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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble

Lord Phol

Noo my first death :(. I went away because of a loading screen and saw my black panther lying dead on the cold floor when I got back. Well there's still plenty of other heroes to not die with!


I am at my sisters wedding 12 hours from my PC. I just want to play MH all day. I'm hooked. Rocket Raccoon is my jam. Probably going to level Iron Man next after they sort his issues out. I really hope people give this a shot when it launches. I see a lot of potential here.


No early access for me unfortunately, gonna have to wait until the game is out. Can I ask some questions to those of you already playing it?

1. How long is the game on average

2. Are there harder difficulties with better loot drops (like Diablo)

3. How much do characters/skins cost? (I'll be looking to buy Hulk with World War Hulk skin)


No early access for me unfortunately, gonna have to wait until the game is out. Can I ask some questions to those of you already playing it?

1. How long is the game on average

2. Are there harder difficulties with better loot drops (like Diablo)

3. How much do characters/skins cost? (I'll be looking to buy Hulk with World War Hulk skin)

Not sure about 1 and 2 but you best bet for the Hulk is this - https://presale.marvelheroes.com/index.php/presale_en_us/hulk-smash-premium-pack.html. I know it is 60 bucks but the Hulk is currently I think 12 dollars and that skin roughly 10 or 12. For 60 you get Hulk, all skins, plus bonus cash to buy other heroes, items, or skins with. The packs are only available until June 3rd. Hope that helps!


1. It really depends on how fast you play. I'd say 6-8 hours for the story mode the first time.

2. There are no harder difficulties for the story mode, but there are harder versions of each endgame instance if that helps.

3. Hulk is $12 I think, and that skin is $14. Yea, it's not cheap =/


1. It really depends on how fast you play. I'd say 6-8 hours for the story mode the first time.

2. There are no harder difficulties for the story mode, but there are harder versions of each endgame instance if that helps.

3. Hulk is $12 I think, and that skin is $14. Yea, it's not cheap =/

Thanks for that, just what I was looking for

Damn that's pretty expensive, I guess I'll buy one of the packs after all

Thanks guys


Saint Nic
Game is a blast. Only got to level 5 with Rocket Raccoon, but I will be playing much more tonight. Name is Nicoga on there for anyone looking to add friends and such!


Game is a blast. Only got to level 5 with Rocket Raccoon, but I will be playing much more tonight. Name is Nicoga on there for anyone looking to add friends and such!

Another rocket player! Awe yes.

I can't wait to get home tomorrow and play some more. So much fun blasting people.


Noo my first death :(. I went away because of a loading screen and saw my black panther lying dead on the cold floor when I got back. Well there's still plenty of other heroes to not die with!

There's a way to see if you've died? Noooo..now I'll want a hardcore playthrough. :(


Bummer that Starters don't get in tonight at Midnight. 1pm EST for the rest of us founders who only ponied up $20.

See you guys then.
Hmm... I'm considering getting the Uncanny X-Men Premium Pack. Seems to have the best mix of tank, dps and scrapper. I like the Phoenix Force theme. Any thoughts on Cyclops, Jean, Wolverine and Colossus in terms of gameplay?
Anyone know what the third mission is for Chapter 5?

Secrets of Mutant Town, which I believe should be unlocked as you go.

Hmm... I'm considering getting the Uncanny X-Men Premium Pack. Seems to have the best mix of tank, dps and scrapper. I like the Phoenix Force theme. Any thoughts on Cyclops, Jean, Wolverine and Colossus in terms of gameplay?

Colossus is probably one of the best tanks at the moment. Cyclops is a great allrounder leaning towards DPS. Jean is incredibly squishy and obnoxious with her aura, but she's a strong DPS character, especially since she mostly deals mental damage, which is one of the rarest defenses. I don't know much about Wolverine, but he seems like a good mobility-based melee DPS.

If you wanna stick with the mutant theme, Storm is a starter heroine and pretty solid, and Scarlet Witch is one of the best ranged DPS there is, though she's much more group-oriented than others.
I'm really happy with my UP purchase seeing how expensive heroes and costumes are now. And 10000g on top of that? I dont think I'll need to spend anymore money for a while.


Saint Nic
Used some of my G to buy 2 extra general stash tabs. Hit level 10 (or maybe 11?) and just started chapter 3. Is it possible to farm Retcon devices from any bosses?
Uncanny purchased. 1 hour and 8 minutes to install the client then hopefully not that long to download patches and I'm in this thing! Any advice far a complete n00b? Barely heard anything about it.
Logged in this morning and got my bonus Jean Grey from the JG/Cyclops Valentine's Day promotion they did so that's up for those waiting.
Logged in this morning and got my bonus Jean Grey from the JG/Cyclops Valentine's Day promotion they did so that's up for those waiting.

good to hear, made getting the 20 dollar pack back in january super worth it. See all of you online later today barring any crashes (though im hopeful since i already see the money on my bonus money on my account)


Saint Nic
I just lol'd in Chapter 3...It's a Jungle/Forest. Just like Act 3 of D2 (I.e. the worst act).

I'm only level 11, but I feel kind of weak. Gear is crazy diverse since some stuff grants a skill level, others add. That makes gear choices tough! Speaking of which, if something grants a skill at level 4 and you add 2 points or have gear that adds 2 points, is that skill level 6 or 4?
I'm noticing that in addition to gear that says "grants a skill at level X" there's gear that says +X to skill". The first ignores the skill points you've spent, so in your situation it would be at level 4.
? Only client I found was the one on the main site.


I'm only level 11, but I feel kind of weak.

What character are you playing?

Gear is crazy diverse since some stuff grants a skill level, others add. That makes gear choices tough! Speaking of which, if something grants a skill at level 4 and you add 2 points or have gear that adds 2 points, is that skill level 6 or 4?

That would make it still 4. If your skill is the same level or outlevels the granted one, then you don't get any benefit from it.
The only ones that stack with what you currently got are those that say "adds X levels to the current rank of Y".
I've finally given in to my lack of self control and have decided to get a started pack but don't know who to pick. I play Rocket in the open beta and quite liked him, how are Punisher and Cable in comparison?


I bought a starter pack earlier this week, and can't login and my purchase isn't listed in my account.

I opened a ticket and now play the waiting game. Sigh...


Little is the new Big
I'm in and playing, add me (alba) if you want to group up later, bought iron man starter pack before they retired it and having no issues here with my account whatsoever (thank god for that)


So I made the dumb mistake of deleting my already installed game that was patching to re-download it on Steam and I'm only halfway done. -__- I might not be playing today which could be a blessing in disguise. I have a history exam tomorrow lol.
You'll want to put much more into your basic attack. Ignore the knockback shot (the second basic attack), as it does less damage than Quick Shot, and the knockback isn't worth it if you can just stun them with your flashbang.

Also, Pistol Whip is really strong, so you might want to invest some points in that as well. And for the force field you should be good for the next few levels, maybe even until 25 or so - I only have it at like 4 or 5 and am at 22 I think.
You can ignore the turret after you put in one point - it's mostly there to tank enemies for you, and it doesn't cost that much. It doesn't do much damage anyway, so there's little point in leveling it. :)

Energy Barrage is okay, but once you get to Level 20, you'll get the charge shot, which is one of your best moves.


Annnnnd I'm in.

Right now i have daredevil, scarlet witch, and Ms. marvel unlocked, which is a great mix of styles. Getting some lunch now, but i'll be looking for you all when i get back.


I can still get early access? The cheapest pack is only online tomorrow?

Whatever pack you get, it gives you access from this moment. The packs will only be there until tomorrow, and proper free launch is on Tuesday for the rest. To anyone else, I'd recommend a pack if you are willing to spend money on this game. The individual prices on the store are not that friendly, and a pack is the best value right now.

I got Thing as my reward for beating Doom. Together with Hawkguy and Scarlet I got the 3 starter heroes I wanted. Not that I would've scoffed at Storm or DD anyway, but that's some luck =D
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