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Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online

There wouldn't be an exec. at any publisher. They've all thought of it.
True, but the buck stops with MS execs. It's not like Sony caved to their demands. Publishers can think up whatever crap they want so long as it's not actually implemented. Also, I got ahead of myself. We don't know if MS really is going the always online route. It's looking pretty damn likely at this point...


No sympathy for someone who makes terrible analogies, insults where others who would buy the product live and basically trolls his customers.

It's tough to judge people via Twitter posts. He seemed to have an opinion about something I totally disagreed with. And came across as kind of a dick about it, true.

But if he's fired that's one person - and possibly a family - put out of work for some unwise/dumb tweets. He should have known better. But I can't help but empathize with someone losing their job over something like this. That's pretty rough stuff.

Though given his job I'm sure he's pretty well off and hope he lands on his feet.


If its not true, they can't go "dont worry people, our future console won't be always online". They would have just then confirmed the existence of their brand new console in the worst possible way.

I think they could have issued a pretty ambiguous denial, if this stuff isn't true. "Microsoft does not support the use of a mandatory online connection for all games and apps on its home entertainment platforms".

I'm still hoping that the always-on stuff is purely an optional convenience. If you want to play from your disc, go offline. If you want to play from a hard drive install, then you are required to be online persistently.

It's a little mind-blowing to imagine how they will market a console that ALWAYS requires an internet connection. Is there going to be a giant disclaimer on every system and game disc that reads "INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED"? How have publishers previously handled console games that had no offline mode?
It's tough to judge people via Twitter posts. He seemed to have an opinion about something I totally disagreed with. And came across as kind of a dick about it, true.

But if he's fired that's one person - and possibly a family - put out of work for some unwise/dumb tweets. He should have known better. But I can't help but empathize with someone losing their job over something like this. That's pretty rough stuff.

Though given his job I'm sure he's pretty well off and will land on his feet. (Assuming he's fired; I need to catch up on a few pages of post from here.)

Somebody who deserves his job and has a family of their own can take it. It's pretty obvious he's too busy being an asshole on twitter to people who purchase his product indirectly or no. My sympathy for certain individuals retaining their job pretty much ends when they insult their customers. If they can't be empathetic to customer concerns I don't want them touching or having input on products I may or may not buy.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Are we really cheering over this guy getting fired? That's way overboard.

I don't think people are cheering, but it's pretty obvious that was the road he was taking as soon as this blew up on the internet. No amount of ass-covering by the Bioware dude that sparred with him was going to stop this train. People have spoken, it's a matter of wither MS will listen as they throw him under the bus (and pray people forget/so they can continue with their plans) on wither they change their plans from always-online or not.


It's pretty poor form that people are mocking the fact that a guy might have lost his job. What a sad bunch.

I am not mocking him getting fired, just saying that I don't have sympathy for him. It's unfortunate, but nobody got him fired but himself.


Are we really cheering over this guy getting fired? That's way overboard.
Indeed. I'm also cringing at smug comments like "the power of GAF". I find his views dumb and his mishandling of twitter even dumber, but it's MS that should be feeling the hurt, not one silly guy. Losing your job in such a high profile shitstorm like this would be devastating.
Are we really cheering over this guy getting fired? That's way overboard.

Go on the internet and mock your customers, thus getting your employer in the national news.

Get fired. Get mocked. Well deserved. Good riddance. There's quite a few executives/journalists/lackeys I'd like to see this happen to, I'm sad I probably won't get the chance.
Indeed. I'm also cringing at smug comments like "the power of GAF". I find his views dumb and his mishandling of twitter even dumber, but it's MS that should be feeling the hurt, not one silly guy. Losing your job in such a high profile shitstorm like this would be devastating.
He caused it himself. All he had to do was not tweet, not be an ass
....and he'd still have a job.


It's tough to judge people via Twitter posts. He seemed to have an opinion about something I totally disagreed with. And came across as kind of a dick about it, true.

But if he's fired that's one person - and possibly a family - put out of work for some unwise/dumb tweets. He should have known better. But I can't help but empathize with someone losing their job over something like this. That's pretty rough stuff.

Though given his job I'm sure he's pretty well off and hope he lands on his feet.

The reddit picture were a former colleague elaborates the topic sweet billy, shows this isn't the first time.
His post on Gaf is another indicator in that direction, but I'm pretty sure he'll find something else.
So he was fired from previous jobs for the same reasons.
But that just comes into a possible risk/put off factor with ISP monthly caps on internet utility in certain areas of the world.

Unless I'm missing something, if MS really is slaving the consoles behind the scenes to create a peer-to-peer network for downloading, the amount of downloading/uploading done by an always online console would be a constant drain on the limited resources people with caps have.


That's why it's so important to know exactly what they are going to do with your console and connection before "opting in" by buying the system


Death Prophet
I just feel like creating meme images of the guy after he's been fired is horrible and childish.

The guy lost his job, I don't think it's necessary to rub it in. I'm sure he feels pretty bad about the situation. He was an asshole, but he didn't cause anyone serious harm.
I wonder how much he knows about the Durango and if he will hold a grudge or vendetta against MS if he was let go. Anonymous Durango leaks, anyone?
I just feel like creating meme images of the guy after he's been fired is horrible and childish.

The guy lost his job, I don't think it's necessary to rub it in. I'm sure he feels pretty bad about the situation. He was an asshole, but he didn't cause anyone serious harm.
How did he not create harm? He possibly let the cat out of the bag on "alway online Nextxbox". He created bad publicity for Microsoft as well.


One of NeoGAF's most (in)famous posters works for Microsoft, and is known to have some pretty controversial opinions, even ones that are negative of MS products. I kinda wonder how he feels about this.


Dudebro, My Shit is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time
One of NeoGAF's most (in)famous posters works for Microsoft, and is known to have some pretty controversial opinions, even ones that are negative of MS products. I kinda wonder how he feels about this.
crazy buttocks on a train is a MS-er?
The reddit picture were a former colleague elaborates the topic sweet billy, shows this isn't the first time.
His post on Gaf is another indicator in that direction, but I'm pretty sure he'll find something else.
So he was fired from previous jobs for the same reasons.

Yea the fact that it's a habitual attitude is why it's hard to sympathize with him. It sucks that he may be out of work - nobody should be in that position - but he doesn't need our feels. He needs to use the experience and do something different, because isn't that how everyone else moves on?

This isn't really even about him though. I mean, yea he dun goofed and that's that, but the issue was and still is this Durango rumor, which was either completely debunked or subtly confirmed throughout this ordeal.

Maybe it doesn't exist. Maybe it's not as bad as we think. Maybe it is everything we think and worse. Who knows?

What's certain though, is that this E3 is going to be huge.
How did he not create harm? He possibly let the cat out of the bag on "alway online Next -box". He created bad publicity for Microsoft as well.

His point is the ire directed at him is reaching levels that are completely unnecessary and classless. Although some of the wit, damn.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I wonder how much he knows about the Durango and if he will hold a grudge or vendetta against MS if he was let go. Anonymous Durango leaks, anyone?
Maybe he was the anonymous leak for those various sources....



I wonder how much he knows about the Durango and if he will hold a grudge or vendetta against MS if he was let go. Anonymous Durango leaks, anyone?
Doubt it, he'll be nda'd up the ass and ms would have a prime candidate for investigation of any leaks.

Private corporate detectives don't mess about.


Death Prophet
How did he not create harm? He possibly let the cat out of the bag on "alway online Next -box". He created bad publicity for Microsoft as well.

I said "serious harm". And I don't think the people creating these meme images care about the harm done on Microsoft's end.

The point is that "justice" has been served now, and people egging on further are being complete assholes.


I just woke up... did he actually get fired?

This. I was doing other important shit (lol playing GT5) but did dude really get fired? If so that sucks for him and his family. Really shouldn't have gone the Twitter route though I'm sure he knows that now.

Sera O

I agree with pretty much all this.

Like I said in my follow-up, I could only think of three real compelling reasons why this would be attractive enough for Microsoft to risk the backlash.

I think everyone on GAF that follows this stuff closely already sniffed out the obvious DRM and data collection for advertising reasons, but I don't think anyone has really had a deep discussion about what Microsoft could do with our Nextboxes and internet connections in terms of using them as assets in a giant peer-to-peer network, taking heaps of the load off their servers. To me, that might be the real reason why this is so important to them that they'd be willing to piss so many people off.

Yes, I think p2p is a pretty obvious benefit of doing things this way. I'm also wondering if they are going to try for ad-subsidized membership tiers, or hardware, or something similar. People have speculated here and there about MS and the mobile contract model, and some consumers will put up with a lot in exchange for a bit of savings. I am really curious now about what form it could take if they went that route.
I just feel like creating meme images of the guy after he's been fired is horrible and childish.

The guy lost his job, I don't think it's necessary to rub it in. I'm sure he feels pretty bad about the situation. He was an asshole, but he didn't cause anyone serious harm.
Viewpoints like yours teeter on the edge of absurdity.

He singlehandedly caused Microsoft Game Studios millions in negative publicity. Millions. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he was forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement as part of his contract with Microsoft to not discuss the development or features of the Durango ahead of announcement. He is probably legally liable for a lot worse than just contract termination, and he deserves everything that's coming to him. Period.

Lampooning him may be extreme, but that's how the real world functions. Good people have been fired for significantly less, and there isn't even the most remote indication that he's a good person.


I dont think he deserved to lose his job over this series of tweets.

I think everyone at Microsoft who thought an always online requirement for a console was a good idea deserves to lose their jobs.


Wake up just now.

Getting up to date on the thread.


Feeling bad about the guy losing his job, but frankly...if it helps MS come to it's senses regarding an always online console then it was worth it. Sorry Sweet Billy.


It can be kinda easy to sympathize with him, because reading those conversations you get the sense he just chose to treat Twitter like it was AIM or any other private instant messaging program, and momentarily forgot or disregarded the fact that the entire conversation was completely public.

At the same time, how could you forget that Twitter is entirely public? I am a pretty low-level cog in a mega-corporation, and I have been conscious enough to never ever discuss my work outside of an anonymous message board. Not when I've had a shitty day, not when a customer or client treats me like crap, not when the executives make some stupid decision that enrages all our potential customers. In that sense, it is hard to sympathize.


Unconfirmed Member
I just feel like creating meme images of the guy after he's been fired is horrible and childish.

The guy lost his job, I don't think it's necessary to rub it in. I'm sure he feels pretty bad about the situation. He was an asshole, but he didn't cause anyone serious harm.


See: First post, entire thread, etc.

The guy single handedly destroyed any positive publicity Microsoft had for Durango and, for bonus points, insulted millions of customers.


In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he was forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement as part of his contract with Microsoft to not discuss the development or features of the Durango ahead of announcement. He is probably legally liable for a lot worse than just contract termination, and he deserves everything that's coming to him. Period.

To be fair, he did not discuss anything about Durango. He discussed everything in vague hypotheticals. He could have been talking about Diablo 3 or SimCity for all we know. People just assume he is talking about Durango because of his position at Microsoft and the rumors that have previously surrounded Durango.
I wonder if this affects MS Durango unveiling?

Now that this is out in the open it will be the number one thing on everybody's mind during their conference, MS is in a real shitty position all thank to this guys tweet.

Don Mattrick at Microsoft E3 Conference said:
Now, to discuss the new Xbox dashboard and online features, please welcome Sweet Billy.

Only way he'll stick around. Nobody wants to be tasked with this part of the presentation.
It can be kinda easy to sympathize with him, because reading those conversations you get the sense he just chose to treat Twitter like it was AIM or any other private instant messaging program, and momentarily forgot or disregarded the fact that the entire conversation was completely public.

At the same time, how could you forget that Twitter is entirely public? I am a pretty low-level cog in a mega-corporation, and I have been conscious enough to never ever discuss my work outside of an anonymous message board. Not when I've had a shitty day, not when a customer or client treats me like crap, not when the executives make some stupid decision that enrages all our potential customers. In that sense, it is hard to sympathize.

Makes his tweets about tech and electronics all the more ironic.


Dudebro, My Shit is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time
He singlehandedly caused Microsoft Game Studios millions in negative publicity. Millions.
People at GAF really have a falsely distorted impression of the importance of GAF vis-a-vis the general consumer.
To be fair, he did not discuss anything about Durango. He discussed everything in vague hypotheticals. He could have been talking about Diablo 3 or SimCity for all we know. People just assume he is talking about Durango because of his position at Microsoft and the rumors that have previously surrounded Durango.
That he only delved into a discussion about plausible hypotheticals may be the only thing that's keeping him from drowning in lawsuits.

People at GAF really have a falsely distorted impression of the importance of GAF vis-a-vis the general consumer.
Please, save me from this reductive bullshit. This news story has thoroughly penetrated the tech blogosphere and found its way onto major news media outlets. I found out about this debacle not from NeoGAF, but from a Forbes piece. If anything, the repercussions of implicitly unveiling a negative feature of a console ahead of its office announcement could possibly force a thorough restructuring of marketing strategies.


I wish people were as adamant in fighting the whole "hold multiplayer for ransom" policy instead, which microsoft still has in place. Worse than always on drm, in my opinion.
Bu alas, that's just that, my opinion, right?


Losing your job sucks (if true), but it's his own doing.

Now hopefully when MS announces the next Xbox, all the bad rumors aren't true and I can buy the system to go alongside my PS4 this holiday. *crosses fingers*


That sucks for him and his family.

He should've had that conversation in private (somehow).

...which leaves an opportunity for Gies to fill.

See: First post, entire thread, etc.

The guy single handedly destroyed any positive publicity Microsoft had for Durango and, for bonus points, insulted millions of customers.


His posts were ill-mannered yes, but the real issue remains and will remain until E3.
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