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Multiple independent sources reporting FFVII remake for PS4

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Oh GAF, never change. I'd be happy to take a tag bet on this one. Not happening.
Why is no one talking about remaking the superior FF game, VI?
This makes me sad because I thought there would be an interest in that game


I think people pick FFVII because of its high quality but also because its very low rate polygon visuals. We can all envision the game with even FFX level visuals and it would be glorious. Completely redone Knights of the Round summon? Yes please!

I'd also love for them to redraw the pre-rendered backgrounds, uprez them and make em look even more stunning. I played the PC version and the uprezzed character model polys on the uprezzed but not enhanced pre-rendered backgrounds is ridiculous looking. Looks pretty bad. Along with that horrible gradiant they used on the poly's to give it a more 3D feel. Some enemies look straight out of a high school project.

A properly done remake would be glorious, with an enhanced DQVIII level overworld map and such like that.


They really need to release FFIX on Steam before anything else.

Vivi and Garnet being added to Record Keeper really makes me want to play the game again :(


It could make sense to port the PC version to PS4 to entice people who haven't played FF7 in it's time.

Then announce a remake, bringing in the new crowd and the old.

Why not broaden your audience in preparation for the new version?

I think it'll happen, when though, is the big question.


Yeah they started working on it after the backlash last year and it'll be released in '17, because a FFVII remake would have a shorter dev cycle than a Call of Duty game. Sounds legit.



Our Hashimoto, who art in Japan,
Hallowed be FF7 Remake.
Thy release come.
Thy game be done
On PS4, as it is on PS1.
Give us this day our announcement trailer,
And forgive us our GIFs,
As we forgive those who GIF against us.
Lead us not into trolling,
But deliver us a remake.
For thine is Cloud,
The One Winged Angel,
For ever and ever.
Please Be Excited.


You stole that from the Last Guardian thread and changed a few words, i'm on to you!
I'be pretty much been on gaming side black-out for awhile now in anticipation of E3. I want surprises this year, not more SE lies/rumors, lol

I understand. I was in the psx crowd when the troll occurred. I went from yelling in hype, to sitting there stunned. Tonight is the night. Tonight the PS3 tech demo becomes the game we play in PS4 glory. Please let there be a special Advent Children section...
Imagine at today's Sony E3 Conference they announce Shenmue 1 & 2 HD, The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy VII Remake. The Internet would die and never return, causing widespread chaos and the collapse of the digital economy.


Imagine at today's Sony E3 Conference they announce Shenmue 1 & 2 HD, The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy VII Remake. The Internet would die and never return, causing widespread chaos and the collapse of the digital economy.

Yep then the Patriots would appoint Kojima as CEO of Konami :p


This is going to be THE E3 isn't it?

Now all we need is to Gabe to anounce HL3 and the universe will implode.


Junior Member
I'll give you the reason: I heard they're doing a new translation to fix the original, which is why it took so long. I understand it's still coming though and is still what they trolled with.

Maybe this is that? New translation, and who knows what else.


I hope they add a TON of shit to the game if they remake it.

Extra magic
Extra summons
Extra weapons and armor
Extra limit breaks (level 5?!)
Extra characters, Rufus or the Turks, among others.
More Materia with more skills
More super bosses, even harder ones
New game plus
More side quests
More mini games at gold saucer


I understand. I was in the psx crowd when the troll occurred. I went from yelling in hype, to sitting there stunned. Tonight is the night. Tonight the PS3 tech demo becomes the game we play in PS4 glory. Please let there be a special Advent Children section...

After the PS4 event, I've lost the last shred of faith I had in SE. Still waiting for the FFXII HD PS4/vita announcement as the best case scenario.

Our Hashimoto, who art in Japan,
Hallowed be FF7 Remake.
Thy release come.
Thy game be done
On PS4, as it is on PS1.
Give us this day our announcement trailer,
And forgive us our GIFs,
As we forgive those who GIF against us.
Lead us not into trolling,
But deliver us a remake.
For thine is Cloud,
The One Winged Angel,
For ever and ever.
Please Be Excited.


This was amazing. Not joking btw. I would easily drop 1k on a special edition FF7 full remake. I love this game that much.
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