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Ni No Kuni Collector's Edition for EU/NA [failure level well beyond critical mass]


I just tried to get answers by calling them up....I'm pretty sure I made the girl on the other end cry. I kinda feel bad because she's probably been getting this crap from people all week.

I'd like to think that if she's upset, it's not because you've talked to her in such a way to cause it. Those poor people on the other end of the 'phone aren't to blame.

She better suck it up. More calls today.

I sincerely hope you never have to be in such a position. These poor people are going to take all the flak for the highers up and it's even more unfair on them than it is for those of you who haven't gotten your game.


Just think....all of this could have been avoided had they not reopened preorders. They went from having a lot of people saying "Oh darn, I should have preordered last year when I had the chance" to "WTF?!?!? FUCK YOU GUYS!!!!!"


WaiT... Guys my order has been shipped already and already getting here Monday...

But I just checked my bank account and the charge from Namco just vanished and my checking looks as if it never had money taken O__o is this normal? They refunded me even though I already have mine shipped? Or will the charge be back?
I know, and that's why I become a sucker when I have to call up customer service and am usually too nice to get any results. These poor people have to hear the hate and the yelling and screaming from us crazy people when they have no control over events.


oh god.. EU box looks terrible

Yeah, still not the worst CE I can think of that I was looking forward to (not to mention the book still looks awesome)

Worst one I was looking forward to was the Tales of Graces f day 1 edition. A OST selection disc, a art book (the best bit) and a making of CD which wasn't even a making of like advertised. It was actually, just the Q&A that was on youtube with Baba. The one anyone could watch for free on youtube.

Oh and the OST selection disc wasn't a music-formatted CD, it was a data-disc meaning that it wouldn't automatically open with itunes (or whatever your default for music discs) and instead, acted like a disc that you would have if you backed up a bunch of files to a disc (music or whatever).

At least this EU WizEd has a plush drippy and a nice looking translated book. :D even if the box is disappointing.


WaiT... Guys my order has been shipped already and already getting here Monday...

But I just checked my bank account and the charge from Namco just vanished and my checking looks as if it never had money taken O__o is this normal? They refunded me even though I already have mine shipped? Or will the charge be back?

Just keep quiet and hope for the best :p


WaiT... Guys my order has been shipped already and already getting here Monday...

But I just checked my bank account and the charge from Namco just vanished and my checking looks as if it never had money taken O__o is this normal? They refunded me even though I already have mine shipped? Or will the charge be back?

Don't worry - they just had to use the label that they printed. It'll be an empty box.


It'll pop back up. I'll be amazed if it doesn't.


Lets wait and C LORD PLZ


in other news mine should be delivered sometimes this afternoon.


omg lucky. Mine is 2 day but no Saturday shipping so Monday night for me :(

Don't worry - they just had to use the label that they printed. It'll be an empty box.

It was already sent yesterday though :(


I know, and that's why I become a sucker when I have to call up customer service and am usually too nice to get any results. These poor people have to hear the hate and the yelling and screaming from us crazy people when they have no control over events.

That's why I said I hoped you hadn't talked to her in such a way. Hurling abuse at anothet human being over a bunch of material trinkets is never acceptable, especially someone who has done nothing to contribute to the situation at hand; if anything, people need to be asking for the highers up who WERE responsible.

Lets wait and C LORD PLZ


omg lucky. Mine is 2 day but no Saturday shipping so Monday night for me :(

It was already sent yesterday though :(

mine was 2 days. didn't you order yours in july? i ordered june 29th. they shipped yesterday. i guess they work slow.. lulz.
That's why I said I hoped you hadn't talked to her in such a way. Hurling abuse at anothet human being over a bunch of material trinkets is never acceptable, especially someone who has done nothing to contribute to the situation at hand; if anything, people need to be asking for the highers up who WERE responsible.

Oh absolutely, you have to be firm to show how seriously you take it, but it's so awful to unload on these customer service people.
My order was scheduled for delivery Monday, but I checked the tracking info and was surprised to see it changed:

Scheduled For Early Delivery On:
Friday, 01/25/2013, By End of Day

Looks like I will get to dive into the game before I head out of town for a week Sunday.


Oh absolutely, you have to be firm to show how seriously you take it, but it's so awful to unload on these customer service people.

Definitely; we had to be firm when the people who were repairing my laptop told me they'd delivered it to an address 150 miles away and it was tough luck for me, but I know I'd never like to be in that position myself dealing with irate people so I try not to be irate myself. Glad to know (assume?) you're the same!
Definitely; we had to be firm when the people who were repairing my laptop told me they'd delivered it to an address 150 miles away and it was tough luck for me, but I know I'd never like to be in that position myself dealing with irate people so I try not to be irate myself. Glad to know (assume?) you're the same!


And this is important to note for everyone. I know we have a lot of very immature people in this fandom in general (maybe not NNK fans...), but let's always be respectful to people? We can try to get this fixed but let's not get a reputation as vulgar, obnoxious, awful people, alright?


I feel like Namco is trolling me. They sent me another cancellation email which makes it three so far and I only ordered one copy.


( ≖‿≖)
I just tried to get answers by calling them up....I'm pretty sure I made the girl on the other end cry. I kinda feel bad because she's probably been getting this crap from people all week.

rumbalumba probably calling their offices non stop :(


Anyone know what type of shipping they are using for the cheapest option? I picked that and my shipping email had no tracking. I assume it's usps?
So now the WE Preorder Complain Facebook page is going after Studio Ghilbi. What a bunch of morons. They have NOTHING to do with the issues with DR and Namco.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
So now the WE Preorder Complain Facebook page is going after Studio Ghilbi. What a bunch of morons. They have NOTHING to do with the issues with DR and Namco.

Yeah, that's stupid. We are fortunate to have Ghibli collaborate with Level 5 and I want to see more video game initiatives from them. This problem rests purely on the shoulders of Namco and DR.


That's why I said I hoped you hadn't talked to her in such a way. Hurling abuse at anothet human being over a bunch of material trinkets is never acceptable, especially someone who has done nothing to contribute to the situation at hand; if anything, people need to be asking for the highers up who WERE responsible.

While I do agree that taking ones frustrations out on another person who is just doing their job is not the best way to handle things, customer service reps, if properly trained should be able to handle -to some degree- disgruntled customers.

Excusing them from representing their company and blaming "the higher ups" does no one any good, by the same token, if you are not making progress with a particular rep, you probably should request to speak with their supervisor who might be more able to help with you particular situation.

In my view screaming, becoming hostile or agitated are usually detrimental to your cause.
One of the many reasons I hate FB, moronic herd behavior at its worst.

Here is the post from the admin of the page about their Ghibli contact info post...

about contacting Ghibli, on relations between companies if one party isn't satisfied, in this case a complaint email from the studio to namco, woudl trigger two scenarios, namco could care less losing the publisher rights, or they act in a way everyone is happy... probably this is the evaluation they are doing right now, profits vs losses. this was at least the way how it was made about 4 years ago when I worked at a mobile content provider, we even got namco for LATAM. trying to get to them trough some friends.. just that I live in USA right now and the company relocated from venezuela to panama.

Can anyone decode that?
Called UPS for my WE coming to Canada. I got the same answer as someone else, all fees have been paid by the company, I will not have to pay anything upon delivery.



I had to look up what TWHS meant... lol

WaiT... Guys my order has been shipped already and already getting here Monday...

But I just checked my bank account and the charge from Namco just vanished and my checking looks as if it never had money taken O__o is this normal? They refunded me even though I already have mine shipped? Or will the charge be back?

Same here. I thought it was strange, since all I asked was for a refund of the $12 for the 2 day shipping lol. They shipped it yesterday when they made the label on the 23rd, so I will be receiving it on Monday. I'm not complaining though, will just play some more Vita games in the meantime.


Can anyone decode that?

Person is just relaying what their experience has been based on a similar situation, pertaining to FB members complaining to Ghibli.

In short, the complaints will be funneled to Namco (an assumption of the FB Admin), which will decide based on profit, wether to give a shit (act) or not.
I feel like Namco is trolling me. They sent me another cancellation email which makes it three so far and I only ordered one copy.

I got two, one after my re-order, but both reference the old cancelled order, the latest order is still processing...

i have no idea what's going on.

ppl are harassing gibli??? why??? Even with the mess I;ve gotten, I have only called namco once, for the re-order....
Ya know, I finally see stories about this but it seems like they're only reporting a small fraction of the problem.

The PlayCanada thing sucks but it seems like 1) that's what they do and 2) they obtained them before the pre-orders even became an issue. I don't agree with it, I won't ever support them in any way, but if they want to be a bag of dicks in the name of capitalism - they can.

But the whole picture... between people having problems with them canceling before the second wave even happened with no ability to rectify it, the whole backwards nature of how they handled the pre-orders, Namco's decision to have the Ni No Starter thing MONTHS before people were really paying attention (they should have released the demo THEN started the pre-order campaign), the spaghetti pile of communication efforts... it's a huge lesson that other game companies can learn from.

What could go wrong HAS gone wrong with this game's release it seems.


So, Amazon.de Ships to the US?

Can someone please post a link for the German Wizards Edition? My order was cancelled also, but i´m not mad anymore Y_Y


Wow... It's strange, I have zero interest in JRPGs, but this whole debacle with this game is a spectacle. How is this possible? Why haven't they tossed whatever loopy random quantum computing system they've been using for orders? It seems like writing down order manually on post it notes would get better results than this...
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