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More Changes to Bravely Second in the West


Indeed. And for those who didn't klick that link to avoid possible spoiler:

"They removed all the non-neutral sidequest/Asterisk quest outcomes; any choices that would cause characters to die have been removed. Whatever choice you make now, you'll receive the neutral outcome where both sides make it out ok. Compare this to the Japanese versions where you had 4 different outcomes, with VOICED cutscenes!"

Has there been additional confirmation of that? All I can find is that one post on Gamefaqs.


I applaud these statement.

That is generally how it goes, just like when people give up rights in the way of a tragedy. Most people will applaud and defend it so long as it suits them. Then when its severity increases, the same people start to complain, but its often to late to change it at that point.

The Western praise and support of gore and suffering and disdain for all thing sexual that aren't negative portrayed in a negative light, vs the Japanese general disinterest in gratuitous violence and acceptance of more romantic and sexual content is the main reason I predominantly bought Japanese games.

Warping the Japanese content into stuff that suits mainstream American ideals destroys any reason to get the game for me personally.

If a game has something extra in it that I don't like, I just don't use it.

we poe's law now


Only bad ending here is you realizing you bought, played and finished a bad game

I'm enjoying a great game right now. Best turn and class based combat since Bravely Default!

(I realize turn based combat is vague and could apply to XCOM 2 and Hard West so I should probably clarify I mean JRPG combat)
It isn't any definition of any kind of censorship, and content creator would know this. Receiving feedback and taking it into consideration is an integral part of any creative work. A creative work being blasted for being too long or overwrought isn't going to have the artist get slammed for taking feedback to heart and trying to better connect to their audience.

This has nothing to do with trimming things for brevity or removing stuff because it's stupid.
People who argue Genei Ibun Roku #FE won't be substantially affected by localization are kidding themselves.

Xenoblade Chronicles X was barely changed.

All the ridiculous swimsuits were kept in except for edits in regards to the 13 year-old. The other costume change was the edit of the sumo costume so it wasn't just a strong on the back. The boob slider seemed to be to prevent making a character like Lin who looked really young.

Also there were plenty of sidequests that could result in death based on choices.

I don't think Nintendo sees those JRPGs on Wii U as having any chance with a wider audience and won't edit that much.


I mean, there were other 3DS RPGs out in Europe people could buy. They could've avoided the bad end.

The only other choice was EOU2. So it's a choice between a sequel to one of the best JRPGs in the last 5 years or a rehash of a DS game. Seems like easy choice to me.

Legend of Legacy is the one to get but noone remembers its existence.

Frontseat shitposting.

Awwwwww why do you have to get mad now? Can't handle the truth?


I'm enjoying a great game right now. Best turn and class based combat since Bravely Default!

What is /JRPG/ combat?

I'm not trying to be a dick this time, genuinely curious.

I mean, I'm glad you are enjoying Bravely Default and I hope you playing this series will help you go deeper into other, better polished experiences in both gameplay and story.
Editing the artbook? I suppose I should watch the video but y'know spoilers but is this a case of the new costumes having new art drawn for them or is the old concept art edited. The latter is just a why even do that but the former feels like a wasted opportunity.

The dialogue options stuff just comes off as a localisation having to work on a reduced budget and sometimes the magnitude of these things not being obvious at the planning stage. Does the neutral outcome current in-game have voices though? If they do that is the reason they were. Optional voice stuff is usually the first to go.

Well at least it isn't a Tales of Legendaria situation of oops entire second half of game is mute because we thought it was sidequests but perhaps no voiced sidequests would be better if it means all the outcomes still exist.

It is disappointing especially as the prequel infamously outsold Lightning Returns and so you would think that kind of thing would mean no corners cut here. It is clearly more successful than a HD white elephant.

Reminds me of the R18+ rating for Atelier Rorona

The thing about that one is it is a case of "how did you miss that the first time". Also a still image cutscene and text netted it the rating but I think is a problem of a board being having X=automatic 18+. It does make me think though does the Tiffany cutscene have a place but I think that is cultural differences and changing it would probably receive more condemnation than keeping it.

Of course rather than think those points most people would rather parrot the "high sexual impact viola" meme or whatever

Atlus, not Nintendo. Apples and oranges.
Nintendo? You do know Braverly Second is a Square-Enix game and Nintendo have nothing to do with the localisation.

Rant time...

It is like people blaming Nintendo for Wii shovelware...and honestly not even knowing who makes your dog food annoys me more than these rather silly appear localisation choices. It's almost like Treehouse has gone from a banner of respect and really good localisations to be prejudice and assuming they've done it as if they actually think "oh those idiots who censor things and put memes everywhere...an alligator told me a woman who used to work for OGN is responsible too".

It's fine not to like things but please if you want to point fingers blame the right person.


dunno why everyone that actually likes things being removed are always so obnoxious about it.

why do you care so much that people dislike it when things are "localized"

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Gotta save that money by cutting 3/4 of VA work :p
They could have left it unvoiced if money was really an issue. Some extra scenes in the Final Mix versions of KH games are voiceless for the same reason (although admittedly those were there in the Japanese release too).

Very disappointed. I remember the days when the internet decried cut/altered content in their RPGs.


It is unsettling how they cut content from the game, it is an unnecessary change for no reason, and one I hope is not going to continue with these localized jrpgs since that is my favorite genre


The book slider seemed to be to prevent making a character like Lin who looked really young.
With the unfortunate side-effect of basically telling off anyone who just wanted to make a flat-chested female character.

Sometimes changes made with the best of intentions just end up making things worse. I'd say this was one of them.

As far as these changes go, with regards to the side quests... well, I'd need more details, but I certainly have a hard time seeing how they're supposed to help.


we need someone do side-by-side comparisons to know if this is true. I do remember that Japanese players hated this game with a passion.
Yeah. From the spoilers (and without spoiling) it seems that one thing you did resulted in a bad ending and now the same results in the good ending.

So maybe they received a few complaints about how the players felt punished by that and didn't felt it was a "bad decision" to grant "a bad ending".

So they "solved it" by giving everyone a good one?

Kinda hard to tell at this moment.

The game was slammed and considered as a cheap sequel. So who knows if that had any weight on the removal.


This isn't censorship, but it's still a really bad and dumb localization change if it's all true. I have no idea why this was even done.


What is /JRPG/ combat?

I'm not trying to be a dick this time, genuinely curious.

I mean, I'm glad you are enjoying Bravely Default and I hope you playing this series will help you go deeper into other, better polished experiences in both gameplay and story.

Go ahead, give some examples instead of just crying out "Bravely sucks".

Also, combat meaning the battle system in a JRPG. Not a hard one.
The only other choice was EOU2. So it's a choice between a sequel to one of the best JRPGs in the last 5 years or a rehash of a DS game. Seems like easy choice to me.

Legend of Legacy is the one to get but noone remembers its existence.



>People actually support censorship

That's really annoying, and it's one of the games I've really been looking forward to ever since the original won me over. For fuck's sake, let art be art.


Yeah. From the spoilers (and wuthout spoiling) it seems that one thing you did resulted in a bad ending and now the same results in the good ending.

So maybe they received a few complaints about how the players felt punished by that and didn't felt it was a "bad decision" to grant "a bad ending".

So they "solved it" by giving everyone a good one?

Kinda hard to tell at this moment.

The game was slammed and considered as a cheap sequel. So who knows if that had any weight on the removal.

It may be possible that this was a lazy way of addressing potential complaints of players who inadvertently got a bad end.

>People actually support censorship

For fuck's sake, let art be art.

Not as cringe-worthy as trying to greentext on GAF.


Yo wait they edited an artbook?

Trails of Cold Steel

The 'Faygo soda' of JRPGs lmao

Go ahead, give some examples instead of just crying out "Bravely sucks".

Also, combat meaning the battle system in a JRPG. Not a hard one.

I mean if you like Bravely, you like it. I'm not trying to convince you otherwise. Play what you love b


Xenoblade Chronicles X was barely changed.

All the ridiculous swimsuits were kept in except for edits in regards to the 13 year-old. The other costume change was the edit of the sumo costume so it wasn't just a strong on the back. The book slider seemed to be to prevent making a character like Lin who looked really young.

Also there were plenty of sidequests that could result in death based on choices.

I don't think Nintendo sees those JRPGs on Wii U as having any chance with a wider audience and won't edit that much.

#FE has the Fire Emblem name where the target audience is seen as younger compared to Xenoblade Chronicles X where they seemed to figure their target audience was mostly older.


The outcomes aren't like totally made up out of whole cloth or anything
There's a single point where you go back in time (Chapter 5) and change things. The "bad" endings are for the first run through and the "good" endings are for the second go through. They've just altered things to skip to that latter outcome. And there are still consequences it's just that instead of Good/Bad you get Good/Neutral , depending on which side you pick.

I let myself be spoiled for this (since I'd already seen that GFAQs post) and I'm actually really annoyed now because
I fucking love that kind of time travel plot


Xenoblade Chronicles X was barely changed.

All the ridiculous swimsuits were kept in except for edits in regards to the 13 year-old. The other costume change was the edit of the sumo costume so it wasn't just a strong on the back. The book slider seemed to be to prevent making a character like Lin who looked really young.

Also there were plenty of sidequests that could result in death based on choices.

I don't think Nintendo sees those JRPGs on Wii U as having any chance with a wider audience and won't edit that much.

We'll see, but I disagree. #FE has change and content modifications for localization written all over it.


Game boycotts don't work, period. We've seen it with things regarding shitty practices from censorship to DLC. That doesn't mean we can't let Nintendo or SQEX or Activision or whoever know that we're unhappy with those practices, it's just that "vote with your dollar" won't make a difference.

They seem to work pretty well in most instances of shitty PC ports. Arkham Knight being the most obvious recent example where the game has barely moved any copies outside of its launch window (which itself was lower than expected).

Really, horrible bugs/online and shitty ports seem to be the only major deal breakers in gaming to more general audiences.

Localization censorship issues just isn't something that the vast majority care enough about (or even know period) to result in skipped sales. Of course complaining about practices in a game you will buy anyhow doesn't work.

Nyoro SF

We'll see, but I disagree. #FE has change and content modifications for localization written all over it.

I agree. #FE is going to get mutilated.

Kind of hard to throw down an avatar bet though, because censorship has all sorts of levels. Can't even have fun with the inevitable snip snip. :(


Indeed. There's lots of speculation in this thread based only on what's presented in front of us. Kind of need more information to understand the reasoning behind these changes.

At the very least, being specific about it being "self-censorship" or "marketing changes" or "localization" or whatever is much, much better than just throwing around "censorship" blindly.

Again, using the word recklessly only puts you under more scrutiny. These kinds of tangents can easily be avoided simply by using more precise language. Don't like people going on semantic tangents? You have the power to avoid just that fate.

I mean, I just make it a habit to avoid using he word censorship ever because it so frequently derails threads. I appreciate the precision of language but this particular subtopic comes up super frequently and rarely produces interesting conversation. I'm not telling people what they can or can't talk about, I'm just saying its usually the least productive of these sub topics.

Also this:


We know nothing about the mindset that lead to those changes. Trying to equate these to "4kids" level changes is also quite laughable, considering how much that company butchered the works it had access to.

You aren't wrong here but usually, and understandably, the conversation changes a bit once we are talking about a finished product. That is to say these changes become super visible and not all changes are objectively better (or rather you won't get a consensus agreement that a change was for the best all the time). Since these particular types of changes go into issues of morality, conversations unfortunately get a lot more heated than they would normally.


...there is a Censored Gaming Youtube channel? Lol.

I'm not surprised at the changes (except the story stuff wtf.) but not really looking too bright for future localization on 3ds/WiiU/NX the more this happens.


Not only do they support it, they act superior to those that don't want things to be removed.

How backwards.

There's nothing wrong with acting superior to people that don't know what censorship is, or if the edits made by the content creators are censorship in the first place.
What a weird thing to say

Not really :v I entirely agree with that sentiment. I think that the anti-"censorship" movement is usually very silly, but assuming that the sidequest stuff is truly being cut from the game, it's an embarrassing localization change that should be criticized. It's just unfortunate that it puts me onto the same side as some of the more unfortunate people in the movement.


Not only do they support it, they act superior to those that don't want things to be removed.

How backwards.

Mostly because the people who champion against the censorship has no idea what the word means and consistently use slippery slope fallacies to justify their arguments. I mean, I'm not gonna take no "STOP CENSORSHIP!!!!" dude on an image board seriously if they're gonna do that.

But in the case of Bravely Second yes this is kind of shit

No idea what that means

The joke I am trying to make is that Trails of Cold Steel is like those dime a dozen 90s RPGs that released around the boom of FFVII that has great quality at the cost of some questionable design choices and off-putting character art, not to mention at the end of the day ploaying these types of games you feel this sense of emptiness that you proooobably could've been playing something better. Kind of like drinking Faygos.

Not a 'bad' game, but the praise to it is kind of exaggerated. It's very solid though.
Just finished it for the second time voluntarily, while I couldn't even be bothered with continuing BD after the "twist". Damn good game.

I also could not be bothered with BD after the 'twist'. That game was too tiresome for its own good. You can have a good turn based battle system, a good job system but if you get boring then there is no saving you.

I'll have to pick up the Vita version at some point.


Deals a real blow to the idea of video games being art when people are so ready to accept changes to games in the name of localization but in the same post decry any changes to the included art book.

In regards to the changes to the side quests, the fact is that sqenix could have made a statement or blog post about why this was changed before release but instead chose to just silently make edits to the game and hope nobody noticed. It feels like this past year has been terrible for japanese games being edited in localization without any announcement or acknowledgement of the changes by the companies releasing them.
It may be possible that this was a lazy way of addressing potential complaints of players who inadvertently got a bad end.

Looking at the art book changes, like the blood one, I feel that it was a poorly attempt of trying to be more friendly to a kid audience, probably under the assumption that 3DS is still mostly a kid machine on the west, or maybe a rather poor attempt to broad the audience of the original game...


The 'Faygo soda' of JRPGs lmao

Not sure what this is supposed to mean. It does the Persona elements better than Persona does, has an indepth and interesting story that connects with the other games and as the story progresses it reveals a hell of a lot of political machinations, and the combat is quick, snappy and evolves on the Grandia-esque base that FC/SC/3rd established, and one of the best soundtracks in JRPG history alongside other entries in the series.

As for the topic this thread's about, changing sidequest endings to be happier instead of having bad ends is stupid and I don't like it, but it's not really censorship. It's just poor localization.
Not really :v I entirely agree with that sentiment. I think that the anti-"censorship" movement is usually very silly, but assuming that the sidequest stuff is truly being cut from the game, it's an embarrassing localization change that should be criticized. It's just unfortunate that it puts me onto the same side as some of the more unfortunate people in the movement.

Or we could just be against stupid localization changes together, independent of the fact that we don't agree on every single issue

nah let's just choose "sides"

The joke I am trying to make is that Trails of Cold Steel is like those dime a dozen 90s RPGs that released around the boom of FFVII that has great quality at the cost of some questionable design choices and off-putting character art, not to mention at the end of the day ploaying these types of games you feel this sense of emptiness that you proooobably could've been playing something better. Kind of like drinking Faygos.

Not a 'bad' game, but the praise to it is kind of exaggerated. It's very solid though.

That's completely wrong but I guess you can't be right about everything
You described like Legend of Dragoon or Legaia here.. Cold Steel is light-years ahead of those kind of games


dunno why everyone that actually likes things being removed are always so obnoxious about it.

why do you care so much that people dislike it when things are "localized"

half of it is just nintendo fanboys like escalario lashing out at people daring to criticize one of nintendo's godworks, and the other half... well, we all know what the real elephant in the room is about.

as long as it doesn't affect them, they'll choose their side just for the sake of opposing the other side.


Not sure what this is supposed to mean. It does the Persona elements better than Persona does, has an indepth and interesting story that connects with the other games and as the story progresses it reveals a hell of a lot of political machinations, and the combat is quick, snappy and evolves on the Grandia-esque base that FC/SC/3rd established, and one of the best soundtracks in JRPG history alongside other entries in the series.

I'll meet you at the combat, it definitely is a very excellent combat system. I wasn't really feeling the music or the story though. (I also do not like Grandia.)
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