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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
ummm.. wow.. conrgats. closest I got was H Deadpool in about 3-4 deaths I think. (well not counting God Modes)


Unconfirmed Member
Loki is really hard on some heroes, not so much on others. Just did him on SH with Iron Man without deaths (or even system reboot proccing). He sucked as Cyclops.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Loki is really hard on some heroes, not so much on others. Just did him on SH with Iron Man without deaths (or even system reboot proccing). He sucked as Cyclops.

yup had a ton of deaths on Cyke also. On Ms Marvel, like Colossus, I didnt die. Go tanks I guess.

Just got my first unique on Hawkeye, a bow, yay


With Thor, Loki and Iron Man he was super easy too. I can see more of the single target oriented or near-zero mobility heroes having trouble, or being more tedious having to dispatch of his illusions one by one.

After killing him a few times I don't even get what the purpose of the bubble and the red ring are. I know it reflects projectiles from the outside, but standing inside doesn't seem to do anything, and when the "Take Cover" message comes on screen you just sit there until it's gone without much input on what could go wrong or anything. It also seems to highlight a portion of the red ring... because? I don't understand that portion of the fight. The extra enemies are whatever.


I always get bugged to hell when I start the 2nd fight. I literally can't move except for movement powers so it bones me pretty hard at times.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
its still a horrible fight.

Anyway, Hawkeye feels so...weird. Not bad, just weird. I dont know what it is about him. Taunt arrow seems good, but it should be a 1 point wonder correct?

edit: man Im fidning Hawkeye ridiculously squishy. Ive actually died twice in terminals now, what the fuck :/

Ploid 3.0

Yes just put one point in it. Use it to gather enemies for the explosive arrow goodness (require a good amount of Worlds Best Archer to really be great. That piercing+extra explosions which don't really show well in effects or sounds since everything is pretty fast and instant, but it does in the damage).


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
anyone got any costumes in the promo? 25% isnt a deep cut, but I bet they dont usually discount the costume by a lot more anyway

Im seriously considering a few that I think are DRAMATICALLY better than the defaults, case in point Future Foundation Spidey (since Im starting him soon) and Thunderbolts Widow (which Ill play when she gets her review soon)

There are a lot of good ones but nothing I think is needed to enjoy the characters, except those 2 are lol.
will probably get thunderbolts widow as well. possibly classic loki.
I'm leveling Black Widow now (lvl 38) and am really enjoying her so I might get that costume as well, it looks the best out of the ones currently in the store. I love how varied her skill-set is, even though some of them aren't viable till the rework in Feb. So far I use:

rolling grenades
leg sweep
snap shot, the basic gun one
the charged sniper rifle, this is fun and really cool with it being silenced, does great damage to bosses
micro drones

And then there's some others which are good like Flash Grenade, the DoT basic knife slash. I'm not sure if Timed Explosives/the C4 skill are good, I just put a few points but it didn't seem good but that's another fun game mechanic. I've listed like 75% of her skills lol but you get my point, just such a fun & varied character.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
hmmm should I stop Hawkeye? Im 36 atm, just finished chapter 4 heroic. Its not there yet, but I can easily see him being another SG in the 50s (for me that is). Im deffinately not enjoying him like I did Ms Marvel, Colossus, Hulk or Emma. I should probably just shelf him for now and start on Spidey

Edit: how often do they run xp weekends? I might shelf Hawkeye until another one and just power level him when the time comes


Unconfirmed Member
I wasn't loving Hawkeye either, mine's level 32 I think. Idk I like feeling like I'm hitting stuff hard, doesn't necessarily have to be physical but Hawkeye's attacks don't do it for me.

By pure happenstance, got all of Storm's uniques today, that is the ones I was missing, so I have her full set. Too bad her full set... isn't great. Sucky boots, none of her uniques have spirit on them (wth even, she's so spirit hungry! Even has a passive that increases spirit, so that's just weird.) The only really good one is her slot 5, slot 1 is alright too, and the slot 3 is passable. Like, they're all fine in a vacuum, but if you equip her full set of uniques you're going to be very spirit-poor and low on HP, another stat she needs more of. By contrast, Colossus gets pretty much everything he needs in spades from his uniques.

Also have another 300 Odin marks. Not sure who to get a unique for, or what. Storm has Casket, SW the Warlock's Eye and Carol Gungnir. It's between Iron Man, Colossus or Cap I think. Leaning towards Iron Man.

Check out this hot piece of garbage I got today: oh whoops, Steam screenshot fail. It's a Random's Protoplasm, new artifact, with incredibly low stats. +2 Health, lol.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Noray we can't see what the hot garbage is :(

Also you nailed on Hawkeye, those are my feelings on him atm. His squishiness and spirit problems don't help. Nor the fact that the only spell I haven't used yet that I want is the healing arrow, which is mostly a group thing. Hell I bet I would have more fun just doing legendaries in midtown healing random people and aoeing shit. But healing arrow is 47 and I'm 36 :/

Edit: what I SHOULD do is pop a xp pot and just do legendaries in midtown / terminals and ignore the story. I could go back later an get those points and shit. I know you guys have said this is the best way, but my damn OCD keeps bugging me about the story.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
doomsaw said this in regards to a thread about legendary changes
We're working on the tech for this. It has to be created since we've never done it before, but it should be ready for testing within a week.

Will rank and bonuses be reset by this method? If possible for it to not be would you guys allow it?

Well yes, if you exchange your Legendary for another one, the new one will be fresh.
Is it still a one time deal, due to the rebalancing? Not a permanent vendor.

It will be until end of February or until we do the item and attribute rebalancing pass, which I think is the most fair. (get on that!)


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I still haven't bought a legendary, and I can almost afford 2 now. The fact that as soon as I get to 60 I start a new hero doesn't help


Why do the lunar festival rewards all have 8s in them??

It's a Chinese thing. The number 8 sounds like get rich(prosperity) in Chinese so 8 is a lucky number. 4 is unlucky because it sounds like death, so Chinese people really like to avoid anything with the number 4.

Ploid 3.0

I prestiged Scarlet Witch and got a legendary for her, I also have enough for another, but I think I'll just bless the rest of her artifacts since I can just transfer the blessings to any other artifact for pennies.

Scarlet Witch is so fun to level for me. Her Bewildering Hex is so broken also. The next round I may try her Chaotic hex over Hex bolt.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
It's a Chinese thing. The number 8 sounds like get rich(prosperity) in Chinese so 8 is a lucky number. 4 is unlucky because it sounds like death, so Chinese people really like to avoid anything with the number 4.

Wonder if they will change Mandarin's medallion during the event like they did with pyro's. The pyro one is actually really good now


Unconfirmed Member
Honestly the only reason I don't prestige more often is because I just don't have the stash space to keep all their gear until I can use it again. I would totally do it otherwise. Only prestiged Carol once.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
How many 60s do we have? Go! (Only 60s, no almosts)

5 (Cyke, Emma, Squirrel Girl, Colossus and Ms.Marvel)


Unconfirmed Member
Spider-Man, Black Widow, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Ms Marvel, Iron Man, Colossus, Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Punisher, Scarlet Witch, Storm.

Yeah, kinda play this a lot. Just playing MH and Spelunky these days.


4 Captain America, Thor, Loki, Iron Man.

That is what happens when you do T4 terminals over and over hoping for a costume drop that will never come =(


I have 20 in the 30s ;P

I just drop them after finishing normal waiting for their reviews. Like I said, when I'm on I basically run terminals until I'm bored. I also like to take my time with the story and do all the missions for every difficulty, I'm weird like that.


Unconfirmed Member
I have 20 in the 30s ;P

I just drop them after finishing normal waiting for their reviews. Like I said, when I'm on I basically run terminals until I'm bored. I also like to take my time with the story and do all the missions for every difficulty, I'm weird like that.

I am the total opposite. Sometimes I go straight to Midtown just to level up as quickly as possible until I get to 20 and then it's straight legendary quests to 60, then I go mop up on power point missions by waypoint scumming.

But dude, give it up on the costume already. If there's one you really want, just buy it. You'll feel so liberated!


15 --

Black Widow
Ghost Rider
Human Torch
Iron Man
Luke Cage
Ms. Marvel
Scarlet Witch


But dude, give it up on the costume already. If there's one you really want, just buy it. You'll feel so liberated!

lol I was just about to post this. Take advantage of the current sale.

I've bought plenty of costumes: Thor, Hawkeye and Storm's chase costume, Planet Hulk, Captain Marvel, Marvel Now Cyclops, Marvel Now Thor, Classic Thor, Starboost Iron Man, MK III Iron Man, Scarlet's The Crossing, Wolverine Ronin, and Squirrel Girl Aviator could count since I bought the pack only because it included the costume. At full price too. And I've posted about the several costumes I've crafted for Captain America, Spidey, Thing, Black Panther, Jean, Daredevil, etc.

It's the principle of it. I did get kind of ridiculously upset at not getting a single costume drop in all this time, but I also enjoy running terminals.


How many 60s do we have? Go! (Only 60s, no almosts)

5 (Cyke, Emma, Squirrel Girl, Colossus and Ms.Marvel)

6 here. But 7 if you count prestiged that hasn't reach 60 again yet.
Colossus, Daredevil, Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel, Storm, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch.
60 Thing (first hero to 60, I think he gets a bad rap with the complaints that he's boring. His Ground Smash aoe is one of the best aoe's in the game. He's surprisingly mobile. I don't like casting clobberin' time over and over, hopefully they address that)

60 Cyclops (this is my "MF'er", he has multiple items with SIF/RIF/credits, fun to play even though I just use 3 skills; richochet, optic devastation, optic barrage, spent most hours on cyclops)

60 Colossus (most recent 60, pretty fun, summon build with whirlwind, the casting animation of Wolverine summon is really clunky and slow, it really bothers me and sometimes I don't wanna play him because of it)

47 Black Widow (leveling now, very fun and varied)

39 Rocket Raccoon (stopped playing him because of spirit problems and just not that fun, I guess I'm not a fan of turrets. The BFG flamethrower skilltakes a ton of spirit)

15 Hulk (was too much like Thing so I haven't played him)

10 Ghost Rider (not sure why I didn't play him)

Ploid 3.0

Emma Frost
Scarlet Witch
Rocket Raccoon
Iron Man

Had to stop Hawkeye (53) because time for the exp bonus was running out and I wanted to get some of the lower levels up to 25 and some that was close to 50 to 50 for the synergies. Figured Hawkeye would be easy peasy to get to 60 after. Will clean him up after I get Scarlet Witch back to 60, I failed so hard on crafting the costume which is why I prestiged SW, got a Ghost Rider default costume.


Crafted another costume and got:


Fuck yes. That's my favorite Cable costume of the bunch (with techno organic a close second). GG.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I don't understand how you guys get so many costumes to be able to craft new ones


How do you guys get so many costumes? I haven't had one drop yet.

Seriously. I am having trouble getting freaking splinters. I never even came close to getting a costume. Much less three. lol I guess I am just not a dedicated player really.


For you guys asking. I've used up almost all of my basic costumes (that's also why I buy alternates for almost everyone :p)

If you have 21 characters, that's 7 costumes you can craft right there. I've also had a few repeats from Mk I fortune card costumes.
It's the principle of it. I did get kind of ridiculously upset at not getting a single costume drop in all this time, but I also enjoy running terminals.

Yeah, I kinda feel the same way. The hope of getting a costume drop, makes loot-chasing a lot more exciting.
In the hundreds and hundreds of hours Ive played since Midtown and the Splinter system was introduced, Ive only had ONE costume drop (from a Midtown boss). But still, that one drop has given me enough hope to find another.
Finding a costume, feels like an achievement (even though I know its %100 luck).


How do you guys get so many costumes? I haven't had one drop yet.

I think I've only crafted costumes about 6 or 7 times. Only kept 3 of them that I liked - Daredevil's Shadowland, Thing's Future Foundation (okay, I don't particularly like this one, but I like having Thing fully clothed) and Hawkeye's Avengers Movie.

I never found any costumes, not even from fortune cards.

2 of the costumes were from promotions. In the first few months of launch they gave Iron man's heartbreaker costume for free (even if you didn't have iron man). Then there was the Hulk holiday costume for free.

I also bought SW's hero pack for like 6 bucks during a sale, that gave a free default costume since I already owned her.

The rest? Every time you prestige a hero you get a free default costume. I prestiged... 4 times I think, so that's four. Also, I threw in costumes for heroes that I didn't play on playing, so I got 4 or so from that. And basically, every time I get a costume I don't like, I throw it back into the blender, so you only need 2 more costumes at that point.

Ploid 3.0

After seeing the answer on how so many costumes were obtained I went ahead and sacrificed some of my character's costumes to see what I could get.

First before this I used:
Santa Hulk + Scarlet normal (went prestige) + Spider Man's Ends of the Earth = Normal Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider + Rocket Raccoon (plan to prestige) + Wolverine = Cable X-Force

Luke Cage + Hawkeye + Cable Normal = Thing normal :(

Thing Normal + Black Widow + Colossus = Scarlet Witch Heroes Reborn


Stopping there. I'm happy with it, and I doubt I'd need those other character's costumes. They can provide some good space for stats but the game is easy so far and I'd just use them for synergy. If I like them I can always prestige and get a new costume.
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