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MS's Response to Sony's "No AAA Studio Can Match CoD" Statement + Confirms Sony Pays To Blocks Games From Game Pass


The better question is how many acquisitions have sony made that really affect xbox? Which games did xbox lose from Sonys acquisitions? I really can't think of many. Most of them were already making exclusive ip for PlayStation before they were acquired. Like insomniac, bluepoint, and housemarque. Now compare that to microsofts acquisitions. The difference between how they operate is clear.
Not really as clear cut as that though is it.

Who were Microsoft working with that wanted to become first party apart from playground, compulsion and undeadlabs?

Also, these are not hostile take overs. Both Zenimax and ABK obviously wanted to sell, and Microsoft wanted to buy and had the funds to do it. Should Microsoft have refused?

John Wick

Can you provide proof that anybody said Sony bought exclusivity for thousands of games? Shit, even hundreds? What's that? No? You're just angry because you got rightfully embarrassed and laughed out of another thread, and are trying to drag that same discussion to a new one?

Ah, right. Carry on.
You got yourself embarrassed by three different people. Yet you carried on twisting and going in circles. I don't even know why you've replied to me for? It's like your looking for an argument.
Why put ah right carry on if you can't help yourself?


The bolded is the key. It's what MS is doing with Starfield. They are using their big MS bucks from Windows, Azure, etc. to backfill the losses that Starfield "not" being on the PS5 will bring.
Really. How much will Starfield have cost once it releases?


Gold Member
This isn't the first instance where we've seen Sony block games from Game Pass, and now here it is straight from the horses ass.

Sorry that your emotional investment into the Sony Corp has inhibited your tolerance for facts.

Sorry your emotional investment into Microsoft has you deluding yourself into thinking that they don't block games from PlayStation. I fully accept that Sony does this. It works both ways.
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Gold Member
I haven't seen any evidence of this for a long time.

It's called "timed exclusives". No evidence, huh?

Cracking Up Lol GIF by Rodney Dangerfield
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John Wick

You seem to think the "REASON" for the deal is to keep it off of GamePass. I'm telling you that the "REASON" for the deal is for core marketing rights. Now within that deal are smaller items that a company like Capcom would have to abid by. Like.............

- Not running commericals, trailers, or Ads with Xbox controller prompts on them.
- Only having Playstation logos at the the end of the Ads\trailers
- Getting first dibs on DLC
- Not releasing on ANY competing subscription service (GamePass, Amazon Prime Gaming, Stadia, etc).

I'm not sure how this is not obvious to all here. Why would Sony give a company say $10 million just to keep the game off GamePass, and then toss in a "oh yeah lets do some extra marketing too" type of deal. That's freaking STUPID. Some of yall are acting as if you've never heard of a marketing deal before. As if it started days after GamePass was created. Geez.
Paid online started with Sony and PS4.
Same as when Sony refused Crossplay in the PS4 gen.
Free to play games behind a paywall Sony again.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Microsoft pays for content to be included on their platform and services.

Sony pays for content to be excluded from everyone else.

I haven't seen any evidence of this for a long time.

So you've never seen this during an Xbox conference before?




Gold Member
None of them are AAA though, are they. They're all independent games or games with small budgets that Microsoft are in-part funding or marketing and bringing to Game Pass.
I know, poor Microsoft. Their fans are riled up and crying about not having select games on their rental service due to marketing contracts, as they purchase two of the largest 3rd party publishers in the world, keeping games off entire platforms.

Much sympathy. Many victim.


Well, people will continue to buy the game as usual, and people who is on the fence can try it through game pass. Still a win win 🤷‍♂️

I like cod, but I'm the opposite. I don't think cod can top MW19 and will never buy a new cod, but would without a doubt try it if it was on Game pass.

Ms has always and still advertise for all xbox games day one on game pass.


Starfield, elder scrolls, stalker 2,forza series, halo etc gets on game pass day one.

CoD wouldn't be any different.
It will never be day one on gamepass. Not in the foreseeable future anyways.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Not sure why this point gets to be casually waved off?

In a thread with finger waving about monopolies and anti-competitiveness, the market realities deserve discussion.

It's absolutely fair to say that due to Sony's dominant market position, they've enjoyed sweeter terms for securing exclusive rights to games. It might even be the case in Japan that Sony doesn't have to offer much of anything at all to earn exclusives.

This is all fair context.

Exactly, you've said what I wanted to in more detailed words. Unfortunately you're also getting the expected "LMAO M$" responses.

Being the quote unquote market leader in terms of sales affords them a lot more leverage in marketing discussions and Village is just one example where we have a rare glimpse at what kind of contracts they make companies sign.

We can only guess the kind of limitations their contracts with Square have for the marquee Final Fantasy games etc.

Go back to the 360 gen then tell me....

Why stop there, why not go back to the Windows 3.1 days.


It will never be day one on gamepass. Not in the foreseeable future anyways.

Not until the terms of any current marketing deals lapse at least.
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Of course and that's what one of the points in MS's reply is. That Sony are paying to keep games off of game pass.

We can assume there's a certain amount of implicit strong-arming involved as PS consoles account for the bigger share of sales for most Japanese games, and almost 100% of the share in Japan.

So why don't you say Sony paid to keep games off Google Stadia?


Exactly, you've said what I wanted to in more detailed words. Unfortunately you're also getting the expected "LMAO M$" responses.

Being the quote unquote market leader in terms of sales affords them a lot more leverage in marketing discussions and Village is just one example where we have a rare glimpse at what kind of contracts they make companies sign.

We can only guess the kind of limitations their contracts with Square have for the marquee Final Fantasy games etc.

Why stop there, why not go back to the Windows 3.1 days.


Not until the terms of any current marketing deals lapse at least.
See. I knew it. Peeps gonna use this silly idea as a way of coping with the fact that MS was never and is never going to put COD day one on game pass.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
So why don't you say Sony paid to keep games off Google Stadia?

Sure, we can say that. They paid to keep games off of both game pass and google stadia.

We don't have a response from google sent to the Brazilian authorities unfortunately.

See. I knew it. Peeps gonna use this silly idea as a way of coping with the fact that MS was never and is never going to put COD day one on game pass.

All first party published games go to game pass.

Why would this be an exception, outside of contractual obligations to another console (which very likely aren't permanent).
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I never said it was the reason for the deal, never implied it was, and certainly never said or implied I think it was.

It's a part of those deals. Deals that are paid for. It's PART OF the reason for the deals.. that should be.. rather obvious considering those deals have other terms.

You are paying for all of the terms in the deal

Exactly! Which is why it's stupid to frame these marketing deals as "Sony paying to keep game X off GamePass". That's just stupid console war narrative creation.


Gold Member
Sure, we can say that. They paid to keep games off of both game pass and google stadia.

We don't have a response from google sent to the Brazilian authorities unfortunately.

All first party published games go to game pass.

Why would this be an exception, outside of contractual obligations to another console (which very likely aren't permanent).

Do you think Microsoft would allow a game they paid marketing rights for to be on PS+ which means Sony markets that game for PS+?


It doesn’t have to be one or the other. They could intentionally do ant a marketing deal with a specific big brand game in hopes of additionally keeping it off a streaming service or platform.

But these would NEVER be the reason to offer the deal in the first place. We know this because these marketing deals have existed for over 20 years! GamePass is like 5 years old.


game pass game blocking is pretty rough stuff tbh

Obviously people will defend Sony and/Microsoft to the death. But the thing is Sony are not even trying to make the experience better for their players, they are just using their money and market position to actively make things worse for people on a competing platform. There's no net positive for anyone one on either console.

Business is business though.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Do you think Microsoft would allow a game they paid marketing rights for to be on PS+ which means Sony markets that game for PS+?

They're the only one of the two who've pledged they'll put out games on other platforms. Sony literally hasn't acknowledged even MLB '21 or '22 being on Xbox. Just a vague "It's MLB's decision, not ours".

I think MS would be a lot more lenient in allowing what you're suggesting if it comes to that.
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So how do you explain MS profiting? What a stupid statement to make. It's something all corporations are guilty of or do you think they are doing it from the goodness of their hearts?
At a baseline corporations are designed to make money. Presenting every action thereafter as a good thing, so long as it’s for the sake of profit, is a lazy and cheap argument.


Not Banned from OT
It's called "timed exclusives". No evidence, huh?

Cracking Up Lol GIF by Rodney Dangerfield
Sony would of had to put the game on Playstation premium to be an exclusive over game pass nice try. Let me know if cod shows up on Playstation premium day 1 in a few months or else its paying to keep it off others platforms something no one else is doing.


Gold Member
They're the only one of the two who've pledged they'll put out games on other platforms. Sony literally hasn't acknowledged even MLB '21 or '22 being on Xbox.

I think MS would be a lot more lenient in allowing what you're suggesting if it comes to that.

That's funny. Microsoft thanks you for your service.

Bill Murray Thank You GIF by filmeditor
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Sure, we can say that. They paid to keep games off of both game pass and google stadia.

We don't have a response from google sent to the Brazilian authorities unfortunately.

All first party published games go to game pass.

Why would this be an exception, outside of contractual obligations to another console (which very likely aren't permanent).

So it's okay for us to say that MS paid to keep every Bethesda\Zenimax game and some Activision\Blizzard off Playstation?


All first party published games go to game pass.

Why would this be an exception, outside of contractual obligations to another console (which very likely aren't permanent).

Agreed. I'm sure that securing content for GP has been one of the primary drivers of these acquisitions in the first place. Sony ultimately can't control what MS owns, basically MS's answer to Sony's marketing deals.
All's fair in love and (console) war. I maintain that King Mobile is the true prize of this purchase, as MS wanted into the mobile gaming market.

Admittedly I never expected them to buy out the largest player in the game to do so.


Obviously people will defend Sony and/Microsoft to the death. But the thing is Sony are not even trying to make the experience better for their players, they are just using their money and market position to actively make things worse for people on a competing platform. There's no net positive for anyone one on either console.

Business is business though.

How did MS make anything better for any Playstation gamer by buying Bethesda\Zenimax and now Activision Blizzard?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
So it's okay for us to say that MS paid to keep every Bethesda\Zenimax game and some Activision\Blizzard off Playstation?

Why are you comparing first party with third party blocker deals ?

No one in this topic said anything asinine like Sony blocking Naughty Dogs or Polyphony from making games on Xbox.

That's funny.

If you say so.
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