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Nintendo Switch doesn't come with Joy-Con charging grip

boiled goose

good with gravy
Weird difference. Pretty minor/non issue.

More weird than problematic.

I've complained a lot regarding switch.

Paid online, ridiculous accessory prices, shitty launch.

This is meh.


Both these cases force you to stop playing. If you're tabletop playing with someone and the main unit runs out, you're done playing.
And when you're playing on the TV and the Joycons run out, you're done playing.

This inconveniences could have been easily prevented by Nintendo. Why are you okay with being forced to stop playing?

At some point I'm going to stop solving peoples petty troubles for free and start billing people.

If you have to play for more than 20 consecutive hours for your guiness run, then get the charging grip or if you are hard up get a 3rd party one.

If you need to charge in tabletop mod grab a couple dvd cases or any piece of shit you have laying around and chock the thing up so the charge cord has a little room.

Next problem?


Not sure if anyone else has noticed, but i was checking out the "features" section on the nintendo switch page, and noticed that the supposed battery life was change from 2.5 - 6 hours to: can last more than 6 hours.



At some point I'm going to stop solving peoples petty troubles for free and start billing people.

If you have to play for more than 20 consecutive hours for your guiness run, then get the charging grip or if you are hard up get a 3rd party one.

If you need to charge in tabletop mod grab a couple dvd cases or any piece of shit you have laying around and chock the thing up so the charge cord has a little room.

Next problem?

You're full of it. By saying someone should build a dock out of shit laying around your house you basically admit the design is gimped.

And especially in the context of a console that is already way more expensive than people expected, having to buy more accessories on top of the base package to get a experience that has been the standard for over a decade, like charging your controller while playing, that doesn't seem like a cheap cash grab to you? Leaving out a simple USB port on the grip and sell the one that does have one for 30 bucks.

Also, you're all telling me you ALWAYS, in years of play, never forget to charge your controllers overnight? None of you ever forget to charge a phone or and mp3 player? Come on man..


You're full of it. By saying someone should build a dock out of shit laying around your house you basically admit the design is gimped.

And especially in the context of a console that is already way more expensive than people expected, having to buy more accessories on top of the base package to get a experience that has been the standard for over a decade, like charging your controller while playing, that doesn't seem like a cheap cash grab to you? Leaving out a simple USB port on the grip and sell the one that does have one for 30 bucks.

Also, you're all telling me you ALWAYS, in years of play, never forget to charge your controllers overnight? None of you ever forget to charge a phone or and mp3 player? Come on man..

If chocking up the system to make room for the cord is too ghetto for you then just get the inevitable nyko charging tabletop stand.

These are tiny inconveniences. Lot of chicken littleing going on here.

Yes I have forgot to charge my controller before. And I nearly died.


This is what Nintendo are trying to do to their customers with this abomination:

Cop a feel?


The battery life could be a hundred hours, it doesn't matter. The fact is, you're paying $300 for a console, the same as two competitors who have considerably more power under the hood. Both competitors allow you to simply hook up their controllers via USB to charge whenever you'd care to because it doesn't cost them more than two to three bucks to throw the connector into anything. Nintendo includes the JoyCon grip with the expectation that we'll use it to play our games on. Instead of doing like both of their competitors, they do NOT soak up the teeny cost of throwing a USB connector into the grip because hey, you're buying a premium product already. No, Nintendo wants you to spend THIRTY DOLLARS to buy a grip that can't cost more than ten to manufacture, just so you can have a connector on the grip.

It is, purely and simply, insulting. They could eat this cost easy. Instead, not only are they not eating it, but they're turning around and trying to bilk me for more. And they want to do this when the market is already unfriendly to consoles as-is? It's the very definition of a stupid move.
Wait, doesn't Xbox One make you purchase a charge and play kit for $30 if you wanna charge your controller?


Wait, doesn't Xbox One make you purchase a charge and play kit for $30 if you wanna charge your controller?

I hope everyone is playing mainly on pc which is the only place you can get every possible configuration you want at the most competitive possible prices.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Wait, doesn't Xbox One make you purchase a charge and play kit for $30 if you wanna charge your controller?


Wait a min, to use it wireless? Because you can connect it to the XBO with any microUSB cable and it acts like a wired controller.

XBO takes AA batteries tho. Rechargable ones or you can get a recharagble battery pak. That pak is where the Charge n Play comes into play.

With the Charge n Play kit you are just paying for the rechargable battery pak. Any MicroUSB cable would work.



Wait a min, to use it wireless? Because you can connect it to the XBO with any microUSB cable and it acts like a wired controller.

XBO takes AA batteries tho. Rechargable ones or you can get a recharagble battery pak. That pak is where the Charge n Play comes into play.

Exactly. My original Xbox One system didn't come with a charge cable, and the batteries aren't chargeable. Only PS4 came with a charger cable, albeit a short one.


This isn't a practical issue, it's a nickle and diming issue. There's no way they couldn't have included the usb port in the grip that comes with the console, just like every console with a wireless controller ever. It's Nintendo trying to rip-off their fans again. It's amazing they have any with the way the treat them.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Exactly. My original Xbox One system didn't come with a charge cable, and the batteries aren't chargeable. Only PS4 came with a charger cable, albeit a short one.

Yea I just realized what you were getting at.

The Switch seems to be a mix between the PS3/PS4 and 360/XBO solutions. More PS3/PS4.

I wish Sony and Nintendo goes the MS route tho. And sooo glad MS went away from using battery holders. I cant play my 360 right now because of that. Thats something Nintendo got right with the Wiimotes.


No, you can buy rechargeable batteries and use any micro USB cable you have laying around.
Point was, you still have to buy stuff to charge your Xbox One controller. Person I quoted said both competitors included all you need to do it, but that's not true.


This is what Nintendo are trying to do to their customers with this abomination:



This is all I can see.

Well Nintendo, tell me. What are your hands doing?

I'm probably going to play most of the games with a Pro controller whenever I get the Switch.

whenever I say "Get the switch," it makes me think about getting punished or something...

side note: you can't charge rechargeable AAs (eneloops at least) in the XBox One controller with a microusb cable. They have to be taken out and charged in their own charger.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Point was, you still have to buy stuff to charge your Xbox One controller. Person I quoted said both competitors included all you need to do it, but that's not true.

I definitely consider Microsoft not shipping its controller, with rechargeable batteries, just as bullshit as this situation.
I'm getting very, very confused real quick. If the controllers are hooked to the screen and you charge that, doesn't it charge the controllers as well? If not I can understand the outcry, if it does then... I don't really see the big issue, seeing how those things last 20hrs.


Please refrain from talking about the child I am raising, and spend some of that energy growing up yourself.

Speaking of over dramatic. Good lord. I'm raising a child too and let's just say this is not in the top .0000000000000000009 % of the things I'll be teaching my child to worry about. Like I said 1st world problems. Poor Johnny is upset because him and dad can't figure out how to simply charge a joy con that has 20 hour battery life.


Posting from the other thread.

Count me as one of those not happy about the inability to charge the joycons during tv play while docked to the grip.

No way in hell it's exclusion wasn't intentional to squeeze more out of the consumer.

Milk gif indeed.


Speaking of over dramatic. Good lord. I'm raising a child too and let's just say this is not in the top .0000000000000000009 % of the things I'll be teaching my child to worry about. Like I said 1st world problems. Poor Johnny is upset because him and dad can't figure out how to simply charge a joy con that has 20 hour battery life.

I would also wish you to stop suggesting we lack intelligence, if at all possible..


"hello?" "this is vagina"
I'm disappointed by many aspects of the Switch's reveal, but I can't see how this is an issue if the battery life really is 20 hours unless you simply forget to dock controllers when you're not using them.

I'm struggling to imagine a scenario where the controllers run out of juice, but if I'm missing something feel free to fill me in.

Edit: Actually, I just imagined one: having a second pair of Joy-Cons that aren't used as much and forgetting they're not charged when someone else wants to play.
These are tiny inconveniences. Lot of chicken littleing going on here.
I don't see anyone saying that the sky is falling. People are saying that Nintendo could easily have eliminated the inconvenience ahead of time. Instead, they intentionally included inconvenience, hoping it would goad their customers into spending more.

That claim is incontestably true, and makes it reasonable to castigate Nintendo.

Like I said 1st world problems. Poor Johnny is upset because him and dad can't figure out how to simply charge a joy con that has 20 hour battery life.
Are people only allowed to complain about things if they're a matter of life and death?

Because if so, your whining about what people are posting on a videogame discussion forum is equally meaningless and unjustified.


I'm disappointed by many aspects of the Switch's reveal, but I can't see how this is an issue if the battery life really is 20 hours unless you simply forget to dock controllers when you're not using them.

I'm struggling to imagine a scenario where the controllers run out of juice, but if I'm missing something feel free to fill me in.

Edit: Actually, I just imagined one: having a second pair of Joy-Cons that aren't used as much and forgetting they're not charged when someone else wants to play.

Yeah, the multiple sets of controllers I think is the scenario where this sucks. You essentially have to buy the charging grip to keep them topped off, so that sucks.

I don't see a problem with the base console SKU though. They should fix this with the double joy-con SKU by throwing in a charging grip as well.


Yeah, the multiple sets of controllers I think is the scenario where this sucks. You essentially have to buy the charging grip to keep them topped off, so that sucks.

I don't see a problem with the base console SKU though. They should fix this with the double joy-con SKU by throwing in a charging grip as well.

Nah, you just have to buy any accessory that can charge them. The charging grip from Nintendo is one of what will be many solutions from accessory makers, this one happens to be an expensive one that Nintendo chose to go with.

For instance, PowerA will sell this for $25, which can accommodate 2 pairs of Joycons:



Time Traveler
You are being thick on purpose, so I won't insist:) Have a great time with YOUR switch, and I'll have a great time with MINE..
No I'm not.

You have presented a fake scenario because you've failed to explain why a kid that plays and leave the controllers lying around instead of leaving them charging in the console, would leave them charging if the plastic thing had a charging port.

Do you let him/her plug things? If he/she leaves things lying around, then that's that, and if you or your girlfriend don't teach him/her to leave things on its place, then you'll have this problem every time.

You'll also have problems finding the little joycons, why did Nintendo not put a key finder on those things, so with an app I can find them? Those cheap bastards!

They have provided great hardware all around (the screen and joy cons are extremely high quality) and an extremely clean solution to charging controllers, with just two cables, they give you a console and handheld with two 10 button controllers, impressive rumble and great motion controllers with a great battery life and an excellent and safe solution to charge them.

And I'm saying this as a father of 5 kids that will absolutely, without a doubt, leave those things anywhere but on the charging station or console.
"Go buy an accessory so you can have what has been standard for 2 gens now." Lol, fuck Nintendo.
The people defending this shit is just a new low.


"Go buy an accessory so you can have what has been standard for 2 gens now." Lol, fuck Nintendo.
The people defending this shit is just a new low.

Nintendo's accessory pricing on Switch is ridiculous. I know they want to make a profit on the damn thing, but nickel and diming customers doesn't work when people know they're being nickled and dimed. The Charging Grip should be included with it and every accessory should cost $10-$20 less. As is, the Joy-Cons (because you can buy them separately) plus the Charging Grip could run you $110-$130 ALONE.
With 20h its not an issue for me, but i really hope the additional joy cons include a charging grip or do they expect us to buy that seperately as well?
"Go buy an accessory so you can have what has been standard for 2 gens now." Lol, fuck Nintendo.
The people defending this shit is just a new low.

What has been the standard for 2 gens? Charging your controller? You can do that with the Switch without buying anything else. Also, didn't XBO released with a controller that uses AA batteries, are they failing the standard?
Whoa, just checked and the additional joy cons dont come with any grip, one set ist not an issue but with two i either have to buy a 30 Eur accessory (on top of the 80 for the joy cons) or interchange the joy cons when i put the tablet in the dock. That's screwed up, not willing to shell out that dough for a piece of plastic.


I don't see anyone saying that the sky is falling. People are saying that Nintendo could easily have eliminated the inconvenience ahead of time. Instead, they intentionally included inconvenience, hoping it would goad their customers into spending more.

That claim is incontestably true, and makes it reasonable to castigate Nintendo.

Reasonable to criticize nintendo absolutely. It's also fine to dramatize your suffering to express yourself here. And it's also fine to call out specious claims of oppression made for dramatic effect. It's the circle of gaf.


I don't get why are people being 1. Extremely thick and not get what we are saying. 2. Criticizing people for complaining about a company purposely nickle and diming their customers.

Nintendo has some great engineers and designers working for them, also, most of them probably are gamers. Point being, they knew very well what they were doing. Which is, making a design decision they knew would lead people to spend an additional 30 bucks on top of their 350 bucks purchase.

It's not about the practicality of the matter. It's not about our inability to solve simple problems. It's about Nintendo making a deliberate decision to create an issue where there should be none just to wring out an additional 30 bucks from consumers. THATS the point.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
What has been the standard for 2 gens? Charging your controller? You can do that with the Switch without buying anything else. Also, didn't XBO released with a controller that uses AA batteries, are they failing the standard?
Besides joycons battery lasts 2.5 to 3 times longer than on the PS4 controller.

If I ever forget to recharge and need to play, I'll use a usb c cable and recharge while using it in handheld mode.
As I will buy a pair of additional joycons, I'll also get the charging grip for convenience. The bill for this is 119€ and results in me having 4 joycons controllers, or two pro controllers. I would pay just as much on other platforms.


If you go into the North American Purchase Page and click on the "What's Included" tab you can see it says "Joy-Con Grip" where as the product down the page is the "Joy-Con Charging Grip". I just find it strange that the packaging and media show's a Charging grip unless the regular grip also has some kind of internals to show battery status.
If you go into the North American Purchase Page and click on the "What's Included" tab you can see it says "Joy-Con Grip" where as the product down the page is the "Joy-Con Charging Grip". I just find it strange that the packaging and media show's a Charging grip unless the regular grip also has some kind of internals to show battery status.

That's not battery status; that's player number indicator. It simply has light tubes that pass on the LED status from the Joycon so that you can see it when it's hooked up. No electronics or anything here to show it.


It's standard USB, so any USB-C adapter should work fine. Regular USB-A adapters should work as well if they support quick charge.

Are we sure about this though? I'm not that well versed in electronics, does a regular phone adapter supply the right amount of voltage? Oms? How does this work exactly? Having to buy yet another proprietary piece of equipment would suck.

A friend of mine who owns a OnePlus couldn't use a charger that came with my Acer phone because it would mess up her touchscreen, making it flicker, and randomly opening every app on the homescreen.

This matter also includes powerbanks by the way, I sure as hell hope they work properly with Switch.


As someone who might be taking my newly bought (Pal) Switch with me for a two week trip to the US in March, but who doesn't know if he can take the dock or many other accessories in general with me as well, this thread is making me a bit nervous.

Sory if it's been asked/answered but: Will I be able to charge both Joy-Cons simultaneously - whilst playing or just overnight - without the dock and without having real access to the US power net (because of my Pal system taking 220 Volt)? Or should I pack a Pro controller, second Joy-Con set or perhaps that Charging Grip as well just to be safe? Charging the Switch itself should be ok via USB still, no?

Sigh...I want to take Zelda with me, which I should be able to given the portable nature of the Switch, but apparently that won't come without some hassle, especially if you go abroad. Sorry for the questions people.


Are we sure about this though? I'm not that well versed in electronics, does a regular phone adapter supply the right amount of voltage? Oms? How does this work exactly? Having to buy yet another proprietary piece of equipment would suck.
All USB adapters deliver 5V which can be used to charge basically anything that takes USB. I charge all my portable systems (DS Lite, Game Boy Micro, Vita, PSP, 3DS) over USB, it's just a matter of having the right cable.

This is going to work for the Switch as well, but regular 5V power adapters will take quite a long time to charge with because the power delivery is low (500-900mAh depending on the adapter) relative to the large battery in the switch (4300mAh). Native USB-C adapters however support much higher voltages, which is how they can be used to power laptops. This is also how the Switch can charge in 3h which would otherwise be impossible over regular USB. Any quality adapter (Anker for instance) should work for this purpose, though it's probably smart to wait for tests just to be sure.
As someone who might be taking my newly bought (Pal) Switch with me for a two week trip to the US in March, but who doesn't know if he can take the dock or many other accessories in general with me as well, this thread is making me a bit nervous.

Sory if it's been asked/answered but: Will I be able to charge both Joy-Cons simultaneously - whilst playing or just overnight - without the dock and without having real access to the US power net (because of my Pal system taking 220 Volt)? Or should I pack a Pro controller, second Joy-Con set or perhaps that Charging Grip as well just to be safe? Charging the Switch itself should be ok via USB still, no?

Sigh...I want to take Zelda with me, which I should be able to given the portable nature of the Switch, but apparently that won't come without some hassle, especially if you go abroad. Sorry for the questions people.

You can charge it while playing. The only issue this thread is bringing up is you can't play with the Joy-Cons while playing when you're docked simply because the tablet will be in the dock and the Joy-Cons will be attached to the tablet at that point. It's just a physical impossibility unless you're holding the dock too. But if you simply attach the Joy-Cons to the tablet and have a power cable attached to the tablet, everything will be good. It doesn't affect you in any way; just people who want to play on the TV and charge at the same time.


Sory if it's been asked/answered but: Will I be able to charge both Joy-Cons simultaneously - whilst playing or just overnight - without the dock and without having real access to the US power net (because of my Pal system taking 220 Volt)? Or should I pack a Pro controller, second Joy-Con set or perhaps that Charging Grip as well just to be safe? Charging the Switch itself should be ok via USB still, no?
Virtually all modern power adapters support 110-220V, it's just a matter of getting a 1$ plug converter. While I don't know for certain I'd be very surprised if the Joy-Cons don't charge while playing, their power draw is likely tiny so there's little reason not to.


I don't like the whole charging Grip thing at all, but anyone saying this is a ridiculous thing for Nintendo to have done but not also giving MS shit for the XBO controller is being hypocritical. At least you can charge the JoyCons, with the XBO you absolutely need to make additional purchases for it to keep working.


You can charge it while playing. The only issue this thread is bringing up is you can't play with the Joy-Cons while playing when you're docked simply because the tablet will be in the dock and the Joy-Cons will be attached to the tablet at that point. It's just a physical impossibility unless you're holding the dock too. But if you simply attach the Joy-Cons to the tablet and have a power cable attached to the tablet, everything will be good. It doesn't affect you in any way; just people who want to play on the TV and charge at the same time.

Cheers for the explanation. So I guess I'm only hindered if I want to play on TV at some point during my stay. That sounds okay. I might try and bring the dock as well just in case I do come across a TV at some point but good to know that that's not a necessity if portable play suffices.

Virtually all modern power adapters support 110-220V, it's just a matter of getting a 1$ plug converter. While I don't know for certain I'd be very surprised if the Joy-Cons don't charge while playing, their power draw is likely tiny so there's little reason not to.

Good point. Such converters I have already so luckily that's no problem. I'll have to wait and see if the adapter will support this range as usual I guess, assuming the adapter can connect to the Swich tablet itself directy and not just to the dock (meaning I'd always be using USB to charge while playing with the Switch in portable mode).

(is it just me or is the fact that this is a hybrid system that includes multiple components that take power causing quite a few basic questions about how to charge each component? Maybe Nintendo should work harder on their messaging for that stuff as well.)


I don't like the whole charging Grip thing at all, but anyone saying this is a ridiculous thing for Nintendo to have done but not also giving MS shit for the XBO controller is being hypocritical. At least you can charge the JoyCons, with the XBO you absolutely need to make additional purchases for it to keep working.

Yeah lets shit on ms for offering the best solution. I happily pay 8 € for 4 eneloops and can play without having to charge my controller ever.
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