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NES/Famicom Appreciation Thread

The controls take some getting used to but it doesn't help that you have to deal with enemies who come at you from weird directions. It's very difficult to kill said enemies without taking a hit and when you do take a hit you lose your powerup.

Right - but you can attack in just about every direction (in fact, your directional attacks are stronger than your standard attack), and your backflip maneuver gives you a ton of invincibility frames. It's not as immediately intuitive a game as, like, Castlevania, Shatterhand, or Batman, but it's just as fair (and just as good) as them.


Voted for Street Fighter 2010 because that's the one title in the list I'm very familiar with. Plus I want to see you some of you guys suffer playing it.

It's not bad but the controls really hurt it.
I can handle challenging games, but shit controls is something I do not like at all, and I am very critical on that. Hope it isn't too bad to affect me playing it.


Right - but you can attack in just about every direction (in fact, your directional attacks are stronger than your standard attack), and your backflip maneuver gives you a ton of invincibility frames. It's not as immediately intuitive a game as, like, Castlevania, Shatterhand, or Batman, but it's just as fair (and just as good) as them.

You can't attack directly beneath you by neutral jumping, you cannot attack downleft or downright precisely. That's the main problem.
Right - but you can attack in just about every direction (in fact, your directional attacks are stronger than your standard attack), and your backflip maneuver gives you a ton of invincibility frames. It's not as immediately intuitive a game as, like, Castlevania, Shatterhand, or Batman, but it's just as fair (and just as good) as them.

I could never get past the eyeball boss.
Shatterhand arrived yesterday. It works, though it took a lot of Q-Tip/alcohol to coax it to show more than a gray screen. Looks pretty nice on my Trinitron, too.

Although, I briefly thought my cart was still glitching out when I missed a punch in Area A and what appeared to be ordinary level geometry exploded into nothingness, leaving a hole. Turns out that, nope, you can punch this wall open, even in a ROM that isn't at the mercy of bad contacts. There was a white wall you were supposed to do this to above it beforehand, so I'm guessing it's a glitch (this lower wall does open up a small area, but there's nothing in it and no reason to even try as far as I can ascertain), but hey, it's something.


It's after the really tall robots show up, if that helps any.


Neo Member
So what are people's progression of steps to get a cart to work?

I got Blaster Master online from Gamestop (lol, it was $5 couldn’t pass it up) and it isn't working [edit, by not working I mean I get the blinking light]. I used rubbing alcohol and a q-tip on the pins a couple times. It was pretty dirty but showing clean now. I recently (prior to purchasing this game) replaced my 72 pin connector and all my other carts work first try. Disassemble the cart and Brasso the pins next? Returning it is obviously an option but I’d like to try some options prior to that.

I recommend disabling the NES10 lockout chip as well. The flashing means that it didn't pass the security test, despite the fact that your cart is legit. It's just another barrier from you playing your game, and it there's a reason they got rid of it for the Top Loader. It's a little metal piece that you simply cut. I was very nervous about doing mine, but I watched like 5 people do it on YouTube and just went for it, and it really does make a wonderful difference.
^^ Good advice. And you can play PAL games after doing so. I have been planning to do this. Just haven't got around to it because I don't have any immediate issues with games not working.
You can't attack directly beneath you by neutral jumping, you cannot attack downleft or downright precisely. That's the main problem.

Well, the idea is that you either want to wait for enemies to move into your horizontal attack range, or carefully time a backflip + downward shot to take out enemies below you (and since the backflip has a ton of i-frames, it's pretty safe). It's not as convenient as just being able to shoot straight down, no, but it's not a flaw - not anymore than not being able to whip in multiple directions in Castlevania is a flaw.

I could never get past the eyeball boss.

My favorite boss of the game. He can definitely be an asshole, but he's a great fight.
Got round to playing my FDS version fo Gun.Smoke today. After hating the arcade version in the later levels I wondered what my opinion of this game would be come the finish.

Thankfully Capcom rebalanced the game completely in terms of difficulty as I know can actually finish the game! I love that rather than do a straight port they redesigned the levels (and kept the bosses). Works out for the best - the game has the same great mechanics but with making it slightly easier I can get way more enjoyment out of the game. Plus adding stuff like shops that give you awesome new weapons was an excellent move. Plus it has little to no flicker most of the time (unlike the NES port of Commando) and runs incredibly smooth.
This game is now up there with the NES port of Bionic Commando in terms of games I prefer the console ports to compared to the arcade originals.


I recommend disabling the NES10 lockout chip as well. The flashing means that it didn't pass the security test, despite the fact that your cart is legit. It's just another barrier from you playing your game, and it there's a reason they got rid of it for the Top Loader. It's a little metal piece that you simply cut. I was very nervous about doing mine, but I watched like 5 people do it on YouTube and just went for it, and it really does make a wonderful difference.
Thanks! I didn't even know that was a thing, lol. I'll look into it, thanks again.


I actually started playing Street Fighter 2010 again. I don't think it's going to be picked but you never know. I realized the biggest problem isn't not being able to shoot diagonally, nor is it fighting a boss without any powerups (it still sucks but pretty much every boss is beatable without powerups), no. The problem is not being able to crouch and fire. There's so many times where an enemy comes from below and you just want to be able to crouch and fire or just crouch to avoid a hit.

But I'm right the final boss rush stage. I've beaten the game before but I had to use savestates particularly during this part. Not this time.

Update: I did manage to beat the game. The final boss rush is annoying but can be done. There's an easy way to kill the first boss, he has a clear pattern of where he moves so if you position yourself right you can kill him pretty quickly. Hate the 2nd boss because his pattern seems totally random. 3rd Boss isn't too bad it's just the slowdown that fucks you. Final boss is easy so long as you're powered up a little.

I don't think the game is bad, the graphics are nice and the music is okay. It has infinite continues and the levels are incredibly short. What hurts it is not being able to crouch and being able to accidentally climb up a part of the environment when you meant to shoot up.

Is it good? I don't know. Decent for sure. But good? I can think of least 10 other action/platformer titles that are better and none of which is a Mega Man game.

I'd give it maybe a 6.5 or 7 out of 10.


If you have the tools to disassemble, I would do that and use an eraser on the pins. Follow that up with a soft cloth and alcohol to remove any eraser residue. If the pins look OK on visual inspection I can't imagine you'd need to use Brasso. I think that's only for the worst kind of corrosion. I've never had to use it.

The eraser method worked first try, thanks!


Yeah me too. After disassembling the cart I could easily see buildup on the pins that the rubbing alcohol wasn't taking off. The eraser, after asking the wife where in the house we might have an old school pencil lol, quickly and easily removed it and made the pins shiny again!


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Started some Guardian Legend yesterday, and its pretty difficult right from the start it seems. Can also confirm that raphnet makes quality cables :)


Started some Guardian Legend yesterday, and its pretty difficult right from the start it seems. Can also confirm that raphnet makes quality cables :)

I took a break from it last week but my experience is that it goes from:

-moderately difficult in the early game since you're very weak

-easy in the middle as you find the bulk of power-ups and crush everything

-back to pretty difficult in the last few corridors when you face crazier stages and more powerful versions of bosses but your powering up levels off.

I think I'm almost done. That red version of the plant boss is the worst so far.


While I wouldn't stop someone from playing a PAL or Famicom version/cart, nominees are NTSC only, also, MFF is still too expensive on Famicom, appearing to average over $30.

This is the best thread on GAF. So financially cautious. Fancy Poster GAF has made me literally spend thousands and with the enormous number of good games that get released and my enormous backlog dating back to the NES I don't bother checking the main forum often.


Just got this from my boss as a Christmas gift (late). I've started skimming through it. Some games I'm shocked aren't mentioned, but it's so interesting. Highly recommended. Two thumbs up.

So I'm waiting for the B/S/T thread to jump to a new page to post my full For Sale list, but I want to let this thread know I have a few NES games going up. Nothing special, but the main draw would be a handful of black box games that are 5-screw and in REALLY nice shape: Volleyball, Mario Bros, Slalom, Mach Rider and Baseball. If you're starting your collection this are nice gets. I also have CIBs of Solstice, Deadly Towers, Pipe Dream and Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf. Will do fair prices on all. PM me if interested. I'll link in the AM once I post in the BST thread.

This is the best thread on GAF. So financially cautious. Fancy Poster GAF has made me literally spend thousands and with the enormous number of good games that get released and my enormous backlog dating back to the NES I don't bother checking the main forum often.

Same. I just jump right to my bookmarked threads - almost all of which are retro threads.

EDIT: Here's my BST post - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=198374348&postcount=15105
So I'm waiting for the B/S/T thread to jump to a new page to post my full For Sale list, but I want to let this thread know I have a few NES games going up. Nothing special, but the main draw would be a handful of black box games that are 5-screw and in REALLY nice shape: Volleyball, Mario Bros, Slalom, Mach Rider and Baseball. If you're starting your collection this are nice gets. I also have CIBs of Solstice, Deadly Towers, Pipe Dream and Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf. Will do fair prices on all. PM me if interested. I'll link in the AM once I post in the BST thread.

Same. I just jump right to my bookmarked threads - almost all of which are retro threads.

I dare you to put a sticker on the Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf cart and sell it that way.


REMINDER: *~* April 2016 Game Club pick voting is live at this link! *~*

This is the best thread on GAF. So financially cautious. Fancy Poster GAF has made me literally spend thousands and with the enormous number of good games that get released and my enormous backlog dating back to the NES I don't bother checking the main forum often.

I'm glad the focus on cheap resonates with people. It's to encourage participation and keep things inclusive, so as long as that's working, it was a success!


That 3D emulator is pretty cool. I saw it a few days ago but I didn't think to post it here.

I bought a Shadow of the Ninja cart off eBay and I think it's fake... :(


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I hate those passwords in Guardian Legend :(

Anyways, quite a few things I dont understand yet, guess I should take a read in the manual. The shooter-stages are cool, but I think the overhead-stuff is pretty boring so far. Is there any point exploring it fully? I still havent really found much fun there. And whats up with that chip limit?


I hate those passwords in Guardian Legend :(

Anyways, quite a few things I dont understand yet, guess I should take a read in the manual. The shooter-stages are cool, but I think the overhead-stuff is pretty boring so far. Is there any point exploring it fully? I still havent really found much fun there. And whats up with that chip limit?

Overworld exploration is basically mandatory. A big chunk of the new weapons, health/chip/weapon upgrades and shops with upgrades are scattered around the map. You will miss like two-thirds of everything and be severely underpowered if you head straight for the ship stages.


I just beat Streamerz in the Action 53 bundle. You can get a look at it here:


They don't cover the other mini games included but Streamerz is worth checking out if you're a fan of Bionic Commando. Great controls. Very difficult. Not quite impossible but appeals to that I Wanna Be The Guy/Super Meatboy/Dark Souls demographic of gamers.

I beat it in about 40 minutes and didn't collect all the money. Great little game.


Post some pictures and lets try to see whats up.

I'll take some later and post them up. I'm also going to compare it to a friend's copy and see how they contrast. I'm almost certain that the label is a replacement, even if the rest of the cart is real. The paper feels different, it's cut oddly and the printing is also different than my other NES games. And honestly, I'm not OK with that. I'm probably gonna have to open a claim.
There's a flea market in my city that has a copy of Dino Peak for $110. I can tell right away the label is a reprint. The colors are over saturated and it's just ever so slightly blurry.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Awesome pick up! Congrats!

FDS is still an unknown frontier for me. I had one in my hands in Japan but I couldn't find any disks for it so I passed.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Awesome pick up! Congrats!

FDS is still an unknown frontier for me. I had one in my hands in Japan but I couldn't find any disks for it so I passed.

Thanks! Yeah, I thought for a long time that I wouldnt need it, but the constant praise the games gets here, meant that I just had to bite the bullet finally. Really looking forward to get some cool games for it (only have three crappy ones for now).
My FDS has been finicky. I put batteries in it but got a battery/power error. Plugged it in and it works fine. Some games have glitches and a few others won't load at all. I want to get in and calibrate it but I am afraid I'll just fuck it up. Kinda wishing I hadn't bought it... but also really wishing it would just fucking work.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
My FDS has been finicky. I put batteries in it but got a battery/power error. Plugged it in and it works fine. Some games have glitches and a few others won't load at all. I want to get in and calibrate it but I am afraid I'll just fuck it up. Kinda wishing I hadn't bought it... but also really wishing it would just fucking work.

Is there any point in using battery instead of just plugging it in?
Just one less cord. And I figured I'd at least try it. Cost of the batteries down the tube, though, because fuck if anything else in the world uses C batteries.


Cool get! I love my FDS. I think the only 2 discs I'm missing that I've wanted to get are Upa and Nicol. Otherwise I'm almost complete in my collection of FDS discs.


Thanks to D.Lo (among others), I finally got myself:

A Famicom Disc System! It supposedly have a new belt, but now just need a power-adapter for it. Ordered one of these for less clutter: http://en.retrogamesupply.com/colle...y-all-in-one-for-nintendo-famicom-disk-system

Really looking forward to some FDS-godness like Arumana no Kiseki and Ai Senshi Nicol
Welcome to the pro club.

Playing FDS is a cathartic retro experience. It's like listening to vinyl, there's something tangible about a primitive mechanism and having something moving making the games run (and flipping sides etc).

The disks as kawaii as hell too.

And Arumana no Kiseki is my favourite Famicom game.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I've been using Nintendo Power to get started:

Good suggestion, will do this as well I think. Probably have to restart again since I think I wrote down the password wrong, doesnt really matter though since I had only beaten a few flight-stages.

Cool get! I love my FDS. I think the only 2 discs I'm missing that I've wanted to get are Upa and Nicol. Otherwise I'm almost complete in my collection of FDS discs.

Thanks! Any difference between fds and famicom version of Upa? I own the latter.

Welcome to the pro club.

Playing FDS is a cathartic retro experience. It's like listening to vinyl, there's something tangible about a primitive mechanism and having something moving making the games run (and flipping sides etc).

The disks as kawaii as hell too.

And Arumana no Kiseki is my favourite Famicom game.

Thanks brother, you are more responsible than anybody else of luring me into this :) Really looking forward to that Arumana no Kiseki myself, especially after all the high praise from you. (now I just need to find an affordable auction).


Saga of the probably fake Shadow of the Ninja cart.

Here are the pictures:

The label at the very least is more than likely fake, which is shitty. It's cut strange and doesn't fit into the label spots right (either on the top or on the front), it feels weird, it's printed differently, and it's kind of peeling on the bottom. I can actually see some of the old glue on the top where the spine foldover doesn't quite make it to where it needs to. I'm also pretty sure both halves of the cart casing are different colors, and are therefore not original either.

But I would like a second opinion if anyone has a second.
Welcome to the pro club.

Playing FDS is a cathartic retro experience. It's like listening to vinyl, there's something tangible about a primitive mechanism and having something moving making the games run (and flipping sides etc).

The disks as kawaii as hell too.

And Arumana no Kiseki is my favourite Famicom game.

I love the packaging and manuals on the FDS games as well. I finally managed to grab Section Z for the FDS. The arcade version was a surprise hit for me, can't wait to see how I feel about this port. I hope it lives up to the FDS version of Gun.Smoke. A game that I disliked when I played the arcade version, but absolutely loved the FDS port.
Saga of the probably fake Shadow of the Ninja cart.

Here are the pictures:

The label at the very least is more than likely fake, which is shitty. It's cut strange and doesn't fit into the label spots right (either on the top or on the front), it feels weird, it's printed differently, and it's kind of peeling on the bottom. I can actually see some of the old glue on the top where the spine foldover doesn't quite make it to where it needs to. I'm also pretty sure both halves of the cart casing are different colors, and are therefore not original either.

But I would like a second opinion if anyone has a second.

The label certainly looks fake enough. Do you have a gamebit? Everyone in this thread should have one. Would only take you 8 seconds to open and find out for sure.
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