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Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Just got to work and saw this and Yiiiissssssssssssssssssssssss....

Fuckyeafuckin OCELOT!!! Yourprettygood!!!Badass Mustache!!!! HORZES!!!!

Godamnit Kojima just tugs my brain strings like a master. So hype again already.

Anyone wanna PM me any conspiracy/timeline/info GAF has collected recently on all this?/


This looks incredibly epic. well done. Ghost whale.


That was an amazing trailer! I hope they'll get it out on as many platforms as possible including PC, Wii U and PS4.
Hopefully it will be the good kind of ridiculous like in MGS3 and not the Nanomachines bad stuff from MGS4. But I like what I see, even if I cannot believe it'll run that nice on PS3/360. Genius animations, great atention to detail.


Thanks for the reply guys. It boggles me how the lightning of the engine makes him look older. Is there an interview with Kojima that explains this?

During the presentation they spoke a lot about how they are focused on realistic lighting. A lot of the time, a really bright light can blow out a subject. Hence the brown hair looks grey. They said last year that was the case with the trailer and released the Ground Zeroes poster minus NVG to show he had brown hair.
That trailer was ridiculously awesome. Snake, awesomness, Garbage. Fuck yeah, Kojima. You know how to push my buttons.

Jesus, that was spectacular. Let's hope it's more Snake Eater than Guns of the Patriots in terms of story.


Genius animations

Yep, its one of the things I love more from everything we've seen, the gameplay animations are phenomenal, reposting gif of the OP

Peace Walker is outstanding. Still can't believe how much content they've put into this handheld title. I think it's safe to say that everybody should've played this before playing MGSV even though I expect them to explain a lot of PW-related events

And y'all can hate on MGS4 as much as you want - it was amazing and was voted GAF's GOTY 2008 twice

What's your stand on Hayter-Gate? You seem like a stand up guy so far :p
Because the conversation at the beginning sounds like Sutherland having a conversation with himself

I see. I didn't notice it the first time, but now that you say it I can definitely hear it.

So the guy in bandages is one of the clones, and the guy that's wounded is the original Big Boss? Makes sense, I guess. The last scintilla of doubt has now been ridden out of my mind.


Shit, so Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain are the same game? Fuck! I really wanted 2 games from these games nooooooo, oh well, day 1!


What's your stand on Hayter-Gate? You seem like a stand up guy so far :p

I liked his voice - yes, he wasn't the best voice actor, but the whole MGS franchise is quirky and goofy in some ways and Hayter's perfomance somehow was fitting in my opinion

Feel sorry for the guy, but I'm not too concerned about the future quality of the MGS VOs
Cyprus, a UK military hospital.

The Republic of Cyprus has de jure[20] sovereignty over the island of Cyprus and its surrounding waters, except for the British Overseas Territory of Akrotiri and Dhekelia, administered as Sovereign Base Areas.

The Sovereign Base Areas were created in 1960 by the Treaty of Establishment, when Cyprus achieved independence from the British Empire. [...] The importance of the bases to the British is based on the strategic location of Cyprus, at the eastern edge of the Mediterranean, close to the Suez Canal and the Middle East; the ability to use the RAF base as staging post for military aircraft; and for general training purposes.

So if this hospital is in Cyprus, the likely location is either Akrotiri or Dhekelia. Akrotiri has an airfield, Dhekelia does not appear to. So I'm going to go with the Akrotiri base, as a hospital would be receiving medi-vac patients and likely need close air access.

I'm hoping open world doesn't imply a significant drop in cutscenes/story. Sure, I don't need MGS4's ridiculous gameplay:cutscene ratio, but I'm still playing this for the story just like every non-Rising MG game.
During the presentation they spoke a lot about how they are focused on realistic lighting. A lot of the time, a really bright light can blow out a subject. Hence the brown hair looks grey. They said last year that was the case with the trailer and released the Ground Zeroes poster minus NVG to show he had brown hair.

Ah, I totally forgot about that poster. Thanks though, that explains it.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
I'm hoping open world doesn't imply a significant drop in cutscenes/story. Sure, I don't need MGS4's ridiculous gameplay:cutscene ratio, but I'm still playing this for the story just like every non-Rising MG game.



Man it weird still hearing Kojima call him Snake instead of you know Big Boss who the character is, he accepted the title of Big Boss at end of Peace Walker (the first MGS5) and said stop calling him Snake


Felium Defensor
Just woke up and saw the trailer. We already knew it was MGS5 but still HNNNG. Super excited for this. Cannot freaking wait.


So much we're not going to understand until we've played the game. Like, who is the person on the third bed from whose perspective that first scene is from, and who is Miller referring to when he says "what about him"? Why is Snake still in bandages 9 years later? Ahhhhh.

I'm still not convinced Hayter is being replaced, because I'm still not convinced this is even Snake. "V" could easily be dome other dude convinced he's Snake. Per the lyrics from that Garbage song: "everything's a lie."

With 16 pages this has all probably been addressed, but man. I love the lead-up to MGS releases. So much confusion.


Looks like Big Boss's uniform is inspired by The Boss's

Is'nt that basically the same costume (BB wears in the chopter) that he's worn since Portable Ops?

Also... kojima says GZ takes place before Phantom Pain segments (as evidenced by BB still having an arm, destruction of Mother Base, BB rescuing Kaz, and young Chico in early trailer).

But he says the hospital segment is the tutorial.

Sooo what is GZ? A flashback if the game starts out with amputee BB?

Maybe it prgresses like:
1. Tutorial in the hospital
2. Major cinema in hospital ending in cliffhanger
3. Flashback (9 years earlier) leading into GZ gameplay and rescue of Chico & Paz
4. XOF retaliation and destruction of Mother Base, Kaz & BB in hospital
5. Coma scene
6. Goes back to cliffhanger and hospital escape
7. Leads to Africa/Angola and dimond dogs jungle openworld main game


Yep, its one of the things I love more from everything we've seen, the gameplay animations are phenomenal, reposting gif of the OP

I don't believe they can hold up with this quality in an open world game on a current gen console with at least 30FPS. This game will be played on either a PC or a PS4 - if these versions aren't late or not coming at all.
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