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Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)


i'll probably get shot for saying this, but

they should make a western one of these. that reveal trailer was all kinds of stupid.

A scripted, linear, bombastic full of cliche writing pseudo action-stealth game? No thanks, I prefer my "stupid" Kojima craziness. At least the fucking game and series have an identity..
Not necessarily. We don't know when the coma happens and for all we know, it might have occurred 6 years after PW and that would be around 1980. Now add 9 years to that and you are in 1989 which means that Solid Snake would be 17 years old.

If the pieces we've been shown fit together as they appear to, it's a pretty strong hint towards the coma happening in 1975, soon after Peace Walker.
If you believe Solid Snake will be in this game, he wont be a man, but a child.

I don't buy the 'snake in V' theory but there is at least one child in the footage that we get brief, if surreal, glimpses of.



Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I am not very experienced with the MGS series. I have watched a playthrough of 1, played through 2, and started 3.

My first reaction, despite the goofiness of the series in general, is that this looks too fucked up compared to the rest of the series.

Sky Chief

Regarding the Ishmael is Big Boss argument, Ishmael is in the driver's seat of the Ambulance when it crashes.

Also, we really need a new timeline correct edited video combining all three trailers and the two gameplay demos


If it ends with Big Boss taking over Foxhound you will hear him giving a young recruit the codename Solid Snake

I still wish Kojima will remake MG1+2 into 1 game that be perfect end for the MGS saga

So wait, Big Boss is a clone of Solid Snake but older?


This looks amazing, but after the complete and utter shit that MGS4 took on the universe mythos, I can't get as excited for this game as I normally would.


I really wish they'd release this on PC. I don't want to have to fork out $1000 on a PS4 just to play this game. I mean I'd probably get one eventually anyway once the price has dropped, but I don't think I'll be able to wait if this game comes out at PS4 launch or soon after.
And there's no way I'll buy this on PS3 coz like MGR, it'll look like shit, so they BETTER be releasing it on PS4 at least if not on PC.
This looks amazing, but after the complete and utter shit that MGS4 took on the universe mythos, I can't get as excited for this game as I normally would.

This is me as well, unfortunately. I can't even muster up a single brief moment of excitement after MGS4.


This is me as well, unfortunately. I can't even muster up a single brief moment of excitement after MGS4.

I felt the same way once.
But when peace Walker was announced it reverted me right back to my old MGS fan self.
I actually enjoyed it a lot to aside from a few things here and there, regardless it was better than 4. But this, this is hitting all the right notes at the moment. Not even MGS4 reveal and later trailers excited me this month (MGS4 I always felt something was off even getting close to launch).


Glad this is on PS360 so I don't have to run out and buy a PS4 at launch price to play it.

Bummed it's not on Wii U, since it possibly debunks the Miiverse leak screenshot.
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