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Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)

I'm so completely done with this franchises storyline after 4...what can they possiblytell me of interest about Big Boss that I don't already know, especially considering 4's ending.

Open world is awesome though.
I thought the trailer was pretty cool, but the Ground Zeroes reveal did leave much more of an impression on me.

On a side note, i'm not feeling the same level of hype that I did for the rest of the numbered games. Not even close... This game will be great, and I'll definitely be there day 1, but MGS4 brought closure to the whole series for me. To continue with another game seems a little extra -- and this is my favorite series of all time.

Yeah for MGS3 I was super hyped and MGS4 too (even though that turned out really disappointing) but this is just kind of "Oh cool another one? yeah that's fine" sort of feeling. No idea why
Or 9 years after he was thought to have died in Metal Gear 2.

Based on the trailer I think it's possible that the game takes place in multiple time periods.

AFAIK there was never any mention of a bionic hand in Metal Gear 1 & 2 which both take place after Peace Walker.

I would have said that maybe you had something, if it weren't for the mountain of evidence found in the original Phantom Pain trailer that placed the time period in the early 80s (I believe).


thought the horseback part was funny...went from being unable to walk to being able to ride a horse without falling off and wielding a shotgun


I don't remember Miller having a messed up face, but from the beginning of the trailer he looks straight jacked. Still has his shades on though. Those things must be indestructible.
Just making sure but Big Boss didn't have a prosthetic/bionic arm in any of the later MGS did he?

During MG2 there's a radio call where you're told about an unsubstantiated rumor that Big Boss got bionic parts... after you beat him in MG1, and not before that. That, and it's almost entirely a sort of tongue-in-cheek reference to both Snatcher and the noncanonical Snake's Revenge where Big Boss was a cyborg.
I s "Phantom Pain" referring to the pain amputees feel even though thir hand, foot etc has been cut off? It's pretty common with amputees. Or does it mean something else?


Story speculation:
The bandaged burn victim who helps BB at the hospital and the man with the burned face getting on the XOF chopper are the same dude right?

"V has come to" is obviously a reference to

But who's the guy on horseback?


This is all well and good, but the number one thing on my mind right now is still...

Why is it V instead of 5?

Come on, it's Kojima, a change like that doesn't just come about on a whim.


I'm gonna call BS on the 'open world'.

I'm betting by 'open world' they mean environments a little bigger and more open than MGS3/MGS4. I don't expect a real open world game, not in the least.


So I'm starting to think the bandage guy had reconstructive surgery to look like Big Boss and they somehow changed his voice too. Or it could be the other way around. Bandage guy is Big Boss, with a flair for the dramatic (Calling Dr. Ishmael), and the other guy is the look-a-like. Don't really want to say clones, so reconstructive surgery makes the most sense.
i am not a metal gear fan but i know what metal gear should feel like

this does not feel like metal gear

the new snake is something else, that's not snake


Story speculation:
The bandaged burn victim who helps BB at the hospital and the man with the burned face getting on the XOF chopper are the same dude right?

"V has come to" is obviously a reference to

But who's the guy on horseback?

I was thinking
"Vic Boss"
. Like he is commonly referred to in PW.


Kojima's the last person I thought would betray the series like this. Now I gotta get a new avatar. Fuck you Kojima. Wont buy unless it has Hayter voices Snake.


I'm confused, sort of. Was the footage in the trailer for PC / Next Gen? I cannot fathom anyone pulling that off on PS360. Period.
Just making sure but Big Boss didn't have a prosthetic/bionic arm in any of the later MGS did he?

We don't really know MGS and MGS2 (The originals) didn't mention it, but they are very old and it can be easily changed and in MGS4
Big Boss' limbs were from Liquid and Solidus

Might seem far-fetched but it might simply have not been of much relevance.


This is all well and good, but the number one thing on my mind right now is still...

Why is it V instead of 5?

Come on, it's Kojima, a change like that doesn't just come about on a whim.
It's not the real Metal Gear Solid 5!!!

Oh my Cthulhu!


I'm gonna call BS on the 'open world'.

I'm betting by 'open world' they mean environments a little bigger and more open than MGS3/MGS4. I don't expect a real open world game, not in the least.

Yet that's exactly how he described the game during the Ground Zeroes unveil last year. Go anywhere, do whatever.
Just assumed so because of the ending shot we saw Big Boss on his bike and just thougt it was inner monologue or something like that. I should rewatch it. Do we know who voices Big Boss then?

The dialogue at the end with Boss on the bike sounded like the same voice as the dude who looked like Miller at the beginning of the trailer who says "How's he doing?" "What about him"
I'm confused, sort of. Was the footage in the trailer for PC / Next Gen? I cannot fathom anyone pulling that off on PS360. Period.

I can. And continue to think everyone seemingly forgets all the other games we've seen on those two platforms that were first class.
also as much as kojima is a movie buff his games are also filled with scientific minutiae and trivia so i'm surprised that they had the whole fake "defibrillate a guy whose heart has stopped to restart it" thing


Is the Ishmael a real (physical) Snake?

And Snake (playable character) is only a "non-physical" (illusion) of his (Ishmael's) own mind? Is the "physical Snake" (with the artificial-arm) only a *projection*? So going from hospital is actually a body (Ishmael) helping Snake (mind) to get *out*?

Also, how doe the *biblical fact* about Ishmael being 137 years old when died fits into MGS timeline and all the years we heard (9 years of coma, etc)?

Also, it is clearly not a MGS 5 (FIVE), it is MGSV (VEE).

What is going on there?
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