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Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)

Also, what the hell is up with the lens flare when Snake crawls up to the first table? Seriously? Where is that coming from?

Coming from kojima's ego straight to yo brain son. Seriously though next gen is gonna be fucking blinding to look at. Really wish this cinematic camera look didn't go the whole hog. Just gets in the way
What does Ishmael say at the very very beginning? and whos he talking to? sounds like he's on the phone lol

"Okay Ahab, time to go"

I think this whole conversation is happening inside Big Boss' head and that we haven't heard his actual voice yet. Kiefer has a really distinctive voice and all of these grunts don't sound like him


AI behavior is just as important, if not moreso.

Ehhh I would say the amount of actions AI can do is important, but general AI in most stealth games are not good at all even in some of the best ones. The popular reason people give for that is because the more realistic the harder the game would be and unlike a shooter you can't just shoot your way out, you have to outsmart your opponent.

If you're going to MGS for fun stealth level design, you are already fucking up.

I imagine that's why people aren't raging about him firing an assault rifle in the trailer.

Yeah MGS games haven't been at the top of the stealth genre since the first one maybe. Really I would argue the MGS series has always been a 2nd or 3rd tier stealth series, the original metal gear games were the ones that were waaay ahead of their time. But around the time MGS came out to the time MGS 3 came out we had series like Thief and Splinter Cell arrive and blow way past what MGS was doing for their respective years.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Fuck jack Bauer, why does he have to voice snake? It's just gonna take me out of the game

Also, hope this is better than 4


To make this clear, this is mostly EviLore's speculation. I don't think Snake is voiced by Sutherland.


A Good Citizen
Ehhh I would say the amount of actions AI can do is important, but general AI in most stealth games are not good at all even in some of the best ones. The popular reason people give for that is because the more realistic the harder the game would be and unlike a shooter you can't just shoot your way out, you have to outsmart your opponent.

Yeah MGS games haven't been at the top of the stealth genre since the first one maybe. Really I would argue the MGS series has always been a 2nd or 3rd tier stealth series, the original metal gear games were the ones that were waaay ahead of their time. But around the time MGS came out to the time MGS 3 came out we had series like Thief and Splinter Cell arrive and blow way past what MGS was doing for their respective years.
The first game is essentially Metal Gear 2 in 3D, mechanically. I don't think they're trying to be stealth games in the sense that people seem to think.
I can confirm that the hallucianations you see with fire and the hellish form you see are all made up by the young Psycho Mantis. Look closely in the trailer, the young Psycho Mantis hides under the big hellish form who rides the flaming winged unicorn:


Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Ehhh I would say the amount of actions AI can do is important, but general AI in most stealth games are not good at all even in some of the best ones. The popular reason people give for that is because the more realistic the harder the game would be and unlike a shooter you can't just shoot your way out, you have to outsmart your opponent.

Yeah MGS games haven't been at the top of the stealth genre since the first one maybe. Really I would argue the MGS series has always been a 2nd or 3rd tier stealth series, the original metal gear games were the ones that were waaay ahead of their time. But around the time MGS came out to the time MGS 3 came out we had series like Thief and Splinter Cell arrive and blow way past what MGS was doing for their respective years.

As much as I like Thief and Splinter Cell, MGS3 is pretty unique amongst stealth titles. It still managed to retain the atmosphere and tight(er) story-telling of MG2 and MGS, and brought a mechanic that hadn't really been explored before; at least to my knowledge.
I can confirm that the hallucianations you see with fire and the hellish form you see are all made up by the young Psycho Mantis. Look closely in the trailer, the young Psycho Mantis hides under the big hellish form who rides the flaming winged unicorn:

I really can't see what you're seeing TBH


I can confirm that the hallucianations you see with fire and the hellish form you see are all made up by the young Psycho Mantis. Look closely in the trailer, the young Psycho Mantis hides under the big hellish form who rides the flaming winged unicorn:

Is it confirmed that that is Psycho Mantis?


The power-sockets from the lab are of the UK variety...

which has likely been discussed. Are there any other territories with similar power sockets? Why would Big Boss be treated in the UK? Transfarence (heh)? Specialist unit? It looks like Mother Base is attacked, and that's in the Caribbean Sea...


Very true. But wasn't Peace Walker pretty good? I haven't played it but I never hear bad things about that game

Peace Walker is outstanding. Still can't believe how much content they've put into this handheld title. I think it's safe to say that everybody should've played this before playing MGSV even though I expect them to explain a lot of PW-related events

And y'all can hate on MGS4 as much as you want - it was amazing and was voted GAF's GOTY 2008 twice


nanomachines, nanomachines everywhere. I'm not the biggest MGS fan, but I did beat 4, so will likely check this one out. I would like to go back and play 3 again, never beat it.
The power-sockets from the lab are of the UK variety...

which has likely been discussed. Are there any other territories with similar power sockets? Why would Big Boss be treated in the UK? Transfarence (heh)? Specialist unit? It looks like Mother Base is attacked, and that's in the Caribbean Sea...

The big UK flag when he wakes up suggests it IS the UK. Ireland have them too but the rest of Europe is a two pronged setup. So yeah the UK is pretty much confirmed
I've never followed the story of Metal Gear but after seeing the trailer I'm hard pressed to find who wouldn't like this game.

I mean, flaming whales? Check. Unicorns? Check. Guns? Check. Keifer Sutherland? Che...

wait a second....


bish gets all the credit :)
The power-sockets from the lab are of the UK variety...

which has likely been discussed. Are there any other territories with similar power sockets? Why would Big Boss be treated in the UK? Transfarence (heh)? Specialist unit? It looks like Mother Base is attacked, and that's in the Caribbean Sea...

There's a big UK flag right at the beginning of the demo.
I can confirm that the hallucianations you see with fire and the hellish form you see are all made up by the young Psycho Mantis. Look closely in the trailer, the young Psycho Mantis hides under the big hellish form who rides the flaming winged unicorn:

Weird I don't remember that smaller figure in the original PP trailer. Can some one compare?


The power-sockets from the lab are of the UK variety...

which has likely been discussed. Are there any other territories with similar power sockets? Why would Big Boss be treated in the UK? Transfarence (heh)? Specialist unit? It looks like Mother Base is attacked, and that's in the Caribbean Sea...

Well, there is a UK flag in Snake's room, so it's just further proof that whatever institution he was in during his coma is in the UK or a UK colony.

Edit: too slow!
So I'm a bit confused. Has the title of the game changed from MGS: Ground Zeroes to MGS V: The Phantom Pain? Also, why is Snake younger in this trailer when he was older in the first trailer? I haven't played the PSP games so I'm not sure about the story during this era in the Metal Gear series.
Is it confirmed that that is Psycho Mantis?

Who else could be? Many knew this is only one game MGS5. Please we don't want to have another Tobi isn't Obito while it was obvious. THIS IS young Psycho Mantis. Kojima knows that this character is very wanted, this game will make much emphasis on him.


So I'm a bit confused. Has the title of the game changed from MGS: Ground Zeroes to MGS V: The Phantom Pain? Also, why is Snake younger in this trailer when he was older in the first trailer? I haven't played the PSP games so I'm not sure about the story during this era in the Metal Gear series.

Ground Zeroes is a chapter within Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

Snake only looked old because of the lighting of the Fox Engine.

The game is presumably set up to 20 years after Snake Eater.


So I'm a bit confused. Has the title of the game changed from MGS: Ground Zeroes to MGS V: The Phantom Pain? Also, why is Snake younger in this trailer when he was older in the first trailer? I haven't played the PSP games so I'm not sure about the story during this era in the Metal Gear series.

MGSV is MGS: Ground Zeroes + The Phantom Pain

Ground Zeroes is like the first chapter of the game just like the tanker episode in MGS2 - The Phantom Pain is the main game like Raiden's campaign in MGS2

The full game is called MGSV: The Phantom Pain


MGSV is MGS: Ground Zeroes + The Phantom Pain

Ground Zeroes is like the first chapter of the game just like the tanker episode in MGS2 - The Phantom Pain is the main game like Raiden's campaign in MGS2

The full game is called MGSV: The Phantom Pain

Not all of that is true...

Not much of that is true.


benevolent sexism
If this game is a series of coma dreams that at first seem like disparate vignettes but slowly merge together to reveal the horrible truth... I will play it.


Lol, GAF kinda already figured all this out. Only thing we didnt really know for certain was if it would be a next-gen announce or not. Amazed it looks this good on current-gen.

I am also mega-hyped. New Metal Gears are always awesome.
If this game is a series of coma dreams that at first seem like disparate vignettes but slowly merge together to reveal the horrible truth... I will play it.

I hope it is. I want it to go bat-fucking-shit crazy. No more trying to be super serious like MGS4, bring some fun and quirkiness back into the series I say. Just let rip


No port-begging here...just legitimately frustrated that WiiU misses another big multiplatform game. Nintendo got to try harder than this.

Game looks amazing.
Does anything in MGS ever make sense? Honestly?

I don't know how I feel about Sutherland though...

I just cant get used to it.

Nah, but with this series, I actually like the trolling. Was just pointing it out in case it led to anymore insight since I'm already loving the crazy theories (Fight Club stuff).

Seriously though, bummed as hell about David Hayter. Wish the guy luck. Sutherland should be good, I just hope he doesn't go Jack Bauer on everything.

Is it actually confirmed yet that Ground Zeroes is the "Tanker" mission and The Phantom Pain is the "Big Shell" (or something similar to this structure), or is this more fan speculation at this point?
Ground Zeroes is chapter within Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

Snake only looked old because of the lighting of the Fox Engine.

The game is presumably set up to 20 years after Snake Eater.

MGSV is MGS: Ground Zeroes + The Phantom Pain

Ground Zeroes is like the first chapter of the game just like the tanker episode in MGS2 - The Phantom Pain is the main game like Raiden's campaign in MGS2

The full game is called MGSV: The Phantom Pain

What always Kojima said, the light..

Thanks for the reply guys. It boggles me how the lightning of the engine makes him look older. Is there an interview with Kojima that explains this?
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