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Nintendo Switch Discussion Thread (Question of the Day, Countdown, etc)

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There are only two things I really hope the Switch gets:

1. Diablo 3
2. All the indies with great local coop (Nidhogg, Overcooked, etc.)

I see a chance for the latter and pray for the former.
You can only have one, make your choice.

Nintendo vs. Capcom Capcom
Pokémon Hunter Capcom
Metroid FromSoftware
The Legend of Zelda FromSoftware
Nintendo Hearts Square Enix
Super Mario RPG Square Enix
Pokemon Hunter could be huge, but I doubt they'd want to have people killing pokemon.
Dont' really care much for FROM's work especially for a Zelda.
Mushroom Kingdom Hearts would be neat. Might be smart to invest in at least some DLC for KH3.
Don't think SE has the talent for a great Mario RPG. Nintendo could make one if they actually wanted to...but yeah
You can only have one, make your choice.

Nintendo vs. Capcom Capcom
Pokémon Hunter Capcom
Metroid FromSoftware
The Legend of Zelda FromSoftware
Nintendo Hearts Square Enix
Super Mario RPG Square Enix

Confused by everyone picking the first one but then again there's very little of Capcom's that I play so whatever

Obvious choice is Metroid Souls. Holy shit it would be too much.
Just my take on Nintendo buying Platinum. It isn't going to happen, but with that said I do expect with the recent happenings with Scalebound that most if not all of their games will be Nintendo exclusives/timed exclusives. Seems that most of the industry is just writing them off. So in a sense it would be like they bought them. I don't expect Scalebound or any other projects tied with M$ and maybe even Sony will appear on Nintendo consoles.
In the commute, in the toilets and during lunch break. Gaming at work = extra hours to complete Zelda and other games. And as an adult, the ideal place for LAN competitions.

Totally read your last part as saying that the toilet is the ideal place for adults to have LAN competitions.


Hahahaha aaaah so excited little more than 2 days away now!

Ya preordered the Switch yet, compadre? Here in Mexico I know Gamers is already taking preorders, 100 pesos to preorder the Switch and another hundred for Zelda. Their current price for the Switch is 9,999 pesos and 1,599 for Zelda, but they say it's just a placeholder and final price should be much more reasonable. Of course, what's reasonable to them is a freaking rip off to most of us, but hey. I'm already bracing myself for a 7,999 pricetag...

Not yeet, carnal! Omg so Gamers is already taking preorders? Didn't know that, thanks for the heads up! So tempting to just go there and secure one. Haven't preordered yet cuz I'm still waiting if Amazon MX opens preorders on friday or something. Hope they do! Yeah I'm expecting the worst with the pricing here too :( Hope they don't pull another NES Classic!
I'll believe it when I see it. He said NMH3 would happen when Nintendo released their next console after the Wii.

Switch will be lucky to get a port of The Silver Case.

He later said in another interview that it would come out in the next 15 - 20 years and that he's got a lot of requests by fans to make No More Heroes 3.


And Suda said this:

"Yeah, No More Heroes 3, I get a lot of requests from fans and I'm very grateful for that, but I'm thinking it may happen within 15 years or so? (laughs). Maybe not through Kickstarter, but GungHo would of course be supportive if that were to happen. I think I have the vision that Travis forgot something, so I really have to have him to go back and get back what he has forgotten. But yeah, I definitely want to make it possible, but I also want to create something new, so maybe within 15 to 25 years (laughs)."

I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't come out for a long while. I know we also had that Shinobu artwork a while back. He's been involved with a lot games after No More Heroes 2 like Lolipop Chainsaw, Shadows of the Damned and Killer is Dead. The acquisition of Grasshopper by GungHo might have affected NMH3 as well since he said he was wanting to do NMH3 for the next Nintendo console back in 2011 and GungHo got them in 2013.
We need a 3D endless thwomper.



The Birthday Skeleton
So much anger over 5 seconds of video and months of fantasies versus one mildly wild theory.

When you think about it, it does make sense. Super Mario Run -> Super Mario 3d Run. The best cross promotion.
You can only have one, make your choice.

Metroid FromSoftware

Metroid, easy.

The other games either don't make sense or aren't necessary. Pokemon Hunter misses the point of Pokemon. LoZ games are good enough when Nintendo makes them so another developer isn't necessary, etc.

Nintendo vs. Capcom would be great, though.

Buy low (pre presentation)
Sell high (after presentation)

Media will still report this as an indicator of quality of Nintendo's new product, somehow.


I want a Final Fantasy Tactics X Fire Emblem.

This is never going to happen

I really, really want this, too. Would be awesome.


You can only have one, make your choice.

Nintendo vs. Capcom Capcom
Pokémon Hunter Capcom
Metroid FromSoftware
The Legend of Zelda FromSoftware
Nintendo Hearts Square Enix
Super Mario RPG Square Enix

Pokemon Hunters.
Let me hunt down those pikachus and forge a sword out of the tooths


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
This blew up into way more than I intended. The gif we have just makes it look like a possibility.

I like your use of the word buffoonery though.

Its all good :). I can see what you're saying, but the fact that there are collectables off the path he's running and that a 3D runner is a bad idea for a full console game make it seem highly unlikely.


Why should it? If it's weaker than Xbox One and PS4 :/

So XBox One can't have games that look better then people might expect because it's weaker than PS4? Then of course PS4 games can never look impressive because it's weaker than PC?

EDIT: Ah think I missed your point here, didn't notice that smillie on my phone..


You can only have one, make your choice.

Nintendo vs. Capcom Capcom
Pokémon Hunter Capcom
Metroid FromSoftware
The Legend of Zelda FromSoftware
Nintendo Hearts Square Enix
Super Mario RPG Square Enix

I'll take the option that isn't listed:

The Legend of Zelda spin-off by Platinum in the style of Metal Gear Rising
You can only have one, make your choice.

Nintendo vs. Capcom Capcom
Pokémon Hunter Capcom
Metroid FromSoftware
The Legend of Zelda FromSoftware
Nintendo Hearts Square Enix
Super Mario RPG Square Enix

Haha easy. A metroid game made by From software is one of my dream for the switch even though I know it will never happened.


You can only have one, make your choice.

Nintendo vs. Capcom Capcom
Pokémon Hunter Capcom
Metroid FromSoftware
The Legend of Zelda FromSoftware
Nintendo Hearts Square Enix
Super Mario RPG Square Enix

Nintendo Hearts, by FAR.

A "Zelda Souls" spin off would be great too, but they need to stay away from a mainline Zelda and i say this as someone who loved both Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3.

I'm torn about Metroid by From. They clearly have the skills in level design and combat system, so maybe they can try with Nintendo assisting them (and making the technical side/polish of the game).


I recently found an article about Suda 51 talking about the Switch and how he wants to develop a game for the system that shows off the console like No More Heroes did the Wii. I don't know if it's been posted yet or not.

Here's the link.

The talk of the Switch is at the end of the article:

Nice cant wait to see what he has in store for Switch, hopefully the game is in development already and we can see it soon, with Gungho and Grasshopper on the devs list.

I'll believe it when I see it. He said NMH3 would happen when Nintendo released their next console after the Wii.

Switch will be lucky to get a port of The Silver Case.

But Grasshopper was never a WiiU partner and then it bombed and during that time they were developing a lot of other games for other partners, now Let it die and Silver Case are done, he has time now.
Why should it? If it's weaker than Xbox One and PS4 :/

Breath of the Wild's direct footage on the Wii U alone looked more impressive to me than most PS4 games. That's really because of the artstyle, sure, but it is true.

Resolution and textures and all that aren't everything.

Still, not sure why "the games will look more impressive than expected" is a real prediction. It's all subjective anyways, and it'll come down to how it matches up to an individual's expectations.


Unconfirmed Member
My predictions:

$249.99 with Splatoon 1.5 included

First party launch games are Zelda, Mario, and Wave Race.

First party titles before the end of 2017:

Smash 4.5
Mario Kart 9
Fire Emblem Warriors
Mario RPG
Mario Maker
Retro Studios New IP
Luigis Mansion 3
Mother 3

Random 3rd party predictions
Bayo 3 is in development
Metroid by From Software is in development
Resident Evil 7, Overwatch, and Rocket League will all make launch
You can only have one, make your choice.

Nintendo vs. Capcom Capcom
Pokémon Hunter Capcom
Metroid FromSoftware
The Legend of Zelda FromSoftware
Nintendo Hearts Square Enix
Super Mario RPG Square Enix

Nintendo Hearts is gross.
ewwww, even just thinking about it makes me vomit a little.


Prediction time:

4 big themes will be present during the entire presentation. 3 of them were already shown in the Switch trailer but will explained in more detail.


Play anywhere you want, the experience will be the same. They won´t talk about the power difference in handheld mode.


Different control schemes. Joycons, Pro Controller, Touch and more. Play how you want.

Local multiplayer:

This is one of Nintendo´s big strenghts compared to the competition. Some trailers will show multiplayer gameplay and promote that one Joycon can be used as a standard controller.

No more draughts:

All Nintendo studios and developer will only focus on one gaming system, there won´t be a seperate console or handheld in the near future. Big console games will be playable on the go and handheld games on the big screen, not only Nintendo first party games but also 3rd party games. Lot´s of Wii U games will get huge updates.


1) Switch hardware / system:

- Joycons: rumble, motion controlls
- Touchscreen
- OS
- Gamecube VC
- Nvidia support
- No talk about the horse power

2) First party games:

- Mario Switch (trailer shows some levels and the multiplayer)
- The crazy new IP (I guess this one and the new Mario will get the most time)
- Zelda BOTW (first look at a dungeon, female character in the teaser trailer explained)
- Mario Kart (short trailer shows a few new tracks and the new battle mode)
- Splatoon (short trailer, differences from Splatoon, more like a sequel, local multiplayer)
- Pikmin 4
- One more first party game

Wildcards (low chance):

- Retro studios
- Monolith / Xenoblade X
- Platinum

No show:

- Pokemon
- Smash
- Mario Maker

Nintendo is in a difficult position. I think they have a lot of games in development. If they show too many first party games some games will be buried and forgotten. E3 is just 3 months away and they will definitively hold back some games (+ Nintendo Directs will be back). If they show just a few games (and probably the right amount of games) people will question if the Switch is going the be another Wii U and the hype will be low. I am not sure which direction they will take but I expect a healthy mix between completly new games and Wii U ports. It´s not going to be just Zelda+Mario and 5-6 Wii U ports.

3) Third party games:

There will be a good amount of 3rd party games, especially japanese games and most publishers will be present. The Switch presentation is the best opportunity to showcase their games. The wait and see approach won´t ever work, they need to cultivate their audience from day 1. Late ports did not sell on the Wii U and it´s not going to be different this time (except for a few games like Skyrim) but it´s important to present their games and promise good support.

Ubisoft: Mario Rabbid, Beyond Good & Evil 2, Rayman, For Honor
Activision: CoD, Skylanders (unsure about these two, but there won´t be a Blizzard title)
Bandai Namco: Tekken 7 + more (doubt they´ll show Pokken)
Capcom: MH XX (launch game, maybe promise MH 5)
Square Enix: DQ XI, DQB 2, maybe KH 3 (SE seems to be excited about the Switch, will be a huge supporter and represent a huge change compared to Wii U and even 3DS)
Sega: Sonic
Atlus: SMT?
Koei Tecmo: Not expecting the rumored new Nintendo mosou.
Warner Bros: Lego + more
Bethesda: Skyrim
Take two: NBA
EA: just FIFA

Missed probably some of the smaller japanese developers.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
I think what will impress people the most is how good games that polished will look on the smaller HD screen. I play Fifa 17 on PC and yet I'm still amazed at how good Fifa 13 looks on Wii U's GamePad. Looking at it on the TV shows its age, but there's a diorama feel on the GamePad. Swirch screen is higher res, the console is more powerful and there won't be the washed aspect from streaming.

Games will look spectacular on it.
You mean Legend of Shiek

I need this but we'll never get this. :(

Please, no. I'm still salty Sheik gets to be so much better than Zelda just because ninjas>princesses for some reason.

I'd rather we just get Zelda as Zelda, being badass.

A Legend of Zelda actually starring Zelda also needs to happen at some point. A spin-off so that it won't make Link look useless, is of course all Nintendo needs to hear before they say okay, I'm sure.
So... going back to the idea of not having a Deluxe model. That would put us in an awkward spot in terms of memory. Isn't the rumor pegging this as being a 32Gb console? Anyone have thoughts on this?


Prediction time:

4 big themes will be present during the entire presentation. 3 of them were already shown in the Switch trailer but will explained in more detail.


Play anywhere you want, the experience will be the same. They won´t talk about the power difference in handheld mode.


Different control schemes. Joycons, Pro Controller, Touch and more. Play how you want.

Local multiplayer:

This is one of Nintendo´s big strenghts compared to the competition. Some trailers will show multiplayer gameplay and promote that one Joycon can be used as a standard controller.

No more draughts:

All Nintendo studios and developer will only focus on one gaming system, there won´t be a seperate console or handheld in the near future. Big console games will be playable on the go and handheld games on the big screen, not only Nintendo first party games but also 3rd party games. Lot´s of Wii U games will get huge updates.


1) Switch hardware / system:

- Joycons: rumble, motion controlls
- Touchscreen
- OS
- Gamecube VC
- Nvidia support
- No talk about the horse power

2) First party games:

- Mario Switch (trailer shows some levels and the multiplayer)
- The crazy new IP (I guess this one and the new Mario will get the most time)
- Zelda BOTW (first look at a dungeon, female character in the teaser trailer explained)
- Mario Kart (short trailer shows a few new tracks and the new battle mode)
- Splatoon (short trailer, differences from Splatoon, more like a sequel, local multiplayer)
- Pikmin 4
- One more first party game

Wildcards (low chance):

- Retro studios
- Monolith / Xenoblade X
- Platinum

No show:

- Pokemon
- Smash
- Mario Maker

Nintendo is in a difficult position. I think they have a lot of games in development. If they show too many first party games some games will be buried and forgotten. E3 is just 3 months away and they will definitively hold back some games (+ Nintendo Directs will be back). If they show just a few games (and probably the right amount of games) people will question if the Switch is going the be another Wii U and the hype will be low. I am not sure which direction they will take but I expect a healthy mix between completly new games and Wii U ports. It´s not going to be just Zelda+Mario and 5-6 Wii U ports.

3) Third party games:

There will be a good amount of 3rd party games, especially japanese games and most publishers will be present. The Switch presentation is the best opportunity to showcase their games. The wait and see approach won´t ever work, they need to cultivate their audience from day 1. Late ports did not sell on the Wii U and it´s not going to be different this time (except for a few games like Skyrim) but it´s important to present their games and promise good support.

Ubisoft: Mario Rabbid, Beyond Good & Evil 2, Rayman, For Honor
Activision: CoD, Skylanders (unsure about these two, but there won´t be a Blizzard title)
Bandai Namco: Tekken 7 + more (doubt they´ll show Pokken)
Capcom: MH XX (launch game, maybe promise MH 5)
Square Enix: DQ XI, DQB 2, maybe KH 3 (SE seems to be excited about the Switch, will be a huge supporter and represent a huge change compared to Wii U and even 3DS)
Sega: Sonic
Atlus: SMT?
Koei Tecmo: Not expecting the rumored new Nintendo mosou.
Warner Bros: Lego + more
Bethesda: Skyrim
Take two: NBA
EA: just FIFA

Missed probably some of the smaller japanese developers.
I think Smash Bros. definitely makes an appearance. I can't see Nintendo not releasing the Switch version before EVO which is in July.
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