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NFL 2011 Week 8 |OT| Tim Tebow

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The 49ers are the first team in 91 years to score, but not allow, a rushing touchdown in each of their first seven games of a season. The Buffalo All-Americans accomplished the feat in 1920 against a schedule featuring nonleague teams.




mckmas8808 said:
Tebow would still be shit. The dude can't throw. Cam can. Plain and simple. No excuses.

You should have read all the way to the last sentence. It's usually where the conclusions can be found.


ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
AFC is crazy this year. Steelers and Patriots are generally considered the top two teams but there's still a chance both could miss the playoffs if the Bengals and Bills keep winning (unlikely, but still possible)

Even with all the injuries, they play Miami twice and Denver once, they can get to ten if they don't screw things up in a big way. Win this week and it makes it easier. Any given Sunday, and all that.


Fear of a GAF Planet
If nobody can pull a new thread together by the time I get home, I'll do it. Don't expect some sort of thread wizardry, though.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Milchjon said:
Seems like the Chargers are the only team where more fans show up on GAF after a loss than a win...
don't forget texans fans, I'm seeing way less posting by texans fans since they are on a two game win streak.


Milchjon said:
Seems like the Chargers are the only team where more fans show up on GAF after a loss than a win...

I think what you referring to really are the Cowboys fans.

I am here win or lose.

BTW just read today that these past two games (against the Skins and Cowboys) are the first back to back games in Reid's 13 years where he has rushed for more than 28 times in a row.


Now watch him call 75% passing plays on Monday against the Bears. The arrogant SOB already implied as much when after the Cowboys game some reporter asked him if the run game should be expected from here on out and Reid replied saying something like "I like to pass and that's who I am we just took the match-ups given to us".

Going to the Eagle Giants game on the 20th. Any Giants Gaf members going to be there?


eznark said:
You should have read all the way to the last sentence. It's usually where the conclusions can be found.

Yeah but you seem to be taking away from why Cam is playing well this year too. That dude is good. The other guy isn't.


captive said:
lol wut cowboys fans disappear when they lose, when they win... like roaches!

WOW! I thought I was the only one who referred to Cowboy fans as cockroaches. Lights are off and you cant see anything they all come scurrying out talking how great they are then BAM!!! lights on and they realize they really are not that good and dissappear!

Mind blown!

captive said:
don't forget texans fans, I'm seeing way less posting by texans fans since they are on a two game win streak.

Because Colt is coming to town!! Orange bloods will be at Reliant in full force.


mckmas8808 said:
Yeah but you seem to be taking away from why Cam is playing well this year too. That dude is good. The other guy isn't.

Newton landed in the perfect situation (good line, great #1 receiver, two real receiving tight ends), with an apparent offensive genius. No way Newton is putting up anything close to those numbers in Denver.

But yes, he is significantly better than Tebow. I was convinced Newton would stink because he is an idiot and seemed lazy. I still think he is a box of rocks, but he has impressed me with his work ethic. I thought Tebow would stink because he is an idiot with an inaccurate and feeble arm who depended on "heart" and surrounding himself with superior athletic talent in college. He won't work in any scheme. Cam needs the right scheme for now...I think he'll get amazing next season when he starts to learn the offense. He may not be terribly smart but that guy seems to be dedicated beyond belief and a fantastic leader. What if Brett Favre were black? (attitude and football intelligence, before some of you think I'm talking playing style)


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
effzee said:
Oops that is what I meant. They don't show up after a loss.

well I didn't talk shit before the game, what am I supposed to say? Just check in?



Zero Hero

I heard a comedian on the radio this morning say Tebow lost because, historically speaking, Christians haven't fared well against lions.


goldlion054 said:
Have you gotten any of the meat processed/ back yet? Curious how Elk tastes

Ya, all four elk were processed before we left Idaho. We had a trailer, filled it with 7 massive coolers and brought it all home.

It's very good. Somewhere between venison and beef.
eznark said:
Ya, all four elk were processed before we left Idaho. We had a trailer, filled it with 7 massive coolers and brought it all home.

It's very good. Somewhere between venison and beef.

Trasher said:
It's good. Just had some myself.

Guess I'm going hunting over the bye week


I need a GIF of that play where it was Sanders (pretty sure it was Sanders though it could have been Brown) running up the field and the corner below him just fell down and when Sanders made his move and stopped the defender over the top kept running full speed so there was like a 15-20 yard cushion for Ben to make the completion. Granted Rivers/Tebow might not be able to squeeze in that tight of a window, but it was hilarious and summed up the entire game.


Great map for the NY region. I wanted to see Bills Jets and Giants Pats.

Should be a great stress free Sunday since the Eagles play Monday night.

Lets go SEATTLE!


eznark said:
Ya, all four elk were processed before we left Idaho. We had a trailer, filled it with 7 massive coolers and brought it all home.

It's very good. Somewhere between venison and beef.

Did you get the backstraps?


Fear of a GAF Planet
bionic77 said:
I need a GIF of that play where it was Sanders (pretty sure it was Sanders though it could have been Brown) running up the field and the corner below him just fell down and when Sanders made his move and stopped the defender over the top kept running full speed so there was like a 15-20 yard cushion for Ben to make the completion. Granted Rivers/Tebow might not be able to squeeze in that tight of a window, but it was hilarious and summed up the entire game.

Sums the game up much better, imo.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
eznark said:
Ya, all four elk were processed before we left Idaho. We had a trailer, filled it with 7 massive coolers and brought it all home.

It's very good. Somewhere between venison and beef.
i always wonder what it is about Elk and the people that hunt them. I know multiple people that go to Colorado to hunt them and often times don't even fire a shot. My friends have their own ranch and bought some Elk, unfortunately everyone wanted to shoot an Elk but not pay for it in Texas, but would rather pay for a plane ticket to Colorado and lodging and the hunting trip and not get anything for it.
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