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Monster Hunter: World (PS4/XB1 early 2018, PC later, directed by MH4 lead planner)

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I don't really give a shit about the hardcore/purist arguments. Monster Hunter needs an accessible cross-platform online installment to get a better foothold in the west. This might not be that game, but who knows, maybe it is. I'll wait to see if it's a good game before I write it off.


Neo Member
I am really dissapointed in the general art design, especially the colors. Despite owning 3 onwards, I have never gotten THAT deep into MonHun, but I love the games and part of the reason is how colorful and goofy the world is in comparison to most fantasy stuff. Seeing it so drab was hugely dissapointing.

That said- I was having stream issues, and guess I was reading the environmental interactions as equivalent to traps, just with fun animations. With that in mind, most of the other changes sort of fell in line from what I would expect from a MH on a home console. Traps have elaborate animations instead of a standardized one; the world doesn't need to be segmented; that means paint balls don't make as much sense, and you don't need them because they could be replaced by something like the fading footprints seen in the trailer. Tracking makes sense for a hunter and is doable using in game assets instead needing to abstract it; similarly not having to abstract the hunt and approach means stealth makes sense. Rewatching though, they don't look that much like traps, and that makes me doubt my whole thought process.

Honestly though, as comfy as a lot of that stuff is- the segmented areas, the heavy abstraction of bombs, traps, etc, the paintballs- those things always felt like the technologically limited version of what the designers originally saw in their heads, and I could deal with it changing, especially if more traditional entries continue on switch. The fact the animations look "bad", as some in this thread say, actually gives me hope that they are prioritizing predictable, readable animations in combat, just like in the main series, and that the combat might be fun. If it's fun to play, I can deal with the differences, but it still won't feel like MH.

Edit: since part of why I have had trouble getting deep into MH is because I hate having to lug around my Circle Pad Pro to play with dual analog, I'm excited for it to be on PS4 (and hopefully Switch, even if it's just localized Generations XX) where controls will be more comfortable. That might be a bigger benefit to some than you would think.


2 things I got from this

CLearly is first mission/tutorial, it looks like its a bunch of pre-set events.
No real proper gameplay

Honestly, my take was that it was too early a build to be an actual mission, instead being effectively a test environment adapted a bit for a cinematic trailer.

Which would then possibly suggest reasons why they didn't actually show any co-op

But the release date seems way too soon for that theory to be correct, so I dunno.
Neat. Seems like a progression in some ways from Monhun XX. I prefer the traditional design admittedly but I can't say this will turn out badly as spreading out seems like a good idea for the MonHun series which I think is a good idea so long as the traditionally designed games continue onward (Pls MH5 be in the works).


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.


I realize this may not be what most existing Monster Hunter fans are looking for (and hopefully the Switch games continue providing that), but as a filthy casual wannabe Monster Hunter fan I found this pretty exciting.
I guess some are pissed off because this reveal kinda confirms that 4chan rumor/post about how this was paid by Sony, westernized, among other things, while Capcom will continue with the main entries in Switch.

So, any e-penis battle they wanted won't take place, because one might look better but play differently, while the other will play similar buy may not look as good.

Paid by Sony > simultaneously release Xbox version with PC later? Nah.
Monster Hunter: World looks great :D

I've always wanted to get into the MonHun series but didn't like the ones I've played, but hopefully this one gets to me! It looks so cool and fun and good!


So it's not Itsuno's game like people thought it might be. Weird that it's not called Monster Hunter 5.

Capcom would have to be brain dead to bet the farm on the franchise in the west by making it the fifth installment, and as poor as their financial decisions have been in recent memory, they aren't that goddamned stupid.
I wish they had shown some greatsword combat. Combat is the bread and butter of Monster Hunter for me, so I don't feel like I have enough information to give my thoughts on it.


Why didn't they just give me another traditional Monster Hunter that I've been getting for the past 10 years, but with slight tweaks to combat? Why couldn't they just give me MH4 for the fourth time?

Jesus Christ. This is so disingenuous. The core of MH combat has remained the same yes but there have been many additions to it. You people who insist on changing for the sake of change just don't understand why people like this series. It's like asking for pokemon to stop being turn based or sumthin.

Well on that note, I think I've had enough for now. These threads are gonna be hella rocky lol.
So if this is the mainline and only MH
Why pull it of from Nintendo?

I get you want it on Ps4, Xb1 and Pc, but why not Switch, too?
Is there beef between Capcom and Nintendo?
I guess the rumors are true with Sony being dicks on Nintendo.


Adding to OP.

A Newly Discovered Content? Or am I reading too much on this?
Looked cool to me, but I need to see some actual combat.
So if this is the mainline and only MH
Why pull it of from Nintendo?

I get you want it on Ps4, Xb1 and Pc, but why not Switch, too?
Is there beef between Capcom and Nintendo?
This could easily be attributable to the spec difference between the Switch and everything else.
I think they made a grievous error with the presentation of this game. They clearly wanted to showcase how interactive the environment is, but a little more time dedicated to the gameplay--especially the combat--would have gone a long way. It still looks like a MH game, but I kind of get peoples concerns. I don't think a minute of footage of the PC running away from big monsters was the best choice. I might actually pick this up though, and I imagine the appeal will be there for western audiences.


How is this not a real Monster Hunter?

Just saying "combat" isn't really an answer.

You do have a sword in the trailer, and he uses it - I figured they were just showing off using other creatures to attack your target rather than the heavy swordplay moves I remember.

I mean... It really is the combat. Getting into the zone fighting a monster in MonHun 4 is some of the most satisfying fun I've had playing a game. The slow pace with very deliberate, weighty attacks and dodging gave the whole thing a serious rhythm that, when you got into it, felt really damn good. The fact that this trailer has almost no actual attacking is a gigantic, flaming red flag.


Capcom would have to be brain dead to bet the farm on the franchise in the west by making it the fifth installment, and as poor as their financial decisions have been in recent memory, they aren't that goddamned stupid.

Just because it hasn't got the five doesn't mean another game will. This is by the mainline team.
Did no one watch the same trailer i did? The experience within the environment looks amazing. It looks like it will be fun to just creep around the forest and watch jaggies fight a rathalos. Stealing eggs will be crazy fun in this. You guys know that was Co op right? It zooms out and 3 more players are flying in.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Capcom would have to be brain dead to bet the farm on the franchise in the west by making it the fifth installment, and as poor as their financial decisions have been in recent memory, they aren't that goddamned stupid.

But it's basically going back to the pattern we saw before the series was only on 3DS. It is being made by the MH team. Unless they really want to experiment with this one I guess.
I've been wanting MH to make the jump to HD and to consoles with competent online systems, and I'm glad it finally has happened.

Capcom is definitely chasing the co-op open world-ish trend that is proving to be very successful for the Ubisofts (Ghost Recon/Division) and Activisions (Destiny), so I'm sure they'll find some success in the western markets if the game is even mildly enjoyable to play. And it'll sell in the East on name alone. I understand exactly why they've done what they've done.


Or you know, legitimate real fans who've been with the series for years who are worried that they're losing what made the series special. But, you know, easy to blame fanboys.
I don't see how any rational person could watch that trailer and jump to the conclusion, "We didn't see ____ in the 4 minute E3 trailer! It's ripped out along with everything special about Monster Hunter!"

Why is such a purist chunk of the fanbase throwing themselves off a cliff right now?


I am really dissapointed in the general art design, especially the colors. Despite owning 3 onwards, I have never gotten THAT deep into MonHun, but I love the games and part of the reason is how colorful and goofy the world is in comparison to most fantasy stuff. Seeing it so drab was hugely dissapointing.
Ironically, I've seen plenty of Monster Hunter fans complain the games from 3 onwards were too colorful in comparison to the first 2 generations.
For those not knowing why Monster Hunter fans don't like this is because it pretty much make Monster Hunter like any other action game. Hiding in foliage that tired mechanic, stealth, why? Monster Hunter has stealth but it comes from the gear you have, not just a basic mechanic.

I literally cannot. MH doesn't have stealth mechanics. These MH diehards are bullshitting if they even consider what's in MH a "stealth mechanic." Monsters can see you behind fucking rocks before they've even spotted you. There is no stealth mechanic. There never has been until now. Smoke bombs are not an elegant stealth mechanic.


Capcom would have to be brain dead to bet the farm on the franchise in the west by making it the fifth installment, and as poor as their financial decisions have been in recent memory, they aren't that goddamned stupid.

DmC, SFV, Dead Rising 4, the way they have treated Ace Attorney have all shown otherwise.


Honestly, and obviously it's too early to tell, but here is my wildly subjective viewpoint - this looks like the Monster Hunter I've always to play since Monster Hunter 1 and 2.

Hear me out. I played Monster Hunter religiously on the PS2 when it first came out. My favorite thing about the first couple Monster Hunter games is that you really felt like you were hunting. It was about discovery. Planning. Preparation. Exploration. Creating a plan, and then executing on that plan. But the more I played the series, the less this seemed to be stressed. The PSP Monster Hunters added more weapons and zones and monsters, but there weren't many new gameplay additions beyond combat. And perhaps it's because we've gotten better at the game, but I feel like the most recent additions to the series were just about walking up to the enemy and beating the shit out of it (or dying repeatedly). The combat is great, but I no longer really feel like I'm hunting.

Here's what I saw in this new trailer: Using markings and signs in the environment to organically find the monster. Using camouflage to sneak up on the monster. Using the environment to set traps for the monster. You can sort of do some of these things in the series already, but not to this scale, and not with this ease. These are the kinds of things I've always wanted to see done right in a Monster Hunter game.

How good the combat is remains to be seen, but honestly I'm really impressed with what they've shown. I get why people say "this doesn't look like Monster Hunter" to them, but to me, this looks more like the Monster Hunter I grew up with than any of the recent games in the series. That's my take on it, anyway.


I must be the target audience, because I never found MH games to be appealing before today.

I'm surprised by the mixed response but then I realize long time fans have different tastes.
I don't see how any rational person could watch that trailer and jump to the conclusion, "We didn't see ____ in the 4 minute E3 trailer! It's ripped out along with everything special about Monster Hunter!"

Why is such a purist chunk of the fanbase throwing themselves off a cliff right now?

They literally ignored the most important aspect of the series for the majority of it's fans


This looks pretty cool as someone who thinks the idea behind Monster Hunter is cool but can't devote the time and energy needed into it. I always really liked the monsters and environments and think it's cool to see a single player take on it. Looking forward to it!


Just because it hasn't got the five doesn't mean another game will. This is by the mainline team.

They're clearly concerned about its chances in Japan by not naming it 5 outright, and unlike Call of Duty, I'm not expecting them to come up with fun subtitles anytime soon that generates subseries of subseries.
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