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No Mafia III Review Copies Ahead of Launch


I thought Gears4 could be the reason. Probably every outlet will cover the game, Mafia3 articles/reviews would totally get buried under the Gears4 hype.
I was actually excited for this, prior to this news dropping. If they are actually confident inthe game, they wouldn't be hiding.

Look at Gears 4. The embargo is being lifted prior to release, that shows confidence.

No Man's Sky should've been the breaking point in the whole "f-fuck the reviews" mindset. If you wanna gamble 60 bucks, more power to you. But don't put down others for showing some caution.

Let's not kid ourselves. Both you and I know that gaffers are not gambling with $60 when it comes to games. There was no offense anyway. I've seen most gameplay vids and nothing looks risky if you are a fan of this genre. It seems like a game with substance and fun gameplay.


I thought Gears4 could be the reason. Probably every outlet will cover the game, Mafia3 articles/reviews would totally get buried under the Gears4 hype.

But then wouldn't it make for sense to have reviews for Mafia 3 come out early this week, before the Gears 4 coverage deluge hits?


It's fine. And worth your money from what I've played.
Just in side missions OtherJoe and I were having ridiculous amounts of fun, just as in GTAV:

There's a danger of slight repetition when taking down rackets, as you have to cause X amount of monetary damage before a "boss" will come out to end that mission to take over a district but so far all the main line missions have either been pretty entertaining or slow intentionally for atmosphere.

I've no idea why they wouldn't give review copies to the "Big Guys" like IGN and Gamespot, maybe they felt bad since they didnt give them to the smaller outlets and went for parity?
The feeling I get was that it's just 2K being EXTREMELY paranoid and overprotective about Pirated Copies since its a high value triple AAA single player game that 2K has very high hopes for. They had the game on mobile PS4's under 2 layers of lock and key when they were traveling around to various outlets who couldn't make it to their HQ.

Is it as good as GTAV?
I can't tell from only 4 hours played but I can say there's no way this game is "bad" and posting buggy funny gif's is just as easy as with GTAV, so that's no real indicator, hell those things are in our opinion good for the game as it makes for funny videos! (as long as those bugs are infrequent as they seemed to be)
After playing it we felt it was a pretty easy buy in our minds, but can only say for sure after a full review.

I estimate that outlets will give it between 8-9's, maybe one or two 7's on the low end. Im sure the press will dock it for no multiplayer since they will compare it so closely to GTAV.

Thanks Joe that was very helpful.
Is it weird that I preordered after this news broke?

And to defend preordering in general (not that anyone should have to), I like having a game arrive at my door on release day for free + the Prime discount. I'm terrible. I know.
Is it weird that I preordered after this news broke?

And to defend preordering in general (not that anyone should have to), I like having a game arrive at my door on release day for free + the Prime discount. I'm terrible. I know.

You should really consider GCU. You get that plus $10 in rewards for this preorder.


Is fun to kill people in this game? does it have punchy gunplay? does it have a bunch of missions where you kill people and cause chaos?

If the first 2 questions are answered YES then I fucking hope the third mission is a YES too if the first 2 are a NO then the third did not apply lols.

Basically what I want from my OpenWorld™ games are fun gameplay that doesnt matter if what I will do for 50 is repetitive as long as Im having fun.


The game does look very unpolished. Every gameplay video out there has weird bugs and glitches like that. Hopefully it's nothing major and the game is fun.

edit: lol at the woman screaming in the video.


For you.
I mean as long as the game is fun I won't mind this, but the game seems very buggy.

Sure, but you might want to get a better source than a alt-right dude that made a cherry picked video because he's pissed that the game has a black guy as the protagonist.


I admit what I said was hyperbolic however my point is that this looks like it needs a lot of work, even for an open world game it looks very buggy, broken was too strong of a word but my point is, it doesn't look good.

Find a better source than a trolling cherry picker.
It says "pre-alpha footage" in the bottom left. Maybe that has something to do with the buggy performance. Still gameflying it though.
I have to say, the season pass content sounds really cool. As long as the game isn't anything approaching unplayable, I'll be happy.
Half the thing i saw in this video aren't even that bad.

Like when prompt to do a takedown the character is placed closer to the target. Ok?

And really with that title, it shows a complete bias from the get go.

Some of the combat looked sloppy, like connecting punches when you aren't even facing the enemy. But that kind of thing happens in GTA, too.
No way it can be a bad game. Its been market so much on tv, Ads, and have shown tons of gameplay heading towards launch. It will have issues like the A.I and Bugs but will still be fun to play.
No way it can be a bad game. Its been market so much on tv, Ads, and have shown tons of gameplay heading towards launch.

Well, advertising doesn't mean anything. They've pushed bad games with full marketing bonanzas before. That said, I don't think this will be a bad game.
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