can't do, like stacking crafting elements without breaking the game (or so they claim), and the other stuff that is just kind of an after thought in an "MMO" (like their whole social features), you begin to question just how competent they are at some of the stuff, or who they are trying to kid with that label. And yes, I know the MMO label is pretty general and ambiguous. I think at some point it began to mean something more than its literal definition and they are playing to that expectation by using it prominently.

I could also understand how launching their new forums would be a problem if they had all those 'game <-> site' systems in place as well, but they don't. Heck, their official site is one of the worst online game-related sites I've seen. They don't even have proper, relevant or up to date information about the game or your account, something they should've put an intern to do months ago, and I can't imagine their new forums are anything special either.

That said, this is more of a general rant than "OMG why is gaem no UP yet?!" post (I can't even play right now :p). I don't envy their position and I'm sure they are probably tired and working their hardest to get everything going, but I just hope they are good at iterating quickly and improving the game over time. Some things just make no sense.


Forums are up at least! and patch notes. Cool now we'll also some compensation!
Kind of tame patch though.

Compenssation, hmm... Now I'm almost hoping (although at this point it seems a near guarantee) that there will be some problem on sunday when the founders packs, so i can get something free.
Arrrrghhhh ........... I'm sick of this "freemium" crap.

Just make a game and let me pay for it and give me the whole game.

Stop trying to pathetically give me a "free game" and then nickle and dime through the whole experience.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Got my lame little Punisher pack. Punisher Classic is the only way to go! Those white boots! White!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Wow I thought I was the only person in the world who liked that costume over the other ones. :p

I grew up on that outfit, that's the Frank Castle I know and love.

Would spend money for a Johnny Tower alt though. <3


You can get quest rewards again when you play another character and restart the story. Game is kinda tough around chapter 8.


are the servers back up? i ask because i'm trying to login for the FIRST time and having trouble, can't tell if it's a problem on my end or theirs.


Thanks. Really want to play this for a few hours and decide if it's worth buying any of the packs or not. I've been in the beta for a while but never got around to trying it -__-
Just FYI when you restart the story it only resets your most recent chapter (that you haven't completed) not your whole story (least this was true during beta). You can always go back to your furthest checkpoint


Thanks. Really want to play this for a few hours and decide if it's worth buying any of the packs or not. I've been in the beta for a while but never got around to trying it -__-

Oh. You will only be able to try it on June 4th. The beta is over, right now it is early access for pack buyers.

Just FYI when you restart the story it only restarts your most recent chapter not your whole story (least this was true during beta)

You can choose what chapter to restart from, even from the prologue.


Ugh hoping the fact my pack doesn't show in my account doesn't screw me over. Sent in a ticket but who knows when it will get answered. ordered my Punisher pack back in march.
Ugh hoping the fact my pack doesn't show in my account doesn't screw me over. Sent in a ticket but who knows when it will get answered. ordered my Punisher pack back in march.

They're generally having problems with the account information right now. Everything should get fixed by the time your account is opened for EA, but sending in a ticket to be sure is always a good idea.
Sorry typing from my phone but yeah you're right, what I meant was that you won't lose your overall progress when resetting

Can you elaborate on this? I wanna reset the story for my alts so i can get the quest rewards on them, but if I have a character in endgame, does that mean that character can still access the endgame terminals?


Sorry typing from my phone but yeah you're right, what I meant was that you won't lose your overall progress when resetting


Can you elaborate on this? I wanna reset the story for my alts so i can get the quest rewards on them, but if I have a character in endgame, does that mean that character can still access the endgame terminals?

When you have finished the story already, you can pretty much jump back or ahead any moment you wish with that one or other characters. Your characters that can access endgame will be able to do so regardless of where your alts are, or where you reset the story to.


If the servers are up by then. That's what boat I'm in as well. People are saaaaaaaaaaalty on the official forums.


Does anyone know if I could switch my starter pack choice? I got Black Widow, but after playing the beta, I'd rather Ms. Marvel.


Hey, only 12 hours late. =)

Does anyone know if I could switch my starter pack choice? I got Black Widow, but after playing the beta, I'd rather Ms. Marvel.

Nope, it's too late to switch/upgrade packs from what I know (cutoff date was the 24th). If I understand correctly, they are not offering refunds if you change packs anymore.

It wouldn't hurt to submit a ticket tho, but with the amount of trouble they are having who knows when they will answer. They must have thousands of tickets lined up.


Hey, only 12 hours late. =)

Nope, it's too late to switch/upgrade packs from what I know (cutoff date was the 24th). If I understand correctly, they are not offering refunds if you change packs anymore.

It wouldn't hurt to submit a ticket tho, but with the amount of trouble they are having who knows when they will answer. They must have thousands of tickets lined up.

Oh well, not a big deal. I submitted a ticket just to see.


Ha, picked Hawkeye as my first hero, and got Scarlet Witch as a reward, exactly who I wanted. That's some luck.
When I submitted a ticket on the 25th to get my Torch SP switched over to Thor SP I got an email with a code to input a few days later. However, that may have just been due to the whole Torch issue so you may not be as lucky. Doesn't hurt to try tho, so here's to hoping! :D


Just waiting on the Premium pack hotfix to go live then ill be in as the Punisher.

edit: woo my account is being used as a guinea pig to test if the premium packs system is fixed heh
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