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Nintendo NX rumored to use Nvidia's Pascal GPU architecture

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Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Apparently that Bplus Games guy is teasing a new NX IP:


Probably already out there, and may be full of it, but figured I'd share! I'm going back and checking old NX threads and seeing if any of those old developers claiming to be working on NX games have made any progress or anything like that!

I'm literally moving to a new state in three days but the hype is making it hard to focus!
Boy, I'll be utterly disappointed if the game did not end up looking like in that filtered shot.
Speaking with Zombie, we've come up with a spec sheet that would be between 5-6w while in handheld mode.

Keep in mind it's all speculation. So the CPU clocks wouldn't change even when in portable mode. It's the GPU and ram speeds that would likely change.

The handheld mode should be enough for 720p60 of AAA games you see today given they are optimized properly. 1080p30 in docked mode. Unreal 4 games could run 1080p60 due to the use of FP16. It would outperform PS4 games with proper 16-bit FP usage. So hypothetically UE4 games like KH3 or FFVII remake would run better on NX docked mode than PS4.

4 A72's at 1.8Ghz (All for gaming)
4 A53's at 1.2Ghz (two reserved for OS)
6GB LPDDR4 at 4000Mhz (2000Mhz handheld mode)
Tegra GPU at 1.21Ghz (550Mhz handheld mode)

Assuming 384 cuda cores in the Tegra you get 922Gflops in docked mode which runs games about on par with Xbox One (any 900p game on XB1 would likely be 1080p on NX due to better CPU and Vulkan). 922Glfops is close to 1.3TF of AMD performance (Xbox One).

422Gflops in handheld mode.
Looking at these specs in total, it does seem as if you are using the higher-end estimates of all of the elements that we discussed prior. (Using A72 instead A57s, 3SU GPU, clockspeed slightly under/over Shield TV, etc..) Expecting a third party NX game to run better than the third-generation PS4 game may be expecting too much, IMO.
Apparently that Bplus Games guy is teasing a new NX IP:


Probably already out there, and may be full of it, but figured I'd share! I'm going back and checking old NX threads and seeing if any of those old developers claiming to be working on NX games have made any progress or anything like that!

I'm literally moving to a new state in three days but the hype is making it hard to focus!

I see a tank, and people in red.
The tank is knocking down a wall and guard tower maybe?


The Rise game seems to have suffered a bit of a set back in its development as one of the leads died unexpectedly. They are looking to finish the game with another developer/publisher. Nothing new there yet either!

Boy, I'll be utterly disappointed if the game did not end up looking like in that filtered shot.

I know! It looks kind of cool really:


(Put it on Imgur since I'm not sure if sharing Instagram images works or not!)

According to the tag, I guess it may be called War Kills? Also, it's tagged with Unity 5. Is that the newest version or something, or just what he used to render the shot through (the "prisma" effect he mentions)?


Looking at these specs in total, it does seem as if you are using the higher-end estimates of all of the elements that we discussed prior. (Using A72 instead A57s, 3SU GPU, clockspeed slightly under/over Shield TV, etc..) Expecting a third party NX game to run better than the third-generation PS4 game may be expecting too much, IMO.
Fight me.


So I've been doing some digging and found this Iwata Asks on Nintendo acquiring NERD, which at this stage definitely seems like the prefix to what is now NX!


9. NERD's Goals and Dreams

Finally, I’d like to ask the two of you about what you want NERD to do in the future, and about your goals and dreams.

We are geographically far away, and I think this gives us a kind of a special position within the Nintendo group.

You get Nintendo’s most confidential information on time.

Exactly. The developers at Nintendo headquarters need to spend their time developing the actual platform, so I think we’d like to explore areas that they don’t have time for. For example the possibilities which are opened up by the combination of cloud29 technologies and new software paradigms like general purpose GPU programming30.

I think we are now in exactly the right place to create the best new ideas, but we need to be very bold and ambitious to do so. That’s why I’m so glad I’m at NERD and not anywhere else.
29. Cloud: A way of using computers where data such as photos or emails are stored online, and can be accessed from anywhere.
30. General purpose GPU programming: A programming technology that utilises the strong processing power of a graphic processing unit (GPU) for purposes other than graphics.

Iwata Asks
I think the first goal we have is to become a key element within the Nintendo group and to prove to Nintendo that it made the right decision by bringing us in. That’s why I want to make sure that the very ambitious projects we are currently working on are successful. We want to prove ourselves by accomplishing our goals with these projects.

Iwata Asks
I think we’ve now got a place in Europe where some very talented people in a certain area can work to create things that will really surprise people, which is what Nintendo is always trying to do.

I think that now we will have to make the most of this opportunity that’s been created. Even though we are on opposite sides of the planet with such a time difference, there are still plenty of chances for us to work together on things. And actually we have already done this so many times during the development of Wii U. I think that in the future we will see more technologies being used that people recognise as having been created at NERD. Nintendo hasn’t really acquired companies in the past, but I think your work will prove to people why we did so on this occasion.

Nintendo didn’t just acquire a company, an empty box. By acquiring NERD we strengthened our relationship with the actual people working there. I hope that in the future, people everywhere will be talking about how various technologies came from NERD.

We’ll need to work hard and prove you right.


I think that now we will have to make the most of this opportunity that’s been created. Even though we are on opposite sides of the planet with such a time difference, there are still plenty of chances for us to work together on things. And actually we have already done this so many times during the development of Wii U. I think that in the future we will see more technologies being used that people recognise as having been created at NERD. Nintendo hasn’t really acquired companies in the past, but I think your work will prove to people why we did so on this occasion.

Woah, why am I just now finding out about this NERD group? And the bolded part implies they've been working on NX stuff ever since. They also mentioned being far apart multiple times, so the new technology has to do with bridging the gaps between players?


And the bolded part implies they've been working on NX stuff ever since. They also mentioned being far apart multiple times, so the new technology has to do with bridging the gaps between players?

No, NERD is in france, so they are literally at the other part of the world compared to the rest of the hardware guys.
And ofcourse you can assume NERD worked on NX stuff, as did the rest of nintendo.
They mainly develop software based solutions and are specialised in multimedia (video/compression/codecs), emulation and DRM.

NX related, they are also invested in cloud computing, gpgpu and parallel computing. One of the original par4all devs apparently works for NERD for a few years now.


Looking at these specs in total, it does seem as if you are using the higher-end estimates of all of the elements that we discussed prior. (Using A72 instead A57s, 3SU GPU, clockspeed slightly under/over Shield TV, etc..) Expecting a third party NX game to run better than the third-generation PS4 game may be expecting too much, IMO.

Honestly there are many reasons I picked that performance, one of them is it is inline with other Pascal performance increases over Maxwell we have seen. For instance the speculation is that this GPU would be ~80% faster than X1, which is in line with GTX 1080 being ~80% faster than GTX 980.

The handheld's 500mhz-600mhz is also high enough of a clock to handle AAA titles polygon count demands. Considering Google's Pixel C's X1 was clocked at 850mhz and passively cooled, while the entire system only drew 6.5watts for the whole system during Manhattan tech demo (full load) while having a much nicer screen and less power efficient, Pascal Tegra should do what I'm suggesting in 5watts for the whole system. I think the Nintendo in need of creating a device with 2 separate performance targets, would go for the cheaper route of simply building the device to handle 1080p gaming and then reducing the clock of the GPU to render the same scene at 720p. I believe it can be achieved in 5 watts on the go and shouldn't need to be actively cooled at 1ghz-1.2ghz.

Yes Nintendo can do whatever they want, and even with our best guesses, they can go completely different directions. However this isn't the most optimistic version of the device IMO. If they go with a 540p handheld, they could slam the tegra with a 4x clock when docked. say a 425mhz handheld, offering 326 GFLOPs @ 540p, would be near identical to PS4 and at 1080p would offer 1.3TFLOPs of pascal performance, which is inline with PS4's 1.843TFLOPs of GCN performance.

However, that is unlikely for a few reasons, one is that 540p means assets would need to be reduced for the resolution, huds might need to change as well. Also Emily Rogers did hear that it would be stretching it for the device to be as powerful as XB1. 922 Pascal GFLOPs is inline with that statement, it actually fits inside all of the Nvidia rumors we have, it is on paper clearly weaker than XB1, but performance suggests slightly under XB1, the CPU would be noticeably faster than XB1 and the graphical performance would give that CPU performance, something to do. Also it should be capable of passively cooling the chip as thin and light laptops are using full GTX 1060 Series graphics cards at full clock speeds and only draw 73c, considering we are talking about 5x the performance and even higher power draw, it is completely reasonable to speculate passively cooling the small tegra card to just under 1tflop.


Honestly there are many reasons I picked that performance, one of them is it is inline with other Pascal performance increases over Maxwell we have seen. For instance the speculation is that this GPU would be ~80% faster than X1, which is in line with GTX 1080 being ~80% faster than GTX 980.

The handheld's 500mhz-600mhz is also high enough of a clock to handle AAA titles polygon count demands. Considering Google's Pixel C's X1 was clocked at 850mhz and passively cooled, while the entire system only drew 6.5watts for the whole system during Manhattan tech demo (full load) while having a much nicer screen and less power efficient, Pascal Tegra should do what I'm suggesting in 5watts for the whole system. I think the Nintendo in need of creating a device with 2 separate performance targets, would go for the cheaper route of simply building the device to handle 1080p gaming and then reducing the clock of the GPU to render the same scene at 720p. I believe it can be achieved in 5 watts on the go and shouldn't need to be actively cooled at 1ghz-1.2ghz.

Yes Nintendo can do whatever they want, and even with our best guesses, they can go completely different directions. However this isn't the most optimistic version of the device IMO. If they go with a 540p handheld, they could slam the tegra with a 4x clock when docked. say a 425mhz handheld, offering 326 GFLOPs @ 540p, would be near identical to PS4 and at 1080p would offer 1.3TFLOPs of pascal performance, which is inline with PS4's 1.843TFLOPs of GCN performance.

However, that is unlikely for a few reasons, one is that 540p means assets would need to be reduced for the resolution, huds might need to change as well. Also Emily Rogers did hear that it would be stretching it for the device to be as powerful as XB1. 922 Pascal GFLOPs is inline with that statement, it actually fits inside all of the Nvidia rumors we have, it is on paper clearly weaker than XB1, but performance suggests slightly under XB1, the CPU would be noticeably faster than XB1 and the graphical performance would give that CPU performance, something to do. Also it should be capable of passively cooling the chip as thin and light laptops are using full GTX 1060 Series graphics cards at full clock speeds and only draw 73c, considering we are talking about 5x the performance and even higher power draw, it is completely reasonable to speculate passively cooling the small tegra card to just under 1tflop.


No, NERD is in france, so they are literally at the other part of the world compared to the rest of the hardware guys.
And ofcourse you can assume NERD worked on NX stuff, as did the rest of nintendo.
They mainly develop software based solutions and are specialised in multimedia (video/compression/codecs), emulation and DRM.

Ah alright I get the picture now!
So let's check that link for accomplishments. Hmm they brought virtual Wii titles to Wii U, that's nice. Improved 3D tech for New 3DS? Yep I can vouch for that one. Works like a charm.
And the last one, the DS VC for Wii U. Well I don't have any titles there so I can't comment on that. But still, looking forward to their future projects!


To be fair, Digitimes broke the story on NX being a hybrid device one month before Eurogamer did.

June 2nd, 2016

They've also seemingly been wildly guessing on their production estimates for the NX, its best we chock them up to "not info but regurgitation and spin". Also Eurogamer isn't actually a source on X1 to any real capacity, they are just talking dev kits and performance estimates.

A source/leak would be someone saying "the final unit will sport Pascal".

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
A quick summary of what NERD has done behind the scenes since Nintendo acquired them! A Pretty impressive list...


The brunt of the technology seems to be coming from NTD in Seattle. NTD even swallowed up some of the NOA Engineering guys to expand their work and probably keep the secrecy circle lid tight.

All the big technology patents have been coming from NTD in Seattle, while the more industrial and mechanic patents from NCL in Japan.
Honestly there are many reasons I picked that performance, one of them is it is inline with other Pascal performance increases over Maxwell we have seen. For instance the speculation is that this GPU would be ~80% faster than X1, which is in line with GTX 1080 being ~80% faster than GTX 980.

The handheld's 500mhz-600mhz is also high enough of a clock to handle AAA titles polygon count demands. Considering Google's Pixel C's X1 was clocked at 850mhz and passively cooled, while the entire system only drew 6.5watts for the whole system during Manhattan tech demo (full load) while having a much nicer screen and less power efficient, Pascal Tegra should do what I'm suggesting in 5watts for the whole system. I think the Nintendo in need of creating a device with 2 separate performance targets, would go for the cheaper route of simply building the device to handle 1080p gaming and then reducing the clock of the GPU to render the same scene at 720p. I believe it can be achieved in 5 watts on the go and shouldn't need to be actively cooled at 1ghz-1.2ghz.

Yes Nintendo can do whatever they want, and even with our best guesses, they can go completely different directions. However this isn't the most optimistic version of the device IMO. If they go with a 540p handheld, they could slam the tegra with a 4x clock when docked. say a 425mhz handheld, offering 326 GFLOPs @ 540p, would be near identical to PS4 and at 1080p would offer 1.3TFLOPs of pascal performance, which is inline with PS4's 1.843TFLOPs of GCN performance.

However, that is unlikely for a few reasons, one is that 540p means assets would need to be reduced for the resolution, huds might need to change as well. Also Emily Rogers did hear that it would be stretching it for the device to be as powerful as XB1. 922 Pascal GFLOPs is inline with that statement, it actually fits inside all of the Nvidia rumors we have, it is on paper clearly weaker than XB1, but performance suggests slightly under XB1, the CPU would be noticeably faster than XB1 and the graphical performance would give that CPU performance, something to do. Also it should be capable of passively cooling the chip as thin and light laptops are using full GTX 1060 Series graphics cards at full clock speeds and only draw 73c, considering we are talking about 5x the performance and even higher power draw, it is completely reasonable to speculate passively cooling the small tegra card to just under 1tflop.

The only thing this doesn't seem to work with is the fact that no one has seemingly heard of two different performance targets for NX devkits. Unless of course Nintendo is hiding this piece of information for some reason, or if it's really true that it's not necessary for developers to optimize for two performance levels. But if either of those are the case it's still odd to me that this function is being hidden, since it really isn't anything new or THAT exciting...


Ah alright I get the picture now!
So let's check that link for accomplishments. Hmm they brought virtual Wii titles to Wii U, that's nice. Improved 3D tech for New 3DS? Yep I can vouch for that one. Works like a charm.
And the last one, the DS VC for Wii U. Well I don't have any titles there so I can't comment on that. But still, looking forward to their future projects!
DS VC on Wii U is great. Lots of screen orientation options, no lag and no filtering. Probably the best you could hope for with DS games on a single screen too. The only thing missing really is there's no button config for some reason.

I think NERD did a great job though, second only to M2 (GBA) and definitely ahead of NSD (NES, SNES) and NST (N64). Hackers even found that NERD had a 2x resolution mode but it wasn't used since it breaks some games.


I see a tank, and people in red.
The tank is knocking down a wall and guard tower maybe?

That's what it looks like to me! Maybe it's a tower defense/puzzle/Worms sort of thing? Could be something different though, hard to tell! He just posted up the picture half a day ago, so nothing really is out there about this new game at the moment!

Oh wow, that's pretty cool! Great effects!

No, NERD is in france, so they are literally at the other part of the world compared to the rest of the hardware guys.
And ofcourse you can assume NERD worked on NX stuff, as did the rest of nintendo.
They mainly develop software based solutions and are specialised in multimedia (video/compression/codecs), emulation and DRM.

NX related, they are also invested in cloud computing, gpgpu and parallel computing. One of the original par4all devs apparently works for NERD for a few years now.

Oooh, great comments!

A quick summary of what NERD has done behind the scenes since Nintendo acquired them! A Pretty impressive list...


Link won't work for me! The ninjas took it down! :O

(I Google cached it and it seems pretty interesting for sure!)


Apparently that Bplus Games guy is teasing a new NX IP:


Probably already out there, and may be full of it, but figured I'd share! I'm going back and checking old NX threads and seeing if any of those old developers claiming to be working on NX games have made any progress or anything like that!

I'm literally moving to a new state in three days but the hype is making it hard to focus!

It it supposed to look like it's been run through a Prisma filter?
Speaking with Zombie, we've come up with a spec sheet that would be between 5-6w while in handheld mode.

Keep in mind it's all speculation. So the CPU clocks wouldn't change even when in portable mode. It's the GPU and ram speeds that would likely change.

The handheld mode should be enough for 720p60 of AAA games you see today given they are optimized properly. 1080p30 in docked mode. Unreal 4 games could run 1080p60 due to the use of FP16. It would outperform PS4 games with proper 16-bit FP usage. So hypothetically UE4 games like KH3 or FFVII remake would run better on NX docked mode than PS4.

4 A72's at 1.8Ghz (All for gaming)
4 A53's at 1.2Ghz (two reserved for OS)
6GB LPDDR4 at 4000Mhz (2000Mhz handheld mode)
Tegra GPU at 1.21Ghz (550Mhz handheld mode)

Assuming 384 cuda cores in the Tegra you get 922Gflops in docked mode which runs games about on par with Xbox One (any 900p game on XB1 would likely be 1080p on NX due to better CPU and Vulkan). 922Glfops is close to 1.3TF of AMD performance (Xbox One).

422Gflops in handheld mode.

"Due to Vulkan"
Consoles have always had low-level GPU access. This isn't special to Vulkan and the NX


Unconfirmed Member
Begins 8/21, right?
And NVIDIA presentations on Aug 22.

It's almost August 18 in Japan. Thursday is hopefully the day we hear something. -.-

I'm not expecting Thursday though.
That I don't expect an announcement before August 18 does not mean I expect an announcement on August 18. This isn't baseless speculation either, but I can't unfortunately say more than that.

Friday at the very earliest I think. But more likely something next week.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
It's almost August 18 in Japan. Thursday is hopefully the day we hear something. -.-

I'm not expecting Thursday though.

Let's try to give a better perspective of how things could go down in terms of announcement-to-unveiling time period, by looking at past events' announcements.

Nintendo 3DS Preview Event


Nintendo's North American plans for its stereoscopic 3D portable gaming machine will become much more clear on January 19, 2011, when the company holds a preview event for its next big thing, the Nintendo 3DS.

The company will be hosting a Nintendo 3DS event packed with "hands-on game play, demos and a presentation by president and COO of Nintendo of America Reggie Fils-Aime" next month in New York, where it's expected that release dates, launch titles and price will be officially unveiled to the video game press. Yes, this is a press-only event, but Kotaku will be attending and letting you know exactly what happens.

Invites going on December 20th, announcement on December 20th, event on January 19th
Time between announcement and event - 31 days (Christmas Holidays in the middle could've influenced the just mentioned time period)

Nintendo 3DS Conference 2011



“Yesterday’s invitations from Nintendo for an event on Sept. 13 seems like the main reason for today’s jump,” Yusuke Tsunoda, an analyst at Tokai Tokyo Securities Co., said in a telephone interview.

Nintendo Co. said Tuesday it will hold a trade show focusing on its 3DS handheld game machine in Tokyo on Sept. 13.

The Japanese videogame giant said the event, called the Nintendo Conference, will be open to industry people, analysts, investors and journalists, but not to consumers.

The company didn't disclose other details about the event.

Invites going on August 22nd, announcement on August 23rd, event on September 13th.
Time between announcement and event - 21 / 22 days

Wii U US Preview Event


Nintendo is holding a major Wii U press event in New York City on September 13, hosted by Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime. An invitation sent to select media outlets today promised a day that will let us learn "more about how the Wii U will change the future of gaming and entertainment."

Invites going on August 21st, announcement on August 21st, event on September 13th.
Time between announcement and event - 23 days

PlayStation Meeting 2013


Invites going on January 31st, announcement on January 31st, event on February 20th.
Time between announcement and event - 20 days

Xbox - A New Generation Revealed


Invites going on April 24th, announcement on April 24th, event on May 21st.
Time between announcement and event - 27 days

PlayStation meeting 2016


Invites going on August 8th, announcement on August 8th, event on September 7th-
Time between announcement and event - 30 days


The brunt of the technology seems to be coming from NTD in Seattle. NTD even swallowed up some of the NOA Engineering guys to expand their work and probably keep the secrecy circle lid tight.

All the big technology patents have been coming from NTD in Seattle, while the more industrial and mechanic patents from NCL in Japan.

I completely forgot about that group being in the states, hard to keep up with all of these divisions and what they are in charge of. I'm more interested in the software side of things though, because if the software to run the hardware is well thought out and executed close to perfection as humanly possible. That will determine how this idea comes together as a whole!

Case in point original 3ds model versus the New 3ds with improved 3d viewing angles and face tracking. All done in software taking advantage of the available hardware, which definitely improves the experience and would have been nice to have in the original model.


The only thing this doesn't seem to work with is the fact that no one has seemingly heard of two different performance targets for NX devkits. Unless of course Nintendo is hiding this piece of information for some reason, or if it's really true that it's not necessary for developers to optimize for two performance levels. But if either of those are the case it's still odd to me that this function is being hidden, since it really isn't anything new or THAT exciting...

Actually, that is another reason these specs make sense, while it would be automatic and wouldn't ne necessary for developers to develop a 720p version of the game. I don't see Nintendo releasing a 1080p handheld, it would be pretty weird to be honest. These specs, would allow the device to display 720p visuals in line with XB1/PS4 and output that to the TV at 720p or with upscaling, do 1080p. I don't think that is what they will do, because currently an inferior version of Smash 4, doesn't make sense on the much more powerful device than Wii U, that NX will almost certainly be.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Reposting since it was right at the bottom of the last page


It's almost August 18 in Japan. Thursday is hopefully the day we hear something. -.-

I'm not expecting Thursday though.

Let's try to give a better perspective of how things could go down in terms of announcement-to-unveiling time period, by looking at past events' announcements.

Nintendo 3DS Preview Event


Nintendo's North American plans for its stereoscopic 3D portable gaming machine will become much more clear on January 19, 2011, when the company holds a preview event for its next big thing, the Nintendo 3DS.

The company will be hosting a Nintendo 3DS event packed with "hands-on game play, demos and a presentation by president and COO of Nintendo of America Reggie Fils-Aime" next month in New York, where it's expected that release dates, launch titles and price will be officially unveiled to the video game press. Yes, this is a press-only event, but Kotaku will be attending and letting you know exactly what happens.

Invites going on December 20th, announcement on December 20th, event on January 19th
Time between announcement and event - 31 days (Christmas Holidays in the middle could've influenced the just mentioned time period)

Nintendo 3DS Conference 2011



“Yesterday’s invitations from Nintendo for an event on Sept. 13 seems like the main reason for today’s jump,” Yusuke Tsunoda, an analyst at Tokai Tokyo Securities Co., said in a telephone interview.

Nintendo Co. said Tuesday it will hold a trade show focusing on its 3DS handheld game machine in Tokyo on Sept. 13.

The Japanese videogame giant said the event, called the Nintendo Conference, will be open to industry people, analysts, investors and journalists, but not to consumers.

The company didn't disclose other details about the event.

Invites going on August 22nd, announcement on August 23rd, event on September 13th.
Time between announcement and event - 21 / 22 days

Wii U US Preview Event


Nintendo is holding a major Wii U press event in New York City on September 13, hosted by Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime. An invitation sent to select media outlets today promised a day that will let us learn "more about how the Wii U will change the future of gaming and entertainment."

Invites going on August 21st, announcement on August 21st, event on September 13th.
Time between announcement and event - 23 days

PlayStation Meeting 2013


Invites going on January 31st, announcement on January 31st, event on February 20th.
Time between announcement and event - 20 days

Xbox - A New Generation Revealed


Invites going on April 24th, announcement on April 24th, event on May 21st.
Time between announcement and event - 27 days

PlayStation meeting 2016


Invites going on August 8th, announcement on August 8th, event on September 7th-
Time between announcement and event - 30 days

EDIT: Unfortunately, I could not find when the Nintendo Fall Conference 2010 (which was slated on September 29th, 2010) was announced. If anyone remembers it, I'll gladily add it in my post.


Reposting since it was right at the bottom of the last page


Let's try to give a better perspective of how things could go down in terms of announcement-to-unveiling time period, by looking at past events' announcements.

Nintendo 3DS Preview Event


Invites going on December 20th, announcement on December 20th, event on January 19th
Time between announcement and event - 31 days (Christmas Holidays in the middle could've influenced the just mentioned time period)

Nintendo 3DS Conference 2011



Invites going on August 22nd, announcement on August 23rd, event on September 13th.
Time between announcement and event - 21 / 22 days

Wii U US Preview Event


Invites going on August 21st, announcement on August 21st, event on September 13th.
Time between announcement and event - 23 days

PlayStation Meeting 2013


Invites going on January 31st, announcement on January 31st, event on February 20th.
Time between announcement and event - 20 days

Xbox - A New Generation Revealed


Invites going on April 24th, announcement on April 24th, event on May 21st.
Time between announcement and event - 27 days

PlayStation meeting 2016


Invites going on August 8th, announcement on August 8th, event on September 7th-
Time between announcement and event - 30 days

EDIT: Unfortunately, I could not find when the Nintendo Fall Conference 2010 (which was slated on September 29th, 2010) was announced. If anyone remembers it, I'll gladily add it in my post.

Thanks for the repost!
It definitely seems likes the days of August 20th-22nd for announcement and September 13th for actual conference dates might be a possibility. Would be interesting if they follow this same pattern with NX as well...

Anyway it goes we should be hearing rumors about invites either going out on Friday or Monday if this event is to happen by the second week of September.


Neo Member
So I would guess the beginning of next week is more likely than today or tomorrow for an announcement of the date. Just a few more days?™

Considering we expected info in February, March, April, etc. all the way to today, I can't say I have any ability left to expect anything, but if there actually is anything about to happen, here's hoping. I'm exhausted.
Regarding the dock doing something speculation, it makes too much sense to me. And they could make it work so that we have multiple tablets and docks that can work between them.

And I can see some people seeing that as a gimmick. I personally wouldn't call a powered dock a gimmick.


Apparently that Bplus Games guy is teasing a new NX IP:


Probably already out there, and may be full of it, but figured I'd share! I'm going back and checking old NX threads and seeing if any of those old developers claiming to be working on NX games have made any progress or anything like that!

I'm literally moving to a new state in three days but the hype is making it hard to focus!
This person is doing the equivalent of that Riverside project I think.


Reposting since it was right at the bottom of the last page


Let's try to give a better perspective of how things could go down in terms of announcement-to-unveiling time period, by looking at past events' announcements.

Nintendo 3DS Preview Event


Invites going on December 20th, announcement on December 20th, event on January 19th
Time between announcement and event - 31 days (Christmas Holidays in the middle could've influenced the just mentioned time period)

Nintendo 3DS Conference 2011



Invites going on August 22nd, announcement on August 23rd, event on September 13th.
Time between announcement and event - 21 / 22 days

Wii U US Preview Event


Invites going on August 21st, announcement on August 21st, event on September 13th.
Time between announcement and event - 23 days

PlayStation Meeting 2013


Invites going on January 31st, announcement on January 31st, event on February 20th.
Time between announcement and event - 20 days

Xbox - A New Generation Revealed


Invites going on April 24th, announcement on April 24th, event on May 21st.
Time between announcement and event - 27 days

PlayStation meeting 2016


Invites going on August 8th, announcement on August 8th, event on September 7th-
Time between announcement and event - 30 days

EDIT: Unfortunately, I could not find when the Nintendo Fall Conference 2010 (which was slated on September 29th, 2010) was announced. If anyone remembers it, I'll gladily add it in my post.

Nice job! Gives a great idea of how it could possibly play out!

This person is doing the equivalent of that Riverside project I think.

Maybe, but he's actually released games, haha, much less for Nintendo's eShop. (Riverside guy also apparently disappeared!) I figure it's all SDK development regardless at the moment, but I'd trust Bplus to actually be making something comparatively!

Though, I've seen two developers teasing getting packages (one specifically from Nintendo), and another mentioning being able to start informational announcements regarding "something" on Thursday. The latter could be about anything, but that is the 18th. The former ones also could be about anything, but they won't talk.

I remember there being some underwater, submarine-ish puzzle game (I think?) that was maybe trying to get through Steam and they mentioned also wanting/planning to release on the NX, but I can't find it anywhere. I swore that was in one of the millions of NX threads, but I can't find it, haha! I'm just wanting to keep tabs on these guys! Anyone remember what that could be?

I'm also scouting around some random developers doing Gamescom things to see if anythings getting teased or otherwise. No real luck there though!


The Birthday Skeleton
Apparently that Bplus Games guy is teasing a new NX IP:


Probably already out there, and may be full of it, but figured I'd share! I'm going back and checking old NX threads and seeing if any of those old developers claiming to be working on NX games have made any progress or anything like that!

I'm literally moving to a new state in three days but the hype is making it hard to focus!

Last time we heard even pretty known indie developers didn't have yet a devkit. Also supposedly the NDA are pretty strong, that's why we don't hear about more games for NX.

So I wouldn't buy yet anything stated by any indie in relation with NX.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Nice job! Gives a great idea of how it could possibly play out!

Maybe, but he's actually released games, haha, much less for Nintendo's eShop. (Riverside guy also apparently disappeared!) I figure it's all SDK development regardless at the moment, but I'd trust Bplus to actually be making something comparatively!

Though, I've seen two developers teasing getting packages (one specifically from Nintendo), and another mentioning being able to start informational announcements regarding "something" on Thursday. The latter could be about anything, but that is the 18th. The former ones also could be about anything, but they won't talk.

I remember there being some underwater, submarine-ish puzzle game (I think?) that was maybe trying to get through Steam and they mentioned also wanting/planning to release on the NX, but I can't find it anywhere. I swore that was in one of the millions of NX threads, but I can't find it, haha! I'm just wanting to keep tabs on these guys! Anyone remember what that could be?

I'm also scouting around some random developers doing Gamescom things to see if anythings getting teased or otherwise. No real luck there though!

Care to give us links for those two developers' posts? :p


Membero Americo
Apparently that Bplus Games guy is teasing a new NX IP:


Probably already out there, and may be full of it, but figured I'd share! I'm going back and checking old NX threads and seeing if any of those old developers claiming to be working on NX games have made any progress or anything like that!

I'm literally moving to a new state in three days but the hype is making it hard to focus!

That's the same guy who had that one game for also NX, right?

That one. http://nintendoeverything.com/bplus...etup-successor-to-nx-teases-more-for-bit-boy/

What happened to that? Wasn't there a bunch of confusion too about how the game was gonna work on NX, how it was built for it?

At this point I'm calling bull and this guy doesn't have shit to do with the NX, using it and mentioning it just to get attention on his games.
That's the same guy who had that one game for also NX, right?

That one. http://nintendoeverything.com/bplus...etup-successor-to-nx-teases-more-for-bit-boy/

What happened to that? Wasn't there a bunch of confusion too about how the game was gonna work on NX, how it was built for it?

At this point I'm calling bull and this guy doesn't have shit to do with the NX, using it and mentioning it just to get attention on his games.

For what it's worth (probably nothing), screenshots of "Puzzle Box" are under a folder named "nx" > http://puzzlebox.bplus.at/nx/screens/


Last time we heard even pretty known indie developers didn't have yet a devkit. Also supposedly the NDA are pretty strong, that's why we don't hear about more games for NX.

So I wouldn't buy yet anything stated by any indie in relation with NX.

Right, I still don't think any really do either other than just developer tool stuff with the hopes of it coming to fruition. But, I'm curious if any of them have had any updates regarding progress or otherwise since they all seemed to disappear. Like, that Rise racing game had that unfortunate scenario with the death and all.

I'm sure these NDAs are stronger than ever for sure! Surely there is some form of physical punishment attached to breaking them!
That's the same guy who had that one game for also NX, right?

That one. http://nintendoeverything.com/bplus...etup-successor-to-nx-teases-more-for-bit-boy/

What happened to that? Wasn't there a bunch of confusion too about how the game was gonna work on NX, how it was built for it?

At this point I'm calling bull and this guy doesn't have shit to do with the NX, using it and mentioning it just to get attention on his games.

I remember talking to him a lot back when he announced his other game for the NX. He sure not had an Dev-Kit back then and was just interested in bringing his games to a Nintendo platform. But at least he was honest to me and seemed to be a real fun and clever guy who puts a lot of work in his games and just wants to get some attention.


I completely forgot about that group being in the states, hard to keep up with all of these divisions and what they are in charge of. I'm more interested in the software side of things though, because if the software to run the hardware is well thought out and executed close to perfection as humanly possible. That will determine how this idea comes together as a whole!

Case in point original 3ds model versus the New 3ds with improved 3d viewing angles and face tracking. All done in software taking advantage of the available hardware, which definitely improves the experience and would have been nice to have in the original model.

The current head of SOC design at Nintendo was hired in 2012 and is a former Nvidia VP. He is based out of Seattle. It's not hard to put together how this all came about.


That's the same guy who had that one game for also NX, right?

That one. http://nintendoeverything.com/bplus...etup-successor-to-nx-teases-more-for-bit-boy/

What happened to that? Wasn't there a bunch of confusion too about how the game was gonna work on NX, how it was built for it?

At this point I'm calling bull and this guy doesn't have shit to do with the NX, using it and mentioning it just to get attention on his games.

Yep, that's the one! He's been at it for about a decade now on Nintendo systems! Could very well be!

For what it's worth (probably nothing), screenshots of "Puzzle Box" are under a folder named "nx" > http://puzzlebox.bplus.at/nx/screens/

That means everything
probably not, haha
! (Neat find!)

I remember talking to him a lot back when he announced his other game for the NX. He sure not had an Dev-Kit back then and was just interested in bringing his games to a Nintendo platform. But at least he was honest to me and seemed to be a real fun and clever guy who puts a lot of work in his games and just wants to get some attention.

You should strike up a new conversation with him about it his current work! Maybe he'll be honest with you again!

Speaking of which, he seems to be working on that Saber Rider game that got crowd funded. It looks pretty neat, but what's cool is they are releasing it for some legacy systems. Here's a screenshot of it getting developed:

I just imagine it's all coding and graphics and all in the end, putting it through the different developer tools to make it all work, not hardware devkit stuff where they need a ton of juice or anything! But, I know nothing! They maybe had to have bought hardware devkits for the Dreamcast and TurboGrafx-16!

The current head of SOC design at Nintendo was hired in 2012 and is a former Nvidia VP. He is based out of Seattle. It's not hard to put together how this all came about.

It's all just fate in the end!


The current head of SOC design at Nintendo was hired in 2012 and is a former Nvidia VP. He is based out of Seattle. It's not hard to put together how this all came about.

I'm actually wondering now if he was present in the previous negotiations that were going on back when the 3ds was in development. Talk about a possible full circle of events taking place to reach the current stage leading up to the NX!
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