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No Mafia III Review Copies Ahead of Launch

Already been mentioned several times surely, but to me no review copies can make it look like there isn't much confidence in the product or they are hiding something.
I think the gameplay loop is gonna be what makes or breaks the game for me.

A unique setting can't save mediocre gameplay in the long run.


Isn't the issue that 2K doesn't use Denuvo?

What have they used on their latest releases?

Oh please. The least you could do is save this annoying horseshit for the review thread.

They used Arxlan, another hard to crack DRM. It may not be as good as Denuvo, but cracking it day 1 is out of the question.
I'm all over the place with this game.

First I watched 2 hours of gameplay and thought it looked repetitive and dull, but then I found out that's just the part where you have to do a certain amount of $$$ damage to take down a racket.

Then I watched some story missions and thought those looked much better so I got all excited about buying this tomorrow.

Now I find out it's not being released until Friday which makes no sense and I'm back to being disappointed.

Damn you Mafia 3!

The struggle is real.
I dunno if it was the Reddit dude, but I watched a bunch of live streamed footage a bit ago. I'm still very conflicted. The story and cinematics look interesting and engaging. The actual minute-to-minute gameplay looks completely pedestrian to me. I understand why some people might think it looks fun, but it doesn't to me.



Hope this is another doom situation where the game is actually good. At the very least 2K explain why no review disks. If its bad may explain why we got a console XCOM2 release. 2K/Take Two trying to salvage some revenue since this is seemingly a big budget game.

Out of town until Friday night, hopefully will see some impressions by then.
Hope this is another doom situation where the game is actually good. At the very least 2K explain why no review disks. If its bad may explain why we got a console XCOM2 release. 2K/Take Two trying to salvage some revenue since this is seemingly a big budget game.

Out of town until Friday night, hopefully will see some impressions by then.
Speaking of XCOM 2, people were citing that as a game that came out recently with next to no fanfare on console last week (and no launch reviews really). Doesn't seem like that's a great thing going by what an unoptimized mess that thing seems to be.
So I fully preloaded this game on steam a couple of days ago (40.5gb or so) and today it's downloading more, but it's starting from 36gb to 40.4gb. Like it has deleted some data and re-downloading it again.


Speaking of XCOM 2, people were citing that as a game that came out recently with next to no fanfare on console last week (and no launch reviews really). Doesn't seem like that's a great thing going by what an unoptimized mess that thing seems to be.
Critics don't care about unoptimized messes. Hence why XCOM 2 and NBA 2K17 haven't been hurt one iota. So much for reviews as a check and balance.
Seems Best Buy shipped it to me early and I'll have it on Wednesday (this is the second time they've done this in past couple weeks). I'm really curious about this game.
Nothing I've seen of this game gets me excited. Mafia 2 is the perfect gangster game, playing a perfect homage to the best gangster films ever made, but this looks to be a more generic and bland open world crime game.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
How long until we start seeing reviews? One week after launch?

Sooner, reviewers would rather get a review out quick for hits than be thorough. ACG does good work though (and obviously Joe doesn't rush reviews) and I'm sure he'll review it. I hope it does well, I really want to play it but I can't burn money so if it's bad it'll go the way of Quantum Break and sit on my "£10 or less" list for a few years.


Gold Member
That video, sheesh. The game looks arcade-y and janky as fuck. Which is disappointing, sure. But now that we know, we can all adjust our expectations accordingly.

I mean, The Saboteur is a janky piece of shit and it's one of my alltime favourite games, it brings a certain charm. Jank doesn't automatically mean that a game is bad.

That said: the stunlock when you get shot needs to go ASAP. whoever thought that was a good idea is crazy and has probably never played a videogame before.


I'm all over the place with this game.

First I watched 2 hours of gameplay and thought it looked repetitive and dull, but then I found out that's just the part where you have to do a certain amount of $$$ damage to take down a racket.

Then I watched some story missions and thought those looked much better so I got all excited about buying this tomorrow.

Now I find out it's not being released until Friday which makes no sense and I'm back to being disappointed.

Damn you Mafia 3!

Friday releases are the best releases


If only it was the Friday before rather than the Friday after... But I suppose even if it was the Friday before we'd be like 'Why isn't it the Tuesday before'... Then we'd be stuck in a Friday>Tuesday>Friday timeloop

That video, sheesh. The game looks arcade-y and janky as fuck. Which is disappointing, sure. But now that we know, we can all adjust our expectations accordingly.

I mean, The Saboteur is a janky piece of shit and it's one of my alltime favourite games, it brings a certain charm. Jank doesn't automatically mean that a game is bad.

That said: the stunlock when you get shot needs to go ASAP. whoever thought that was a good idea is crazy and has probably never played a videogame before.

This is how I feel, too.

From what I could see the stunlock is only from the first shot and subsequent shots didn't stun you. Perhaps it has a cooldown?

Mr. Tibbs

That video, sheesh. The game looks arcade-y and janky as fuck. Which is disappointing, sure. But now that we know, we can all adjust our expectations accordingly.

I mean, The Saboteur is a janky piece of shit and it's one of my alltime favourite games, it brings a certain charm. Jank doesn't automatically mean that a game is bad.
Nice unrelated avatar. :/

BTW, lots of the footage featured in that alt right video I assume you're referring to was from Gamescom 2015.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Current trends on forums are more in lines that <90 is utter crap that shouldn't be played.

On my scale 7 is good and worth playing but not at full price. 8 is very good, 9 is incredible and 10 is an absolute must play experience. In general the higher the score the closer to full price I'll pay.


One thing that strikes me watching gameplay videos of this is that all of the atmosphere seen in the first 2 mafia games looks to be gone. That's unfortunate.
Already been mentioned several times surely, but to me no review copies can make it look like their isn't much confidence in the product or they are hiding something.

That can be the case, but not necessarily with every game. It was the same with the new Doom, and that was amazing.
One thing that strikes me watching gameplay videos of this is that all of the atmosphere seen in the first 2 mafia games looks to be gone. That's unfortunate.
It's weird, because I get a pretty nice sense of "place" during the cinematics. But the actual gameplay sequences seem fairly bog-standard.


One thing that strikes me watching gameplay videos of this is that all of the atmosphere seen in the first 2 mafia games looks to be gone. That's unfortunate.

Because time period has changed, maybe? I haven't played the game yet, but it seems that the atmosphere is there.


One thing that strikes me watching gameplay videos of this is that all of the atmosphere seen in the first 2 mafia games looks to be gone. That's unfortunate.

Well they are going for a completely different vibe. Let's hope the look of the city + the soundtrack manage to convey that 70s feel convincingly.


One thing that strikes me watching gameplay videos of this is that all of the atmosphere seen in the first 2 mafia games looks to be gone. That's unfortunate.

There was a long (i.e. 2+ hour) stream from a couple of outlets in the last month or two, and it looked like it had a lot more of Mafia 2's vibe in longer-form gameplay. Especially because you got to see all the in-between stuff. Not just frantically running about doing side missions and shooting/beating people. The streams showed the down-time in between where there was a more immersive city thing going on, like 1 and 2.

Hopefully it's the case, anyway.

On my scale 7 is good and worth playing but not at full price. 8 is very good, 9 is incredible and 10 is an absolute must play experience. In general the higher the score the closer to full price I'll pay.

Agreed, although I've had a few 'worth playing' experiences from 5 and 6 out of 10s. It's best not to delimit yourself, but in terms of paying full price... Yeah.


Did the download size increase on steam? I was almost sure I had already downloaded it all but today when I opened steam I got an extra 5gb queued to download. anyone else?


Damn all the footage we've seen has been on ps4 rite? Or am I mistaken? Just wondering whether or not to get it on PC or ps4. I mean if it's a good port then there's obviously no question as my rig should be able to crank it to ultra but I worry about performance on PC especially if they haven't shown anything on PC. Does anyone know for sure that it's all ps4 footage? Cuz Arkham knight was all ps4 and we know how that turned out. Always makes me wonder if devolepers show console versions over PC as u would think they would want to show best footage out tbere


Sooner, reviewers would rather get a review out quick for hits than be thorough. ACG does good work though (and obviously Joe doesn't rush reviews) and I'm sure he'll review it. I hope it does well, I really want to play it but I can't burn money so if it's bad it'll go the way of Quantum Break and sit on my "£10 or less" list for a few years.

Ya I am working right now on a retail source and thanks for the kudo.


Damn all the footage we've seen has been on ps4 rite? Or am I mistaken? Just wondering whether or not to get it on PC or ps4. I mean if it's a good port then there's obviously no question as my rig should be able to crank it to ultra but I worry about performance on PC especially if they haven't shown anything on PC. Does anyone know for sure that it's all ps4 footage? Cuz Arkham knight was all ps4 and we know how that turned out. Always makes me wonder if décolleté show console versions over PC as u would think they would want to show best footage out tbere

I think that majority of footage is from PC. Game was demoed mostly on PC as far as i know.
It's fine. And worth your money from what I've played.
Just in side missions OtherJoe and I were having ridiculous amounts of fun, just as in GTAV:

I estimate that outlets will give it between 8-9's, maybe one or two 7's on the low end. Im sure the press will dock it for no multiplayer since they will compare it so closely to GTAV.

Thanks Joe, I was a little bit on the fence about cancelling my amazon preorder since no review copies meant no early reviews and usually thats a bad sign but since my game tastes match yours nearly 100% and you like the game, I am going to be playing this weekend!! GTA5 is one of my favorite games so anything that is even close is great by me. I look forward to your Mafia 3 review.

Honestly this is just the perfect time for this game, I'm bored of Destiny, love Forza Horizon 3 but want something else to play at the same time thats more FPSy. Two weeks later and I'd probably pass due to Gears/Battlefield/COD, but I can play in the next two weeks, finish the campaign, trade it in, and move on.


Thanks Joe, I was a little bit on the fence about cancelling my amazon preorder since no review copies meant no early reviews and usually thats a bad sign but since my game tastes match yours nearly 100% and you like the game, I am going to be playing this weekend!! GTA5 is one of my favorite games so anything that is even close is great by me.
That's good to hear. Even all the footage and impressions have been mainly positive thus far. I just wonder why no review copies. When ur confident in ur product good reviews will only surely help. Just seems odd.
They used Arxlan, another hard to crack DRM. It may not be as good as Denuvo, but cracking it day 1 is out of the question.

Do they do that for all their games though? NBA 2K was cracked the moment it was out. Guess they don't care as much about that one on PC though.
Not sure how to feel about no reviews pre-launch. I loved Mafia and Mafia II, and everything I've seen so far for Mafia III looks tremendous. I'm a big fan of the series and was planning on picking it up on launch, probably still will, but a little hesitant over this news.
From the Reddit impressions thread.

Shit I like:

+Map is huge and detailed. "Hundreds" of interiors.

+Enemies react appropriately to locational damage, will fall and bleed out if you don't finish them off after shooting them.

+Stealth killing is apparently very fun and brutal.

+Racism actually has very nuanced consequences. Certain interiors "whites only," varying cop reactions, etc.

+Technically solid. Frame rate is stable, not too buggy, good animations, etc.

Shit I don't like:

-Enemies are all clones of each other. Repeat very frequently.

-Factions don't seem to fight each other (cops and gangsters will work together to take you down, might change in certain districts).

-Melee weapons don't seem to be a thing at all.

-No HUD options.


From looking at the map, the Bayou seems really interesting. I love the idea of getting up to vile shit in the swamps.
From the Reddit impressions thread.

Shit I like:

+Map is huge and detailed. "Hundreds" of interiors.

+Enemies react appropriately to locational damage, will fall and bleed out if you don't finish them off after shooting them.

+Stealth killing is apparently very fun and brutal.

+Racism actually has very nuanced consequences. Certain interiors "whites only," varying cop reactions, etc.

+Technically solid. Frame rate is stable, not too buggy, good animations, etc.

Shit I don't like:

-Enemies are all clones of each other. Repeat very frequently.

-Factions don't seem to fight each other (cops and gangsters will work together to take you down, might change in certain districts).

-Melee weapons don't seem to be a thing at all.

-No HUD options.


From looking at the map, the Bayou seems really interesting. I love the idea of getting up to vile shit in the swamps.

Seriously, no HUD options in a 2016 game? Worst news so far!
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