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Mike Pence attends Colts game in order to be seen walking out in protest of protest


Fucken astounding how mean Trump is. How you going to send your dude out there to look like a pathetic clowm, and then double-up what a pathetic clown he looks by immediately announcing that he only did it on your orders?

“Not only does the puppet do a silly dance, but he does it with my fist up his ass!”
Why do they ignore the actual reason, they are talking such nonsense about the flag etc.
well they think the actual reason is bullshit, too. like, my parents basically just said that "racial injustice" doesn't even exist and it's certainly not something that would impact any black millionaires, so who do they think they are by protesting.

they also bitch all the time about taxes and yet said it was "good" that Pence spend hundreds of thousands of tax dollars to pull a planned publicity stunt.
well they think the actual reason is bullshit, too. like, my parents basically just said that "racial injustice" doesn't even exist and it's certainly not something that would impact any black millionaires, so who do they think they are by protesting.

Not that it'll change them, but Micahel Bennett's story would be a good comeback to that claim.
It's amazing how they brazenly work to quiet minority voices under the guise of unity. A joke stunt by a joke administration.
Exactly, what was his plan? To inflict fear on NFL players so they won't kneel?

"Hey guys! Pence is in the crowd we can't take a kneel, otherwise him and the president will be upset"

Pence- "Hey Trumpy!! It worked! Great plan; they saw me and they all stood up. We did it, no more Kneelers at the NFL"
Not that it'll change them, but Micahel Bennett's story would be a good comeback to that claim.
precisely, but they aren't gonna admit that was uncalled for.

a black NFL player, out of uniform, is gonna be viewed by the color of their skin, not the size of their bank account. (not that it's even necessary at all for someone to be personally affected by something to be justified in protesting it).
If I was an NFL athlete, I wouldn't kneel, I would stand up and even put my hand on my heart during the anthem but I would bring a poster of Trump with me, and stand right on top of his photo. I would spit on his face/poster once before the anthem and once after.

Come at me!


Actually he left because they serve beer and have cheerleaders, both of which offended his puritanical sensibilities
Nah, he left because he realized the conversion therapy didn't work and all of those men slamming into one another was far too much to take.
They gave him the vapors.
If I was an NFL athlete, I wouldn't kneel, I would stand up and even put my hand on my heart during the anthem but I would bring a poster of Trump with me, and stand right on top of his photo. I would spit on his face/poster once before the anthem and once after.

Come at me!

These protests aren't against Trump they're against racism. Making it all about him in many ways achieves exactly what he wants.


Fucken astounding how mean Trump is. How you going to send your dude out there to look like a pathetic clowm, and then double-up what a pathetic clown he looks by immediately announcing that he only did it on your orders?

“Not only does the puppet do a silly dance, but he does it with my fist up his ass!”

What part of Donald Trump's entire history in the public eye makes you think he cares how anyone looks other than himself?


I mean, Tom Price just resigned because of gross misuse of taxpayer funding via extravagant private jet usage/trips, and Pence took a private jet from Vegas to Indiana just for this before flying all the way back to Los Angeles?


well they think the actual reason is bullshit, too. like, my parents basically just said that "racial injustice" doesn't even exist and it's certainly not something that would impact any black millionaires, so who do they think they are by protesting.

It's just surreal

If it wouldn't impact them then why would they do it? What df do they get out of it?

I just can't


It's one of the most quiet and respectful methods of protest I can imagine, and yet it's regarded as unacceptably offensive.

It's not about the statement - it's about who's stating it, and attempting to use that as an excuse to mold an environment where any disagreement is unallowable.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
I wonder what his wife thinks of the fact that he walks with Trump's hand up his ass now.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I mean, Tom Price just resigned because of gross misuse of taxpayer funding via extravagant private jet usage/trips, and Pence took a private jet from Vegas to Indiana just for this before flying all the way back to Los Angeles?

Way more expensive too because of the secret service detail that follows him


You now belong to FMT.
Ok so their play is to have people follow in pence's footsteps... like people are going to up and leave. Just stop 45 and 45 and a half...


The fucking nerve of this shithead to say kneeling is disrespectful to veterans when he is serving next to a man-child who called a P.O.W. a loser....


Sometimes i have to accept reality cant possibly exist. There is no possible way people this dumb are running your country.


can we just have like one day where everything isn't a complete shit show?

just one is all I ask for so I can briefly regain a microscopic portion of my already rapidly waning sanity since this administration took over.


Kills Photobucket
And once again let's remember that he, and every single republican, cheer on the people waving the flags of nazis and traitors.

But black guys start kneeling, and they lose their shit.

The Cowboy

Anyone worked out how much this stunt cost yet?, I mean didn't he arrive/leave in Air force 2? - they had to have wasted a heck of a lot of tax payers money on this shit.


How much more racist can you get? VP protests black players who say they are oppressed. And then he's praised for this by questioning the former black president's patriotism.

Yesterday: The KKK returns to the scene of their latest bloody domestic terrorism (which the President of the United States seems to have extreme difficulty condemning), and they protest against black people's right to exist.

Today: The President of the United States (and his pathetic fist-up-the-ass puppet VP) protests against black people's right to protest a song that glorifies the killing of slaves.

I honestly did not believe things could possibly be this bad for black people in America. I mean, I knew things were bad for black people in America, but Jesus... WTF is wrong with people?


It's so incredibly disturbing to equate a flag and national anthem with the military. As disturbing as forced patriotism. Any country that does this deserves to be disrespected by all free people.

Also, Pence can go fuck himself.


Fucken astounding how mean Trump is. How you going to send your dude out there to look like a pathetic clowm, and then double-up what a pathetic clown he looks by immediately announcing that he only did it on your orders?

“Not only does the puppet do a silly dance, but he does it with my fist up his ass!”

Not that I disagree with Trump a mean shithead, but this post forgives Pence too much.

I doubt he needed convincing to do this. He's a piece of shit himself who has been ride-or-die for Trump since day one.


Anyone worked out how much this stunt cost yet?, I mean didn't he arrive/leave in Air force 2? - they had to have wasted a heck of a lot of tax payers money on this shit.

I saw an estimate stating that the cost of the flight to and from the game, plus secret service securing the stadium for him would run somewhere north of $250,000


If I was an NFL athlete, I wouldn't kneel, I would stand up and even put my hand on my heart during the anthem but I would bring a poster of Trump with me, and stand right on top of his photo. I would spit on his face/poster once before the anthem and once after.

Come at me!

come at you, for what? for furthering the agenda of making the protest not against the systematic oppression of people of color but against trump? so much so that you're literally removing the knee and replacing it with a trump photo? they pulled the switcheroo off so well even liberals want to make it more about trump now.


What part of Donald Trump's entire history in the public eye makes you think he cares how anyone looks other than himself?

astounding - / > surprising

Not that I disagree with Trump a mean shithead, but this post forgives Pence too much.

I doubt he needed convincing to do this. He's a piece of shit himself who has been ride-or-die for Trump since day one.

Oh for sure.

The Cowboy

I saw an estimate stating that the cost of the flight to and from the game, plus secret service securing the stadium for him would run somewhere north of $250,000
So a quarter of a million dollars at least, just think about how many hospital operations that could have funded (or relief to certain places that could have used it) - and the orange Nazi wasted it on this.
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