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Nintendo 3DS Direct - 17th April - 3 PM UK/10 AM EST


I bet they will mention the WiiU firmware update
, hopefully available that day
even if it's a 3DS Direct.
People need to stop expecting Miiverse for 3DS at this Nintendo Direct, it's not gonna happen. Nintendo has repeatedly said that the smartphone app (a web app I believe) will come first and Miiverse on 3DS is still a ways away.

So they can't announce/talk about the 3DS app first? Going for smartphones/browsers before your own damn handheld seems pretty weird anyway.


must re-post over and over


That is so dope


NoA has one concurrently, and apparently there's a press event that day as well for 3DS.

So maybe the America direct will, instead of the message for Fire Emblems PAL release, show a short clip that shows the amount of tears that NoE collected in the time between FE:A release in North America, and present day.


Would they announce anything big only to NA and UK? I feel like if there was a huge announcement then there would be a direct in japan, too.


Layton vs Ace Attorney is the only announcement I can really hope for at this point. It's long overdue, and I hope most of the 3DS news can be out of the way before E3 comes. 3DS owners have been crazy spoiled as of late with quality titles and it's crazy to imagine there's being more where that came from, which is why I'm not expecting much.

Holy shit my friend drew this


3DS direct the same day as their earnings conference? That sounds like pre-emptive deflection of bad news to me. I can't say I blame them. Hopefully we get a new Wii U one next week announcing the firmware update and some release dates.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
3DS direct the same day as their earnings conference? That sounds like pre-emptive deflection of bad news to me. I can't say I blame them. Hopefully we get a new Wii U one next week announcing the firmware update and some release dates.

No that is next week.


3DS direct the same day as their earnings conference? That sounds like pre-emptive deflection of bad news to me. I can't say I blame them. Hopefully we get a new Wii U one next week announcing the firmware update and some release dates.

That's the 24th, which is probably around the time we can expect a Wii U Direct.


3DS direct the same day as their earnings conference? That sounds like pre-emptive deflection of bad news to me. I can't say I blame them. Hopefully we get a new Wii U one next week announcing the firmware update and some release dates.

Actually I think the earning's conference is next week.
A new 3D Land would be a nice surprise but I doubt that could come out this year. If they are working on a new 3D Land, it would be nice if it was Super Luigi 3D Land instead of Mario.


My bad. But yeah, a lot of those games being shown would be great. I just like to remind people that Nintendo does enjoy dedicating a lot of time to shit we already know or have seen before. Even when there's surprises.

Well, yes. It's understandable, really; they can tout games that are a while off all they like, but ultimately, they'd also quite like you to buy some games now, too.

My stance for these is to expect a few minor announcements; at least one that's a genuine surprise but not *that* big a deal in terms of big mass-market appeal (Probably BD, if the rumours are true, although I'd love Europe to get some SMT love)

I also expect it'll be followed by a tips video for Luigi's Mansion.


Nintendo's deafening silence on the Wii-U continues. Baffling.

They can't even announce the rest of Q2, if there even is anything to announce. I wonder what year Pikmin 3 has been pushed to. I swear if you give developers enough leeway and money they could continue to make improvement and add features forever. It's time to button that one up. Holy Shit.

Meanwhile we will get a Nintendo Direct that probably tells us stuff we already know about the 3DS like all of the Japanese imports hitting this year. If Bravely Default gets a mention its worth it I guess. I can't imagine they would announce something as huge as new Zelda 3DS on a Direct with E3 less than 8 weeks away.

That investor meeting is going to be BRUTAL for Iwata. I guess a struggling Nintendo is the best Nintendo, or that is the only silver lining I can find it all of this.
They can't even announce the rest of Q2, if there even is anything to announce.


That investor meeting is going to be BRUTAL for Iwata. I guess a struggling Nintendo is the best Nintendo, or that is the only silver lining I can find it all of this.

The latter statement is exactly why they're not announcing anything right now. They have no doubt fallen way short of expectations and are going to spend the immediate aftermath of their results meeting throwing out fire-dampening announcements to exert some damage control... you bury bad news with good.
Nintendo's deafening silence on the Wii-U continues. Baffling.

They can't even announce the rest of Q2, if there even is anything to announce. I wonder what year Pikmin 3 has been pushed to. I swear if you give developers enough leeway and money they could continue to make improvement and add features forever. It's time to button that one up. Holy Shit.

Meanwhile we will get a Nintendo Direct that probably tells us stuff we already know about the 3DS like all of the Japanese imports hitting this year. If Bravely Default gets a mention its worth it I guess. I can't imagine they would announce something as huge as new Zelda 3DS on a Direct with E3 less than 8 weeks away.

That investor meeting is going to be BRUTAL for Iwata. I guess a struggling Nintendo is the best Nintendo, or that is the only silver lining I can find it all of this.

Well he gave himself that ultimatum in January, so if they don't achieve their 100 billion yen profit next fiscal year, then he'll probably resign, or at least make some serious changes to their business model. It all depends if they have a strong holiday lineup or not. I think they know they have to.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Nintendo's deafening silence on the Wii-U continues. Baffling.

They can't even announce the rest of Q2, if there even is anything to announce. I wonder what year Pikmin 3 has been pushed to. I swear if you give developers enough leeway and money they could continue to make improvement and add features forever. It's time to button that one up. Holy Shit.

Meanwhile we will get a Nintendo Direct that probably tells us stuff we already know about the 3DS like all of the Japanese imports hitting this year. If Bravely Default gets a mention its worth it I guess. I can't imagine they would announce something as huge as new Zelda 3DS on a Direct with E3 less than 8 weeks away.

That investor meeting is going to be BRUTAL for Iwata. I guess a struggling Nintendo is the best Nintendo, or that is the only silver lining I can find it all of this.

Like I said earlier, it only makes sense if Nintendo is planning a significant relaunch in late June-ish to be announced at E3.


Wait a minute, Rich said it's hours after the event...The rumored 3DS event.

So if all of this comes together, Nintendo was originally going to have this for Wii U but decided to wait till E3 to announce it.


If they announce MM Remake without this Shitty Anime Look from OoT i will buy a 3DS XL.

Though I loved OOT3D, I can understand where you're coming from. There's just something about the original style, even if it does look a bit dated now. I never considered the new graphics "anime" looking though.
Well he gave himself that ultimatum in January, so if they don't achieve their 100 billion yen profit next fiscal year, then he'll probably resign, or at least make some serious changes to their business model. It all depends if they have a strong holiday lineup or not. I think they know they have to.

I am guessing they hope to repeat the 3DS situation with a Mario Kart and Mario game this fall.

Doubt that will be enough, but we shall see.
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