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Mike Pence attends Colts game in order to be seen walking out in protest of protest

Idek why they're doing this they already All Lives Matter'd the knee.

They won.

NFL teams are already making their players stand. Eventually all 32 teams will make it so their players can't kneel. Then they can champion the victory of saving America's integrity from entitled athletes.


Wonder how much tax payer dollars this stunt wasted. Having Pence out there I'm sure had the Secret Service out in big numbers.


The logical failure in this image is astounding. And people share this unironically.


He did that crowd a favor. I wouldn't want to share a state with the likes of him or anyone else from this joke of an administration.


Meh, he still paid for the damn ticket so they lose nothing, he did, let him blubber like the idiot he is.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The logical failure in this image is astounding. And people share this unironically.

I mean if you follow the logic to the end they’re saying “police shooting black people at insanely disproportionate rates is a price black people should just pay and shut up about it. “

That is exactly the point. I am seeing this be shared on posts about Chiefs players sitting, abiut the Pence situation. They have completely warped the minds about what the knee was for. Just sad and scary altogether how stupid some people are.[/QUOTE]

The logical failure in this image is astounding. And people share this unironically.

Change NFL players to military personnel .... then let their brains stew for a few


"playing" dumb? unpossible
It would have been hilarious had he walked off during the national anthem. I mean if you can boo players while standing up in “respect” for the anthem, I’m pretty sure walking out in protest of players is fair game too right?




NBC Sports: Eric Reid: Vice President’s visit was a P.R. Stunt
“My honest reaction … Does anybody know the last time he’s been to a football game?” Reid said, via a video from Jennifer Lee Chan of Niners Nation. “With that being said, he tweeted out a three-year old photo of him at a Colts game so with the information I have the last time he was at a Colts game was three years ago. So this looks like a PR stunt to me. He knew our team has had the most players protest. He knew that we were probably going to do it again. This is what systemic oppression looks like. A man with power comes to the game, tweets a couple of things out and leaves the game with an attempt to thwart our efforts. Based on the information I have, that’s the assumption I’ve made.”
Last time Pence pulled a stunt like this by going to Hamilton and getting into an altercation with the cast, seemed like a distraction from Manafort getting raided.

Must be something they are trying to divert our attention away from.


Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr
Amen. After almost a decade it's great to have leaders who have pride in our country again.

How much more racist can you get? VP protests black players who say they are oppressed. And then he’s praised for this by questioning the former black president’s patriotism.


A play to his base and to garner support from “patriots”.

Who willingly ignored his previous shit about Mc’Cain and that gold star family. Plus others things I’m forgetting.

It’s obvious what this is about.


Remember when the GOP accused Obama of being thin-skinned?

"Dignify," lol. Since Pence is a really dignified guy. Also, nice admission that he doesn't do anything without the Master's say-so.
I really don't get the US... How tye gell does a silent protest during the Anthem means disrespecting soldiers or the flag? Dam this country has issues.....
They understand full well the protest is against police brutality, thats why last week,
when the Vegas murderer shot 300 people, they jumped at the opportunity to try and use the professionalism of the Vegas cops and the weight of that tragedy to attack anthem kneeling as somehow disparaging toward police who actually perform their duties with bravery and courage.
And some of you think Pence would be better then President Trump....You should be more afraid he’s evil while being competent.


Wow democracy is crying. We have an administration that is willing to spend our tax dollars to make fake government sponsored propaganda. He should have stayed home and looked after the baby in the White House.


Actually he left because they serve beer and have cheerleaders, both of which offended his puritanical sensibilities

Late Flag

This is so freaking stupid. The VP wasted a bunch of money to inject even more divisive, racially-tinged partisanship into my Sunday. Pound sand, please.
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