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Mike Pence attends Colts game in order to be seen walking out in protest of protest

I agree this is a publicity stunt, but using that picture doesn't really mean much. I've seen people post pics of them at an old game in relation to tweeting or posting about going to a game.

It's a piece of the stupid puzzle. They can't do anything right.

EDIT: New page



I thought the kneeling was over too? Last I heard teams were hooking arms while standing and asking the audience in attendance to do the same. Guess that didn't last long lol.


Not very american to not accept other people's views. Infact its kinda cowardly.

Blatantly anti-American. But entirely in line with Republican views. Especially since the protest is about police brutality that African Americans face. They just want to change the narrative and we're successfully giving it to them by not challenging their horseshit in the media.


This is a political stunt. And it blew up in your face. This is America. Our freedom of speech gives us the right not to stand.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.

Pretty sure that's because he posted an old pic because he was talking about going to the game.. not that he was already at the game.. in the shot from the game he's in a suit.

I don't think something nefarious is being done with the photos.

I do believe the whole thing was planned for political reasons.

Nothing better to to keep people NOT talking about his failures than some stupid NFL controversy that doesn't actually matter.


Scary Euro Man
@POTUS and I will not dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our Flag, or our National Anthem

Surely the present of Pence or Trump is disrespectful to the Flag and the National Anthem?
"At a time when..."

Yeah buddy, your problem with these protests is the timing.

I can't even imagine conservative outrage if this happened during the Iraq War.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
I really don't get the US... How tye gell does a silent protest during the Anthem means disrespecting soldiers or the flag? Dam this country has issues.....


Most of America agrees with them, and they can use it as a distraction from how much they botched the Puerto Rico situation.


That is exactly the point. I am seeing this be shared on posts about Chiefs players sitting, abiut the Pence situation. They have completely warped the minds about what the knee was for. Just sad and scary altogether how stupid some people are.
"We're at 67% of our hardliners support, we need a few points, go out there and take a... shit... don't take a knee!"

This will get them a few popularity points from idiots.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
he's thin skinned. he lashed out the same way when students walked out on a speech of his during a college ceremony.

The problem is when they take it into a culture war aspect.
Most of America agrees with them, and they can use it as a distraction from how much they botched the Puerto Rico situation.
America doesn't agree with the White House weighing in on the debate in the way it has. Check the polls. Everyone but the Nazi portion of his base thinks this issue should not be a focus for the administration.
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