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Mirror's Edge Catalyst |OT| Keeping the Faith Alive


I love the series but I don't know that we NEED a Mirror's Edge 3. This could be a decent sendoff. I was afraid they would ruin it with a sequel.

I have a problem though. I'm the world's slowest player, trying time trials and such. I'm 90% story, 60% world, 31 hours played.


Neo Member
As much as I love this game (and the first one) I don't think it will generate enough sales to satisfy the higher up's, and get another game.

It's truly unfortunate as it's a great game, but it is fairly niche, and in terms of sales I don't think it can compete with EA's other titles. We'll need to wait and see to see the sales numbers, but we can hope.

Now I've made myself sad.
If I rent this from Redbox and only play story missions, how many days of a rental am I looking at? ( I play on the lowest difficulty too lol)


Tears in the rain
I love the series but I don't know that we NEED a Mirror's Edge 3. This could be a decent sendoff. I was afraid they would ruin it with a sequel.

I have a problem though. I'm the world's slowest player, trying time trials and such. I'm 90% story, 60% world, 31 hours played.

I need one. It's the one (the only?) game franchise starring an Asian woman. It's the only parkour game whose mechanics I have enjoyed, plus there's nothing like it's oddly sterile aesthetics out there. The games looks are oddly soothing. Also call me crazy but I enjoy the combat. It's the only game to make me feel like Rama from The Raid. It's infuriated me to read posts (paraphrasing here) like : "Huge fan of the first game, but will skip because of reviews". Some of the lowest scores like Metro Game Central, have this quote in it :"A better game than the original" Mirror's Edge was a niche game, and it's still niche now. The reviews from the biggest outlets, remind me a lot of what happened with Alien: Isolation. A first person game that doesn't control exactly like every other FPS game, is a formula that leads to some lower end scores.

There's this sadness in playing the game, knowing full well that it's the last game of this series. Huge, huge shame.


I love the series but I don't know that we NEED a Mirror's Edge 3. This could be a decent sendoff. I was afraid they would ruin it with a sequel.

I have a problem though. I'm the world's slowest player, trying time trials and such. I'm 90% story, 60% world, 31 hours played.

If they take their sweet time and we get Mirror's Edge 3 in the next gen then I am good with that.

I would add more verticality to the world and more cool activities, tricks, races etc.

I need one. It's the one (the only?) game franchise starring an Asian woman. It's the only parkour game whose mechanics I have enjoyed, plus there's nothing like it's oddly sterile aesthetics out there. The games looks are oddly soothing. Also call me crazy but I enjoy the combat. It's the only game to make me feel like Rama from The Raid. It's infuriated me to read posts (paraphrasing here) like : "Huge fan of the first game, but will skip because of reviews". Some of the lowest scores like Metro Game Central, have this quote in it :"A better game than the original" Mirror's Edge was a niche game, and it's still niche now. The reviews from the biggest outlets, remind me a lot of what happened with Alien: Isolation. A first person game that doesn't control exactly like every other FPS game, is a formula that leads to some lower end scores.

There's this sadness in playing the game, knowing full well that it's the last game of this series. Huge, huge shame.

I'm sure it would eventually get stale for you. enjoy what we got right now not what we may or may not get in the future.


Played about half an hour. Love it except for one thing. They keep spouting exposition while i run around and therefore i'm not concentrated enough to follow what the hell they are talking about. So i have zero clue who anyone is despite them talking endlessly.


I did my part and bought the game via PSN . Really enjoying it. Free running is intense, yet, the aesthetics are soothing.

Glad I picked it up.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Just got my Collector's Edition...Fuck it's massive lol
Now where to put it..


Finally finished downloading it and played a little bit.
Yoooo, running feels pretty good. Can't wait to unlock the rest of the movement abilities.
Combat is kind of awful, but I'd rather run anyway so not the worst thing in the world.
I like the open world. It's pretty and seems well connected.
Kinda cool.


Anchor is a sort of an annoying zone. There are so many reflections and weird architectural designs that playing without runner's vision is almost impossible on time trials and the like. It's night and half the time I have no idea where I can jump, where I can go... is that a continuing platform? Is that actually a springboard that'll send me plummeting to my death? Is that just weird art?

It's just hard to read on sight.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
What did the update do?
The game looks a lot sharper then the beta did.
How could you want an innovative franchise like ME to not comeback? Am I playing the same game as other people? I mean, it's maybe not the ultimate ME game we all wanted but it doesn't deserve the backlash. And I'm sad for DICE who fought for years to get this game published.

Seriously, I keep find myself wondering the same thing.

And to be honest, as far as I'm concerned this is the ME game I wanted. There are a couple of minor nitpicks I wish were different (the white flash after cutscenes, for example), but honestly I think they perfected just about everything. I could have done without the XP system, but unlocking skills is pretty darn easy.

I like the combat too!


As someone who loved the rough but brilliant original...

... I'm enjoying the hell out of the rough but brilliant new game as well.

Scores be damned; this game deserves some sales. There's definitely a market out there for players who love this type of gameplay, and I hope they'll give it a try.

While I'm skeptical EA will greenlight a sequel (Dead Space 3 similarly put the kibosh on that promising franchise and it even sold decently...), I do hope that - one day, some day - we can get a Mirror's Edge game that finally polishes out the rough edges, stops trying to cast a wide net for "general audiences", and simply pulls a Dark Souls by honing in on the stuff it excels and pushing that as hard as they can with razor-like focus.

It's my new pipe dream, because while Catalyst stumbles, when it soars, it REALLY soars.


To someone who's gotten farther in the game, how large is the open world? Right now, I'm still in the beta section, and the map looks much larger than the area I'm in.


Finished the game today. The original is one of my all time favorite games and I enjoyed this one for the most part but there was some incredibly frustrating parts especially towards the end. I would be interested in knowing how many times I died during my playthrough because it was a lot. At times, I needed to walk away from the game for a bit and then come back to it because I got so frustrated. I think the 7/10 reviews are right on the money
To someone who's gotten farther in the game, how large is the open world? Right now, I'm still in the beta section, and the map looks much larger than the area I'm in.

How does one describe the size of a virtual world?

It's definitely not the largest open world game out there, but it's sizable enough.
Like, is the visual representation of the city on the map accurate to how big the actual world is?

I haven't beaten the game yet, but if the pattern I've seen so far continues, I'm going to say mostly.

If you look, you'll see that the edges of the map begin to fade to white somewhat—the playable area doesn't go that far. But everywhere that's fully in focus is playable.


I haven't beaten the game yet, but if the pattern follows I'm going to say mostly. If you'll look, you'll see that the edges of the map begin to fade to white somewhat—the playable area doesn't go that far. But everywhere that's in focus is playable.

Excellent! I can't wait to put more time into it.


Finished the game today. The original is one of my all time favorite games and I enjoyed this one for the most part but there was some incredibly frustrating parts especially towards the end. I would be interested in knowing how many times I died during my playthrough because it was a lot. At times, I needed to walk away from the game for a bit and then come back to it because I got so frustrated. I think the 7/10 reviews are right on the money

Do they stack you up against roomfuls of enemies?


Just beat it, and bleh that ending lol. Probably could had a better impact on things, but whatever.

Going up
the Shard was pretty good through. Using the MAG rope to ride up the huge fans, and Faith encountering a HUGE group of enemies while waiting for the elevator doors were awesome moments.XD

is Faith's sister pretty much screwed with her disease? Also guess she didn't or wasn't able to save Kruger.

Do they stack you up against roomfuls of enemies?

Yeah there are a few encounters of this.
Do they stack you up against roomfuls of enemies?

It definitely happens occasionally, but I've only encountered one really egregious example of it thus far.

On that occasion, I actually ended up enjoying it, somewhat to my own surprise. They give you a LOT of space to work with, so I ended up doing parkour around the arena to pick up speed, and then used that speed to take down the enemies.


It definitely happens occasionally, but I've only encountered one really egregious example of it thus far.

On that occasion, I actually ended up enjoying it, somewhat to my own surprise. They give you a LOT of space to work with, so I ended up doing parkour around the arena to pick up speed, and then used that speed to take down the enemies.

Yeah I'm pretty sure I know the encounter you're talking about and it wasn't that bad. My only complaint is that if you're not building up speed to unleash the high powered traversal attacks then you kind of just stand there waiting for them to attack so that you can dodge to the side. Otherwise you can just spam the heavy in a direction.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
It feels just as good as the first game.
It does not play as well as ME1 on gamepad. The camera is fucked. Makes the game feel stilted. It is very disappointing. It's a core thing they got wrong.

All the other complaints folks have about story, progression, open world, etc. haven't affected my enjoyment, but the way the game feels thanks to shitty analog controls is just... *sigh*. Never even considered the possibility they could screw that part up.

DICE used to be so good at smooth analog camera controls. Something happened to that studio after Bad Company 2, idk what (actually I do know what -- it's acceleration on the stick), but since Battlefield 3 it's been getting worse and now it's prevalent in Mirror's Edge of all games.


Neo Member
In three years this is going to be on generation end "underrated" lists and I hope everyone who didn't buy it accepts the personal responsibility of fucking up if the franchise dies 🐸☕️

MTE. I get so pissed thinking about it.


Tears in the rain
It does not play as well as ME1 on gamepad. The camera is fucked. Makes the game feel stilted. It is very disappointing. It's a core thing they got wrong.

All the other complaints folks have about story, progression, open world, etc. haven't affected my enjoyment, but the way the game feels thanks to shitty analog controls is is just... *sigh*. Never even considered the possibility they could screw that part up.

DICE used to be so good at smooth analog camera controls. Something happened to that studio after Bad Company 2, idk what (actually I do know what -- it's acceleration on the stick), but since Battlefield 3 it's been getting worse and now it's prevalent in Mirror's Edge of all games.

I have none of those problems. Camera is perfect, controls are fluid and intuitive and I have been getting better runs and times than in ME1. I don't think I've heard anyone else complain about the camera.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I have none of those problems. Camera is perfect, controls are fluid and intuitive and I have been getting better runs and times than in ME1. I don't think I've heard anyone else complain about the camera.
Maybe you like acceleration. So does DICE apparently.


Neo Member
Considering Celeste appeared in the comics, I thought she would be in Catalyst as well. Such a shame she didn't show up. Quite liked her character in the original.


Would love to play this, but randomly my Origin has decided to just not start up. I've looked it up online, and it actually seems a pretty common issue, but none of the tips I've tried have actually paid off >.<
Mirror's Edge Catalyst on Xbox One everybody...

He looked like this for a full minute.


Well that ending felt... rushed. I like the gameplay a lot, but the story wore on me more and more as time went on. Also, Plastic is an awful character. I mean, they all are, but Plastic... ugh.
The time limits sure are tight on some of these side missions!

Well that ending felt... rushed. I like the gameplay a lot, but the story wore on me more and more as time went on. Also, Plastic is an awful character. I mean, they all are, but Plastic... ugh.

Word. Plastic is awful.


Tears in the rain
Mirror's Edge Catalyst on Xbox One everybody...

He looked like this for a full minute.

Look I love the game, but Jesus Christ someone needs to be held accountable for this fuckery. How the hell did they think that releasing the game in that state on Xbox One was OK? Can you exchange it for the PS4 version?


LOD models seem to be a serious issue in this game, even on PC at max settings.

I'll look at a vent and it's fan cover will be in low LOD mode until I'm about 3 feet away from it, THEN it will switch to the high detail model.

It's really unusual and not a common problem in AAA games these days. One that is usually fixed. It was this way in the beta too.
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