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Nintendo Switch: March 3rd 2017 worldwide, MSRP $300

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They lost me at paid online but I wouldn't consider a purchase at $300 anyway. Two launch games seems insane too. Zelda looked dope though. Hopefully it comes out on Wii U March 3rd too.


i was on the fence since i don't play console much these days. but i'm a sucker for new hardware

price is fine but ... eh... i think i'd regret Day 1'ing this down the line. i needed a little *umph* to send me over the edge. nothing i saw really does it for me. basically ~$400 to play zelda in bed (in my case). i think it can wait
The price seemed fine for me at first, but the lack of info on launch games is weird. Not sure if I want to pay $300 for a system where I am only going to have one game (Zelda) for months, then get a second game (Mario) at the end of the year.

They need to get out and announce more games and dates for whatever they have coming soon after launch.


I'll get one, $300 is about what I was expecting anyway.

Don't think I'll bother with the online though, not interested in another paid sub.
Price was expected but paid online is pretty disappointing at face value. Battery life is a concern, pondering if it might be worth holing off for a possible *New* Nintendo Switch.

I'll see if I'm flush in March, I guess



God I hate the dollar right now. I'll still place my pre-order, but once I know it won't be scarce after launch I'll likely cancel


Gold Member
I reallllyyy want to buy it but not at that price and lauch line-up.

Gonna wait until the holidays and get the new mario along with anything else. Price might be lower then as well as more games.


They really fucked up the price. This could be destined to be WiiU 2.0.
Price of screen, battery, removable controller and so on clearly inflates the price.
A cheap version that only plays games via tv should have been an option.

You can get a ps4 with a game (uncharted 4) included for less than $300 right now.
The value of switch for the average casual buyer is very questionable.
Especially when ps4 has much more market and mind share.
Children will ask for what their friends already own so they can play together.

Switch can do good at launch because the dedicated Nintendo fans will buy no matter what, but after that it needs a price drop.
$300 in a vacuum isn't a bad price. Pricing it at $300 when your competition has 3-year-old hardware with better specs priced at $300 and/or cheaper during recent sales is pretty crappy tbqh. At $250 it would be more mass market IMO.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
$50 more than I wanted to pay when I was hyped for it. $70 pro controller and paid online by fall. Nothing shown I card about but Zelda that I can play on my Wii U, and to some extent Mario.

Starting to look like a hard pass/hope they fail to me.


Not ready to jump in yet. I skipped the Wii U and I just got dolphin and my games set up. Just waiting on the dolphin wii bar and other accessories to come in... and then I'll just catch up on the Wii games I missed out on. I still think the concept is brilliant, but the online fee is very disappointing and I can't play the most important game that I care about, Smash Bros.

I can wait to get this another day... (but then again I said the same thing about the Wii U and never bought it because of backlog reasons).


On the upside I don't need to worry about finding a preorder or waiting in line. Unless Capcom is hiding a monster hunter game up their ass.
Almost certainly sticking with WiiU for Zelda at theatrics, and without serious third party support, this system will struggle at retail just like the WiiU and 3DS did early doors.

Also we really need some hardware details and power comparisons. Given how similar Zelda and Splatoon looked to the WiiU versions and that Remastered wasn't part of the Skyrim title, I'm very worried about exactly how much horsepower they're packing into this thing they're charging current gen prices for.


SEVENTY FUCKING US DOLLARS for a fucking XBox 360 controller-clone?

130 for 2 Joycons and a grip to connect them?

90 for the dock?

GTFO out of here with that shit.

This might be more ludicrous than the WiiU launch.


That seems kind of... small especially combined with an OS

Yeah, so the realistic launch price for a lot of people will be 300 dollars for the console, 70 dollars for the pro controller, X dollars for a large microSDXC card and 60 dollars for Zelda? Ends up being pretty expensive.
I have no qualms about the price. I hope there's a pack-in game for that mount of dough, though. It's not in the $249.00 sweet spot, but $50 extra bucks is no big deal.
What's hilarious is this thing being more expensive than a ps4 or xbox one here in Canada, and with no hard drive to speak of ! In fact it's close to ps4 pro levels. Now THAT is hilarious.
Nintendo is its own thing, comparing them to PS4 or Xbox is pointless. Nintendo is the only place you can play Zelda or Mario. They are the only one of the three that is actually irreplaceable. If PS4 or Xbox disappeared tomorrow you could just buy the other one.


Neo Member
That presentation was a trainwreck. They spent an ungodly amount of time going over the hardware and presented us entirely with things we already knew about. What's the online going to be like? What's the OS like? How does that mobile app actually work? Can we see the system in action? What's the capacity like?

And that launch line up. My god. Zelda looks stellar but... um... that's it? They didn't even mention Mario Kart 8 (which is launching a month later) and spent more time on third party developers promising to make games than showing the ones that were actually in development. What exactly is that Square Enix RPG? That looked cool. Can we see more of that?

Nintendo learned nothing from the Wii U's reveal. Its message was muddled, confusing and absolutely devoid of any compelling piece of software outside of Zelda. I probably sit the launch out. Wii U Zelda is fine by me.
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