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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble


I forgot to say. You now get yet another starter hero as a reward for killing Doom, so free players will have 3 of them in the end (or at least that is how I understood it). I don't know why I didn't put that in the patch notes, but I'll put it there and in the FAQ too.


I bought the Punisher pack today, so I guess I am going to start playing on the 2nd?

Seems pretty neat. Username there is the same as here.

This guys reasoning is dumb. He says the founder packs are bullshit because you get to play before everyone else and he wants to be an equal level with everyone starting out.

But, you're never going to be on an equal level with everyone. Some people have jobs and school while others don't.

Deadpool has a dodge and roll so being surrounded doesn't bother me.

Also, he never mentioned that all the damage related stuff is in beta and subject to change.


The GB crew seems to be liking this game. Apparently Jeff has been playing it and showed it off on last week's Unprofessional Fridays and made it look good. At least good enough for Ryan want to try it out as well.


Kripp plays 8+ hours a day. He can out-level anyone he wants even with a week of headstart. Heck, he died several times in PoE when he was level 80ish and still outleveled a lot of people a week later.

I don't think he'd find any challenge in this game either way. He abandoned Guild Wars 2 super fast.

Hung Wei Lo

I'm having a good time with this so far, so I'll be playing this - add me to the list for the Guild!

I just noticed that I have 4000g (in game currency, I guess?) Is that just to try out other characters, or if I use it up and buy someone, it'll carry over?

Username is deeeezed- can't believe someone is impersonating me :(


I'm having a good time with this so far, so I'll be playing this - add me to the list for the Guild!

I just noticed that I have 4000g (in game currency, I guess?) Is that just to try out other characters, or if I use it up and buy someone, it'll carry over?

Username is deeeezed- can't believe someone is impersonating me :(

Thats just beta test money. Sadly you don't get to keep it, and nothing will carry over, since your still in beta test and they're going to wipe everything on the 27th. But certainly use it to try out whoever you want so you have a better idea of how the characters play when the game comes out.

Lord Phol


Kripp the no-life number one exploiter who's been banned from more games in a year than I have in my whole life. I can see why he wouldn't enjoy this game (and others) but I just can't stand the guy and his following.

It's so close to launch and they haven't announced pricing yet. Kinda weird. I expect them to soon and not to save it for launch.

They announced on the forums that it would be today I believe. It's gonna be, interesting..


Kripp the no-life number one exploiter who's been banned from more games in a year than I have in my whole life. I can see why he wouldn't enjoy this game (and others) but I just can't stand the guy and his following.

They announced on the forums that it would be today I believe. It's gonna be, interesting..
Still don't understand why so many people love Kripp.

The guy is a joke. Then again, look at the following of people like that pewdiepie joker.


The GB crew seems to be liking this game. Apparently Jeff has been playing it and showed it off on last week's Unprofessional Fridays and made it look good. At least good enough for Ryan want to try it out as well.

I usually don't agree with them but I'm honestly enjoying the hell out of it. It's not super deep but it's fun and you get to be Iron Man, Hulk, Spiderman, etc and not some made up character.

I really do like it. Also I for the fun of it made a beta guild with the price cut on those today. Sadly it gets wiped in 3 days for early access but I kept it simple. It is NeoGAF. lol

Also I noticed hero prices came down in this new patch. That's a good sign. Iron Man's tracking is still somewhat broken though.
I dunno why Krip harped on the 7 day head start so much like it was this big p2w thing. It's a pretty common practice, happens in lots of mmos/online games.
Has it gotten any more "open" since early beta? Last time I played it was like 3 hallways and a boss, unlike Diablo 2's open zones.


I can't wait until Tuesday. I'm holding off on the beta since it wipes so soon. After just seeing Iron Man 3 I can't wait to try him out even though I hear he is weak right now.


I can't wait until Tuesday. I'm holding off on the beta since it wipes so soon. After just seeing Iron Man 3 I can't wait to try him out even though I hear he is weak right now.

He's improved with newest patch. Still has the tracking issues but he no longer hits like a limp noodle. Now he hits like a little league ball bat. So it's improving.


So, I downloaded the game via the link in the OP, but I can't log in to the game. It's saying it can't reach the authentication servers. Am I not supposed to be playing the game since it's not out yet?


tagged by Blackace
So, I downloaded the game via the link in the OP, but I can't log in to the game. It's saying it can't reach the authentication servers. Am I not supposed to be playing the game since it's not out yet?
It comes out June 4th. Otherwise you need a beta key to play ATM.


Unless it improved drastically from my last beta testing play I'll pass. Redundant, restricted, and way too lifeless to the world, characters and combat for me.


I'll try to see if it is better and out of love for Marvel comics, but my experience wasn't good

By the way, will there be a character wipe before the launch?


So, I downloaded the game via the link in the OP, but I can't log in to the game. It's saying it can't reach the authentication servers. Am I not supposed to be playing the game since it's not out yet?

Unless you purcased a character pack, youll have to wait for the 4th.


Any idea what individual characters will cost post launch?

They haven't announced the cost-ratio for their currency(G) yet. In the beta store, the characters range from 600-2000 G each, the costumes are in a similar range as well. People are speculating somewhere between 100-200G per dollar(US) based on other f2p games, but nothing official yet.

Edit: Official Pricing Looks like the base cost will be 1usd=100G but some slight discounts for buying bulk. Disappointing if they keep some heroes at 2000G, dunno if they are worth $20 each...


Well they just announced the G to cash ratio. it came out to be what we all thought it would be. Not too shabby I think.


Marvel Heroes was built from the ground up to be a free to play game. Beginning with your choice of five Starter Heroes, you can play the entire game for free, getting almost everything in the game as a loot drop from enemies and bosses.

We launched the Founders Program to allow you to get a great discount on heroes and costumes for the game at launch, but if you'd prefer to buy items when you wish, you probably want to know exactly what your real world money will buy you in-game.

We've been carefully monitoring our Closed Beta and listening to feedback about our in-game store, and now we're ready to announce what an in-game 'G' is worth in real world money.

Gs are the in-game currency that is used to purchase items in the Marvel Heroes in-game store, including heroes, costumes, items and more. Gs must be bought and they cannot be acquired in-game. If you have become part of the Founders Program, when we refer to 'in-game currency' or 'bonus currency' we're talking about Gs - and as a reminder, any Gs you may have been granted during Closed Beta for testing purposes will be removed from your account before Early Game Access begins.

When Early Game Access does begin, you will be able to purchase Gs, with discounts available when more Gs are purchased at once. Here are the prices, broken down into US dollars, Euros and British pounds sterling.

500 Gs $4.99 € 3.99 £3.49
1,000 Gs $9.99 €7.99 £6.99
2,100 Gs $19.99 €15.99 £13.99
5,500 Gs $49.99 €39.99 £33.99
11,500 Gs $99.99 € 79.99 £67.99

For Founders Packs, your included (and bonus) currency converts to Gs at a standard, fixed rate as follows:

$1 = 100 G
€1 = 130 G
£1 = 154 G
Our conversion rate across currencies may change in the future based upon currency fluctuations, local taxes and other factors.

If you're looking to get a great deal on heroes and costumes in Marvel Heroes, the Founders Program is still available until June 3rd; get your team ready for launch!

They haven't announced the cost-ratio for their currency(G) yet. In the beta store, the characters range from 600-2000 G each, the costumes are in a similar range as well. People are speculating somewhere between 100-200G per dollar(US) based on other f2p games, but nothing official yet.

Based off what was just announced here. It's looking like since they reduced prices the highest priced heroes are going to be about 1200G to 1600G juding by the prices in the beta at this point. So that means heroes are going to be very between 6 to 20 bucks. Very fair I think.
Well they just announced the G to cash ratio. it came out to be what we all thought it would be. Not too shabby I think.


Based off what was just announced here. It's looking like since they reduced prices the highest priced heroes are going to be about 1200G to 1600G juding by the prices in the beta at this point. So that means heroes are going to be very between 6 to 20 bucks. Very fair I think.

Figured that'd be the conversion rate. Really hope they don't keep the 2000G heroes up at that price, $20 for Ironman, Deadpool and Spiderman is too damn much. Seeing as these 3 characters also have the most costumes available, you'd think they'd make them more affordable so that more people buy the costumes


tagged by Blackace
Figured that'd be the conversion rate. Really hope they don't keep the 2000G heroes up at that price, $20 for Ironman, Deadpool and Spiderman is too damn much. Seeing as these 3 characters also have the most costumes available, you'd think they'd make them more affordable so that more people buy the costumes
Yup 2000 for Iron Man is way too too much. I think I might just pay $10 for Cable instead and buy Iron Man during a sale or something.

$15 is my threshold.


Anyone that has played this game for any length of time can see that it is an unfinished mess. It's disappointing too because of who was behind it and the license of course is amazing. It's just really bad.
Yup 2000 for Iron Man is way too too much. I think I might just pay $10 for Cable instead and buy Iron Man during a sale or something.

$15 is my threshold.

Reading the forums, it looks like the hero prices are still being tweaked, lets hope they reduce some of them. I bought the Xforce Premium pack so I'll have Collossus, Wolverine, Deadpool and Cable to start off with + 3000G. I'm think I'll be picking up Ms. Marvel, Jean Grey and maybe Rocket Racoon.


Yea I think the prices will be tweaked. If they aren't then vote with your wallets. If people don't buy heroes cause their overpriced then they'll drop the prices. I know I'm going to be very selective when new heroes come around that I want.


tagged by Blackace
Anyone that has played this game for any length of time can see that it is an unfinished mess. It's disappointing too because of who was behind it and the license of course is amazing. It's just really bad.
The bulk of the new features have been implemented most recently. I think it's fair to say you won't see everything at every stage of the closed beta.

As much as I want to believe they're tweaking prices, I don't understand how much they can get from watching purchasing habits from free money players are given and to the same players who have purchased different heroes every other time they've been allocated free money.

Not playing the beta at all and just waiting for release at this point. Otherwise, I think the prices are reasonable.


I do think the price is quite high for the heroes. Hopefully they change it. Only new hero Im going to buy is Emma Frost.

Lord Phol

Hmm if I counted right I should have about 8450 Gs from my pack purchase. With these prices those could be gone fairly quickly, will have to use them wisely. I do hope not all new heroes will be 2000G and that they price them fairly.

Lord Phol

Btw, someone just released an early beta of a skill calculator he's been working on. It shows skins and short youtube clips for every move, really great stuff.
It's very early though so there's plenty of bugs. You can post feedback here: Feedback Thread

You can find the calculator here: Skill Calculator


For hero prices, $15 is pushing it, $20 is too much imo. If I were a free player, and I see $20 for Iron man, then $10-$15 for the costume I want, then $3.5-$5 for at least one stash tab (which will definitely be needed because current default tab is just too small) I'd probably just play it for a while with the free characters and then move on. You now get 3 free characters too, which is cool, so you also want people looking at the costumes.

$10 is probably what I'll spend in new characters, considering I'm going to have $50 due to the pack. I want to see Nova, Gambit and Ice Man down the line. For costumes I want Marvel NOW Thor* and Captain Marvel, but I'll wait and see if there is a version without the mask.

*Sidenote: Jason Aaron/Esad Ribic are doing a fantastic job with this one. Definitely worth checking out.


No, thats only for utltimates i think. Premium get around $20-30, but i don't know for sure. check the site.

$20 packs get $10 for certain.

Nope ultimate gets more.

It's 100gs per dollar. If you're the first wave of ultimate packs you got 100 dollars in currancy which means 10,000Gs Now if you bought one just recently then it's 5,000gs you'd get.
No, thats only for utltimates i think. Premium get around $20-30, but i don't know for sure. check the site.

$20 packs get $10 for certain.

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