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Monster Hunter: World (PS4/XB1 early 2018, PC later, directed by MH4 lead planner)

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lol gutted what makes Monster Hunter worth playing: the combat

y'all can keep this
As someone who watched the trailer: How was the combat gutted?

Like I'm not sure how to feel about all the extra stuff slapped on outside of combat, but there's barely any actual combat in the trailer.


Watching it a few more times and I'm more excited for it... I guess I just have to see more. I remember thinking a lot of stuff in the MH4 trailer was weird too when I first saw it and I ended up loving that game. I think I'll come around when I see how the co-op works.

I'm really gonna miss portable MH though. I hope this isn't the end of the line for that because I don't have as much time to play on console these days. :(


Maybe the rumor is true and this is actually MH5. Can't wait for Monster Hunter: World portable ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Neo Member
The haters are ridiculous. Looks awesome.

Grapple looks great. Stealth could add a lot to monhun (one reason Horizon gameplay was fun). And people say it looks rough? Have they never played monhun? Looks like it retains the feel of monhun with a bit more refinement. I've waited like 10 years for a real monhun game to hit a modern system and it looks like it's finally happening.

Only thing that looked questionable to me was the overdone particles that fly around everywhere. And the camera looked a bit too close. And based on the trailer, I was worried it was singleplayer, but their art has multiple hunters so hopefully it's still the co-op we love.

Exactly. Not sure why existing fans are hating.. Well I can kinda see, but the kneejerk reaction is a bit much. Should wait to see more of it before you decide that its the worst thing thats ever happened to the series. I'm glad I get to play Monster Hunter again since the good ol PSP days, and thankfully they upgraded the god awful graphics they've had for multiple iterations. The Z dimension combat looks fairly fluid too. idk, i'm pretty excited for this.

Edit: It's also only a four minute world premiere trailer. I would get the disdain for not seeing the usual awesome gameplay and mechanics of a typical monster hunter with varied weapon types etc. if we saw a 30 minute pure gameplay trailer.


People mad at a spinoff, wasn't MH Gen a spinoff? I loved that thing.

TO BE FAIR, Generations is a spinoff only in the sense that it doesn't feature any real new territories to explore and entirely new monster types to fight. It plays just like MH4U, albeit with the addition of the style system to bolster your move set. This one is definitely making some radical departures from how combat has been set up in the past, so it's going to naturally see some more scrutiny.


Definitely a spin-off. Not even announced for Japan.
Nah, seems it's the first proper sequel that doesn't rehash a lot of PS2 stuff and introduce proper new mechanics and a decent evolution in the formula and game concept.

Read the OP and watch the trailer.
I think the only things I didn't really like was the firefly detective vision and that stealth looked too powerful.

I get why they added a stealth mechanic, since there's no more zones and you'd need to hide from the monster to heal up.

The grappling hook thing was okay...
Hmmm I'm super confused. Me and my buds all did like 300 hours in MHU4 and like 150 in MHGen and got super psyched when we realized what it was. What in the trailer made people think this is going to be bad?

Worldwide servers



Hell yeah!

Looked awesome to me. I don't get the "concern" and "spin-off" complaints.

Even if it isn't a mainline title in the series, does that somehow illigitimize it, or somehow render it impossible from being a great game?

Whether it's a spin-off or not it looks solid. Traditional MonHun games were completely inaccessible to me and this looks like it will be a lot of fun.
Exactly. Not sure why existing fans are hating.. Well I can kinda see, but the kneejerk reaction is a bit much. Should wait to see more of it before you decide that its the worst thing thats ever happened to the series. I'm glad I get to play Monster Hunter again since the good ol PSP days, and thankfully they upgraded the god awful graphics they've had for multiple iterations. The Z dimension combat looks fairly fluid too. idk, i'm pretty excited for this.

People care about more than the graphics. Graphics aren't why I play Monster Hunter
MH came a long way since MH1. This looked barebones and bland.
How is MH World not a long way from MH1?

MH made baby steps and tacked on mechanics on top of mechanics with nuanced changes only hardcore fans would notice and care about. MH came a long way for hardcore fans like me who notice and appreciate nuanced changes to combat and such. But this is he first time we see a complete shakeup. I don't know how you can't appreciate that as a fan.
I feel like people unhappy with it made it pretty clear. It's not a traditional MH game.
Because it has new features? All the old stuff seems to be there, idk what the whole regenerating health talk is but until that's proven fact won't speak on that. Normal combat wasn't even shown, but the one regular attack looked 100% like a traditional MH jump attack, and we saw blocking, which again, MH. It has hunting, gathering, crafting weapons and armor, everything MH. What is missing.

Nothing in there was so different that it looked like an entirely different game. Just looks like they finally decided to make some big additions to the formula.


I cannot believe some are so negative about this game. Graphics look amazing and combat looked so good. Shit looks like an insta buy.

It definitely look good, but I can understand why MH fans would be disappointed.

I am intrigue to see how it develops further


So... that 4chan rumor turned out to be true?

Anyway, I'm hyped, I love monster hunter, fingers crossed they don't screw up melee combat.
What if the main Monster Hunter becomes the spin-off?


this would be amazing. i want to see it!


Concerned about dinosaur erection.
Nah, seems it's the first proper sequel that doesn't rehash a lot of PS2 stuff and introduce proper new mechanics and a decent evolution in the formula and game concept.

They haven't rehashed PS2 stuff since PS2. Asset quality aside, everything has been largely knew from Wii to 3DS.

Adding to OP.

This sounds like basically classic Monster Hunter

You guys seem to be counting your chickens before they hatch. Can we wait on some more definitive information/gameplay before everyone kneejerks about the fact it is a complete bastardization and they can't wait for the REAL monster hunter?
Graphic is ok, I don't hate it, but I'm extremely confused about the core gameplay.

At least we won't see mh port begging for awhile.


A lot of jaded gamers in this thread. It's not a mailine MH game, but it still looked like MH

It looks like a somewhat awkward, meandering, extremely low energy version of MH, sure.

I never felt like it looked bad but... I'm just not excited like I wanted to be when a big, new HD Monster Hunter eventually hit, especially knowing it'll be on PC.

But it's just one weird showing, hopefully things will turn me around on it once we see more on combat and game pacing.
This is amazing. This is such a cool evolution for the series, I'm sorry my excitement is through the roof. Everyone go rewstch that trailer. It's monster HUNTER. Creeping up the stream, spying on the baby jaggies. Trying to find moma jaggi. Oh shit throw some leaves on and hide. Swing and knock down that stone on him! Run and dodge shit oh damn a rathalos! Throw up the flare yo the fights going down here! *screen pans out 3 more player Come flying in on their tamed flying monsters* this is going to be really fun. The lead up to the fight and exploring the world... not knowing exactly what's going to go down. Maybe jaggies maybe rathalos. It's like a great big open world monster hunter experience! You can fly on monsters maybe we can even ride them??
This will probably be MonHun Tri levels of content BUT HEY, we finally have current gen combat and graphics. Really interested to see how travelling works. From the looks of it, there will be a lot of barriers and walls to climb, so maybe that's how they'll "segment" hunting downtime?


Last time I played Monster Hunter was years ago on a PSP, with Monster Hunter: Freedom. I'd get together once a week with a friend of mine for local co-op. Had a blast, wanted to play it on console, I'm getting that now. I'm in.


This sounds like basically classic Monster Hunter

You guys seem to be counting your chickens before they hatch. Can we wait on some more definitive information/gameplay before everyone kneejerks about the fact it is a complete bastardization and they can't wait for the REAL monster hunter?
The flare thing sounds weird. Why wouldn't I want to hop on with my friends from the get-go?

Everything else at least in descriptions sound like a natural evolution.


I feel like people unhappy with it made it pretty clear. It's not a traditional MH game.

....what? Looks like they took MH and updated for a modern console. Still got that great monhun jank, but updated. Exactly what I've been wanting since MHFU.


Like I legitimately can't say how I feel about some of the stuff in the trailer, because the core of what makes Monster Hunter enjoyable isn't shown and everything else is just a prettier version of stuff we've already seen. You could already track monsters, stealth was possible with Smoke Bombs. The grappling hook is just another mechanic for moving around the environment like climbing in Monster Hunter 4.

The new monster design is kinda boring (Just a T. rex with a weird snoot and fins), but otherwise, the main issue I have with this trailer is that it didn't really demonstrate anything exciting.
So... that 4chan rumor turned out to be true?

Kind of? Rumor said PS4 would get Monster Hunter 5 and it'd be a western focused game, while Switch would get a traditional Monster Hunter that would be a spin off.
Instead PS4 is getting a Monster Hunter spinoff that is western focused and Switch is probably getting a traditional Monster Hunter in the form of Monster Hunter 5.
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