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Monster Hunter: World (PS4/XB1 early 2018, PC later, directed by MH4 lead planner)

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Come on. This is too different to not be a spin off. Not announced in Japan first... the other line will Continue.
2 things I got from this

CLearly is first mission/tutorial, it looks like its a bunch of pre-set events.
No real proper gameplay


Didn't that rumour say that this would be a PS4 exclusive and be titled Monster Hunter 5?

So was that rumour actually correct then, if its not titled MH5 and it's not PS4 exclusive?

Or are we talking about another rumour?

See way above posts. Half thr rumours came true. MH5 seems exclusive to Switch
It's pretty telling that this isn't called Monster Hunter 5. Makes me think that's still some time down the line and perhaps Capcom will be looking at the sales of this on PS4 and XX on Switch to see which platform they should go with.

Or maybe 5 will just be multiplat.


Come on. This is too different to not be a spin off. Not announced in Japan first... the other line will Continue.

The bigger question is will they be localized, which knowing capcom is a real question.

If they stick west with dumbed down MH while never bringing over the good shit, Capcom can fuck right off forever. Like, what a way to spit in the face of your fans if so.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Yep. And one of the biggest weaknesses of the posters here is being unable to see beyond their own biases.

You see everytime a new trends in gaming appear. "People like this?"

I'm skeptical of its commercial success because it just didn't look all that good, at least compared to other games I saw on stage for PS4 and X1. I think its going to have a very difficult time standing out on those platforms.


Just watched the trailer. I'm in but this is such a let down.

They are basically using the MH brand to sell Dragons Dogma. What the fuck.

Someone explain that wisp around the hunter. I don't get it.

I hate the logo. It looks anemic and not very MH. The trailer is incredibly quiet for a MH trailer. Also no coop shown. What a disgrace.

This is not MH but ok Capcom, as a good fanboy I'll still hope for the best outcome and I'll be there day one regardless.

Ki. I hate Capcom.

You see Dragons Dogma, I see Deep Down wrapped in Monster Hunter skins.

A fitting fate for MH when you think about it.


Surprised at the tepid reception. What the hell GAF.

Looks great.

Is it really that surprising? Generally when Capcom changes a series in order to make it appeal more to western audiences then reception isn't too hot. You'd think they'd learn.
Its a spinoff so i am not surprised that it will play different but.....

In term of 1st impression , Monster hunter Stories looked better and more fun.


Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
This game looks really good; great graphics seems to have all the elements of a classic monster hunter ( cooking, gathering, sharpening, etc) as well as new elements that would fit in a open world ( stealth, grappling hook, tracking rather than paintballs, etc.) I wonder how many are legit concerned and how many are just angry because its not only on nintendo handhelds anymore...

All I've wanted for years is MH on a Sony console.

This is not what I wanted.
While I will buy this and play this, I need more information. Because from what they've shown, it seems like "lowest-common denominator Monster Hunter". All I could think was, "This looks too easy". But again, I'll reserve full judgement once more is shown and the game is in my hands. That said...

Woe betide poor Capcom if they don't announce XX for the West. I feel like the existing MonHun fanbase won't buy World simply out of spite, if that is the case.
Nah its a made up set piece for the trailer or Capcom are totally fucking the formula.

Flare thing did seem like a end of mission thing, be weird to be a madeup thing

I doubt they would make a proper HD MH and have tthe first mission collecting weeds like old games


All this moaning, Switch users wish a Monster Hunter that look like this one.

Day fucking One!

Console preferences aside, it only looked like a monster hunter game, but just from the small bits they showed, it won't play at all like a MH game. It's pretty much a spinoff.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Win-Win for me. If its rad then theres a brand new take on Monster Hunter I'll enjoy, if it sucks and we go back to good old Monhan thats fine too


Looks awesome! This was my favorite game of the show.

Traditional Monster Hunter is great stuff, but it is really cool to see a spin-off try new stuff with the core formula. The bigger focus on the actual hunt with tracking and other things is great example of this. The Dragon Dogma inspired mounting is also really cool.

Can't wait to see more!


This might be a strange question, but do we know if this will actually have multiplayer? Worst case scenario would be if this is supposed to be a single player spinoff game that's more of a traditional action adventure game.

Edit: Looks like co-op is confirmed, that's good.


While I will buy this and play this, I need more information. Because from what they've shown, it seems like "lowest-common denominator Monster Hunter". All I could think was, "This looks too easy". But again, I'll reserve full judgement once more is shown and the game is in my hands. That said...

Woe betide poor Capcom if they don't announce XX for the West. I feel like the existing MonHun fanbase won't buy World simply out of spite, if that is the case.

This doesn't appear to be for MonHun fans. Capcom is chasing new people, so they don't care if we buy it or not.


I've been playing MH since the first PS2 one and have been so damn burned out on all the portable/3DS entries. This looks lovely and I'm eager to try it out.


Hyped. I don't care for the haters.

This is what I imagined a westernized MH would be, and it is beautiful.

And obviously its multiplayer too, which is awesome.

That new Brute Wyvern was sick, and those 4 legged things are a brand new wyvern type for sure.


Visually, I really hope this is the direction the series will take. Gameplay wise, I'm skeptic. Seems like a risky experiment to expand the series. Might be fun, but it will certainly be different to the series people know and love.

In any case, hopefully they move on to those assets soon. Need a proper MonHun that looks like that...


Yeah, I don't know about this. I know that there's a not insubstantial amount of people out there that wanted Monster Hunter to be more realistic with its hunting, but I've never once thought to myself "Gee, you know what this awesome boss rush kind of game needs? Realism!", and with how janky the stealth and tracking features look, I don't think it's really going to satisfy people. I'm also not a fan of the art direction, where it seems like it's sacrificing a lot of the character that the series is known for to bring in monsters that look more uniform. It doesn't look bad, but it's just not really registering for me as the direction the series needs to go in.


This is gonna be the next dragon quest in "why isn't it hit in the west?" Hardcore fans ignore it, casual gamers give the same reception they gave at E3.
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