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Mom calls cops on stranger choking her 7yr son, gets arrested (Up: bodycam footage)

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This is the part where I remind everyone that this moment right now is *still* the best minorities have ever had it in this country.

Let that sink in for a moment.


I have a hard time articulating how rage-inducing this is. The cop is a bully and a menace.

Yea I could actually see myself being in that situation and being so enraged by the cops behavior that I would do something that might end with me in jail for life
Yes, recurrent trend of office antagonizing black people and then arresting them for their reaction. State sanctioned bullying and repression.


I know I would have.

Out your hands on my boy, I'll put my hands round your neck.

Cop was itching to kill her. Dude is gonna kill somebody soon if he's let back on the streets with a gun.

i'm sure like two weeks paid leave and a slap on the wrist will teach him a lesson
By the way: a Black militia group decided to open carry through the victim's neighborhood to protest this cop being let back on the streets. This is what happened, keeping in mind Texas is an OPEN CARRY STATE:

FORT WORTH - The actions of Fort Worth police are being called into question again after a group claims officers acted aggressively during a weekend demonstration.

The demonstration was to support Jacqueline Craig and included demonstrators lawfully carrying rifles. Police responded with weapons drawn and an aggressive takedown, something activists say was racially discriminatory

Cell phone video shows La'Shadion Anthony on Saturday in front of Craig's home with boys he says he's mentoring with self-defense tactics.

”Our concern and the concern after this incident is the way that Open Carry works for African-Americans versus everybody else," Merritt said.

Police say they detained the three activists while officers checked to see if they had any warrants or if their guns were possibly stolen. Neither was the case, and they were released after about 20 minutes.

Fort Worth police say the department does not have any response to claims that the officer's response was racially motivated.


This is the kind of police conduct that WILL end badly for ALL parties involved.


good question

Exactly. If you have a violent neighbour who wont back down. You call the police to stop that neighbour.. but if you cant do that... then take matters in your own hands? But what you gotta do. You cant put that neighbour in your own made prison. Police is supposed to do that. And if you lay a hand on that neighbour you will go to jail instead if you black in America.


Right. And what are you supposed to do in a situation where you need police intervention?

A situation like this story?

Exactly. If you have a violent neighbour who wont back down. You call the police to stop that neighbour.. but if you cant do that... then take matters in your own hands? But what you gotta do. You cant put that neighbour in your own made prison. Police is supposed to do that. And if you lay a hand on that neighbour you will go to jail instead if you black in America.

So a woman called the police like you suggested because someone choked her son and how did that workout for her?
She didn't lay a hand on her neighbor and she still went to fucking jail.


So a woman called the police like you suggested because someone choked her son and how did that workout for her?
She didn't lay a hand on her neighbor and she still went to fucking jail.

this is what he was getting at, i think

if you're black, any scenario that could or does involve the police is lose-lose
By the way: a Black militia group decided to open carry through the victim's neighborhood to protest this cop being let back on the streets. This is what happened, keeping in mind Texas is an OPEN CARRY STATE:



This is the kind of police conduct that WILL end badly for ALL parties involved.
And yet cops had no problems with white armed protestors at that mosque



nods at old men

Bit of an update today.
Charges will be dropped for the mother and daughter. And the neighbor is getting a misdemeanor ticket for the assault. No extra punishment for the officer.

How timely.

Fort Worth's mayor Betsy Price seemed pretty upset and did not agree with the punishment of the officer (I believe in that she means it should have been harsher).

Fort Worth Police Chief Joel Fitzgerald said Friday that the decision to not pursue charges against Jacqueline Craig and her daughter was his alone, and that he wasn’t pressured by protesters or by the leak of the bodycam video of Craig’s arrest last month.

“I was the final decision-maker,” Fitzgerald said at a news conference. “I had time to reflect upon this. I can’t say I made the best initial decision.”

Also on Friday, Fitzgerald reiterated that officer Martin’s punishment of a paid 10-day suspension, which he has already served, won’t be increased, despite protesters and Craig’s attorney calling for Martin to be fired.

“He’s already received his discipline,” Fitzgerald said. “He’s not going to receive any double jeopardy.”



Bit of an update today.
Charges will be dropped for the mother and daughter. And the neighbor is getting a misdemeanor ticket for the assault. No extra punishment for the officer.

How timely.

Fort Worth's mayor Betsy Price seemed pretty upset and did not agree with the punishment of the officer (I believe in that she means it should have been harsher).
I would say that I'm surprised but I'm not. Such bullshit.
Yep. Someone is going to die.

What's the point of an armed protest if you're going to lay down your arms the second you're confronted?

That seems hilariously ass backwards and counter to the point.

*racist police show up*
"What can I do for you officer, anything you need"

Like, stay your scary ass at home, that shit was pointless.
What's the point of an armed protest if you're going to lay down your arms the second you're confronted?

That seems hilariously ass backwards and counter to the point.

*racist police show up*
"What can I do for you officer, anything you need"

Like, stay your scary ass at home, that shit was pointless.

Sorry they didn't appease you with their deaths?

NH Apache

What's the point of an armed protest if you're going to lay down your arms the second you're confronted?

That seems hilariously ass backwards and counter to the point.

*racist police show up*
"What can I do for you officer, anything you need"

Like, stay your scary ass at home, that shit was pointless.

Right, get into a firefight with police?

They were there to demonstrate their rights and showed that the department there is super fucking racist.

The protesters did more than you could ever do They made this shit more public.
Sorry they didn't appease you with their deaths?

No, that's not the point.

There's rules when it comes to firearms, and most prominent being is don't walk around with a gun if you are scared to use it or will give it up as soon as you are confronted by the same people who you're walking around protesting against.

If your point was to show strength and that you won't be bullied by racist cops, you fuckin fail at it when you immediately give right in.

Idk. If you're gonna take ideas from white folks protests, don't do any half measure shit. It just makes us black folks look soft. It's the armed carry version of when the families after the Charleston shooting couldn't wait to get on tv and forgive the shooter and white folks for racism.
Right, get into a firefight with police?

They were there to demonstrate their rights and showed that the department there is super fucking racist.

The protesters did more than you could ever do They made this shit more public.

Uhh, first off, you don't know what I do, so slow your roll homie. I guarantee you you ain't gonna like when I drop that 10 ton proof on your head. Second off, that's preaching to the choir considering the first video and the departments subsequent reaction to it. It's plainly obvious, so this here didn't move the needle for deniers or anyone on the fence.


Uhh, first off, you don't know what I do, so slow your roll homie. I guarantee you you ain't gonna like when I drop that 10 ton proof on your head. Second off, that's preaching to the choir considering the first video and the departments subsequent reaction to it. It's plainly obvious, so this here didn't move the needle for deniers or anyone on the fence.

Inaction doesn't do jackshit. Also if you are so sure that the protest had no effect then by all means, I wanna see your in depth study.Ill wait.


nods at old men
Uhh, first off, you don't know what I do, so slow your roll homie. I guarantee you you ain't gonna like when I drop that 10 ton proof on your head. Second off, that's preaching to the choir considering the first video and the departments subsequent reaction to it. It's plainly obvious, so this here didn't move the needle for deniers or anyone on the fence.

What is this?
Terrible response from the department. As someone else said, that video is rage inducing. Hope they mayor can do something, anything, although I'm not sure what.

No, that's not the point.

There's rules when it comes to firearms, and most prominent being is don't walk around with a gun if you are scared to use it or will give it up as soon as you are confronted by the same people who you're walking around protesting against.

If your point was to show strength and that you won't be bullied by racist cops, you fuckin fail at it when you immediately give right in.

Idk. If you're gonna take ideas from white folks protests, don't do any half measure shit. It just makes us black folks look soft. It's the armed carry version of when the families after the Charleston shooting couldn't wait to get on tv and forgive the shooter and white folks for racism.

I'm gunna go out on a limb and say you are the one that doesn't know the rules to firearms.


By the way: a Black militia group decided to open carry through the victim's neighborhood to protest this cop being let back on the streets. This is what happened, keeping in mind Texas is an OPEN CARRY STATE:



This is the kind of police conduct that WILL end badly for ALL parties involved.

Oh yay, Blacks with guns, let's see what warrants they have against them, best time to check is now!

Uh, what about Billy Bob over there with a gun, should I run him?

No, he's White.

Oh yeah sorry.
Terrible response from the department. As someone else said, that video is rage inducing. Hope they mayor can do something, anything, although I'm not sure what.

I'm gunna go out on a limb and say you are the one that doesn't know the rules to firearms.

You plan on backing up that assertion or is that a big fat nah?


Uhh, first off, you don't know what I do, so slow your roll homie. I guarantee you you ain't gonna like when I drop that 10 ton proof on your head. Second off, that's preaching to the choir considering the first video and the departments subsequent reaction to it. It's plainly obvious, so this here didn't move the needle for deniers or anyone on the fence.

Actually I think their point was proven and effective. They had guns and they WERE racially profiled because of it. Best response they could have hoped for honestly.
Inaction doesn't do jackshit. Also if you are so sure that the protest had no effect then by all means, I wanna see your in depth study.Ill wait.

And that's what they did by just kowtowing as soon as the police came around.

Meanwhile how are those Bundy boys who decided to not only point their guns at the goddamn Feds, but then decided to take over a nature preserve?

Oh that's right, free as fuck.

The only strength you have is the strength that you are willing to actually use. The police will operate as they always have because they have evidence they have nothing to fear from these armed guardians that won't defend their rights at the slightest provocation. Period.

Actually I think their point was proven and effective. They had guns and they WERE racially profiled because of it. Best response they could have hoped for honestly.

There's already multiple YouTube videos of this, not to mention Philandro Castile.

This information ain't new.


No, that's not the point.

There's rules when it comes to firearms, and most prominent being is don't walk around with a gun if you are scared to use it or will give it up as soon as you are confronted by the same people who you're walking around protesting against.

If your point was to show strength and that you won't be bullied by racist cops, you fuckin fail at it when you immediately give right in.

Idk. If you're gonna take ideas from white folks protests, don't do any half measure shit. It just makes us black folks look soft. It's the armed carry version of when the families after the Charleston shooting couldn't wait to get on tv and forgive the shooter and white folks for racism.

The fucking point of it shows that they are innocent and are using the same rights everyone else should fucking have and legally.

What is this forced shootout shit you are hoping to encourage
The fucking point of it shows that they are innocent and are using the same rights everyone else should fucking have and legally.

What is this forced shootout shit you are hoping to encourage

There's already multiple videos of this experiment being done across the country on YouTube.

Hell, California no longer has open carry specifically to keep black people from carrying arms.

Philandro Castile was killed last year over this, and had far more attention than this video.

So tell me, what does this act serve to do except tell the police, "yeah, even with arms we're still gonna bend over for you racist fucks instead of defending our rights."

They tried a gambit, and the cops pulled their card and lost, and I personally think they will be worse off for it.


So tell me, what does this act serve to do except tell the police, "yeah, even with arms we're still gonna bend over for you racist fucks instead of defending our rights."

They tried a gambit, and the cops pulled their card and lost, and I personally think they will be worse off for it.

You are crazy, that's how you make things WORSE. They are already racist as fuck you don't throw fuel into a fire and give them a real excuse and reasons to be pieces of shit it just puts the veil back on for the public
You are crazy, that's how you make things WORSE

Worse than what?

Please tell me, a black man living in America that has to deal with the fact that I might not make it home whenever I leave my house due to a racist cop that if he kills me won't see the inside of a jail cell doesn't get about this.

Only thing history as taught me is that black people (and people in general) only get the rights they are willing to fight for and defend, else bullies will take everything, including your life, from you.

Forgive me for not having faith in the public or in white people suddenly having a change of heart when they have displayed nothing of the sort because THE. SHIT. KEEPS. HAPPENING.

Also, if you're walking around open carrying to protect your neighborhood from THE POLICE, and then give up your guns to THE POLICE, you're not too good at this protection shit.
Try as I might, all I see is a forum goer safely behind a computer talking about how black people should put their lives at risk or else what's the point?

You talk about how you've got anything to back up how you can justifiably criticize these protesters for not going the distance with their protest, but can you back it up? Can you demonstrate an instance where you've done what you've said that these protesters should be doing?
You know my life story or nah? You willing to bet your account on whether I'm a keyboard warrior or about that life?

Why are you replying to people with "you don't know me" when you could be saying "here, know me"

Of course no one is going to take seriously that you are in a position to criticize someone for not literally risking their lives. Demonstrate to us why we should take your claims seriously


You know my life story or nah? You willing to bet your account on whether I'm a keyboard warrior or about that life?
lol turn up for a check

In all seriousness the Bundy boys were white nationalists... that's why the cops ultimately folded on them. What makes you think they would fold on some random black folks?


Tagged as I see fit
What's the point of an armed protest if you're going to lay down your arms the second you're confronted?

That seems hilariously ass backwards and counter to the point.

*racist police show up*
"What can I do for you officer, anything you need"

Like, stay your scary ass at home, that shit was pointless.

Pretty sure they proved the point that the police are walking hypocrites and have no credibility whatsoever.

I do see where you're coming from though - but are they supposed to get into a fire fight with the cops?
Why are you replying to people with "you don't know me" when you could be saying "here, know me"

Of course no one is going to take seriously that you are in a position to criticize someone for not literally risking their lives. Demonstrate to us why we should take your claims seriously

I'll PM you and then you can report back to the thread about whether I'm legit enough to make these criticisms.

Certain people on the internet like to be on some other ish.
lol turn up for a check

In all seriousness the Bundy boys were white nationalists... that's why the cops ultimately folded on them. What makes you think they would fold on some random black folks?

Most bullies are cowards by default. That's why they are bullies and gravitate towards professions that bullies like, and surprise, no one wants to actually get shot. From personal experience, getting shot hurts like hell. 0/10, would not recommend.
I'll PM you and then you can report back to the thread about whether I'm legit enough to make these criticisms.

Certain people on the internet like to be on some other ish.

Not being a keyboard warrior does not inherently result in you being justified in criticizing the people in the video. Yes, they adopt tactics from white protesters (open carry), but they can't adopt the relative level of safety from police violence if they defy police like a white protester could.

I apologize for suggesting you a keyboard warrior, but I nevertheless stand by that the people in that video being wary of escalating the situation any further are justified to have done so. Would the police truly not respond even more harshly than they already did if they refused to lower their weapons?


And that's what they did by just kowtowing as soon as the police came around.

Meanwhile how are those Bundy boys who decided to not only point their guns at the goddamn Feds, but then decided to take over a nature preserve?

Oh that's right, free as fuck.

The only strength you have is the strength that you are willing to actually use. The police will operate as they always have because they have evidence they have nothing to fear from these armed guardians that won't defend their rights at the slightest provocation. Period.

There's already multiple YouTube videos of this, not to mention Philandro Castile.

This information ain't new.

Yes. The point is mass penetration. You keep doing it, you keep letting people see it, until they can't really deny it anymore.
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