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Nintendo Downloads - March 2014

Golden Sun will be a must buy for me. Superstar Saga is one of the rare GBA games that I actually own, I hope they release the later Mario & Luigi games at some point too.


Variable pricing on Wii U VC? Multiple games a week? Games announced ahead of time?

NCL must be exerting a great deal of control over the GBA VC rollout because this is just not how NoA operates.

Actually, NCL is the one that controls VC in all regions, and always has done so.


Actually, NCL is the one that controls VC in all regions, and always has done so.

False. Each division determines release schedule, NCL simply determines the games that are licensed and available since they handle the technical side.

Realistically the number of games is likely because they have to fill a gap since there are no retail releases from Nintendo for nearly 2 months.


Sketchbook Picasso
I don't understand the desire for GBA games on Wii U at all. I can see the point of SNES games because there aren't many people with a SNES connected to the TV nowadays and so Wii/Wii U are the easiest ways to access those games.

If you had any interest in GBA games though, why wouldn't you own a Micro or an SP, both incredible devices which take up no space or ports in the back of your TV, and are actually portable should you wish as opposed to the Wii U versions.

It just seems weird that anyone would buy these. If you're planning on getting them; how come?

  • No need to go out to a store
  • Games all saved on a single system
  • No need to buy hardware you might not already have.
  • No need for shipping time / charges if you choose to buy them from eBay or such.
  • Some people have a console preference. If given the chance, I prefer TV play myself over most options (except maybe to the Vita, love that thing.)

  • Some games retain value well, and are more than they'll be sold for online.
  • Again, the lack of a need to buy anything else. System / Batteries / Screen protectors, etc.
  • These could actually go on sales, or become elements of package deals with future promotions. Even games I might not buy, I'd love to get from freebie coins, or as deals with other digital purchases.

  • I love sharing the games I'm playing with those around me. TV play does this much better than over-the-shoulder portable play.
  • "But you could just emulate for that!"... I like giving the creators money for games I enjoy.
  • There's not many legit ways to easily play GBA on TV.
  • Save states and restore points are actually kinda nice for some games.
  • To many, this will be access to "new" SNES like games. There's loads of people who never got the systems back in the day, rarely have access to what they want from it, or just never thought about obtaining them by other means.

I mean, sure, if you have / are aware of alternatives, the value of these releases are variably diminished. I'd love to see some added features like 2P with controllers added in, if at all possible, myself.

Options are a wonderful thing. There's PS1 games I never would get back to on console, that I'll play though on Vita in between travels. Or PS2 games that are released as Imports that I'd never go through the trouble of importing a foreign system, CD, and memory card for. I hope to have similar experience every once in a while with the GBA initiative too! :)

Glass Joe

I just checked the eShop and they have some profile pages for forthcoming GBA games. Only reason I mention that is because they have preview screens and the color/contrast actually looks good.

Dr Mario is on WiiU VC tomorrow.

I hope they run that Dr. Luigi deal where you get it free. Dr. Luigi makes Dr. Mario completely redundant, after all. I'd still like the free download for nostalgia value but since Luigi was overpriced at $15, it would make me feel a little better with my impulse buy.

Noticed a profile page for Evofish (Wii U) on nintendo.com, that's April 3rd. Haven't heard good things about that one though, it's already in Europe.


Unconfirmed Member
I finally get to play Metroid Fusion, SMB3 releasing on the 17th gives me time to beat 3D World I guess.


Wonder if there's anything to the speculation on SMB3 delay on both eShops; that they'd be released alongside a true account system, or at the very least, an option for cross-buy. A few days before April 17th -would- be prime time for a Direct to confirm such things. Doubt it'll happen, but here's hoping...


Wonder if there's anything to the speculation on SMB3 delay on both eShops; that they'd be released alongside a true account system, or at the very least, an option for cross-buy. A few days before April 17th -would- be prime time for a Direct to confirm such things. Doubt it'll happen, but here's hoping...

That'd be nice, but I really doubt it, especially since the game has been available in Europe for quite some time now.
Cross-posting this one, but there was a 3D QR Code for The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth posted.


And this.



Looks like Evofish is the indie getting devoured by the crush of GBA games next week. It's already out in Europe, although I haven't heard much about it.


Weren't there suppose to be a number of RPGs that were releasing on the Wii U eshop? I have Unepic but what about the others? Whatever happen to them? Pretty disappointing that when I search RPGs with download only selected all I get back is Unepic and Pokemon Rumble U.


Unconfirmed Member
...it is their third screen or something .... not even sure if realy is coming or just want fan to make a petition or something

That's why I said if it comes to the system. It's the first screen I've seen that directly references Nintendo. The original was blocked from the eShop due to "religious reasons," though that really shouldn't matter too much.

Weren't there suppose to be a number of RPGs that were releasing on the Wii U eshop? I have Unepic but what about the others? Whatever happen to them? Pretty disappointing that when I search RPGs with download only selected all I get back is Unepic and Pokemon Rumble U.

Child of Light, a platforming RPG from Ubisoft, and Pier Solar HD, a turn based RPG, should both be arriving in April, so there's that to look forward to at least. Plus all of that ↓


That's why I said if it comes to the system. It's the first screen I've seen that directly references Nintendo. The original was blocked from the eShop due to "religious reasons," though that really shouldn't matter too much.

Child of Light, a platforming RPG from Ubisoft, and Pier Solar HD, a turn based RPG, should both be arriving in April, so there's that to look forward to at least. Plus all of that ↓



Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I don't think I broke it, but I can fix it. What should I change it to?

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
wot? Binding of Isaac finally got approved by the purists at Nintendo HQ?? medioton if true!

For those with the inability to view the BoI image, it's this (except in an .mpo file which is what the 3DS uses for 3D images)

Resolution is also 400 x 240 which is what the 3DS outputs at.


That's why I said if it comes to the system. It's the first screen I've seen that directly references Nintendo. The original was blocked from the eShop due to "religious reasons," though that really shouldn't matter too much.
Wasn't it left unspecified and people just extrapolated that? Stuff like this tends to stick even if it's out and out wrong, and "dude it's a flash game it won't even work on the system" may be the real, and better, reason for it to have been initially rejected.

EDIT: No, I guess he straight up said that afterall. Well, maybe it looks better when Sony's in on it too.
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