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Multiple independent sources reporting FFVII remake for PS4

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Oh my god! That poster better not be lying. I'm so happy right now. Don't crush my hopes.

EDIT: I mean The Last Guardian mainly. FF7 remake would be rad too just for E3 hype


FF7 without the 24-bit look? Generic CG lifeless models....ehhhhh and mehhhhh


such life


much lifeless


Well this would explain why everything was getting announced ahead of E3 this year. If true then nothing else announced or said today would even register in our collective consciousness (or the media).


What the heck is going on here? TLG, FFVIIR? What? What? Is not possible, isn't it? My mind, I can't, it's too much for me.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah that's what I'm thinking.

If Sony actually has TLG, FFVII remake and *gulp* Shenmue 3 at their conference today, it might go down as the greatest E3 conference of all time. God damn.

If that where to happen, then Sony might have just planned this with the current gen ps4 in mind, to drop this nuclear bomb on us.


Going into tonight's Sony Conference with low expectations. Kinda like a blind date. I've been burned too many times before...

Nah, I've been with my wife for 10 years and have a kid. But you get the point. :p
Why everyone think FFVII remake won't be on Xbox One ?

i think it will

I think the belief is if this project is happening, it is getting either financial support, production support, or both. I might be way off base here, but I just don't see a realistic scenario where current Square-Enix can juggle: FFXV production, KH3 production, on-going FFXIV production, FFXVI pre-production, and a major FFVII Remake. This isn't even considering what's going on via the Dragon Quest front. Even if they've put XVI production on the back-burner for a VII remake, it's still a very hefty production schedule.

Everyone knows how important FFVII was to the PlayStation 1, especially Sony. It's realistic to believe Sony planted the seeds for a VII Remake for a while now- and Studio Japan hasn't really been setting the gaming landscape on fire.

If S-E is handling VII Remake all in-house with their own financing, you can bet your ass it will be multi-plat. :)
I would love Sony to go up on stage and give a cloud gaming speech. "Cloud gaming is believed to be the future. However sometimes the best Cloud is from the past" *cue battle victory music then trailer*
My shields remain. The fact that that GAF'er was verified as tied to a legit source just makes me recognize that I might need to take them down.


Wasnt the guy who hyped PSX also verified...Cant get hyped anymore after that.

As the mods said, being verified doesn't mean the rumor is true, just that said poster put his account on the line and offered a believable source through PM. We will only know if he is right after the actual conference.

Adding another secret character would be cool, IMO.

Yes, and it will be Lightning.
Finally!!! A thread that got me hyped for E3. This E3 has been tamed for Gaf compared to the last few E3. Can't wait to watch Sony's Presentation live at the movie theaters.
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