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Metal Gear Solid V Res Confirmed: Sub-720p (PS3/360), 720p (XB1), 1080p (PS4)


you guys think this will ever be reversed? a multi plat game 1080p 60fps on Xbox One and only 720p 60/30 fps on PS4?

if i was MS i would try and throw money at a dev to put a multi platform game at a higher res on xbox one. then like Forza gave them one example of reaching 1080p 60fps, they would have one example of multi platform games having higher res on Xbox One.


Good Art™
Why are the current gen screen looking like they are more 480p upscaled than 720p ? To make the diff bigger, or are they really that blurry ?
Thanks, I just edited it.

Somebody's being salty here...

Even if Microsoft improves the developer tools, it won't change a thing, especially when Sony will most likely update their tools as well & when developers starts using GPGPU compute on both systems.

I think Abtom was joking if his follow up post in response to someone questioning how long he'd be able to post was anything to go by...

Buy you haven't even heard my ramblings about the cloud yet.


you guys think this will ever be reversed? a multi plat game 1080p 60fps on Xbox One and only 720p 60/30 fps on PS4?

Never. PS4 version of a multiplat may be worse in gameplay features (for whatever reasons) but never worse visually.

if i was MS i would try and throw money at a dev to put a multi platform game at a higher res on xbox one. then like Forza gave them one example of reaching 1080p 60fps, they would have one example of multi platform games having higher res on Xbox One.

They can't do this.


Junior Member

Do it! It's the perfect combo for this gen.
PS4+WiiU is the way to go.
Agreed, Wii U for the Nintendo exclusives, PS4 for everything else.


you guys think this will ever be reversed? a multi plat game 1080p 60fps on Xbox One and only 720p 60/30 fps on PS4?

if i was MS i would try and throw money at a dev to put a multi platform game at a higher res on xbox one. then like Forza gave them one example of reaching 1080p 60fps, they would have one example of multi platform games having higher res on Xbox One.

No, and that would the worst mistake Microsoft could do. They have a weaker system, most Xbox fans are okay with that. Win over everyone else with exclusives, live, kinect, os features, even apps.


you guys think this will ever be reversed? a multi plat game 1080p 60fps on Xbox One and only 720p 60/30 fps on PS4?

if i was MS i would try and throw money at a dev to put a multi platform game at a higher res on xbox one. then like Forza gave them one example of reaching 1080p 60fps, they would have one example of multi platform games having higher res on Xbox One.

Fat chance. In order for a Xbox One game to be in Native 1080p/60 FPS, you would basically have to make a lot of compromises to the game in order to reach it (like sacrificing graphical quality) because the hardware inside of the system isn't powerful enough to handle games in Native 1080p/60 FPS on it's own.


Agreed, Wii U for the Nintendo exclusives, PS4 for everything else.

PS4+Wii U and Xbox One+Wii U are good combos depending on what games you care about.

PS4+Xbox One isn't a good combo simply to due the similar games/genres.

Fat chance. In order for a Xbox One game to be in Native 1080p/60 FPS, you would basically have to make a lot of compromises to the game in order to reach it (like sacrificing graphical quality) because the system isn't powerful enough to handle Native 1080p/60 FPS.

Depends on the games. There are a decent number of games on the Xbox One that run fine in 1080p/60 FPS.
if i was MS i would try and throw money at a dev to put a multi platform game at a higher res on xbox one. then like Forza gave them one example of reaching 1080p 60fps, they would have one example of multi platform games having higher res on Xbox One.

That would be foolish as the mass market gamer couldn't give a flying-high-in-the-sky fuck about resolution.
you guys think this will ever be reversed? a multi plat game 1080p 60fps on Xbox One and only 720p 60/30 fps on PS4?

if i was MS i would try and throw money at a dev to put a multi platform game at a higher res on xbox one. then like Forza gave them one example of reaching 1080p 60fps, they would have one example of multi platform games having higher res on Xbox One.

No chance of that happening, unless a dev intentionally gimps the PS4 version, in which case Sony would probably sue them...it'd be terribly anti-competitive to do that and any dev who did would have no future in the industry.

Both consoles are very similar in architecture, just that the PS4 has a more capable GPU and an "easier to get the best performance from" memory solution. The only question marks in the Xbox One outperforming PS4 are the wi-fi chip, audio chip, ability to connect more controllers at once (not much of an advantage considering the de-emphasis of local multi-player) and the CPU possibly being slightly faster (though Sony have never revealed the speed, and a developer on here has stated that you can get more out of the PS4 CPU than Xbox One...so even this advantage is in doubt).
Screenshots are one thing. But i bet if you seen them both running side by side, in person. would be the only way to truly appreciate the difference.

Imo,this gen doesnt appear to be a big a leap as previous gens. right now atleast.

MGS4 - PS3

GZ - PS3

GZ - PS4

Appreciate the comparisons, however. The latest game is open world-ish, right? Previous game were closed off, lot's of load times and such. Next gen MGS is more ambitious. If Kojima closed off all scenes, he could probably blow your miiiind.
Polygon is doing a live podcast called "How important is 1080p to this generation of games?" right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVx-REsMEsQ.

This should be 'interesting'.

edit: Dropping gems already "I played Titanfall on the XONE then on my PC with all the effects on maximum...I didn't notice much difference"

both of them are ignorant, the guy with the glasses said" if microsoft dropped the kinect features they might be able to flip to 1080p' at least thats what i heard lol, if they actually know what they're talking about they would know that kinect and the multitasking features take no where near the resources to affect the resolution.
Appreciate the comparisons, however. The latest game is open world-ish, right? Previous game were closed off, lot's of load times and such. Next gen MGS is more ambitious. If Kojima closed off all scenes, he could probably blow your miiiind.

A linear, PS4 exclusive targeted MGS would probably have looked insane visually judging by what Kojima has done with hardware in the past. That said I'm really glad Kojima is prioristing other things this time around and trying to open up the world and the gameplay.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Screenshots are one thing. But i bet if you seen them both running side by side, in person. would be the only way to truly appreciate the difference.

Imo,this gen doesnt appear to be a big a leap as previous gens. right now atleast.
It doesn't apper to be as big a leap due to the fact that this game was designed for both generations of machines. It is a cross-gen game which could never fully exploit new hardware.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Screenshots are one thing. But i bet if you seen them both running side by side, in person. would be the only way to truly appreciate the difference.

Imo,this gen doesnt appear to be a big a leap as previous gens. right now atleast.

MGS1 - PS1

MGS2 - PS2

MGS4 - PS3

GZ - PS3

GZ - PS4

I don't think this new engine was built exclusively for next-gen.
I'm really disappointed that this next MGS could have looked even more astonishing if it were made for next-gen exclusively.
The Order trailer will be released tomorrow, and it will show us what a Next-gen title can look like with the right budget and hardware focus.
Jesus Christ at 720p on the bone.

BUT... I wonder how stable the 60fps is across both current gen versions, and whether Xbone could see an advantage there.
A linear, PS4 exclusive targeted MGS would probably have looked insane visually judging by what Kojima has done with hardware in the past. That said I'm really glad Kojima is prioristing other things this time around and trying to open up the world and the gameplay.

how can this apply here if there is a last gen version of both games?


Screenshots are one thing. But i bet if you seen them both running side by side, in person. would be the only way to truly appreciate the difference.

Imo,this gen doesnt appear to be a big a leap as previous gens. right now atleast.

GZ - PS3

GZ - PS4

To be fair, there is a big leap in resolution and framerate that you don't see on that pics.



PS4+Wii U and Xbox One+Wii U are good combos depending on what games you care about.

PS4+Xbox One isn't a good combo simply to due the similar games/genres.

I agree, or even a PS4+PC combo or a PS4+Wii U+PC combo.

Depends on the games. There are a decent number of games on the Xbox One that run fine in 1080p/60 FPS.

It really depends on the genre. Genres such as Sports & Racing games aren't exactly very demanding on graphics/resolutions. That's why it's so easy to pull off 1080p/60 FPS on those type of games.

How is it illegal exactly? Developers can do whatever they want, although I'd imagine there'd have to be disclosure.

Because it's an anti-competitive tactic.
Since it says it's 720p internally upscaled on PS360 and just 720p on Xbox One I guess we can assume it's indeed sub-720p on last-gen systems?
how can this apply here if there is a last gen version of both games?

Huh? I wasn't talking about TPP/Ground Zeroes. I was saying that hypothetically had the next MGS been different and targeted with just PS4 in mind and wasn't open world, basically like MGS4 and MGS2, it would have probably broken new ground in the visual department as they did.
How is it illegal exactly? Developers can do whatever they want, although I'd imagine there'd have to be disclosure.

MS trying to gain an advantage by paying a developer to purposefully limit the game on hardware that is clearly and demonstrably more powerful? That's anti-competitive at the very least, fraudulent at worst.

If it were at all possible to do this, MS would have had more than a content parity clause last gen, they'd have stipulated that any game appearing on their platform must perform better than any other version. A company purposefully limiting competition in this way would be fined into oblivion.



Huh? I wasn't talking about TPP/Ground Zeroes. I was saying that hypothetically had the next MGS been different and targeted with just PS4 in mind and wasn't open world, basically like MGS4 and MGS2, it would have probably broken new ground in the visual department as they did.

I'm really glad they aren't doing that, though. I needed the ways you play with the world in MGS changed up. Movement, camera, freedom, gun play...the works. I'm glad I'm mostly getting that.
Huh? I wasn't talking about TPP/Ground Zeroes. I was saying that hypothetically had the next MGS been different and targeted with just PS4 in mind and wasn't open world, basically like MGS4 and MGS2, it would have probably broken new ground in the visual department as they did.

oh, now i see your point. we can only dream though! a chance of that ever happening is close to zero i am afraid with konami at the helm(they're thirsty for profit).
if im asking it to perform the same tasks as the PS4 GPU then it would be...now that is all based on the assumption that the Xbone CPU is equal to the PS4 CPU...

the Xbone's CPU in theory should be able to handle anything the PS4's CPU can, and more (just basing this off official numbers)...

so i would ask you then...if i ask the PS4 and Xbone to perform the EXACT same task...where is the Xbone going to run into its performance problems?

not in the CPU...they are equal...but in the GPU...which means our overall system's performance is going to suffer because of the GPU...how is that not a bottleneck??...

**i understand that porting between the two consoles is not just a copy/paste job and this is very hypothetical...but this is no more irrelevant that freezamite's made up game that exhausts the PS4 bandwidth at 720p and performs better on the Xbone**

alright, i can buy that argument

The bottleneck is the memory set up. The GPU isn't a bottleneck, it's just underpowered.
I'm really glad they aren't doing that, though. I needed the ways you play with the world in MGS changed up. Movement, camera, freedom, gun play...the works. I'm glad I'm mostly getting that.

Same here, which was the point I was trying to make. I love that Kojima is focusing on this instead.
I don't think this new engine was built exclusively for next-gen.
I'm really disappointed that this next MGS could have looked even more astonishing if it were made for next-gen exclusively.
The Order trailer will be released tomorrow, and it will show us what a Next-gen title can look like with the right budget and hardware focus.

MGSV is nextgen exclusive.
Man, PS360 versions still look fantastic. They really made improvements pass MGS4, but the thought of them pushing the older hardware with such game support like that means I also get to play a native 1080/60fps version of it on my PS4:

I'm really glad they aren't doing that, though. I needed the ways you play with the world in MGS changed up. Movement, camera, freedom, gun play...the works. I'm glad I'm mostly getting that.

it doesn't need to be a linear game to break a new visual ground, it just needs to be developed exclusively on next gen hardware.


How is it illegal exactly? Developers can do whatever they want, although I'd imagine there'd have to be disclosure.

Sony can also do whatever they want too. Like revoking their licences, taking away their development machines and preventing them from ever cutting another line of code on a Sony machine ever again. So yeah, take that chance and hope for the best.
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