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Nintendo of America says Metroid Prime 4 and "new Pokemon game" are 2018 titles


Considering they're not even showing us it at the moment. And this is a game that will hopefully be turning around the fortunes / sales of this series. I just cannot see 2018 for it.

You didn't even know Samus Returns for 3DS existed until last week.

Edit - looks like someone at Nintendo got ahead of himself.


Depending on how USUM is, I can see a late 2018 (november) release. I wouldn't expect a huge jump like gen 5 to 6, but rather something upscaled from gen 7s engine.


I think january and feb will be for Yoshi and Kirby and Smash dx as rhe big march game. Metroid, pokemon for rhe holidays and fire emblem somewhere in between with Retros gamr. Mario Maker, Animal Crossing for 2019. Pikmin could be 2018 as well. Looking really good. They have loads of
Maybe they didn't want Mario Odyssey to take away attention from Prime?
Or they weren't satisfied showing what they have at the moment.

Who knows, but future directs should be more fun then usual

Edit: There we go


No way with Pokemon, unless it's D/P remakes.

Metroid is unlikely, but it depends on how far along they are. I know they only showed a logo, but it could have been a last minute decision to reveal it and they didn't have time to make a proper trailer.

If that is the case, we'll probably find out more soon.


for 2017, it seems Nintendo is trying to put out an average of one 1st party (or collab w/ 3rd party) per month.

If 2018 is going to match that, it almost seems like Metroid and Pokemon would need to release next year. Otherwise, if Prime and Pokemon would slip to 2019, it really seems like 2018 would be pretty sparse.

Eh, 2018 can be good without Metroid or Pokemon:

- Kirby
- Yoshi
- Mainline FE
- Pikmin
- Maaaybe Animal Crossing

Add a couple of "Deluxe" Wii U remasters everyone's expecting like Smash and Mario Maker and we're set for the year.

No way :p


Fall/Holiday 2018 titles I'd bet.

That's a killer combo of exclusives if they make their releases on time next year.

And we already have Fire Emblem and Kirby to look forward to next year as well.

Nintendo bringing all their software together under one platform seems to be paying off.


Update: Nintendo tells GoNintendo nothing is confirmed

A Nintendo rep reached out to us with the following statement:

No change in what we announced last week, which is that those two games are coming, but they have no specifically announced release window/year.

The expected PR response but it's clear Nintendo is working towards a 1 Nintendo game per month. They will come out with something major next year but what will it be?

Reminds me of the persona 5 situation..poor john

Nintendo is not that slow. Get real.
I'd be shocked if Pokemon doesn't make 2018. "More than a year from now" probably meant more than a year from June. So it's usual Fall spot makes sense.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Why not? They release a game every freaking year. It does not take Gamefreak 2 years to make a new game. November 2018 is likely.

Yeah, looking through their release history on Wikipedia right now and I don't understand the aggressive skepticism.


The expected PR response but it's clear Nintendo is working towards a 1 Nintendo game per month. They will come out with something major next year but what will it be?

I think it's entirely possIble that these games, or at least Metroid, is being targeted for next year but that Nintendo isn't ready to announce that, and this guy jumped the gun. I still think we get one of these games for holiday 2018.


El Capitan Todd
Considering they're not even showing us it at the moment. And this is a game that will hopefully be turning around the fortunes / sales of this series. I just cannot see 2018 for it.

Since when we have a clear pattern to predict Nintendo's way of handling announcemwnta/releases?

You are just extrapolating the game has nothing ready because they showed just a logo but this is not a logic conclusion looking good at their unpredictable way of operate


I'd be surprised it both make it, but we're getting Xenoblade this year so what do I know :p

Didn't the GameFreak dude say it would probably take them over a year? So Q4 2018 the earliest? Yeah I'm skeptic.

I'm skeptical of Prime, but I interpreted the Pokemon guy saying "wait over a year" as Holiday 2018, or a year and a half from now.


Neo Member
If they can release a big Zelda and a big 3D Mario alongside with a new IP and Splatoon 2 in one year, they surely are able to do Pokemon and Metroid in the same year. Lets just hope that year really is 2018.


Yeah, looking through their release history on Wikipedia right now and I don't understand the aggressive skepticism.

Mainline Pokemon RPGs take Game Freak 3 years to make, roughly. Suddenly they are going to make a brand new one in HD in less than 2 years? I don't understand how that is aggressive skepticism.


Mainline Pokemon RPGs take Game Freak 3 years to make, roughly. Suddenly they are going to make a brand new one in HD in less than 2 years? I don't understand how that is aggressive skepticism.

I actually agree they probably wont come out in 2018 but there they do work on more than one game at a time
I dunno where everyone is getting this whole Nintendo games always getting delayed thing. It's almost always an exception. The 3D Zelda series is probably the biggest exception there.

I don't think the quote from the OP was ever supposed to be a confirmation, just an indication that the games were planned for 2018. Which as we can all see is a pretty big shock to most people.

Mainline Pokemon RPGs take Game Freak 3 years to make, roughly. Suddenly they are going to make a brand new one in HD in less than 2 years? I don't understand how that is aggressive skepticism.

They make a mainline game every year I thought. No one says this has to be a brand new generation.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Mainline Pokemon RPGs take Game Freak 3 years to make, roughly. Suddenly they are going to make a brand new one in HD in less than 2 years? I don't understand how that is aggressive skepticism.

Game Freak has released a Pokemon game every year since 2010, have they not?

Not necessarily expecting a new generation or anything. Either they're releasing a Pokemon game on Switch next year, another one on 3DS, or they're breaking a precedent that has persisted through this entire decade.

Edit: shit, they didn't release one in 2015. Every year except 2015, then. But the streak started in 09 so whatevs.


Yeah, looking through their release history on Wikipedia right now and I don't understand the aggressive skepticism.
They were hiring for a console Pokémon game March though. Also in February it sounded like they were still thinking about how to do Pokémon on a home console.

Food for thought


Mainline Pokemon RPGs take Game Freak 3 years to make, roughly. Suddenly they are going to make a brand new one in HD in less than 2 years? I don't understand how that is aggressive skepticism.

So you think they just sit around making an enhanced version of SM for the 3DS for all this time and just now started to make a Switch game? A 2019 release would mean over 2 years from their announcement, not simply more than a year.
Everything lines up to it being 2019.

Because it doesn't fit how they do generations or the progression of the generation outside the Mythical Pokémon.

They're working on Ultra sun/moon, which means they have no new Pokemon or engine to work on for that game. There is no way Pokemon switch has not been in development for some time now even though we've seen nothing yet; which is also normal. With an average of 10k Polys on the already existing Pokemon models (which already have walk/flight animations) I really don't expect them to be making new models for the switch game at all.

Now I would expect content to be thinner than subsequent generations on the same hardware, just like X/Y was low on content when they switched to 3D. I would still be happy with that nonetheless. Also I see no reason to not believe them when they say the game is a year out, they have to have been doing something with the switch for a while now.

EDIT: By the way Pokemon X/Y came out one year after B/W 2, which would fit this same pattern of sequel to new generation.
What is aggressive skepticism

Not believing in the hype...or something.

Game Freak has released a Pokemon game every year since 2010, have they not?

Not necessarily expecting a new generation or anything. Either they're releasing a Pokemon game on Switch next year, another one on 3DS, or they're breaking a precedent that has persisted through this entire decade.

Edit: shit, they didn't release one in 2015. Every year except 2015, then. But the streak started in 09 so whatevs.

You're looking at the localized releases, which were off by months until XY. They released nothing in 2011 either. There's usually a year break each generation. Then again, it's not always a guarantee. They could have started this earlier than usual.
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