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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Hopefully they will realize people spend more when the prices are lower.

prices arent actually lower tho, but I know what you mean :)

Bought Scarlet Witch, Daredevil, Black Widow, and Cyclops.

Got Ms Marvel, Colossus, and two dupes. Not too unhappy, I'll take the free $18.00.

Probably stop for now, though part of me wants to jump back in one more time...

I know! I still have Gs left and feel like buying a couple more lol. Im at 15 heroes now tho so odds on dupes are starting to be big. I also got 175 splinters (actually more now) but I think I wont get a random box anymore, time to start saving for specifics now i think

edit: ok got Cable and got a Hawkeye dupe so im done, gonna save the rest for Nova when he comes out I think, and I need to save some heroes for splinters also or I will have nothing to buy with them (except ultimate tokens). All in all, 2 dupes out of 5 (out of 7 if you include the 2 random boxes from splinters) is pretty good I think, so ill stop playing with the RNG gods now.


Bought Punisher and got dupe Iron-Man :<

Anyway, Frank is a blast to play so far. Great sound effect and really satisfying gameplay. From all the other heroes I have I think that he gave me most fun on lower levels.
edit: ok got Cable and got a Hawkeye dupe so im done, gonna save the rest for Nova when he comes out I think, and I need to save some heroes for splinters also or I will have nothing to buy with them (except ultimate tokens). All in all, 2 dupes out of 5 (out of 7 if you include the 2 random boxes from splinters) is pretty good I think, so ill stop playing with the RNG gods now.

Yea, I broke too and got Loki. Got a Hulk out of the box, who I didn't have, so that worked out pretty well.

Definitely done now though.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Bought Thing, got Rocket Raccoon. Bought Jean, got Emma (and actually lol'ed). Pretty sure I'm done with random now at 13 characters. No dupes. Would like to participate in costumes but there are so few I like I'm pretty sure Im more likely to get burned than come out ahead. Eh...... Still I guess... A costume I want for maybe something I like... Will give it a day or so of thought.

For what it's worth I've only actually gotten one character with splinters (deadpool). The other two chars were dupes after I purchased them.


Wow, the random gods screwed me over today. I had 13 heroes after getting Storm and Thing, so less than half of the characters, both were dupes with Ms Marvel and Hawkeye.


My haul:


Cyclops Marvel NOW -> Emma Frost New X-Men (there is soo much skin in this costume)
Storm 90s X-Men -> Sherrif Deadpool
3 Costume Craft -> Sherrif Deadpool -_-
Captain America Original -> Spiderman Future Foundation
Thing Fantastic Pants -> Spiderman Big Time
3 Costume Craft -> Captain America The First Avenger

Gambit -> HT Dupe
Hawkeye -> Thor Dupe

Fairly happy with that aside from the hero dupes. Wanted Gambit and Hawkeye review is coming up soon. I think the game wants me to play Spidey. Pretty tempted to drop some more Gs on him.
The BOGO gods have not been kind to me. I had one good get, Cable's Techno-Organic costume. Everything else has been crap.

I'm beginning to realize I may have very bad luck with drops and most RNG things in this game.
Wow! I bought Black Widow Thunderbolts Costume and I got the Thing: Fear Itself Costume.

Wow, the exact costume I'm going to be buying, and the exact costume I'm hoping to get as a bonus.

Bought Scarlet Witch and got a Thing for free. Didn't have either so I am happy. Still thinking about buying Hulk or Spidey (leaning towards Spidey as I have Colossus at 43 and just got that Thing).
Domino? Huh.

Edit: I'm really hoping she's not gonna be an Advance Pack character. I like Domino, don't get me wrong, but I don't want the pack to be 50% X-men and 50% rest.

Right now, 4 out of the 12 characters are confirmed to be X-Men (Psylocke, Juggernaut, Magneto and Nightcrawler), and it's very likely Rogue is also going to be part of it, bumping them up to 5. If Domino is also in the pack, that's 6 out of 12 characters.


Unconfirmed Member
I DO hope Domino is part of the advance pack. Screw Rogue, there are enough bruisers in this game. Domino is cool.


Nice teasers. Hopefuly those runewords will be as awesome as those in LoD but I'm not so sure they can go as crazy as in Diablo 2. We'll see but IMHO they have massive expectations to meet. No sure if they can handle it...


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
WTF. I just bought Storm, first money I ever put in this game. And for my bonus hero I got Storm. So mad right now. Done with this stupid game, enjoy my $5.


Unconfirmed Member
You know what the word random means, right? Also you know it's basically a free bonus, right?
I bought Colossus' cheap shirtless outfit and got this for Ironman...


...His Mark II outfit. I love this outfit and I think its his best one (slightly ahead of the yellow and black one). Some people might think its not flashy enough, but I love its "Knight in shining armor" vibe. Im sure I will prestige Ironman at least once now :)
Then I bought Emmas white lingerie outfit (with the cape). It looks great from the front but as with most cape outfits, too much is obscured when the character has their back to the screen. Its ok but nowhere near as good as her x-men/booby outfit. I then got a Thing costume as my freebie :/
Finally, I bought Wolvies cheap mask-less x-men outfit and got the Spectacular Spiderman outfit for free. Spidey is one one my least favorite characters, but the outfit looks ok (dark blue and red with silver wrist guard thingies), so I'll probably hang onto it.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I really wish you could sort out your roster by level, now that I have a bunch of lvl 1s its quite annoying :(


I think the best Iron Man outfit is his Mk III (from the first movie) the rest just seem to have the wrong colors. It's funny because I own about 4 other costumes which are much more expensive but I still like it more. Shotgun is the most disappointing by far. The hues and materials are all wrong.

Mk II is pretty good too so grats on that one. Also, Hoya, I always read your posts about revealing outfits and look at your avatar and I always crack up. You sure love the female figure, don't you? Hehe

That's what I'm wondering. Perhaps they're like the Diablo runes.

I hope they get their own equip slot at least. My bag and stash room (8 frigging pages + hero specific ones) is pretty full as it is.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
You know what the word random means, right? Also you know it's basically a free bonus, right?
Nowhere in the ads for the promo did it say you could get the same hero you bought. I'm like 30 of the eternity things away from just getting Storm that way, if I would have known I wasn't guaranteed to get 2 heroes I would have just waited. Total waste of money and hardly free. I feel like I was shammed into spending money on a hero I would have just gotten in a few hours anyways.


Nowhere in the ads for the promo did it say you could get the same hero you bought. I'm like 30 of the eternity things away from just getting Storm that way, if I would have known I wasn't guaranteed to get 2 heroes I would have just waited. Total waste of money and hardly free. I feel like I was shammed into spending money on a hero I would have just gotten in a few hours anyways.
If you had bothered to read the FAQ on the promotion page you would have read clear as day that you can get a hero you already have. I bought two heroes, and I got duplicates of heroes I already had from both of them, but I wasn't mad about it because that is always a danger when approaching something that is random. Also, how were you "shammed" into buying a hero?


Unconfirmed Member
Nowhere in the ads for the promo did it say you could get the same hero you bought. I'm like 30 of the eternity things away from just getting Storm that way, if I would have known I wasn't guaranteed to get 2 heroes I would have just waited. Total waste of money and hardly free. I feel like I was shammed into spending money on a hero I would have just gotten in a few hours anyways.


This is on you. Sorry.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
If you had bothered to read the FAQ on the promotion page you would have read clear as day that you can get a hero you already have. I bought two heroes, and I got duplicates of heroes I already had from both of them, but I wasn't mad about it because that is always a danger when approaching something that is random. Also, how were you "shammed" into buying a hero?

There was no FAQ when I logged into the game and was presented with the offer. Sorry I didn't realize I had to log out, go to their website and check the FAQ to make sure the deal was actually two for one as advertised. Had I known I could potentially get the same hero I just paid for as my random hero I would have just waited and used eternity shards. Is it really so hard to understand my point of view on this?


You're right, it says "two for one", but right after that it explains that you will get a free random hero. Nowhere does it say "random excluding heroes you own". You made an assumption that that it excluded heroes you own. I'm sorry that you got kicked in the ass by the random gods (so did I, twice), but that doesn't mean the developer tried to mislead you on the promotion. Also, it's not like you get nothing for it. The extra Storm token can be used to upgrade her ultimate ability when you unlock it. Sure, that isn't as good as another hero, but it is better than being left with something that you can do absolutely nothing with.
Your position just seems to be more salt than the Dead Sea. And you want to place malicious intent on what is simply a bad roll in an RNG simulation. Guess what? I got Hawkeye and Hawkeye trying to work the system too. It sucks, but no one is trying to steal your goat here, guy.

Take a step back and bring some positivity in. At least you didn't get double Hawkeyes, Daredevils, or Things. Hakuna matata.


To be honest Gaz is making shitty decisions with such promos. Would it be so hard to turn off that possibility of receiving a dupe during such a sale? Isn't that a point of promotion to make people feel good about game and at the same time encourage them to spend more money? They really need to learn some basic stuff regarding things like that... I know that it's the last time I bought anything in such promo (also got dupe :p). In general, I really hate the whole scope of Gaz approach to monetization in MH. Some really shitty stuf there.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
You're right, it says "two for one", but right after that it explains that you will get a free random hero. Nowhere does it say "random excluding heroes you own". You made an assumption that that it excluded heroes you own. I'm sorry that you got kicked in the ass by the random gods (so did I, twice), but that doesn't mean the developer tried to mislead you on the promotion. Also, it's not like you get nothing for it. The extra Storm token can be used to upgrade her ultimate ability when you unlock it. Sure, that isn't as good as another hero, but it is better than being left with something that you can do absolutely nothing with.

If the promotion is "buy one get one free" and I buy one and do not get one free, how is this not misleading? How is the onus on me to see the word "random" and not assume that the game won't give me a duplicate hero? I've been playing this game for like a week.

On top of that I can't even trade the token! It's currently taking up one of my precious few inventory spaces now until I unlock some ability later. Sorry to be ranting about this here but this seems like the shadiest crap I've seen in a free to play game.


Unconfirmed Member
Really? I don't know, I've played some f2p games and I think MH is by far one of the best ones in terms of monetization. The only thing that's clearly exploitative is the fortune cards, especially a separate currency for each one, but it's just costumes. There's no gameplay content locked behind a paywall. You're not constantly getting shit shoved in your face encouraging you to spend money, like in Marvel Puzzle Quest. There's no 'recharge', like whoops you played this hero for 10 hours this week, gotta cough up some dough. All the content in the game is accessible, all heroes are unlockable through play.

LiQuid got a bad draw. Random is random, the clue's in the meaning of the word. If that makes you hate the game and the developers, so be it. They didn't force you to spend that money. And you didn't get nothing for your money, just the freebie that you were getting was disappointing. Tough. It's $5, man. There's nothing shady going on here. They call it random for a reason and the FAQ goes out of its way to say yes, you could get burned.


To be honest Gaz is making shitty decisions with such promos. Would it be so hard to turn off that possibility of receiving a dupe during such a sale? Isn't that a point of promotion to make people feel good about game and at the same time encourage them to spend more money? They really need to learn some basic stuff regarding things like that... I know that it's the last time I bought anything in such promo (also got dupe :p). In general, I really hate the whole scope of Gaz approach to monetization in MH. Some really shitty stuf there.

The thing is, if they did that, people could simply get all the cheaper heroes and get all the higher priced ones for free until they filled their roster, paying minimum value for it. I think that the roster and the costume pool is not high enough yet to be doing this stuff (properly) because they can't guarantee you don't get repeated content, so they simply won't and likely burn the people who already own a large chunk of it. That said I don't have a big issue with this promo. It's great for new people, but that small chance of getting a repeat still sucks. Maybe make it a higher chance for people with less than half the roster or something. Show you care a bit.

A game like League of Legends can do it, for example, and it's pretty obvious they are taking their cues from there. People still feel burned when they get a crappy costume or something, but at least it is always guaranteed they will receive something they don't yet own. People seem to be forgetting all this, but since before launch the "random hero box" was Gaz's first idea of how to get new heroes, and the player-base gave them shit for it with good reason. They are showing they really haven't abandoned that mentality, which makes me wary of the ways they will overstep the line if people let them, which many will gladly do. FCs exclusive heroes anyone?

Random is random, the clue's in the meaning of the word.

Random isn't really random, especially in videogames. Random in vgs is always weighted, and I do think that if you have a promo like this, there shouldn't even be a chance for someone with, say, 5 heroes or less, to ever get a repeat. That is just mean/unfair design. You are trying to attract new players/customers, not shit on them.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Done ranting about it so I'll just say Storm seems great and probably worth the five bucks even if I got shafted by the bogus promo.

I sent the devs a pissy email about it knowing nothing will come of it, but I figure if I'm a customer that likes their game and who wants to support it they should care about my opinion and know that I'm not happy with how they worded the promo and am not thrilled about the prospect of spending more money on it. This, to me, seems like the exact opposite of the effect a buy one get one free promotion should have for a game like this.
I think the best Iron Man outfit is his Mk III (from the first movie) the rest just seem to have the wrong colors. It's funny because I own about 4 other costumes which are much more expensive but I still like it more. Shotgun is the most disappointing by far. The hues and materials are all wrong.

Mk II is pretty good too so grats on that one. Also, Hoya, I always read your posts about revealing outfits and look at your avatar and I always crack up. You sure love the female figure, don't you? Hehe

Im not a comic book reader, so Im not sure what Ironmans Shotgun armor is meant to look like. In MH though, it does look.. not that great. To me, it looks like a Starwars outfit (which is still cool, but not Ironman enough). Mark II>Hulkbuster>>>Black and yellow armor, IMO.
Secondly, yes I do love the female figure and I hate to see opportunities wasted in video games, where the women can potentially look super hot :)


The random box pisses another off. I feel your pain. Instead of just 1 storm imagine getting 4 from random boxes, all in a row!


So I pulled an Eidolon Warwear in x-defense yesterday. Not sure who to give it too... it seems to be ranged focused so my choices are:

Scarlet Witch
Emma Frost
Loki (haven't played him yet, but he's got some range, right?)
Rocket Raccoon
Squirrel Girl
Deadpool/Spiderman/Thor (I don't actually play any of these guys as ranged, or atleast, pure ranged but they're options I guess).

Loki, Rocket, and squirrel girl I'll probably build more summoner than ranged. I hear Emma's slot 2 is actually good for her. Scarlet Witch's isn't bad, but I could always go with an energy core (to cap it) on my costume instead. The only thing I'd really miss is the +1 to all skills.

Hawkeye and Ironman are the two I'm leaning most toward. I'd love to get away from a "wave of arrows" build into something else, and Ironman's slot 2 doesn't appeal to me (sick of coolant blast build), on the other hand, he's level 55 and doesn't have ANY of his uniques -_-


Random isn't really random, especially in videogames. Random in vgs is always weighted

Not sure what you mean by this... can you explain?

Im not a comic book reader, so Im not sure what Ironmans Shotgun armor is meant to look like. In MH though, it does look.. not that great. To me, it looks like a Starwars outfit (which is still cool, but not Ironman enough). Mark II>Hulkbuster>>>Black and yellow armor, IMO.
Secondly, yes I do love the female figure and I hate to see opportunities wasted in video games, where the women can potentially look super hot :)

I'm with you Hoya, I like female characters and always wish there were more of them. So I'm totally down with Domino.

More skin is good too!


Yeah, figured I was annoying enough with my hatred for random boxes. That's pretty much why. It doesn't help that I'm not a fan of Storm in the slightest.


Yeah, figured I was annoying enough with my hatred for random boxes. That's pretty much why. It doesn't help that I'm not a fan of Storm in the slightest.

Holy cow, jeez what are the chances of that! There's about 30 heroes now, so I guess that's 1 in 120 chance for that to happen.

I feel for you, I hate the random boxes too haha.


Unconfirmed Member
Random isn't really random, especially in videogames. Random in vgs is always weighted,

Someone asked on the forums if there was weighting, and Doomsaw or Ryolnir clearly said "no, there is no weighting."

Also, FC-exclusive heroes? Never. That's too cynical, I don't know why you'd get the impression they'd go down that road.


Not sure what you mean by this... can you explain?

True random is unpredictable so in videogame design it is rarely used, for things like loot and stuff like that at least. It is usually an algorithm that resembles randomness, but it is not quite that, and it is done to preserve some sort of predictability for them. the reason greens drop more than costumes, and why you get more items for your current hero than for others, etc.
I shouldn't really be talking about the boxes in particular, mind you, those might still be true random and I don't think there is any way we could prove it is or it is not (so we'd have to believe them if they claim it isn't weighted) but in general, randomness is at least clearly pondered, so there is no reason it should be the way it is now, i.e. kinda unfriendly for new/low hero count people.

You may already know all of this, so I apologize. I just dislike the "random is random" phrase in general when it comes to vgs, but it wasn't probably the best response to the issue at hand. Obviously the boxes are a much simpler affair, so my complaint is that they decided not to weigh the probability to be more user friendly, because it would work in favor of the players if they so wish (that is why I suggested a "non-repeat" chance for people with small rosters). They might consider that unfair -I wouldn't- so it is what it is and in the end, I really don't think it is that big of a deal, but I don't really participate in the whole random box thing.

Holy cow, jeez what are the chances of that! There's about 30 heroes now, so I guess that's 1 in 120 chance for that to happen.

I feel for you, I hate the random boxes too haha.

Actually, for him to get the same character 4 times in a row out of a pool of 30, it should be way more than that. Calculating the probability for multiple random independent events is multiplicative if my high-school math doesn't fail me: "1/30 x 1/30 x 1/30 x 1/30"

Someone asked on the forums if there was weighting, and Doomsaw or Ryolnir clearly said "no, there is no weighting."

Also, FC-exclusive heroes? Never. That's too cynical, I don't know why you'd get the impression they'd go down that road.

Frankly, because I'm cynical as fuck, as you can clearly tell by reading all my posts :p I just expect game developers in general to try and fuck people over, and decide it is better to be gladly surprised when they don't. Where did I get that impression you ask? two things: 1. fortune cards themselves and them thinking there is nothing wrong with them, how they keep pushing them and adding ways to what I consider is screw people over, like the different currencies for each. They also said they would never sell chase costumes, and they did and they changed the costume drop chance to be much lower after the fact, and 2. that they already do that over at their other game SHSO, so why wouldn't they do it here when they are slowly but surely filling this game with those same systems. There's at least precedent for them doing it, so I haven't ruled it out tbh. and going by the success these things have, why would they?


I shouldn't really be talking about the boxes in particular, mind you, those might still be true random and I don't think there is any way we could prove it is or it is not (so we'd have to believe them if they claim it isn't weighted) but in general, randomness is at least clearly pondered, so there is no reason it should be the way it is now, i.e. kinda unfriendly for new/low hero count people.

Ah, well I think we were strictly talking about the random hero boxes. I'm pretty sure that's an even random chance.

Actually, for him to get the same character 4 times in a row out of a pool of 30, it should be way more than that. Calculating the probability for multiple random independent events is multiplicative if my high-school math doesn't fail me: "1/30 x 1/30 x 1/30 x 1/30"

Hmm well I'm not great at math, but to get the same hero four times in a row, wouldn't that be 30 x 4 = 120?

That's less than 1% which is crazy (sorry again Xevren).


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
friend is going mental with buying heroes, clearly he wasnt too bummed from not getting the 2 extra boxes. He got Rocket and Spiderman, and got Ghost Rider from the random. Dat luck


Hmm well I'm not great at math, but to get the same hero four times in a row, wouldn't that be 30 x 4 = 120?

That's less than 1% which is crazy (sorry again Xevren).

Edit: Nevermind, I still think I'm right, but yes, someone with better knowledge should probably shed some light into it. As I understand it, that chance is actually 0.0001%
Edit: Nevermind, I still think I'm right, but yes, someone with better knowledge should probably shed some light into it. As I understand it, that chance is actually 0.0001%

You're right, but the chances are even lower than that. Something like 0.000001%. That's like somewhere between the drop chance of a unique and a costume so grats Xevren :p
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