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NFL 2011 Week 8 |OT| Tim Tebow

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No defense, Belichick lost his touch, aging (though still great) QB, and now some guy pulling a page out of Roethlisberger's book. The dynasty is over :-(


Spectral Glider said:
Probably some kind of sexual advance. Dude lost on Sunday but was still trying to get his game on in other ways I guess. Ben must have been giving him tips.

That's gross, and I don't think he has more than one to give. Although it seems he gives it a lot.


Carlisle said:
I always thought that kind of contact was sexual battery.

Different states can call it whatever they want. Massachusetts calls itself a "commonwealth" so it's no surprise their crimes are named all stupid as well.


eznark said:
Different states can call it whatever they want. Massachusetts calls itself a "commonwealth" so it's no surprise their crimes are named all stupid as well.
Aha, but I'm in Virginia which also calls itself a commonwealth. But then I think I've only heard the term when it refers to crime in DC. Off to wiki I go, which will likely end the productivity for the rest of my day.
Milchjon said:
Even worse/Even better:


The best thing ?

His costume :

Although he may look like a pervy cop, we all know he really dressed up as a Bengals player.
I don't post much in the sports threads anymore (you Clipper and Chargers guys know).....

But that Charger game was one of the most disappointing things I have experienced as a sports fan. I was just sulking around my house shaking my head the rest of the night, and I am on the west coast, so I had alot of time to sulk after the game.

It is not as bad as the Chargers past losses to the Pats in the playoffs and flubbed Nate FGs, but this was just ridiculous.

I can't believe River's pulled a Romo. Man, Is Rivers the AFC Romo now? Jesus fucking christ. This is a bad sign.

I want to punch him in the face still right now. Could had been 5-2 going into the GB game, which they are probably going to lose. Such dumb shit, we are staring down 4-4.

Rivers missing throws, no pressure on QB, Cassel having all day to throw, sorry ass tackling. Fix my fucking face.

I don't even have my sorry Clippers to watch to calm my nerves..... :(
ThatCrazyGuy said:
But that Charger game was one of the most disappointing things I have experienced as a sports fan. I was just sulking around my house shaking my head the rest of the night, and I am on the west coast, so I had alot of time to sulk after the game.


I ate ice cream and tried playing video games to take my mind off it, but i decided to listen to chargers radio whilst doing so.
Milchjon said:
Seems like the Chargers are the only team where more fans show up on GAF after a loss than a win...
aside from introducing myself, i really only lurk this thread.
there hasnt been too many things to say about the chargers that hasnt already been said, and there's no use trying to defend them anymore.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Milchjon said:
Seems like the Chargers are the only team where more fans show up on GAF after a loss than a win...

Well, I can't name another franchise that is consistently in the hunt and hasn't ever won a Super Bowl.
AFC is crazy this year. Steelers and Patriots are generally considered the top two teams but there's still a chance both could miss the playoffs if the Bengals and Bills keep winning (unlikely, but still possible)
I only lurk the NBA (go Clippers) and NFL threads now because of work and life schedule changes. Haven't been able to post during games for the last couple years.

But, this Charger loss is so stupid, ridiculous, gut wrenching, dumb, and depressing, I had to share my pain.

Every year, high hopes, every year, down the drain by something stupid.

O well.


eznark said:
I was of the same mind last year (you might recall that I was somewhat impressed with some of the things he did when given a shot) but this year...I no longer think so. He's been asked to do a little bit more (mostly because I think Elway wants him to fail so the organization can move on) and simply doesn't have the arm to get it done. To throw those quick routes you need lots of accuracy or lots of velocity (or a combination). He has neither. He throws a poor ball poorly. The window on slants and outs closes to almost non-existent at the NFL level and Tebow just can't get away with sloppy ball placement (lol).

Whatever wizardy the Panthers are currently doing, with their crossing routes and pre-snap confusion that miraculously results in Steve Smith being open by 45 yards...that's the offense Tebow could succeed in, but I don't think that sort of thing is sustainable or an accident. The personnel combination of backs who can catch, two receiving tight ends and Steve mo'fo' Smith plus a mobile QB are the "secret" formula. Good luck replicating that for Tebow.

I don't know. I think the kid is doomed by his arm.

Tebow would still be shit. The dude can't throw. Cam can. Plain and simple. No excuses.
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