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Nintendo Investor Meeting [Nintendo 1st Party DLC, NSMB3DS, NiN, Info In OP]


3DS was a huge wake up call for Nintendo to not fuck around

Wii-U or whatever it's gonna be named is gonna be a serious competitor


In theory the NFC could be used to sense and locate figurines which are placed on the Wii U controller's screen. For example in a SRPG, you could have little figurines of your characters placed on the screen, and you physically move the figurines over the screen and they replicate this motion in real-time on the TV. A bit awkward, but technically possible.

And that's got me musing on the possibilities of a Fire Emblem/League of Legends hybrid.

That is, create an army from collectible figurines, and use them on a board as you describe as a strategy game.


Please help me with my bad english
As I said, rather that just use it for pairing controllers to consoles (I assume this is what you meant) they could add in toys, just like Skylanders does. Pokemon instantly comes to mind.

NFC payments. NFC phones could exchange contacts, maybe Miis to take with you. Essentially bits of data you might want to take on the go but not go through an account system.
I only used what I believe to be the most common usages of NFC/RFID as examples. I know that the usage of the tech can be pretty versatile.


In theory the NFC could be used to sense and locate figurines which are placed on the Wii U controller's screen. For example in a SRPG, you could have little figurines of your characters placed on the screen, and you physically move the figurines over the screen and they replicate this motion in real-time on the TV. A bit awkward, but technically possible.

NFC could "sense" them, but the location would have to be done by two cameras or capacitive touch screen. If the final screen turns out to be capacitive, this game mechanic would be possible.

You could also use NFC-compatible Pokémon cards to play an updated version of Pokémon Trading Card Game with friends online, for instance.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I simply can't imagine what Nintendo's fear of the internet has been for the past decade.

Building a robust online network wasn't some big risky venture for Microsoft and Sony. It was a necessity in the modern fucking world.

Did Nintendo seriously think gamers wouldn't be interested in it? Sure, it hasn't always been what it is now, but I simply cannot believe that they thought they could just "wait it out".

Nintendo is not a company on the scale of Microsoft or even Sony, and doesn't have the experience of Microsoft at such things.

Look at how crude PSN was for years, how long it took Sony to fix certain issues, and the oversights it had/has compared to XBL.

Look at the trouble Sony has gotten into for making serious mistakes with security.

Nintendo being afraid of diving in and staking their future on the internet to the degree Xbox Live did for Xbox, was a reasonable fear. This is not to say Nintendo wasn't left behind. They were. With 20/20 hindsight though, I'm not sure that things could have turned out very different.

But damn, it's always been hard for people to take a look at the big picture. Xbox Live was actually so astounding in 2005 because Microsoft used their experience in the field and army of engineers to lay out the future with a great deal of foresight. The whole kit and kaboodle wasn't taken for granted then, as it was now.

The one advantage Nintendo has now, is that the brush has largely been cleared away and the landscape paved. Everybody knows now what the console market wants from an evolved online system, and digital platform. It's much less risky for Nintendo to bank on that than it was in 2005.


So then I'm really confused, what does NFC do? From the description in the OP it sounds like a more range limited version of streetpass and that bump thing iphones can do.
It's like the bump thing but the iPhone is faking the bump thing right now. Think of it as QR codes but at a very short distance and no need to scan.


Can you imagine Nintendo making microtransactions so simple and thoughtless with the upad that all people need to do is press their credit card against the touch screen to make purchases?

Guys...I think EA just came.





In light of the news that Nintendo may have figured out how to do online, I'm guessing that the launch date will be December 21, 2012 and the Mayans were right.
So then I'm really confused, what does NFC do? From the description in the OP it sounds like a more range limited version of streetpass and that bump thing iphones can do.

Have you ever seen a clock in system at work that only requires employees to wave their pass in front of it to clock a time or to open a door? That's often done with unique RFID chips

Similar tech is used in the sort of wave/swipe payment systems that are becoming more popular that allow people to pay for transactions using a wave of their card or mobile phone. The same tech is used on the London Underground with Oyster cards.

Nintendo could have this in controllers and make it so that all you need to do to play with your controller on a friends system is place it by the machine briefly. They could have you pay for eShop content with it. They could release peripherals and toys that extend the capabilities of the system or the controller, or that introduce new things on screen, and all you would have to do is put them near the controller.

The Boat

I simply can't imagine what Nintendo's fear of the internet has been for the past decade.

Building a robust online network wasn't some big risky venture for Microsoft and Sony. It was a necessity in the modern fucking world.

Did Nintendo seriously think gamers wouldn't be interested in it? Sure, network gaming hasn't always been what it is now, but I simply cannot believe that they thought they could just "wait it out".

Building a good online network is much easier for a company like Microsoft and even Sony than Nintendo considering their other business areas. Nintendo didn't seem to think it important enough to outweigh the investment together with the risks they took with Wii and DS. Looking at the success these two had, it didn't work out that badly for them in the end. Plus, they always want to do their own thing.


Please help me with my bad english
"Digital - if super mario user gets tired then can sell digitally extra which will drive extra rev.."

Really Nintendo? Really?



For the digital sales of the content, we are also considering the future possibility of digital distribution of packaged software, which is often referred to as “software download sales.” This concept was built into the design of the Nintendo 3DS, and we already have the necessary infrastructure. We will prepare the same infrastructure for the Wii U. However, we have not decided the concrete timing of when we will start it. The decision must be made by taking into consideration such factors as the relationship with the wholesalers and retailers, and the best way to be embraced by consumers, as well as the environment surrounding the market and consumers, such as the required memory capacity on consumers’ SD memory cards. However, as an option for the future, the significance of this business field will increase.

So they have been working on this stuff for a while it seems.
For the digital sales of the content, we are also considering the future possibility of digital distribution of packaged software, which is often referred to as “software download sales.” This concept was built into the design of the Nintendo 3DS, and we already have the necessary infrastructure. We will prepare the same infrastructure for the Wii U. However, we have not decided the concrete timing of when we will start it. The decision must be made by taking into consideration such factors as the relationship with the wholesalers and retailers, and the best way to be embraced by consumers, as well as the environment surrounding the market and consumers, such as the required memory capacity on consumers’ SD memory cards. However, as an option for the future, the significance of this business field will increase.



NSMB 3DS coming in FY2013 (April '12 - March '13)

Although there is no logo here, we are planning to release a totally new side-scrolling action Super Mario in 2D as a key title for the Nintendo 3DS in the next fiscal year.


New 2d 3ds mario game!

Although there is no logo here, we are planning to release a totally new side-scrolling action Super Mario in 2D as a key title for the Nintendo 3DS in the next fiscal year.
With the fulfillment of software, we are confident that we will be able to make the Nintendo 3DS active for the full year as the mainstream platform in the video game market.

Edit: beaten.


New Tweet

Digital - if super mario user gets tired then can sell digitally extra which will drive extra rev..

Why the trail off? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN!?!?!?

Users can sell content through Nintendo Network????
Communities are awesome and are literally the only thing Nintendo has actually done better than the competition in the online space.


Nintendo is not a company on the scale of Microsoft or even Sony, and doesn't have the experience of Microsoft at such things.

Look at how crude PSN was for years, how long it took Sony to fix certain issues, and the oversights it had/has compared to XBL.

Look at the trouble Sony has gotten into for making serious mistakes with security.

Nintendo being afraid of diving in and staking their future on the internet to the degree Xbox Live did for Xbox, was a reasonable fear. This is not to say Nintendo wasn't left behind. They were. With 20/20 hindsight though, I'm not sure that things could have turned out very different.

But damn, it's always been hard for people to take a look at the big picture. Xbox Live was actually so astounding in 2005 because Microsoft used their experience in the field and army of engineers to lay out the future with a great deal of foresight. The whole kit and kaboodle wasn't taken for granted then, as it was now.

The one advantage Nintendo has now, is that the brush has largely been cleared away and the landscape paved. Everybody knows now what the console market wants from an evolved online system, and digital platform. It's much less risky for Nintendo to bank on that than it was in 2005.

Let's not forget also that despite Microsoft being ahead of the competition with Xbox Live, they were embarrassingly late to the party in supporting the Internet on Windows to begin with.


I honestly think nintendo never expected the wii to be as big of a hit as it was. I think they were projecting something like 75 mil as a max installed base after the 22 mil of the gamecube and wanted it to be a stopgap console to rebuild their brands. Why the Wii 2/U/whatever didn't hit in 2010/2011 is beyond me

I agree that 2010 would have been the year to release it but I don't think they expected such a rapid decline. I just don't think they were ready ready. They also probably expected their 3DS business to do better and help through the slow Wii times.



I imagine it's a translation issue. By tired they probably mean "bored" of the game. Then they can sell you additional content.


"Digital - if super mario user gets tired then can sell digitally extra which will drive extra rev.."

Really Nintendo? Really?

Is this suggesting digital second-hand sales? Or Mario DLC?

(Is it "*he* can sell" or "*we* can sell"?)


Digital - if super mario user gets tired then can sell digitally extra which will drive extra revenue, Higher communication amongst users, satisfaction could rise and hardware install base could rise

Nintendo considering "Super Mario" DLC


New Tweet

Why the trail off? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN!?!?!?

Users can sell content through Nintendo Network????

I think what he means is that if a Mario player gets bored, Nintendo could sell extra levels and stuff. But it's sort of hard to tell, we'll have to wait for a transcript.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Looks like no Japanese showing until right after E3:

Also, soon after the E3 show, we would like to organize an opportunity in Tokyo where we can showcase the same to the Japanese wholesalers and financial analysts who cannot attend the E3 show.


Please help me with my bad english
Nintendo is not a company on the scale of Microsoft or even Sony, and doesn't have the experience of Microsoft at such things.

Look at how crude PSN was for years, how long it took Sony to fix certain issues, and the oversights it had/has compared to XBL.

Look at the trouble Sony has gotten into for making serious mistakes with security.

Nintendo being afraid of diving in and staking their future on the internet to the degree Xbox Live did for Xbox, was a reasonable fear. This is not to say Nintendo wasn't left behind. They were. With 20/20 hindsight though, I'm not sure that things could have turned out very different.

But damn, it's always been hard for people to take a look at the big picture. Xbox Live was actually so astounding in 2005 because Microsoft used their experience in the field and army of engineers to lay out the future with a great deal of foresight. The whole kit and kaboodle wasn't taken for granted then, as it was now.

The one advantage Nintendo has now, is that the brush has largely been cleared away and the landscape paved. Everybody knows now what the console market wants from an evolved online system, and digital platform. It's much less risky for Nintendo to bank on that than it was in 2005.
Makes sense.
on that link they stated for DLC they want to try to make it something that ads something extra to the game. Not merely something that just unlocks something already their. Things to make the game longer but that does not ruin it for people who do not buy that content.
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