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Nintendo Switch doesn't come with Joy-Con charging grip


Am I the only one who plans on playing without the grip split style? Nunchuck comfort was the best thing about the Wii controller.

I was glad to see it was an option, since this is how I played like 90% of the Wii library:


It was always so comfy.
Whereas by default, you can only charge one set of joy-cons at a time, and you can only do so while not playing the console, or while playing it portably.

If you want to charge it while playing you'll have to open the back cover of the dock, disconnect AC adapter plug from unit and plug it into the tablet directly. Or use a standard type C cable and connect it to any USB port you have around, although I'm not sure if it'll have enough juice left to charge the joy-cons after powering/charging the tab.
My only question is did Microsoft receive this same backlash by not including the charge kit with their systems? You either have to continuously replace batteries or buy some type of rechargeable battery solution. Pricing this online cost about $25-$30.

If the 20 hour battery life is true then this shouldn't be an issue for most people.
They made it clear from the get-go that would be the case. Nintendo hasn't.

If you want to charge it while playing you'll have to open the back cover of the dock, disconnect AC adapter plug from unit and plug it into the tablet directly. Or use a standard type C cable and connect it to any USB port you have around, although I'm not sure if it'll have enough juice left to charge the joy-cons after powering/charging the tab.
I'm just making the assumption that if you plug the tablet into your wall with the USB, the joy-cons plugged into the tablet aren't suddenly going to die while you're playing.


So underrated. Split controllers are the best. Playing standing up after working a desk job was always nice.

Having to Z click to center the 3rd person camera was/is awful. And looking at the position of the right Joy Con's stick it looks like it will be awkward to try and do dual stick that way.


Wait.. do you have to remove the plastic charge grip with the wrist strap when you slide it into these thing?

Yes you have to remove them either from the wrist strap or the grip in order to slide them into either on a standalone charging stand or on the console itself.

Zen Aku

Yes you have to remove them either from the wrist strap or the grip in order to slide them in either on a standalone charging stand or on the console itself.

That just seem so unnecessary. People might end up losing those charge grip. I dont even know why I'm calling it charge grip, they literally don't help charge the joycon. it's just a piece of plastic with a loop. wrist strap would be be better I guess.


That just seem so unnecessary. People might end up losing those charge grip. I dont even know why I'm calling it charge grip, they literally don't help charge the joycon. it's just a piece of plastic with a loop. wrist strap would be be better I guess.

Yeah they are basically a plastic grip to hold the joy-cons, $30 extra for the privilege to charge while playing. Its a unneeded hassle because Nintendo wanted to milk their consumers by leaving out a USB charging out in their already packaged grip but according to some its okay because "20 hours" playtime.
It really does suck that it doesn't come with the charging grip and just a plastic grip.

And while the solid battery life might make it seem inconsequential, I can't tell you how many times I've had to just drop my video games and rush out to do something. I'd no doubt forget to plug in my controllers before I leave and it could become problematic if the battery life is low. The fact you can't play and charge out of the box is ridiculous imo. And it's not like you can just replace the batteries like you can with the X1 controller.

Would've been a non-issue had they included the charging grip.

Just so many little issues that have added up to make a very frustrating start to the Switch's life imo.


Can someone explain to me that when the battery life is 20 hours that this is such a big deal? Can't you at the end if the night just click them on the tablet and in the morning end of problem. Your good to go for another 20 hours? Seems silly for this to be such a long serious discussion.
I keep waiting for Nintendo to throw us a bone here, but it's just not happening. Three hundred bucks, 32GB, a grip that doesn't charge, no pack-in game, and the most expensive accessories this side of Apple.

Zen Aku

Of course. How else would it connect?

I have this charging stand for my dualshock 3 controllers. I can clip these into the back of the controller and it would just dock right in there whenever I'm done playing.

Nintendo could have designed the wrist strap better so it has something similar to this. Where you don't have to remove the wrist strap to be able to charge a controller.


Can someone explain to me that when the battery life is 20 hours that this is such a big deal? Can't you at the end if the night just click them on the tablet and in the morning end of problem. Your good to go for another 20 hours? Seems silly for this to be such a long serious discussion.

The battery life could be a hundred hours, it doesn't matter. The fact is, you're paying $300 for a console, the same as two competitors who have considerably more power under the hood. Both competitors allow you to simply hook up their controllers via USB to charge whenever you'd care to because it doesn't cost them more than two to three bucks to throw the connector into anything. Nintendo includes the JoyCon grip with the expectation that we'll use it to play our games on. Instead of doing like both of their competitors, they do NOT soak up the teeny cost of throwing a USB connector into the grip because hey, you're buying a premium product already. No, Nintendo wants you to spend THIRTY DOLLARS to buy a grip that can't cost more than ten to manufacture, just so you can have a connector on the grip.

It is, purely and simply, insulting. They could eat this cost easy. Instead, not only are they not eating it, but they're turning around and trying to bilk me for more. And they want to do this when the market is already unfriendly to consoles as-is? It's the very definition of a stupid move.


Can someone explain to me that when the battery life is 20 hours that this is such a big deal? Can't you at the end if the night just click them on the tablet and in the morning end of problem. Your good to go for another 20 hours? Seems silly for this to be such a long serious discussion.

It's not, for you or for me, but my gf has a kid, and there is no way he'll have that kind of discipline. Also, shit happens in life, and making sure my damn joycons are plugged in kinda goes at the very bottom of my to-do list..

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
This is a really bizzare decision. They went all the way to design and manufacture 2 SKUs when they could have included the chargeable one and still sell it for 30 bucks and save themselves from having this response.

20 hours sounds good but still....

Davey Cakes

Seems that a lot of people assumed the same thing: the grip included with every Switch is the charge grip. Apparently that's not the case. Even I never visualized a non-charging grip in my head after looking at all the promotional materials.

There goes some of the value proposition, I guess.


Time Traveler
It's not, for you or for me, but my gf has a kid, and there is no way he'll have that kind of discipline. Also, shit happens in life, and making sure my damn joycons are plugged in kinda goes at the very bottom of my to-do list..
So her kid will not plug the joy cons to the console but will plug them to the charging piece of plastic? Or will she have the plastic thing plugged indefinitely and the joy cons always attached to them? How is the kids going to play Arms or 1,2,Switch?

The battery is very small on the joy cons, so a half hour charge should give you several hours of gameplay. I still can't see the issue here...
For the love of god, how hard would it be to just include a basic usb charger in the regular grip? That's really fucking cheap. As someone who would likely use the console consistently at home in docked configuration, that's a bitch. To get the basic functionality of a competitor's controller you have to spend more money.

$30 for a goddamn charger.
It wouldn't be hard but Nintendo have gotten away with penny pinching before many times so they just decided to push their luck here and given how most the thread seems to be "20 hours who cares you'll get outraged about anything" they'll get away with it.

I can barely justify not including ac adapters and generic video leads but this is different as they included a grip anyway but made it shit because got to save pennies on this $300 monstrosity.

Nothing has topped Sony releasing an abject piece of shit for $600USD though some have come close.
Even then Sony did make the much forgotten SKU with the smaller hard drive for $500 and very swiftly found ways to cut the cost of the hardware (switching PS2 to emulation for example). Although the cheaper SKU must have been really unpopular or a bigger loss for Sony because Europe didn't even get it (and the launch units had emulation for PS2 BC).

If the accessory prices are accurate (lol) then it wouldn't have been a stretch for Nintendo to do something similar with say a handheld only switch (i.e. doesn't come with the dock or grip) but I feel such an obvious thing is something they are keeping up their sleeve and the whole Wii U Basic and Deluxe thing might have been a huge hassle at retail so don't rock the boat with multiple SKUs just yet.


So underrated. Split controllers are the best. Playing standing up after working a desk job was always nice.

Yeah even though the Wii had a cable to tether the Wiimote and Nunchuck together I really loved how they were split apart and I didn't always have to hold my hands in one position like a normal controller. I doubt I'll use the Joy-Con grip much, I'll probably just hold the joy cons separately for the most part.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
It's not damage control Lmao. 20 hours is more than enough. The Duals hock falls apart in 3 hours and people are like, So? I just have it plugged in all the time!

Then it's not wireless. 20 hours is fine. It's honestly a niche issue that isn't even thread worthy.
You fail to realize once again why this is thread worthy. There was a shit ton of confusion over what was in the box.


So her kid will not plug the joy cons to the console but will plug them to the charging piece of plastic? Or will she have the plastic thing plugged indefinitely and the joy cons always attached to them? How is the kids going to play Arms or 1,2,Switch?

The battery is very small on the joy cons, so a half hour charge should give you several hours of gameplay. I still can't see the issue here...

You are being thick on purpose, so I won't insist:) Have a great time with YOUR switch, and I'll have a great time with MINE..


Given how Nintendo treats their customers with the DS/3DS XL, this is a step up - at least you can charge it out of the box at all

My only question is did Microsoft receive this same backlash by not including the charge kit with their systems? You either have to continuously replace batteries or buy some type of rechargeable battery solution. Pricing this online cost about $25-$30.

If the 20 hour battery life is true then this shouldn't be an issue for most people.

People have been giving Microsoft crap for this since the 360 launch. The fact you still need AAs/play and charge for the Xbox one is also inexcusable.
Question just because I haven't been following this too closely. I remember that "leakers" claimed we could charge joycons via the Grip, but did Nintendo ever really suggest that we could do that out of the box?


So you can charge the controllers out of the box (provided you have a USB-C cable that are ten a penny anyway) but you have to pay to buy a battery pack to extend the capacity?

Am I reading this right?


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
So you can charge the controllers out of the box (provided you have a USB-C cable that are ten a penny anyway) but you have to pay to buy a battery pack to extend the capacity?

Am I reading this right?


Out of the box you can only charge the Joy-ons while they are clipped into the display unit while docked. The included Grip does not have a USB input for charging, the Grip that does is $30 and does not include a battery, just a USB input.


So you can charge the controllers out of the box (provided you have a USB-C cable that are ten a penny anyway) but you have to pay to buy a battery pack to extend the capacity?

Am I reading this right?
No. The 30e one is just a USB port for charging, no batteries. Included one is a plastic shell.

AU Tiger


Out of the box you can only charge the Joy-ons while they are clipped into the display unit while docked. The included Grip does not have a USB input for charging, the Grip that does is $30 and does not include a battery, just a USB input.

yeah I'm gonna wait for the 3rd party grip that has a beefy battery and usb port to do all the things.

Or just use the pro controller like I did with most of the wii u games


The battery life could be a hundred hours, it doesn't matter. The fact is, you're paying $300 for a console, the same as two competitors who have considerably more power under the hood. Both competitors allow you to simply hook up their controllers via USB to charge whenever you'd care to because it doesn't cost them more than two to three bucks to throw the connector into anything. Nintendo includes the JoyCon grip with the expectation that we'll use it to play our games on. Instead of doing like both of their competitors, they do NOT soak up the teeny cost of throwing a USB connector into the grip because hey, you're buying a premium product already. No, Nintendo wants you to spend THIRTY DOLLARS to buy a grip that can't cost more than ten to manufacture, just so you can have a connector on the grip.

It is, purely and simply, insulting. They could eat this cost easy. Instead, not only are they not eating it, but they're turning around and trying to bilk me for more. And they want to do this when the market is already unfriendly to consoles as-is? It's the very definition of a stupid move.

LOL can't cost more than $10? It doesn't even cost them $1.



Out of the box you can only charge the Joy-ons while they are clipped into the display unit while docked. The included Grip does not have a USB input for charging, the Grip that does is $30 and does not include a battery, just a USB input.
So you clip it to the side of the unit that you need to charge anyway?

No. The 30e one is just a USB port for charging, no batteries. Included one is a plastic shell.
Non issue.

Entitled mentality complaining about nothing.

Edit: wait, now I think about it, the charging unit is basically the same shell just with a USB-C port? That probably costs Ninty about 10p?

OK, that's kind of lame.


So you clip it to the side of the unit that you need to charge anyway?


Non issue.

Entitled mentality complaining about nothing.

I feel the need to buy a charging stand at some point. So... 14.99 issue.

But it's not some show stopper problem.

There are some people on here that I hope for their sake are just playing up their complete helplessness in the face of minor obstacles. I forget which thread but gaffers where crying last nite because the charging port is on the bottom making it "impossible" to charge it while it's stood up on a tabletop. I mean.... what to you guys do when you need to change a tire or something? Holy madre...


I feel the need to buy a charging stand at some point. So... 14.99 issue.

But it's not some show stopper problem.

There are some people on here that I hope for their sake are just playing up their complete helplessness in the face of minor obstacles. I forget which thread but gaffers where crying last nite because the charging port is on the bottom making it "impossible" out how they would charge it while it's stood up on a tabletop. I mean.... what to you guys do when you need to change a tire or something? Holy madre...

Agree 100%. GAF is pretty dramatic right now with some of these Switch threads. Of course there are legit things to criticize but it's so over the top right now.

This reminds me of an argument I had on GAF with someone over the iPhone when it would bend if you sat on it. His girlfriend always carried her phone in her back pocket and it was unacceptable. It really wasn't a problem if you wouldn't sit on your phone but nooooooo this was the end of the world for the consumer. Now you see but "my child might forget to charge the 20 hour charge joy con". These really are 1st world problems. Poor child might be scarred for life!


Agree 100%. GAF is pretty dramatic right now with some of these Switch threads. Of course there are legit things to criticize but it's so over the top right now.

This reminds me of an argument I had on GAF with someone over the iPhone when it would bend if you sat on it. His girlfriend always carried her phone in her back pocket and it was unacceptable. It really wasn't a problem if you wouldn't sit on your phone but nooooooo this was the end of the world for the consumer. Now you see but "my child might forget to charge the 20 hour charge joy con". These really are 1st world problems. Poor child might be scarred for life!

Please refrain from talking about the child I am raising, and spend some of that energy growing up yourself.


I feel the need to buy a charging stand at some point. So... 14.99 issue.

But it's not some show stopper problem.

There are some people on here that I hope for their sake are just playing up their complete helplessness in the face of minor obstacles. I forget which thread but gaffers where crying last nite because the charging port is on the bottom making it "impossible" to charge it while it's stood up on a tabletop. I mean.... what to you guys do when you need to change a tire or something? Holy madre...

Both these cases force you to stop playing. If you're tabletop playing with someone and the main unit runs out, you're done playing.
And when you're playing on the TV and the Joycons run out, you're done playing.

These inconveniences could have been easily prevented by Nintendo. Why are you okay with being forced to stop playing?
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