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Metal Gear Solid V Res Confirmed: Sub-720p (PS3/360), 720p (XB1), 1080p (PS4)

If no kinect. Why would anyone want to pay same price for a gimped PS4? Seriously, at least Kinect gives a reason from PR point of view with voice command etc.

This is true, they have touted how improved the new Kinect is. Yet, all people have been doing with it is talking to it. Where is the game that says "Wow, Kinect is an absolute must have, it totally justifies the extra asking price of $100 and I really feel that the resources dedicated to Kinect was a wise decision because of this awesome game!"
If no kinect. Why would anyone want to pay same price for a gimped PS4? Seriously, at least Kinect gives a reason from PR point of view with voice command etc.

Voice commands don't need Kinect, that's the messed up part...any mic could perform the same function. It's why I see Kinect as such a complete waste of time, it ads nothing to the gaming experience in terms of motion controls due to it's unreliability and lack of feedback, and the go to defence of "voice controls" isn't something that even needs the camera.

MS haven't even really done much to push the tech in terms of games, with only that crappy fighting game at launch and Ryse having the Kinect controls removed that it had when it was a 360 game. Ryse was their tent pole exclusive aside from Forza, and they stripped out the Kinect control scheme...that should tell everyone all they need to know about Kinect control. Party games are one thing, core games are another.


Bottleneck is a specific term regarding the weak point within a specific system. The Xbone GPU is less powerful than the PS4's, it's not a bottleneck, it just doesn't stack up and isn't as capable. In short, you're using the term bottleneck wrong.
No-one is arguing the Xbone doesn't have a technical shortfall, they're arguing that you're using the term bottleneck wrong.

if im asking it to perform the same tasks as the PS4 GPU then it would be...now that is all based on the assumption that the Xbone CPU is equal to the PS4 CPU...

the Xbone's CPU in theory should be able to handle anything the PS4's CPU can, and more (just basing this off official numbers)...

so i would ask you then...if i ask the PS4 and Xbone to perform the EXACT same task...where is the Xbone going to run into its performance problems?

not in the CPU...they are equal...but in the GPU...which means our overall system's performance is going to suffer because of the GPU...how is that not a bottleneck??...

**i understand that porting between the two consoles is not just a copy/paste job and this is very hypothetical...but this is no more irrelevant that freezamite's made up game that exhausts the PS4 bandwidth at 720p and performs better on the Xbone**

In other words, nowadays GPUs are not bottlenecks because nothing strictly depends on their calculations, they're the ones depending on other pieces of hardware like the RAM or the CPU.
alright, i can buy that argument


im more surprised with how well the last gen versions still hold up for 7 year old hardware.

Screenshots are one thing. But i bet if you seen them both running side by side, in person. would be the only way to truly appreciate the difference.

Imo,this gen doesnt appear to be a big a leap as previous gens. right now atleast.

MGS1 - PS1

MGS2 - PS2

MGS4 - PS3

GZ - PS3

GZ - PS4


Screenshots are one thing. But i bet if you seen them both running side by side, in person. would be the only way to truly appreciate the difference.

Imo,this gen doesnt appear to be a big a leap as previous gens. right now atleast.

Of course not, last gen jumped up to HD, this gen we're facing diminishing returns. Technically it's quite a leap forward but visually it's not as big of a jump as previous gens.
I actually quite like what they've done here. A nice little presentation on the differences, and telling us where the improvements have come.


Post could have been straight out of /r/xboxone.

Glorious meltdowns here. This is going to be a very tough generation for the Xbox fanboys.

Not seeing meltdowns as much as people just giving up and either regretting getting an Xbone or saying "fuck it, I'll use it for exclusives". Have not checked the MGS since this morning though...


Junior Member
Screenshots are one thing. But i bet if you seen them both running side by side, in person. would be the only way to truly appreciate the difference.

Imo,this gen doesnt appear to be a big a leap as previous gens. right now atleast.

MGS1 - PS1

MGS2 - PS2

MGS4 - PS3

GZ - PS3

GZ - PS4
Terrible comparison. GZ is a PS3 port.

A more apt comparison would be:

Killzone (PS2) > Killzone 2 (PS3) > Killzone Shadowfall (PS4).

Mind you, GZ already looks a helluva lot better than MGS4...


Screenshots are one thing. But i bet if you seen them both running side by side, in person. would be the only way to truly appreciate the difference.

Imo,this gen doesnt appear to be a big a leap as previous gens. right now atleast.

This is a last gen game with a port up to PS4. Can't be compared with MGS1/2/4. Phantom Pain is PS4/XB1 only, lets see how that turns out first.


Post could have been straight out of /r/xboxone.

Glorious meltdowns here. This is going to be a very tough generation for the Xbox fanboys.

Yeah, it's quite horrible there:

random reddit said:
I see almost 0 difference, I have an x1 and my roommate has ps4 and I am 100% happy with my purchase. Ps4 is just a console while the x1 is more of an experience. Graphics shouldn't be the most important thing when discussing gaming, it should always be gameplay which x1 is much better. The ps4 only gets turned on when my roommate wants to play with his friends on a game' while my x1 is used for gaming, TV, Netflix, browsing, and other stuff. I'm not saying the ps4 can't do some of these things, just that the x1 does all of them better. No regret here.
Screenshots are one thing. But i bet if you seen them both running side by side, in person. would be the only way to truly appreciate the difference.

Imo,this gen doesnt appear to be a big a leap as previous gens. right now atleast.

MGS1 - PS1

MGS2 - PS2

MGS4 - PS3

GZ - PS3

GZ - PS4

That's because GZ is an enhanced port of the current gen game. MGS1-4 were all games built specifically to run on the hardware they were released on.


That next gen feel.

To be far even the PS4 version doesn't look dramatically better than the ps3 version....not to justify spending £380 on a new system!!


If no kinect. Why would anyone want to pay same price for a gimped PS4? Seriously, at least Kinect gives a reason from PR point of view with voice command etc.

People would rather play gears of war and halo instead of uncharted and god of war. And that should be a compelling enough reason.


Screenshots are one thing. But i bet if you seen them both running side by side, in person. would be the only way to truly appreciate the difference.

Imo,this gen doesnt appear to be a big a leap as previous gens. right now atleast.

Going to have to wait for PS4 exclusives to see the gap. And its pretty telling in Infamous/Driveclub.


Terrible comparison. GZ is a PS3 port.

A more apt comparison would be:

Killzone (PS2) > Killzone 2 (PS3) > Killzone Shadowfall (PS4).

Mind you, GZ already looks a helluva lot better than MGS4...

This is a last gen game with a port up to PS4. Can't be compared with MGS1/2/4. Phantom Pain is PS4/XB1 only, lets see how that turns out first.

That's because GZ is an enhanced port of the current gen game. MGS1-4 were all games built specifically to run on the hardware they were released on.

Going to have to wait for PS4 exclusives to see the gap. And its pretty telling in Infamous/Driveclub.

Yeah, its a port, and we'l have to wait for MGS6 (to compare metal gear games, assuming it will be current gen only)

Thats why i said,

"Imo,this gen doesnt appear to be a big a leap as previous gens. right now atleast."

I should of been more clear though.
I wonder if we can expect Phantom Pain to look quite a lot better than GZ when it is released considering it is next gen only. I mean if it is coming out in 2015 it will be a weak effort if it doesnt...By then we will have stuff like the Order, Infamous, Witcher 3 and Quantum Break. Maybe even the mighty Uncharted PS4. This looks fantastic for current gen by the way.


Why does Kojima say the PS4 can handle 1080P with room to spare... why is he not taking advantage of that somehow?


Why does Kojima say the PS4 can handle 1080P with room to spare... why is he not taking advantage of that somehow?

Because Ground Zeroes was primarily targeted towards PS3/360. Hopefully we'll see more of that room to spare with TPP.


Why does Kojima say the PS4 can handle 1080P with room to spare... why is he not taking advantage of that somehow?

Well theres plenty of time to enhance the PS4 version before the release of the full game.
If nothing else, its good news for what might come of MGS6.
Yeah, it's quite horrible there:

Oh that reddit post is terrible...the X1 has better gameplay? Really? So multi-plats on X1 will play better than the PS4 versions according to that guy?

I'd like to experience being that stupid for an hour or so...so much ignorance, therefore so much bliss. Why can't people just accept what they've purchased and either live with it, or chalk it up as a mistake and move on...what's this rabid need to defend things beyond all logic and reason? Bought an Xbox One because you prefer it's exclusives? Great. Love Kinect? Go nuts. Bought it because you're invested in the Xbox ecosystem with your friends and don't want to start over? Fine. Just don't try to argue idiocy and expect everyone else to swallow it. Arguing "it's all about the gameplay" when it's exactly the same on multi-plats, just that the graphics and performance of one version is worse for the same money, doesn't wash.

Sky Chief

Screenshots are one thing. But i bet if you seen them both running side by side, in person. would be the only way to truly appreciate the difference.

Imo,this gen doesnt appear to be a big a leap as previous gens. right now atleast.

MGS1 - PS1

MGS2 - PS2

MGS4 - PS3

GZ - PS3

GZ - PS4

For a fair comparison compare MGS2 or 3 PS2 to MGS2 or 3 PS3 and GZ PS3 to GZ PS4.


Screenshots are one thing. But i bet if you seen them both running side by side, in person. would be the only way to truly appreciate the difference.

Imo,this gen doesnt appear to be a big a leap as previous gens. right now atleast.

MGS1 - PS1

MGS2 - PS2

MGS4 - PS3

GZ - PS3

GZ - PS4
One is a port fella


Screenshots are one thing. But i bet if you seen them both running side by side, in person. would be the only way to truly appreciate the difference.

Imo,this gen doesnt appear to be a big a leap as previous gens. right now atleast.

MGS1 - PS1

MGS2 - PS2

MGS4 - PS3

GZ - PS3

GZ - PS4

I wonder why that is? hmm probly because this MGS was built with both for the last and new gen. We will see a leap from MGS4 to The Phantom Pain
Well theres plenty of time to enhance the PS4 version before the release of the full game.
If nothing else, its good news for what might come of MGS6.
Based on the E3-trailer The Phantom Pain already looks a lot better than GZ.
Too bad they didn't manage to render it in 720p natively on PS360. Became really blown away by the detail in many of the last big games on the respective systems thanks to the resolution being just that. Wonder how much below 720 it's running.
I wonder why that is? hmm probly because this MGS was built with both for the last and new gen. We will see a leap from MGS4 to The Phantom Pain

Yeah it's probably because it is multiplatform/multigenerational and also probably because it's gone open world that Kojima isn't impressing as much on the graphics front this time.


Post Count: 9999
Screenshots are one thing. But i bet if you seen them both running side by side, in person. would be the only way to truly appreciate the difference.

Imo,this gen doesnt appear to be a big a leap as previous gens. right now atleast.

MGS1 - PS1

MGS2 - PS2

MGS4 - PS3

GZ - PS3

GZ - PS4


What the hell is that? Do you know that if a deferred engine needs to store bigger buffers... is precisely in order to read and write them, right?
PS4 can store bigger buffers on it's main RAM in comparison to Xbox One's eSRam, but every time you need to process a light you have to access those buffers and also write the results of your operation in there, and this scales directly with the amount of lights you have.

So you may store bigger buffers on PS4's main RAM, but it's obvious that you can't perform as many reads and writes on them as in the Xbox One in case every buffer can be stored on there.

So you're saying that bandwidth is dependent on number of lights?
OK, here's question: how many lights does it take so that xbone will be better than PS4?
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