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Monster Hunter: World (PS4/XB1 early 2018, PC later, directed by MH4 lead planner)

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Huh, looks like a couple dozen other 3rd person action games from the last 5 or 10 years, only this time with a MH skin. That's a spin-off, alright.

Don't really care either way as I'm not really into MH, but I can't see this game being the future direction of MH in the west.


The audience was not feeling it. Lmfao.

By the way I wonder how Japan is reacting to this. Kotaku needs to post an article.

If I wasn't so tired I'd already be writing an "I'm an expert" post. I'm sure someone else will do it before long. Maybe they already have.


That wasn't impressive. What was up with that shitty stealth? I'll give them another chance and wait for a long gameplay video, but that trailer was not good at all.
How is this not a real Monster Hunter?

Just saying "combat" isn't really an answer.

You do have a sword in the trailer, and he uses it - I figured they were just showing off using other creatures to attack your target rather than the heavy swordplay moves I remember.



This looks like everything I was asking for in a modern Monster Hunter.

I don't know if I want to get a Switch now or a PS4 Pro.

EDIT: Oh it's coming to PC, that makes my choice much easier. I can't let myself get hyped but omg.
I may not be the biggest MH fan but I loved my time with 3 and 4.... But can anyone tell me what's wrong with this trailer ? I mean, maybe it looks a bit assisted but except for this, it's showing some promising stuff. My only complaint would be the pc later release... And even that isnt really one.


Is this the normal MH team?
Yes, Ryozo Tsujimoto is the main MH guy. And son of the CEO.

Tokuda directed the 3 main PSP games and Tri. He may have been working on this since Tri while others handled 4/4 Ultimate and X/XX because he didn't work in any other game according to Moby Games.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
This looked rather amazing to me but I love shit like dynamic chases. Seeing the fact that monsters can seemingly follow you to the ends of the Earth is awesome to me. That is what I consider next gen gameplay in a lot of ways. Sure it looks to be a big divergence in a lot of ways but it looks like an exciting take on the tried and true formula. From the looks of it multiplayer still appears to be in so I'm up for trying it out and seeing what we get.


Okay, looking at this trailer... Hit the damn mosnter!!! For fucks sake, this is Monster Hunter, you hunt monsters! Where is the combat, that is the best thing about Monster Hunter and it isn't here!

At least this is coming to PC... but too bad it ain't going to be a proper MonHun game.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
what if this was like retitled monster hunter 5 in japan


Meh, it's mostly salty Switch fanboys flocking over from the media create thread to shit on it.

Or you know, legitimate real fans who've been with the series for years who are worried that they're losing what made the series special. But, you know, easy to blame fanboys.
Why didn't they just give me another traditional Monster Hunter that I've been getting for the past 10 years, but with slight tweaks to combat? Why couldn't they just give me MH4 for the fourth time?


I'm very happy about this game's announcement. I've been craving going back into Monster Hunter since Tri's release. With that said, the announcement trailer felt fairly underwhelming. Next time, we'll hopefully get a better look at at the combat, weapons and cool new monsters.
Look I won't write off this just yet, but the first impression is that nothing they focused on in the trailer was what I liked about Monster Hunter


Neo Member
People care about more than the graphics. Graphics aren't why I play Monster Hunter

I do too! But I personally also care about graphics that are past a certain point. It would really suck if they abandoned much of the signature aspects that make Monster Hunter a unique series. But I'm not sure I can discern from that trailer with 100% certainty that it will depart in those aspects.


Reminds me of lost planet.

Don't really like what they showed, but I'm sure this'll work for some people.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
So it's not Itsuno's game like people thought it might be. Weird that it's not called Monster Hunter 5.


How is this not a real Monster Hunter?

Just saying "combat" isn't really an answer.

You do have a sword in the trailer, and he uses it - I figured they were just showing off using other creatures to attack your target rather than the heavy swordplay moves I remember.

It's open world.
Grappling hook bullshit.
Weird firefly vision
Drop in co-op


I guess some are pissed off because this reveal kinda confirms that 4chan rumor/post about how this was paid by Sony, westernized, among other things, while Capcom will continue with the main entries in Switch.

So, any e-penis battle they wanted won't take place, because one might look better but play differently, while the other will play similar buy may not look as good.


Okay, looking at this trailer... Hit the damn mosnter!!! For fucks sake, this is Monster Hunter, you hunt monsters! Where is the combat, that is the best thing about Monster Hunter and it isn't here!
It's like they deliberately avoided showing us the most fun part of the game.

Which I guess makes sense with how Capcom loves to waste our time with shit like gathering quests.


Is this the first monster hunter on xbox?

I believe so. MH needs more audiences that are not portable


For those not knowing why Monster Hunter fans don't like this is because it pretty much make Monster Hunter like any other action game. Hiding in foliage that tired mechanic, stealth, why? Monster Hunter has stealth but it comes from the gear you have, not just a basic mechanic.
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