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Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)


I assumed the voice at the end is miller. sounds like miller just with more age added to it.

cant wait, so hyped. I will miss hayter, but big boss is older now so a different voice works.


Just assumed so because of the ending shot we saw Big Boss on his bike and just thougt it was inner monologue or something like that. I should rewatch it. Do we know who voices Big Boss then?

How do i explain to them that because of the unfreezing process i have no inner monologue?
Is it possible that new VA is voicing Big Boss (Naked Snake) and that Hayter will voice Solid Snake. Assuming that Solid Snake will actually make an appearance in this game...
What's up with the weird Psycho Mantis kid dissolving through the ceiling? :/ Freaked me out.
Also it seems like they commanded that whale into the chopper didn't they?
Awesome. I swear there is a specific goosebump response hard-coded into the human genome for Metal Gear Solid trailers.

I'm excited. These games always leave me feeling, like, whoa by the end if nothing else.
also as much as kojima is a movie buff his games are also filled with scientific minutiae and trivia so i'm surprised that they had the whole fake "defibrillate a guy whose heart has stopped to restart it" thing
Um they said he was in VFib. Defibrillation is the #1 action to take in Ventricular Fibrillation. Didn't catch if it actually looked like VFib on the monitor, have to watch again.

EDIT: can't tell due to the DOF.


Is the Ishmael a Snake?

And Snake is only a "non-physical" (illusion) of his own mind? Is the "physical Snake" (with the artificial-arm) only an projection?

Also, how doe the *biblical fact* about Ishmael being 137 years old when died fits into MGS timeline and all the years we heard (9 years of sleep, etc)?

What is going on there?

it would be neat to have a game where you play as a villain who believes they're doing the right thing. knowing where big boss lands, and considering the weird, dreamlike state of the trailer, i imagine there will be a lot of that going on.


Yet that's exactly how he described the game during the Ground Zeroes unveil last year. Go anywhere, do whatever.

I'm a big MGS fan and I'll pick up MGSV most likely on day 1, but I I'll be damned if I won't take the 'open world' 'do whatever' claims without a grain of salt. I think they might be mixing up 'open world' with 'giving gamers more choices than usual in MGS'.


I'm a big MGS fan and I'll pick up MGSV most likely on day 1, but I I'll be damned if I won't take the 'open world' 'do whatever' claims without a grain of salt. I think they might be mixing up 'open world' with 'giving gamers more choices than usual in MGS'.

He essentially described MGS4 as being an open world game too back in the day, although he never used that exact term. Obviously, that didn't come out as anything close to open world, so it may be best not to get one's hopes up.


Yeah for MGS3 I was super hyped and MGS4 too (even though that turned out really disappointing) but this is just kind of "Oh cool another one? yeah that's fine" sort of feeling. No idea why

It's all about graphics. MGS games have ALWAYS been the most impressive, but not this one. I can't believe they didn't even mention PS4



If there's no Hayter, this is the only other man that would instantly have the same credibility.
Alright, after rewatching the trailer and the gameplay video, I think Evilore is right in saying that Kiefer Sutherland is voicing boht characters.

It's going to be weird seeing someone else voice Snake. It's going to take a while getting used to.

edit: damn, could Nolan North be voicing Snake ? He kinda sounds like Walker from Spec Ops.


What's the thing on Snake's forehead, during that last segment? I've seen it a few times but can't figure out that it is. Kinda looks like a devilish horn, but that can't be right. :p

Seems to fit the conclusion I came to, with Mother Base being destroyed after the Peace Walker epilogue bit and waking up years later. But I wasn't expecting Ocelot!
I guess the reason he's in Cyprus and not Central America is simply from being ferried around the world over the years in a Coma.


Snake's voice is definitely not the same as the masked guy's(which is clearly Keifer's). Just not deep enough, especially when he grunts and shit. :p
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