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Mass shooting in France

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Armed police have sealed off roads into the city centre as they try to contain the situation.

French reports say there were several shots fired near the Porte d'Arras metro station at around 9.50pm.

At least three people were injured, including a 14-year-old.

Those injured received wounds all over their bodies, reports French news site La Voix Du Nord.


What the fuck

Edit: dodgy sources. Seems to not necessarily be terror related

According to the first elements of the investigation this is looking like a settling of scores between drug traffickers, with no collateral victims.

The is obviously tragic but this title is a little bit too alarmist.
Here's an article in French about what happened:

5 shot fired. Three persons injured.

Not sure how to translate this but basically this is not a terrorist act.


Not quoting dogshit british tabloids would probably be less frightening for everyone, highly misleading title and OP.
French media just reporting a "regular" shooting related to drug trafficking, 3 lightly injured, nothing to do with terrorism.

I know three counts as mass but the way it's being reported by those two publications sound a bit sensationalist. Given the climate over there it probably is going to turn into something bigger but comes across as the news equivalent of a gamefaqs "FIRST!!!" post.


I know three counts as mass but the way it's being reported by those two publications sound a bit sensationalist. Given the climate over there it probably is going to turn into something bigger but comes across as the news equivalent of a gamefaqs "FIRST!!!" post.

Xenophobic British tabloids, this is totally their MO.
I know three counts as mass but the way it's being reported by those two publications sound a bit sensationalist. Given the climate over there it probably is going to turn into something bigger but comes across as the news equivalent of a gamefaqs "FIRST!!!" post.
Yeah the sources are shitty. My friends were talking about it and I didn't see a thread

Mods will undoubtedly fix the title
This is obviously tragic but this title is a little bit too alarmist.
Here's an article in French:

5 shots fired. 3 people injured.
Les premiers éléments de l'enquête laissent penser qu'il pourrait s'agir d'un règlement de compte avec des armes de petit calibre. La Voix du Nord précise que le SAMU a mobilisé deux équipes SMUR et que les pompiers étaient également présents en nombre.
Not sure how to translate this but basically this is not a terrorist act.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Where'd you get "mass shooting" from?

I hope it's nothing major, and the victims make a swift recovery.
Whew it's nowhere near as bad as the title made it seem

Should read better sources before I get too worried

Still bad though. Glad they're okay


Fuck I lived close to there.
wait...no one died? don't you need 4 dead to consider it mass shooting?
wait...it's a regular shooting? that's actually more normal considering the place.
Glad no one is dead!

Should probably check LaVoixDuNord just to be sure...

On second thought, goddamnit OP do your job and don't post shit like that without making sure!
Shitty move.
The is obviously tragic but this title is a little bit too alarmist.
Here's an article in French about what happened:

5 shot fired. Three persons injured.

Not sure how to translate this but basically this is not a terrorist act.
Yeah. One of the three wounded walked to the hospital.
Local press:

The next article is about a lethal quad biking accident. For all we know, that bike might have radicalized on a prison parking lot.


Seriously Thread title needs to be changed and actions need to be taken so that every single firework is not taken as a terrorist attack!

Some of us know people there (Lille is a pretty big city after all) and having to contact them late at night based on shitty info is not a prospect I look forward to.
We can do better than FoxNews type reporting.


Be responsible when creating threads such as this one. Even with dodgy sources like those, no one said "mass shooting" except you. Come on.
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