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Nintendo 3DS Direct - 17th April - 3 PM UK/10 AM EST


Dat ambassador loyalty.

Forget about the Ambassador games. There's plenty of other GBA games they could put on 3DS VC, if they were willing to forego the save states and 3DS features like the Ambassador games do by running in DS mode.

I think SNES games are coming.

I hope so. Would buy a ton of games that I never did for Wii VC, since if I wanted to play tethered to a home console, I'd just plug back in the system.


Forget about the Ambassador games. There's plenty of other GBA games they could put on 3DS VC, if they were willing to forego the save states and 3DS features like the Ambassador games do by running in DS mode.

They could easily put in save states/sleep mode for GBA emulation. That's not the problem.


Time Travelers isn't getting enough love here. People asking for all of these Level 5 and not including Time Travelers makes me want to cry. :'-(


The strangest thing is they had their shit together with the Wii Virtual Console DAY ONE. For some reason, it's been such a fucking issue for the Wii U and 3DS.

The problem with the 3DS is that it didn't have its E-shop at launch and now some things are still weird because of it. I'm kinda hoping that the release of the Wii U VC causes things to speed up


Atlus buyout from Index.
They will be a 2nd party 3DS developer.

But seriously though, I think it will be a Bravely Default confirmation.


Monster Hunter's Desire Sensor taught me that I will not get what I desired most.

So I desire nothing, expect nothing, hope nothing.


Ahhh, for a second I thought it was tomorrow morning. Not used to a 2 days heads up :p


big youth

So will this be where Zelda 3DS is announced? Not sure if I should get hyped.

there'd be no reason to announce Zelda before E3, and if they were there would likely be a Japanese ND as well

expect Guild02, Animal Crossing, Lego City, Donkey Kong, Dillon's Rolling Western, etc


Would love to see F-Zero X in 3D with online multi

Where am I ???

You're wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out in front, literally !
Dat ambassador loyalty.

I think SNES games are coming.

I really don't understand the decision behind not releasing the GBA games ALREADY running on the 3DS for a price for the non ambassadors to buy. It's not like ambassadors would get angry since they got them for free. That loyalty, honor, etc bs is really getting on the way of Nintendo.


I really don't understand the decision behind not releasing the GBA games ALREADY running on the 3DS for a price for the non ambassadors to buy. It's not like ambassadors would get angry since they got them for free. That loyalty, honor, etc bs is really getting on the way of Nintendo.

They hate money.


They usually announce the Japanese one some time after the UK/NoA ones have been announced right? I remember it being that way last time...
I'm so desperate to know about Retro's new project that my brain is trying to deceive me into thinking it's actually possible that it will show up during this Direct...


I'm so desperate to know about Retro's new project that my brain is trying to deceive me into thinking it's actually possible that it will show up during this Direct...

Hasn't Retro split into two teams? Could one of them "conceivably" be making a 3DS game? Entirely speculation here.


Real talk, I want these realistic things:

Dream Team info
Bravely Default localisation in EU and not US cus you're bakas
Oracle games on VC
Metroid 3DS
Bravely Default for NA/EU, SMT IV for EU, Animal Crossing Bundle for NA/EU, Phoenix Wright for NA/EU.

Please Nintendo :')

I want to buy a XL in the near future, please let it be the Animal Crossing one.


I'm so desperate to know about Retro's new project that my brain is trying to deceive me into thinking it's actually possible that it will show up during this Direct...

Here's hoping that they spent all that time making an awesome game instead of dealing with and trying to overcome developing issues. It sure has been a long time since Retro's latest big title.
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