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MS's Response to Sony's "No AAA Studio Can Match CoD" Statement + Confirms Sony Pays To Blocks Games From Game Pass

The Alien


However thumping your chest when things are good is fine...but when the competition (3rd place, mind you) does something that threatens you, don't run and cry about it.

Been Sony's MO for a while now TBH.
That’s pretty much how marketing agreements work, would be kind of stupid of Sony to market a game heavily without making sure it doesn’t end up on a competitors subscription service.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
The version the hardcore players buy is. Just like with Madden, FIFA, NBA2K, etc.

Hell the highest end NBA2K23 this year is $150 (which is actually an amazing deal because it gets you $270 worth of stuff for half price).
MS didnt even include Hot Wheels in Gamepass' version of Forza so not gonna happen.

silent head

2 Trillion dollar company playing the victim after they just dropped $67 BILLION to own an entire publisher. (And the $8.1 BILLION before that)
2 trillion dollar company can't afford to outbid a much smaller company?
Loop Waiting GIF
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
No, they included it originally for GwG, and every other service that was going to crop up or be out there at the time. And I can guarantee based on business economics and gaming history, MS has/had one too for PS+, etc, for games they have time exclusivity and marketing deals with.

Come on man, you can't tell folks that they should know better in one post then feign ignorance in another.

Anyway, this is a direct copy of the text from the RE Village contract (which, to be clear is a LEAK, no one from Capcom or Sony have come and validated it 100%, but its the only leak of its kind we have).

"During the term, Publisher shall not authorise, assist or encourage any third party to include the game in any Competetive Platform subscription service, including but not limited to Google Stadia Pro subscriptions, Microsoft's Xbox Live Gold, Project xCloud or Game Pass subscription service or similar Competetive Platform subscription service,"


They are directly name dropping Game Pass (along with Stadia). And it makes sense, RE7 had been on game pass for roughly 2 years before it got taken out, no doubt a ton of people played it on Xbox like that and many may have opted not to get it on PS4 because of that same reason.

Infamy v1

You should know by now how this goes.......
It's like when people say Sony bought all those thousands of games to be exclusive for PS1 yet outside Tomb Raider no one has provided any proof yet.

Can you provide proof that anybody said Sony bought exclusivity for thousands of games? Shit, even hundreds? What's that? No? You're just angry because you got rightfully embarrassed and laughed out of another thread, and are trying to drag that same discussion to a new one?

Ah, right. Carry on.


Gold Member
Come on man, you can't tell folks that they should know better in one post then feign ignorance in another.

Anyway, this is a direct copy of the text from the RE Village contract (which, to be clear is a LEAK, no one from Capcom or Sony have come and validated it 100%, but its the only leak of its kind we have).

"During the term, Publisher shall not authorise, assist or encourage any third party to include the game in any Competetive Platform subscription service, including but not limited to Google Stadia Pro subscriptions, Microsoft's Xbox Live Gold, Project xCloud or Game Pass subscription service or similar Competetive Platform subscription service,"


They are directly name dropping Game Pass (along with Stadia). And it makes sense, RE7 had been on game pass for roughly 2 years before it got taken out, no doubt a ton of people played it on Xbox like that and many may have opted not to get it on PS4 because of that same reason.
And publishers agree to these deals. They don’t have to take them if they think the other deals are more lucrative.

And yes, come on man. You know this happens in all facets of business with all companies. But do what you continue to do, playa.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
And publishers agree to these deals. They don’t have to take them if they think the other deals are more lucrative.

Of course and that's what one of the points in MS's reply is. That Sony are paying to keep games off of game pass.

We can assume there's a certain amount of implicit strong-arming involved as PS consoles account for the bigger share of sales for most Japanese games, and almost 100% of the share in Japan.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
I see your side of the argument but people buy the game plus tons of skins anyways. So we can agree to disagree here. The game is a money maker on its own by a long shot and for me I wouldn't change that at the moment. COD MW2 is gonna sell hotcakes. I'm in on this version this year.

What I really fear is people saying sony is making it that Microsoft can't put COD on Gamepass yet in reality it's just a cover for not being let down by your own console of choice which was never going to put it on gamepass anyways.
Well, people will continue to buy the game as usual, and people who is on the fence can try it through game pass. Still a win win 🤷‍♂️

I like cod, but I'm the opposite. I don't think cod can top MW19 and will never buy a new cod, but would without a doubt try it if it was on Game pass.

Ms has always and still advertise for all xbox games day one on game pass.


Starfield, elder scrolls, stalker 2,forza series, halo etc gets on game pass day one.

CoD wouldn't be any different.


These articles due not point to a system that keeps games from coming out on playstation like the poster requested. Release date parity is in no shape or form the same as exclusivity. The devs at the time were within their right to release on playstation and Xbox as long as the release date was simultaneous.

This also hasn't been a thing for at least over 6 years. The Witness with no additional content came to Xbox in 2016 after releasing originally on PS4.


lol Yeah. I never bought into the good guy act of these suits. Singing kumbaya while stabbing each other in the back with multi billion acquistions then saying hey we only spent billions to keep everything multiplatform. Nonsense.

This is a business. No one spends $70 billion to add the mere $2-3 billion profits to their portfolio. It would take 20-30 years to pay off this purchase. Nah, this deal was made to get Sony to fold or bring sony into gamepass. Plain and simple. It's console wars at its finest. Whether or not it is a monopoly or ethical is besides the point. I just dont care for the whole congratulating each other on twitter while going out there and fighting in court like a divorced couple. Be honest FFS.
Or it's part of a plan to turn that 2-3 billion a year into 10 billion a year. You're also ignoring tax write off implications that accure when a company spends $70 billion dollars. I'm not saying they will be successful but I imagine their chairman had a little more vision than to spend that money to put their competitor out of business.


None of the leaks state Gamepass at all. In fact, the leak we did have, did not have Gamepass mentioned once. Just general language that was there from the GwG days and the like. But keep up the performative GP victim warring, it's cute.

I feel like "some" people are already cooking up the new narrative as to why Xbox GamePass didn't overtake the industry to destory both Playstation and Nintendo. It'll be because "Sony killed it back in 2020 and 2021 when they paid to keep teh gamez off the best deal in gaming™"


In a thread about his favorite brand that literally purchased two of the largest publishers in the world that have been traditionally third-party longer than he’s been alive… But… strongarming though
Not sure why this point gets to be casually waved off?

In a thread with finger waving about monopolies and anti-competitiveness, the market realities deserve discussion.

It's absolutely fair to say that due to Sony's dominant market position, they've enjoyed sweeter terms for securing exclusive rights to games. It might even be the case in Japan that Sony doesn't have to offer much of anything at all to earn exclusives.

This is all fair context.

Kagey K

I feel like "some" people are already cooking up the new narrative as to why Xbox GamePass didn't overtake the industry to destory both Playstation and Nintendo. It'll be because "Sony killed it back in 2020 and 2021 when they paid to keep teh gamez off the best deal in gaming™"
Who wants to see Sony or NIntendo destroyed?

We need all these companies here to drive competition, without it the industry stagnates worse than it has already.


Gold Member
Not sure why this point gets to be casually waved off?

In a thread with finger waving about monopolies and anti-competitiveness, the market realities deserve discussion.

It's absolutely fair to say that due to Sony's dominant market position, they've enjoyed sweeter terms for securing exclusive rights to games. It might even be the case in Japan that Sony doesn't have to offer much of anything at all to earn exclusives.

This is all fair context.
The way you constructed it, absolutely. The way well known tench veterans push things on here tho, not so much.


It will we interesting to see how quickly CoD starts to appear day one on GP. On one hand you have Sony obviously blocking this with some of the marketing deals, but on the other you have them crying about the possibility of CoD GP.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Wait, doesn't this mean that unless MS is lying and things change in the future, that MS is actually saying they will NOT be keeping Activision games off Sony's platform?
They have no intention to keep Call of Duty off the Sony platform, hell they are already championing putting Call of Duty on Steam.
The mission is to make as much money off the acquisition.
Just like they keep making multiplatform Minecraft games.

After 2023 when Activision is fully an MS entity?


I'm just super confused what your point is... Sony, is making deals, that they pay for, that include a clause stopping those games from coming to Gamepass w/i a time period (when the games are on Xbox already.)

Of course Capcom isn't forced to take the deal.. that's how any deal works.

Sony is still paying people to keep their games off of Gamepass lol You are smarter than this dude.

You seem to think the "REASON" for the deal is to keep it off of GamePass. I'm telling you that the "REASON" for the deal is for core marketing rights. Now within that deal are smaller items that a company like Capcom would have to abid by. Like.............

- Not running commericals, trailers, or Ads with Xbox controller prompts on them.
- Only having Playstation logos at the the end of the Ads\trailers
- Getting first dibs on DLC
- Not releasing on ANY competing subscription service (GamePass, Amazon Prime Gaming, Stadia, etc).

I'm not sure how this is not obvious to all here. Why would Sony give a company say $10 million just to keep the game off GamePass, and then toss in a "oh yeah lets do some extra marketing too" type of deal. That's freaking STUPID. Some of yall are acting as if you've never heard of a marketing deal before. As if it started days after GamePass was created. Geez.


Gold Member
Yep, everyone would do a 180 and swap arguments. On both sides.

Never understood these types of posts. Especially when they’re meant to try and paint only one side hypocritical, from those who ever every bit balls deep in the console wars on here.

Through the looking glass, my man. What I found funny is that reading the OP with all the corporate responses, I couldn't help thinking "these guys sound like console warriors".

Snl Season 47 GIF by Saturday Night Live


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
You seem to think the "REASON" for the deal is to keep it off of GamePass. I'm telling you that the "REASON" for the deal is for core marketing rights. Now within that deal are smaller items that a company like Capcom would have to abid by. Like.............

- Not running commericals, trailers, or Ads with Xbox controller prompts on them.
- Only having Playstation logos at the the end of the Ads\trailers
- Getting first dibs on DLC
- Not releasing on ANY competing subscription service (GamePass, Amazon Prime Gaming, Stadia, etc).

I'm not sure how this is not obvious to all here. Why would Sony give a company say $10 million just to keep the game off GamePass, and then toss in a "oh yeah lets do some extra marketing too" type of deal. That's freaking STUPID. Some of yall are acting as if you've never heard of a marketing deal before. As if it started days after GamePass was created. Geez.

I never said it was the reason for the deal, never implied it was, and certainly never said or implied I think it was.

It's a part of those deals. Deals that are paid for. It's PART OF the reason for the deals.. that should be.. rather obvious considering those deals have other terms.

You are paying for all of the terms in the deal lol
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Wasn't it MS who bust on the scene with the Xbox 360 throwing money around for several timed exclusives as well as full exclusives.
Sony adopted the practice modeled after their behavior.
MS is just buying their place in the industry.
Are you saying Sony never did this until Microsoft did this? If so I have an invisible bridge to sell you. It leads directly to the top of the Burj Khalifa


You seem to think the "REASON" for the deal is to keep it off of GamePass. I'm telling you that the "REASON" for the deal is for core marketing rights. Now within that deal are smaller items that a company like Capcom would have to abid by. Like.............

- Not running commericals, trailers, or Ads with Xbox controller prompts on them.
- Only having Playstation logos at the the end of the Ads\trailers
- Getting first dibs on DLC
- Not releasing on ANY competing subscription service (GamePass, Amazon Prime Gaming, Stadia, etc).

I'm not sure how this is not obvious to all here. Why would Sony give a company say $10 million just to keep the game off GamePass, and then toss in a "oh yeah lets do some extra marketing too" type of deal. That's freaking STUPID. Some of yall are acting as if you've never heard of a marketing deal before. As if it started days after GamePass was created. Geez.
It doesn’t have to be one or the other. They could intentionally do ant a marketing deal with a specific big brand game in hopes of additionally keeping it off a streaming service or platform.


Gold Member
This isn't the first instance where we've seen Sony block games from Game Pass, and now here it is straight from the horses ass.

Sorry that your emotional investment into the Sony Corp has inhibited your tolerance for facts.
What do you call it when a corporation buys two of the largest publishers in the world that have been third-party longer than you’ve been alive, to keep games off an entire system let alone a service?

Business, right?
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