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Multiple independent sources reporting FFVII remake for PS4

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Did insiders also confirm FFVII, Shenmue 3 will definitely skip Xbox platform?

I hope this is not a port begging. I want to enjoy GAF during E3...
The 'long con' of the insane, nut-punching FFVII PC/PS4 Port announcement at PSX leading to a proper Remake announcement at E3 would be absolutely brilliant.

I mean, it would be legendary, wouldn't it?

Honestly, I struggle to think of any reason for Sony to fly Hashimoto all the way to PSX to announce that bullshit when we know that high individuals within Sony (i.e. Boyes) lurk forums like NeoGAF and have their fingers on the pulse of fan wants/desires. That was just flat out cruel.
A tone-deaf Japanese executive thinking people might actually be excited for a PC port of VII on PS4? Maybe. People within SCEA? Hell fucking no.

Gah. This is a vicious cycle. o_O

yeah, this is what I'm talking about. Basically rope-a-dope.


lol, imagine if it's Microsoft that has dropped the money to fund a FFVII Remake as an Xbone exclusive.

That thread would make the FFXIII multi-plat reveal ('the age of Sony is done') look like a McDonald's ball pit in comparison. My god I'd laugh myself into blackout state.

Oh man yeah I hope this happens lol.


Production only started a few months ago? So is this just going to be the run of the mill HD remaster and not a ground up for PS4 type deal?


Key thought:

- If this is legit, no way is it a large scale "total" remake. They have too much on their plate right now to allocate the time and resources to rebuild the game. We will have to settle for what looks like a high quality texture mod, with minor gameplay tweaks. Corners must be cut.

But would that be enough with them also releasing the PC port?




I'll go back through the thread. But someone maybe can hook me up to any sources or where these rumors are coming from.


I still can't believe the tech demo they did for the PS3. I don't expect anything from this really. Another tech demo for the PS4?


No matter what, FFVII's influence can already be seen at this E3...

Did you see the length of the melee animations in the new DOOM?

Clearly an inspiration from the Knights of the Round summon for amount of time it takes control away from the player... :p


I always believed in TLG! Just a question of when, and not if.

FF7 rumour seems much more random. And I have no idea what to make of Shenmue.

But if Sony does manage all three, it will be one strange E3, that will never likely be topped for decades.

It will never be topped. Never. This is all we've ever wanted. The holy trinity. The gates of Valhalla opening to reveal true everlasting happiness. We have arrived at the promise land, now we reap the glorious rewards.


I would imagine maybe a teaser tonight and more info tomorrow. I'd be more than fine with that.

Yeah that's what I'm thinking.

If Sony actually has TLG, FFVII remake and *gulp* Shenmue 3 at their conference today, it might go down as the greatest E3 conference of all time. God damn.
because some think Sony are co-developing + propping up the costs.

I have no idea about SE's financials but I think their best interests would probably be in jumping in bed with Sony.

Sony is quite the pimp lately. First From Software, then Capcom, now Square??

(This would make a hilarious gif btw)
Someone please make! Kaz and Andrew House in bed with Miyazaki, Ueno (? street fighter guy), and Hashimoto lololol
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