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Metal Gear Solid V Res Confirmed: Sub-720p (PS3/360), 720p (XB1), 1080p (PS4)

oh, now i see your point. we can only dream though! a chance of that ever happening is close to zero i am afraid with konami at the helm(they're thirsty for profit).

My biggest concern in terms of the Phantom Pain being on last gen consoles is the fact that the Xbox 360 still uses DVDs. If MGS4 couldn't fit on it I worry to think how that could bottleneck a game that looks this ambitious, they said they want to keep all content on each version the same and for there only to be visual differences between the generations. I think like you said, if they're working so hard on the game that it will be delayed until 2016 then I think it would benefit from not being crossgen. But on the whole I'm actually cool with Kojima focusing on gameplay first and foremost.



The thread in the Xbox One subreddit.

I cherry picked a couple of comments. It's interesting because previous game resolution differences were universally defended. It seems like this news is the straw that broke the camel's back for some people.

I havent started considering getting a PS4 until now, thanks Microsoft! Im so disappointed with the lesser resolution. Did I make the wrong choice?

Yep, I love microsoft and the xbox one but this is disappointing. I knew we would have worse specs but if we can't even hit 1080p this generation will be a bit shitty. Resolution isn't the biggest worry but it's something to consider. I don't know why people are downvoting others who are kind of upset. We aren't talking shit about MS or xbox just stating how we feel.


you guys think this will ever be reversed? a multi plat game 1080p 60fps on Xbox One and only 720p 60/30 fps on PS4?

if i was MS i would try and throw money at a dev to put a multi platform game at a higher res on xbox one. then like Forza gave them one example of reaching 1080p 60fps, they would have one example of multi platform games having higher res on Xbox One.

That will never happen lol.


Why? Did they think everyone was lying about the hardware numbers? Or are they just going through the Anger stage of grief?

I've always though the stages of grief was a troll but honestly I am seeing all stages of it in that thread. Really interesting from a psychology perspective.
i can buy that too

The XBox One is a 2 liter bottle of Faygo Grape Pop/Soda, the PS4 is a 3 liter bottle of Faygo Grape Pop/Soda. The three liter bottle is obviously larger but it also has a much larger mouth so it pours out faster, I haven't done the math, ever but I would guess the amount of area with a three liter bottle's opening is about twice that of the normal bottles. The two liter has the standard bottle mouth size. If you started pouring both into giant cups at the same time you would find the 3 liter, despite having 50% more soda would still empty faster. The necks/mouths of the bottles represents the memory set ups of the platforms, the capacity the GPUs the bottles sizes and I guess you could consider the cups a TV/display. I guess the CPUs would both be 20 ounce bottles but they're not really important.

This poorly worded/thought out example is similar in vein to where the term bottleneck came from.


While the difference is big (mileage may vary depending on how big your TV is, how close you are to it, and overall how much this matters to you) the game was always going to sell best on PlayStation platforms, especially now since PS4 is so far ahead of the Xbox One.

What worries me, is that these are still last gen/cross gen games, they arent pushing the envelope in any way: Tomb Raider, Thief, Ground Zeroes and the Xbox One cannot get 1080P on them is bizarre.

What is going to happen to something like The Division? Or games in 2-3 years that will push the envelope and these machines?
My biggest concern in terms of the Phantom Pain being on last gen consoles is the fact that the Xbox 360 still uses DVDs. If MGS4 couldn't fit on it I worry to think how that could bottleneck a game that looks this ambitious, they said they want to keep all content on each version the same and for there only to be visual differences between the generations. I think like you said, if they're working so hard on the game that it will be delayed until 2016 then I think it would benefit from not being crossgen. But on the whole I'm actually cool with Kojima focusing on gameplay first and foremost.

The primary reason MGS4 was so big was the audio. The XB360 version just won't have all the audio options and be more compressed and if need be the pre-rendered cutscenes as well. It could have easily fit on two or three DVDs.
Remember to look at the ps3/360 and xbone screenshots in fullscreen on your monitor, if you just watch them in the thread you will not get the large image quality degradation from upscaling on an lcd panel (which is the main reason anything below native res is bad)


I love how a couple graphical screenshot comparisons of GZ turns into a 37 page thread. I mean I love pretty graphics as much as anyone, hence why I bought a PS4 just for this game, but damn why are people so angry and butthurt? Why do people need to compare the dick size of their consoles?

It's fucking MGSV! That's what you should be excited about.
Why? Did they think everyone was lying about the hardware numbers?

We have known the numbers for so long, its amazing people are still having a hard to time to grasp why there are differences. PS4 having 32 render ouput units is huge over One's 16, it allows so much more pixel pushing to play with, it just easier for the PS4 to hit 1080p than One. I mean the PS4 GPU at every nearly every measurement is rated higher.

I guess it didn't help things when the media tried to downplay the differences for so long, especially with certain tech sites trying to justify the difference as less that it really is, that when games actually are coming out, it's a huge stark contrast and people feel (I guess rightfully so at some level) purposely misinformed.


I'd be in the dick
I love how a couple graphical screenshot comparisons of GZ turns into a 37 page thread. I mean I love pretty graphics as much as anyone, hence why I bought a PS4 just for this game, but damn why are people so angry and butthurt? Why do people need to compare the dick size of their consoles?

It's a fucking MGSV tutorial being sold for $40! That's what you should be excited about.


People can freely discuss tech. This is a tech thread. As long as the conversation doesn't overflow into other threads there's no reason to complain about them.


I don't think this new engine was built exclusively for next-gen.
I'm really disappointed that this next MGS could have looked even more astonishing if it were made for next-gen exclusively.
The Order trailer will be released tomorrow, and it will show us what a Next-gen title can look like with the right budget and hardware focus.

I believe this engine was built to be as multiplatform as possible and incredibly scalable. It was even supposed to be working on Vita, but they haven't mentioned Vita support in years.
I believe this engine was built to be as multiplatform as possible and incredibly scalable. It was even supposed to be working on Vita, but they haven't mentioned Vita support in years.

Didn't Kojima say that the next-gen consoles kind of snuck up on him middevelopment of TPP/GZ? Sure I read that somewhere.


you guys think this will ever be reversed? a multi plat game 1080p 60fps on Xbox One and only 720p 60/30 fps on PS4?

if i was MS i would try and throw money at a dev to put a multi platform game at a higher res on xbox one. then like Forza gave them one example of reaching 1080p 60fps, they would have one example of multi platform games having higher res on Xbox One.

In order for that to be possible they'd have to shit on the game design to a significant degree to make it possible.

And having one example isn't enough if 100 other games are doing the opposite not only would it expose them, but if they are making concessions to create the scenario you posed they'll lose out to other games on the market.

Not to mention the money could have gone to developing more games of Ryse's graphical prowess, which would be a more positive reinforcement.


I love how a couple graphical screenshot comparisons of GZ turns into a 37 page thread. I mean I love pretty graphics as much as anyone, hence why I bought a PS4 just for this game, but damn why are people so angry and butthurt? Why do people need to compare the dick size of their consoles?

It's fucking MGSV! That's what you should be excited about.
Because we are in a tech-related thread.
Seems like you're the one in the wrong thread :)


I was reading an article on this on IGN and browse through the comment section...and found very interesting arguments. The most interesting one was someone saying:

After the inane attempts at derailing Titanfall, news breaks concerning resolution between the consoles, conveniently and then 3 other break concerning the resolution between the consoles.

MSG5 gets a customized PS4 Fox console, and you really can't see it? You really are that blinded by your unrequited love of Sony, it isn't blindingly obvious to you?

Yet a comments by the Sniper Elite 3 dev, is completely not reported on by IGN or many other websites, and failures in Sony's own first party games are not discussed?

I was surprised anyone could use this argument. I'll just ignore comment sections on IGN in the future. :p


The game looks great. I understand it's another showing for the tech shortcomings of the One, but moving past that, I find it pretty amazing how good it manages to look on the last gen consoles. Sure, the PS4 is king here, but I'd never expect quite the amount of detail the PS3/360 versions have on display. That is some exceptional programming and design work going on there for sure.


The XBox One is a 2 liter bottle of Faygo Grape Pop/Soda, the PS4 is a 3 liter bottle of Faygo Grape Pop/Soda. The three liter bottle is obviously larger but it also has a much larger mouth so it pours out faster, I haven't done the math, ever but I would guess the amount of area with a three liter bottle's opening is about twice that of the normal bottles. The two liter has the standard bottle mouth size. If you started pouring both into giant cups at the same time you would find the 3 liter, despite having 50% more soda would still empty faster. The necks/mouths of the bottles represents the memory set ups of the platforms, the capacity the GPUs the bottles sizes and I guess you could consider the cups a TV/display. I guess the CPUs would both be 20 ounce bottles but they're not really important.

This poorly worded/thought out example is similar in vein to where the term bottleneck came from.

From Michigan?

What a crazy analogy lol ( i get it, but still)
The XBox One is a 2 liter bottle of Faygo Grape Pop/Soda, the PS4 is a 3 liter bottle of Faygo Grape Pop/Soda. The three liter bottle is obviously larger but it also has a much larger mouth so it pours out faster, I haven't done the math, ever but I would guess the amount of area with a three liter bottle's opening is about twice that of the normal bottles. The two liter has the standard bottle mouth size. If you started pouring both into giant cups at the same time you would find the 3 liter, despite having 50% more soda would still empty faster. The necks/mouths of the bottles represents the memory set ups of the platforms, the capacity the GPUs the bottles sizes and I guess you could consider the cups a TV/display. I guess the CPUs would both be 20 ounce bottles but they're not really important.

This poorly worded/thought out example is similar in vein to where the term bottleneck came from.

But if you shake the the 2lt bottle it'll empty out quicker. That's the X1 secret sauce, the console merely needs to be shaken while being played to bring the frame rate and resolution upto par!

Sorry, not sorry.
Resolution and framerate back and forth - it's a nice move that Kojima provided the table and screenshots. Better than leave everyone in the dark and wait for analysis reports like DF or eagle-eyed community members or even gaming journalists. This should happen more often before cross-platform games are released.
And at the moment there are only these few comparison screens to tear to pieces. I can't wait to see the different version in motion - which will also be added to the site soon.

On Demand

Remember to look at the ps3/360 and xbone screenshots in fullscreen on your monitor, if you just watch them in the thread you will not get the large image quality degradation from upscaling on an lcd panel (which is the main reason anything below native res is bad)

Yep. I saved them on my PS3 and seeing it on a 60" TV makes the difference much bigger.
Seriously? Surely you jest?

Not at all.

Of course the next gen (especially PS4) versions have better lighting/textures/resolutions/etc., but from those stills it just looks like the same game through different lenses.

If the seventh gen versions look worse in motion, or have terrible loading times or something then yeah, get it on X1/PS4. Graphically though? Eh.


Not at all.

Of course the next gen (especially PS4) versions have better lighting/textures/resolutions/etc., but from those stills it just looks like the same game through different lenses.

If the seventh gen versions look worse in motion, or have terrible loading times or something then yeah, get it on X1/PS4. Graphically though? Eh.
I think the PS4/XBO versions are aiming for 60fps and the PS3/360 versions 30, so that's probably going to be the case.
all versions look rather disappointing.

when MGS2 & MGS4 launched they were graphically mindblowing powerhouses [and on the weaker consolse too!].

this whole cross-generation transition is dragging on far too long...
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